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Trigger warning: Haters gonna hate. Use faul language.


I try not to hate anybody. And, if I really feel that I hate someone, I hate an individual person who has done something really cruel to me. I don't hate groups. I am disappointed sometimes by the leaders of some groups, but, I don't know all the individual people in there, do I?

Everyone's a little of something.

Also, I notice how many of these insults are aimed at teenagers for simply doing things that teenagers will do... exploring their feelings with music and fiction, and being raw about it. It seems that the world hates to see teenager's raw emotions and anything that it's too dramatic and/or childish. It's better to be an adult who shuts your emotions up inside and never tells the world. I question that...

Having been a teenager myself, I had the period of time when I was, something our modern society would call, an young buffalo. I was very dreamy, naïve and competitive then. And of course I loved teen fiction. Believe it or not, I had written 4 different teen fics at the age of 14~16, and had thousands ideas just waiting to be (never) written about. I know it is not a great number and I'm certainly not showing off my "glory" past, but the point is, I thought, and am still thinking that it's cool. Firstly, because it reminds me of the person who I once was. Secondly, we have Harry Potter fans, Twilight fans, classical fans, manga fans, dammei fans and super-serious-stuff fans and even non-reader etc. I personally don't like Twilight and I think it would be nice if people read more of the well written books that are not so popular, and, I feel like Twilight are sold with a speed of light more because that it is popular than it is good - while amazing books are ignored, now that is a shame. But, even when I think Twilight is a bad book, there is nothing wrong with liking Twilight. Basically there's nothing wrong with liking anything. Including teen fiction.

Of course as I grew up, the period gradually faded. I bet it also applies to most of us as it is just a part of developmental psychology. So if you are worried about being a teenager who likes teen fiction your whole life... that's just another illusion as imaginative as your IQ 300/300 self-image.

And as having said about each person has their own taste in reading (and in everything else also), an amazing brand new information for you is that your haters, who continually profane your taste, in this case teen fiction, are the ones who should never read it. Easy to understand right? And if they do carealot, remember this quote:

If you see many haters here and think, "Oh no it is so wrong for me to read and like teen fiction, I should abandon it and go for some more authentic stuff, like Jane Austen's.", I think you should reconsider both your decision and your self-esteem. If you ever get to choose anything, better let your own mind evaluate and decide to do it or not, after considering all the pros and cons of course, rather than just let someone else tell you what to do and what not to out of fears or anxiety that they may hate you. If your heart whispers to you that hey, I truly enjoy reading and writing teen fiction (or any fiction of other kinds) in my free time, then you know, since it hurts nobody's economic status or world peace, you don't fucking have to force yourself to be on the contrary. You don't have to force yourself to "grow up" too quickly as long as you are still going to school everyday, fulfill your homework and laundry and be good to your parents and siblings.

If haters still say that you are dump just because you read and write teen fiction, let them, the hate is on them and it's none of your business. No need to argue back, ask yourself if changing their minds is whether or not worth your time. Even if the answer is yes, don't waste time writing a super long paragraph which contains inappropriate words... that's just gonna prove their judgment on you true. Just gently tell them, everyone's a little of something.

TL;DR: There's nothing wrong with enjoying teen fiction whether to write or to read it. Stop the hate, spread the love and maturity.

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