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{S} The Lonley Warlock

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"It's not my fault. I warned you."

"Maybe you should just shut the fuck up."

"No. I'm serious, shut the fuck up."

"I didn't say I hated you. You shouldn't assume things."

Eric Nightwood

None he really cares to be called by

He looks about eighteen or nineteen, but he's been alive a long time.




Appearance (General):


Eric has quite a few scars, but no tattoos.


Eric is a fairly quiet, calm male. He honestly prefers to avoid interacting with others, as over the years he's simply seen it as being too much trouble. So, for the most part, he only interacts with his sister.

However, there are plenty of times when Eric has simply become too bored for his own, or someone else's, good. As he cannot die easily, Eric isn't afraid to be completely reckless, break the law, or use his magic to have fun.

The worst cases of this occur when he is jealous of a human. Though he won't admit it, Eric is often envious of humans normal, short lives. Because of this, he has a bad habit of cursing them, even though this often backfires on him.

Current residence:
Currently, he lives in the middle off the woods in a cabin. His sister is normally with him, however she is traveling around Europe at the moment.

He sells poitions.


As Eric has lived for so long, summing up his story is quite difficult.

He and his twin sister were born in England, to their human parents. They were, of course, also born human.

Until they were ten, the siblings lived fairly normal lives for the time. They had a few other siblings, though you won't hear either of the twins mention them often, if you hear them mentioned at all.

When they were ten, things changed, though I'll save mentioning how for later.

At eighteen, they both made a pact with a rather...Powerful demon. The demon didn't want their souls, oddly enough. He seemed to want them to live as long as possible, and because of this, the twins can't seem to die, even if they want to.

A long time has passed, and the twins have seen the world change greatly.
They were there when kingdoms fell, and countries fell out of existence.
They watched countless wars.
They saw men learn to build trains, then cars, then planes, and then spaceships. Needless to say, they were pretty amazed by what humans had managed to do without magic.

But, that's about when the siblings split. Elizabeth, or Lunadessa as she now prefers to be called, wished to venture out often to see what new things humans would come up with. Eric, who still goes by simply that, didn't want to socialize with humans. There was no point, as they seemed to die before he even registered that time had passed.

Every twenty or so years, the twins will go to high school, just to catch up with what humans were up to, and to help them blend in better. The last attempt at this twenty years ago pushed Eric even further away from trying to socialize. He doesn't like talking about it.

Powers(if any):
Eric has quite a few, though his powers don't work as well during the day as they do at night.

Funny enough, Lunadessa is the exact opposite.

Psychological/Health Issues (If any):

~Eric has a very hard time opening up to others about pretty much anything.

~Because he has completely shut himself away for so long, Eric is pretty socially inept, and if he's in groups that are too big, he will panic a bit.

Because he has completely shut himself away for so long, Eric is pretty socially inept, and if he's in groups that are too big, he will begin to panic.

~Finally, Eric does suffer from awful nightmares.

Just Lunadessa. He only calls her Elizabeth now if he's upset with her, or he'll call her Lizzy as well.

Relationship Status:
Single, and he has been for a while now.

Past Partners:
Too many to list, even though he gave up about a hundred years ago.

~ Cats
~ Watching the moon
~ Being alone (most of the time)
~ Reading
~ When he does go out, Eric likes going to farms.
~ Talking with his sister
~ Watching soccer, he doesn't really play it often.
~ In the early 2000s, he got really into "emo" music, but he'll never admit to that.
~ Cuddling, though he also won't admit that.

~ Most humans
~ Crowds
~ Being harassed by other supernatural creatures
~ Being almost completely immortal
~ Goats. They're fûcking evil.
~ You wouldn't think he'd have many phobias, but he's terrified of fire, total darkness, and tornadoes.

None, but he wants to get a familiar at some point.


Are you okay with smut: Yes/No?

Are you okay with Mpreg Yes/No?

Is your character a virgin Yes/No?


Find out

Find out


Theme song:
Yes, the entire album


~Must be a switch
~Just be human
~Must not believe in magic
~Must be at least eighteen


The old school stood abandoned in town. Twenty years ago, the school small housed kids from kindergarten through senior year. Apparently it had been a pretty good school for such a small town.

But, after thirteen kids were kidnapped and murdered by the school's janitor the school shut it's doors. The janitor was found dead in his jail cell. The cause of death was never determined.
Everything inside had been left completely untouched, and the town grew around the building.

Some rumors say the school is cursed and haunted now. A few attempts had been made to tear the building down but no matter what method was used to destroy it stayed the exact same. A grim reminder of an event the city would rather forget.

According to some of your friends, if you went to the school late at night you could catch a glimpse of some of the dead kids. Some people claimed they'd talked to them, played games in the courtyard. One person you knew said one of the kids had asked for help with their homework when they went into one of the classrooms.

You didn't believe in any of the rumors. It was just a creepy old building with a tragic past.

But, you still wanted to check it out just once. Just to prove to yourself that you were right.

So, late at night, you'd slipped into the school. As you wandered the halls, you felt even more creeped out than you had just looking at the building. The place really did look completely untouched.

As you passed one classroom in particular, you could have sworn you heard crying. It was soft, but noticeable.

Carefully, you stole a peek inside. A few desks looked like they'd literally been thrown aside. A young man, looking to be about nineteen sat where they'd obviously been cleared from. A bottle whose label you couldn't read laid on it's side beside him. A small boy that couldn't have been older than five sat on his other side, rubbing his back.

The little boy was talking while the other one cried. You couldn't hear what the child was saying, but you guessed he was whispering.

Slowly, you pushed the door open. As soon as you did, both males looked at you. The child disappeared, but the older one glared at you.

"Wadda you do'en 'ere?" He slurred out, reaching for the bottle beside him.

What do you do now?


Let's talk.

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