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{B} The Lab Rat

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This character does have the mention of rape and molestation in their background


"... Just leave me alone already."

"There's a lot of things worse than death... Things that make you wish for it more than anything else in the world."

"Things like family, friends and even names... Those are all things that regular people take for granted."


He picked the name Elijah for himself, but his "given name" is E-174

E, Eli









Appearance (General):


5"7 1\2


All around his wings are covered in scars, some of them nasty and jagged. The others are precise and clean. 

On his ankle, his "name" has been tattooed, with a barcode under it.


Elijah is... Bitter. He has every reason to be, of course. He knows everything that's been done to him even before he was born was wrong. Though he wasn't always aware of this, but in an odd way it gave him the will to fight.

Elijah, though defiant, is smart. He knows when he needs to stop pushing, and start listening. It's mostly due to that he's stayed alive as long as he has, even with his "damage."

Current residence:

Depends on the scenario, but either in the lab or with you.




Like almost every mutant, Elijah has been born and raised in the lab. He was bred carefully, like an animal.

His "father" was a mutant with wings, like him. Other than that, his father was rather unremarkable and was put down after the successful birth of the required ten children.

His "mother" was a mutant with both an incredibly high IQ, and the ability to turn invisible and slight telekinesis. She was artificially impregnated with the children of several mutants, starting when she was fifteen and continuing until she was twenty five. After that, she was put down as usual. No mutant in the lab was allowed to live to twenty six.

Elijah was from the fifth generation at Apaz labs, and he was the hundred and seventy fourth born. Thus, his assigned identity was E-174. That was what he was called by everyone for years.

He lived in a terrible, almost zoo like environment. He was in cage H-16, along with seven other males.

The cage wasn't big enough for eight to be living in it full time. But, they didn't know that it was any different from how anyone else in the world lived.

All the mutants wore the same white tops and bottoms. The only differences made were to accommodate for additional body parts, like Elijah's wings.

They were all given water and pills for nutrients, rarely they were given a bitter juice if they were really weak.

When they weren't being subjected to experiments, the public could come and observe the mutants in their cages. Elijah became very used to looks of pity, mocking... And most commonly disgust.

Each mutant had a handler, ten to each. At scheduled times, that handler would take them to preform tests an experiments. These were usually meant to see the extent of their abilities, intelligence, and other things like that.

Even to the other scientists, the handler assigned to Elijah was bad. They didn't know how bad for years.

Painful tests weren't uncommon, but Elijah's tests were just cruel. His handler would strap him down and cut deeply around his wings, like he was trying to cut them out. That's how they found out that Elijah could heal at an even quicker rate than normal. Though, the scars didn't fade.

That was the most...Tame thing done to Elijah though. When everything else eventually came to light, there didn't seem to be anyone that wasn't...Disgusted.

Another incident, the first to be fully discovered was when the male dripped chemicals into Elijah's eye. He wanted to see if that would heal quickly as well.

It didn't, and he was partly blinded in that eye.

The man was fired and the truth of the incidents were buried as quickly as possible so the public would never know. Apaz was sure that the public, even though it was widely agreed that mutants shouldn't be treated as human equals, would find the actions of that handler equally as disgusting. There were away groups against what they were doing, and the information would likely draw more to their side.

Pedophilia is widely frowned upon after all.

It was decided best for Elijah's mental condition that he would be given a handler from outside the company. They'd already had more than a few mutants figure out how to take their lives. Elijah was deemed too important to let that happen. It's the same reason why he was allowed to live even though his previous handler had caused him to go partially blind in his left eye. The others he'd given impairments to had simply been put down. But the quickened healing ability that seemed to have manifested all on it's own made Elijah more valuable to research alive. They wanted to know if any other unexpected abilities would manifest.

This new handler was a children's therapist, and took a much kinder, gentler approach to everything.

She was the one who suggested he name himself, and helped him pick the name Elijah.

She was also the one who made everything that had been done to the mutants that the public didn't already know public. She did so right before her... Mysterious death. She died in the lab. A mutant was blamed publicly and put down, but every mutant in the lab knew that was a lie.

Powers(if any):

~Because of his wings, Elijah can fly. Though, they've been clipped in a way that makes it so that he can't handle getting up too far past ten feet.

~Elijah can turn invisible like his mother, which was rare with the rest of his siblings. Counting his full and half siblings, only five out of fifty inherited the ability. All of them can still be spotted when invisible though, as when the light hits them they shimmer.

~Any open wounds Elijah gets heal at a much faster rate then with regular humans. Wounds can still scar though.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~Mostly blind in his left eye


He has no real idea.

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:



~The name he picked. He's actually weirdly protective of it, and doesn't tell people it that he doesn't trust or like.
~The rain, though he's only seen it once
~The color mint
~Being outside, because he so rarely gets the chance to be
~Having his wings and hair pet, but only by people he trusts and has given permission to
~Chocolate cake, he's only had it once and it was the best thing he's ever had
~The younger mutants


~The testing
~Seeing birds
~Being touched without permission
~Taking pills
~Getting sick, if he doesn't get over it quickly it could actually be the death of him
~Regular humans
~Being told what to do
~The cold
~Anyone touching the base of his wings, around the scars
~Overly emotional people.



Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Yes, but it'll have to get there very slowly

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?


Is your character a virgin Yes/No?





Find out


Find out


Theme song





~Must be human
~Must have a neutral opinion of mutants
~Must be a scientist

Apaz was in a big mess, because of everything that woman had leaked.

But, your job just continued on as normal. D-124 had been put down, so you had an opening for new mutant. So, you were assigned the one she'd been in charge of. E-174.

He was younger than D-124, who had just turned twenty five. Though, E-174 didn't even have ten years before he'd be put down. Older mutants could be dangerous, they tended to grow enough confidence to try and fight around that age. Some figured out to to use their powers to fight back, or developed new powers all together.

When you went to get the male, he was sitting in the corner of his enclosement. His wings were wrapped tightly around him as the usual on lookers jeered him. It wasn't at all an uncommon sight, so you didn't think much of it.

You called for him, but he didn't move. You heard that he was pretty obedient, so that was odd. You figured he just didn't hear you, so you called him again louder. He still didn't seem to react. Just as you were about to call him again, one of the other boys he shared the area with walked over to him.

"Elijah, he wants you..."

That made E-174 get up. Without a word, he walked over with his head hung.

What do you do now?


~Must be human
~Must like children

Apaz and every lab like it was finally abolished. It was finally ruled that mutants should have the same rights as humans. After over a hundred years since they started appearing, they were finally going to be given equal rights.

It was all because everything that happened the scenes was revealed. You were among those who had previously not had an opinion on mutants or the zoo like labs they were kept in. As a child, your parents had even taken you to Apaz to see them. You remembered it as being interesting, maybe even a little fun.

Now, knowing everything, that memory made you sick.

The government was looking for people willing to house mutants and help them adjust to regular life. Apparently, there were thousands around the country from various labs. Though, only about five hundred of them would be coming to your area. They were the ones from Apaz.

The youngest ones were still infants, while the oldest had barely turned twenty five.

You applied immediately. You had plenty of extra room, and you wanted to help.

After you were approved, you found out you would be housing six, technically seven mutants.

The oldest was a girl, D-126. She was pregnant, so that baby would end up being with you as well. Apparently she could breath underwater and had incredibly sharp teeth. The father of the baby was unknown. From what you'd been told, that meant it was likely a researcher.

Next was E-174. He was nineteen, and had wings and the abilities to heal quickly and turn invisible. You'd been told to be careful with him.

E-187 and E-188 were eighteen years twins. Apparently they were only kept alive for their high IQ. Their ability was rather simple. They could read each other's minds, and occasionally they could move small objects telepathically. Though, their eyes were a dark purple color. That was the only thing that gave away that they were mutants. They're probably have the easiest time slipping in with society.

The last one was the youngest, and one of the only ones from Apaz's new generation that was... Well, still alive. Apparently they usually put a lot of the children by the time they were five. Five was the age where any main abilities had been developed, so Apaz decided the worth of keeping them by then. F-23 was a six year old little girl with the ability to change into a cat and to give herself any cat like features she wanted. She could jump high, had good balance, a strong sense of smell, and could see in the dark.

You could tell when they all arrived that E-174 had taken on a leader like role. He was carrying F-23, and the others were standing behind him. Even though you smiled warmly at him, he only gave you a cold glare.

What do you do now?

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