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"Ice creammm"

Nene: "Yay ice cream!"

Kou: *He smiled.* "Do you want to go now? Or do you want anything else before we go? We will do anything to make your time here a little better."

Nene: *her voice was filled with hope.* "We are serious about this, tell us *anything!* Even if it seems the smallest thing, we will do it."

"What's your name?"

Nene: "My name is Nene Yashiro!"

She said, smiling a little bit.

Kou: "And I'm Kou Minamoto!

He replied, he seemed a bit more quiet than Nene, but still kind and friendly.

"My name is Y/n"

Nene: "That's an interesting name, Y/n!"

*She replied, her voice was filled with sincerity, she sounded genuine when she spoke.*

Kou:"That's cool!"

*He said, his voice was soft.*


Nene:"I guess it is funny isn't it?" *She chuckled.*

Kou: "I like it! It has an odd feel to it, but in a good way."

*He smiled, not knowing how else to reply, he thought it was a interesting name. He didn't know what else to say, he wasn't mean or had bad thoughts about the name, he just thought it was interesting.*

*Silence filled the room, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, it was uncomfortable.*

*Nene's smile faded to a small frown, she was nervous and unsure of what to say or do.*

*Kou looked nervous, trying to figure out how to continue the conversation.*

*He seemed a little bit sad that the atmosphere was a little bit sour.*

"..." *He gave you a small smile, trying to break the silence.*

**More silence filled the room, it was getting awkward, and Kou was starting to feel a bit sad, like he was doing something wrong.**

**He was overthinking all of this, he wanted to make you feel better, but it seemed like all he was doing was making things worse.**

**He was nervous, and he felt bad for having awkward silence filled into the room. He wanted to break the silence, but he just didn't know how, he was stuck.**


*More silence filled the room*

*Nene and Kou were still nervous, but they were glad you were smiling, seeing you happy, even just a little bit, made their day.*

*Nene smiled, Kou's face was filled with hope, and joy, he was glad that he had a friend, someone to smile for.*

"Your smile is nice." *Kou said,*

*His voice was gentle, and kind.*


Kou: *He seemed a bit relieved that you accepted his compliment.* "No problem! If you ever wanna talk or do something just to get your mind off things, come find us."

*He sounded sincere, he said with a gentle tone.*

Nene: *She nodded.* "Yup! We both are here if you ever want to talk, and we will try to help you with anything you want or need. *Just anything.*"

*The two stayed silent, a bit hesitant. Nene kept her eyes down, she seemed afraid of saying or doing something wrong.*

*Kou on the other hand seemed calm, and he had a soft look on his face. His eyes had a bit of hope, but they had a few traces of sadness, he was trying his best to keep his mood positive.*

"I guess we should head out then?"

*Kou's voice was quiet, he had an insecure tone. It was clear he didn't want to go, and was hesitant of leaving you with you being alone.*

"If you need us, just say so, we can stay!"

*He had a genuine look of kindness in his eyes, his soft smile, and soothing voice meant that if you wanted him to stay, he could. He would do anything to help you, he just wanted to help.*

"I want to ask, where is that other boy?"

Kou: "Who-?"

*His voice was filled with curiosity, he seemed confused.*

*Nene turned to stare at you, a little confused.*

"Who are you talking about..?" *She asked, the confusion and curiosity on her face was clear.*

"Um, the boy who came with you guys-"

"Who are you talking about?"

*Kou and Nene had genuine looks of confusion, the expression on their face was clear, they had no idea who you were talking about.*

*The more you described them, the more confused and puzzled they became.*

Nene: "I have zero idea..."

*Nene chuckled a bit, before covering her mouth.*

*She felt a bit rude but was too confused to think straight.*

"I think he's the same age as you guys, he wear a black outfit with a black hat"

Kou: *His face was filled with confusion, he seemed really puzzled and perplexed by your statement.*

*Nene's face was filled with wonder.*

"Are you talking about.. Hanako?"

*She asked, her voice filled with hope.*

Kou: *He nodded.* "Yeah! I think his name is Hanako!"

*He seemed genuine, the kindness and sincerity in his voice was clear.*

*He sounded like he meant what he said.*

"So-Where is him now?"

Nene: "I don't know, why? Are you close friends with him?" *She tilted her head, she looked curious.*

Kou: "He goes to our school, but I don't really know where he is."

*His voice was filled with sadness, he sounded genuinely concerned.*

Nene: *Her face was filled with sadness, and tears welled up in her eyes, she was trying her best to stay calm.*

*Her bottom lip trembled a little but she stayed calm.*

"Sorry i just ask because i think he musk be with you guys so-"

Nene: "Oh, is he important to you? He's pretty important to us, he's kinda like a sibling to us." *She paused for a moment, wondering if she should tell you something.*

*Her voice was filled with hope, she sounded like she wanted to tell you something, but she wasn't sure if it was a good idea.*

"Do you want me to tell you something about Hanako..?"

*Her voice was gentle, she sounded sincere and caring.*

"Yes, what it is?"

Nene: *Her face was filled with sorrow and sadness, her eyes were filled with tears, but she kept her voice steady.*

"Hanako.. died.."

*Her voice was full of sorrow, she let out a small sob.*

"His ghost still remains on earth.." *she paused, trying to compose herself.* "I'm sorry if that's a harsh way to say that."

*Her voice was soft and sympathetic.*

"Me too"

Nene: "Oh, oh my god, really?"

*Her voice was filled with genuine surprise.*

*Her eyes were filled with sympathy, she sounded sincere.*

"Are you okay? I'm really sorry, I can't imagine what that feels like!"

*She said, her voice was soft, and genuine.*

"I'm a ghost, just like him.."

Nene: "Oh... I had no idea."

*She said, sadness and sorrow filled her voice, she felt sorry for not realizing.*

"I'm sorry I didn't know..."

*She was sorry at this moment, she wanted to take back what she said, but she couldn't.*

*She felt even worse that you died too.*

"I had no idea, you seemed so normal!"

*She smiled a bit, trying to make this situation slightly less awkward or depressing.*

"Well, don't be, that's a long time ago, i don't mind now"

"Are you sure...?"

*Nene asked, her voice was filled with hope.*

"If I may ask.. how did you die?"

*She paused, thinking if it would be appropriate to ask.*

"If it's okay with you telling me that is."

*Her voice was filled with sincerity, she wanted to be careful with what she asks, but at the same time, she wanted to know more about you.*

*Nene wanted to get to know you better.*

                               --------------------- Next chapter------------------------

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