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{S} The Great Detective

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"Elementary, my dear simple shit."

"Don't worry about it. This isn't my first time getting shot."

"I want to be just like the fictional Holmes, only without the drug abuse."

"Ah... Well, I'm honestly not... Great when it comes to basic human emotion. There's a bit of a disconnect."


Weston Holmes


West, Sherlock








Gay, but he's functioned under the assumption that he's Ace for years

Appearance (General):




One on his left shoulder, it's rather large and... Unseemly.


Weston is kind of an insufferable person to be around. Not only is he constantly praising himself, but he also has a tendency to put others down at the same time. He doesn't usually notice that he's insulting others, however. Weston just states facts, and he doesn't really pay much attention to if what he says is hurtful or not.

Emotions are not something Weston deals with very well. Really, the only ones he can wrap his head around are happiness, anger, and sadness. Those are basic to him, and he can usually deal with other people feeling them.

But, more complicated emotions like love are a little harder for him to process. He thinks that everyone just mistakes their lustful feelings as romantic love.
Weston hasn't really felt either emotion, so he has written them off as unnecessary.  After all, he's been just fine not feeling either of them.
And as for familiar love or platonic love, he believes that's just a basic survival instincts, like how most animals stick to packs to survive.

Current residence:

A two bedroom apartment. He's currently looking for a roommate.


Private Detective


Weston was the spoiled child of a scientist and a doctor. Like Weston, his parents were both incredibly intelligent and incredibly socially inapt. Honestly, Weston ended up slightly better than they did in the social department.

Growing up, Weston was given anything and everything he wanted. Though, he ended up giving most of his things away after about a week with them as none of them seemed to hold his attention for long. Even books, which he found he only had to read once to remember word for word.

But, finding that he remembered everything he read actually became a pain. And so, he decided to dispose of any information he deemed useless, getting the idea from Sherlock Holmes himself... Or more from the books, as Sherlock Holmes wasn't real. 

Weston was homeschooled all through elementary, though he ended up breezing through all of it pretty quickly. And so, his parents decided to send him to an advanced education boarding school. It took a few weeks for Weston to adjust to being around other children, but most of them had the same issues that came with high IQs as well so he at least wasn't the only awkward one.

At school, Weston learned how... Interesting observing others could be. He began keeping journals full of his observations of the other students and staff. Thankfully, he dropped the habit after about a year.

He also learned that he enjoyed solving real life mysteries. There weren't any major ones while he was at school, mostly just things going missing.

But, Weston never failed to solve any of the "cases". Eventually, they got too boring for him though.

So, when he went home the summer he turned twelve and encountered a real life murder mystery... He was way more excited than he should have been.

While breaking several laws, Weston snuck onto the crime scene and gathered as much information as he could before he was caught.

Using the information he'd gathered, Weston made a list of suspects and began his very short investigation.

It didn't take him long to find the killer. In fact, it took him longer to convince the police to listen to him than it did to find the actual criminal.

Everyone in town was pretty...Stunned, after the fact. After all, a twelve year old boy had just single handedly solved a murder case. Weston got a lot of praise for the feat.

Probably a little too much praise. Weston convinced his parents to let him go a the public high school so he could stick around longer, since he had already decided that the city had way more interesting cases than his school did.

He continued to chase any good case he could find, usually to the police's annoyance.

He graduated high school when he was sixteen, and began taking online collage courses. He remained with his parents during this time and continued his work with the police, who had pretty much given up on keeping him away and instead started requesting his help.

When he was seventeen, he began working on his getting his own private investigator license, working under one for a while. Obviously, he passed the exam easily as soon as he was allowed to take it at nineteen.

Weston moved out, getting his own apartment. He decided to pay for everything himself, though his parents still aren't at if it was okay to let him run wild by himself.

Their fears only got worse when Weston was working his first solo case. After tracking down the criminal, he ended up in a gun fight with him... Well, the criminal was the only one with a gun. Weston got shot right through the shoulder. Luckily, the police arrived to back him up, and the bullet had made a clean exit.

Weston wasn't at all hesitant to continue to take on dangerous cases though, and doesn't plan on stopping any time soon.

Powers(if any):

None, unless you count his amazing memory.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~He really has a hard time processing complicated emotions.


~Jacob Holmes {Father}
~Eliza Holmes {Mother}

Relationship Status:


Past Partners:



~How awesome he is
~Deception based board games
~The beach
~Learning new, useful things
~Star gazing
~Being told how awesome he is
~Keeping active


~Being bored
~People gushing on and on about love
~Being shot, obviously
~His mother worrying about him so much
~Being told no
~Having to deal with emotions
~People trying to bring him boring cases
~Junk food. He's never had it, but he knows it's bad for you so it can't be good
~Common misconceptions




Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?

Is your character a virgin Yes/No?

Submissive Switch

Find out

Find out


Theme song
I don't know yet



~Must be a switch
~Must be a rookie cop
~Must not like Weston

It didn't surprise you that you'd get annoying tasks as a rookie. Coffee runs, breaking up fights between kids, and the newest one... Babysitting Weston Holmes.

You'd heard of him, everyone had. He was some super genius detective that had been working with the police since he was twelve. He was impressive, obviously.

But he was also a major pain in the ass. You had been trying to call him all afternoon, but he hadn't picked up once. The cheif wanted you to meet with him and get him to like you so he'd be more inclined to help with cases at your request.

Apparently, he ended up bored of the last guy assigned to him, so he stopped listening to requests that didn't interest him.  And since lately, not many did, the police were finding it hard to solve certain cases quickly without him.

It was ridiculous how much the police seemed to rely on this guy. They solved cases without him before, so why couldn't they do it now?

But, orders are orders. And so, you ended up having to go to his apartment to find him.

The elevator was out, so you had to climb four sets of stairs. It wasn't too bad, but it was still annoying.

When you arrived at his door, you couldn't stop yourself from pounding on it.

"Come on in!" You heard a male's voice call out from inside. You could only assume that it was Weston.

You checked the door. Finding it wasn't locked, you slipped inside.

The first thing you noticed was how....Barren everything looked. The only furniture you could see was an arm chair, a television, and a coffee table. Nothing else was in your immediate line of sight.

That is, until a male came walking around the corner. He was soaking wet, with only a towel around his waist.

"Hey! Are you here with a case? Or to answer my add? Wait, let me guess... You're from the police. You're the new guy they want to assign to me, you aren't happy about it, you had to walk a lot to get here... And even though you've never met me, you hate me."

He was spot on.

What do you do now?

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