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Chapter 600,601- Their future, Their day.

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"Hm..November just went by..." Asteria muttered.

-Hey, ignorant bastard, wasn't your birthday on November 8?

Cale raised his brows. Why was he being asked about this?

Yeah, so?

-Do you want to watch something related to that? It would be confusing, as matter of fact, but I really want you all to watch that.

The world he was in now, didn't have that type of calender system.

Naturally, he would not reveal his birthday.

And Choi Han....that was doubtful..

But the scale in Cale's mind tilted towards the negative side. He was more inclined on believing he never celebrated his birthday in the current world.

...was it something about the past?


-What why? We didn't even celebrate your birthday! We have to atleast watch you celebrating it somewhere! I can also bring a large cake and we can celebrate it right now and here.

..huh? You... You've already decided to make everyone watch it. Don't ask me.

Cale's face turned stoic again as he avoided the 'cake' topic. Nope. He did not want that.

-Okay, I'll give you a spoiler. It is not your past. Hahaha

-...No, actually, you'll be shocked...boy, now I'm reconsidering my decision...

Cale paused. This goddess knew his personality well. If she was saying that he'd be shocked...

I'd rather not watch it.

-Okay, decided. We'll watch it.


-Ahahaha, okay, let me brief you about it. You were given a test by sealed one. He had gone a bit crazy at that time and sent you to another earth.

What in the fucking-

Had that motherfucking crazy god finally gone insane?!

Ah, no, he was born insane.

Cale was annoyed, to say the least.

-And, that's what you call Earth-2. It was your earth but 20 years back in time. Yup. That was the difference.

And how did I, get transported there? Possessing that world's me?

-Yes. You know sealed one is the god of despair, so you had to overcome your despair there.


-Yeah, so when you see any-supposed-to-be-dead-body, don't freak out.

Asteria then turned away from him and addressed everyone present.

"Alright everyone! We're gonna watch Cale celebrating his birthday on Earth 2!"

The keywords 'birthday' and 'Earth-2' caught everyone's attention.

"Earth-2? What would our world be then?"

Choi Han had already given up on asking what Cale was doing on another Earth no less.

(Aoi: like he didn't go there too.)

"Good question, Choi Han. Kim Rok Soo's world is Earth-1 and Cale Henituse's world is Earth-3."

"In the middle, lies the Earth-2! Dun dun dun! This has another Kim Rok Soo there and our Cale possessed his body!"

"Huu...." Eruhaben let out a long tired sigh.

"Well, if it's young master-nim's birthday, then we'll watch it." Ron smiled benignly while blocking out anyone's chances to refuse.

Not like anyone would refuse but anyways.

"Alright, sit down! Let's start immediately!" Asteria chirped as she went to sit with the children.

[Chapter 600- Look at the back of the person standing in the front (5)]

"This fucking title...." Asteria smiled.

"What's wrong with the title, Asteria-nim?" Sheritt, who sat beside her asked.

"You see, Sheritt-nim, this bastard was transported there and became a fucking commander there again."

Asteria explained very audibly.

"And then cutie coughed out blood?" Little Jur asked.


Ah... It seems that the windows weren't properly closed... It seems to be cold here...

[The first unranked monster had appeared on November 6th.]

How many died?

Cale carefully chose his words and asked what he deemed as the most important.

How many died?

-None. Zero deaths.

The cheery voice that came into his head relaxed his tense shoulders.

Zero deaths.

It seemed that he worked hard.


"Unranked monster? What's that, Asteria-nim?"

Rosalyn asked. Seeing their young master's expressions, it was better to ask the goddess.

"Y'all know how his world was. The monsters that plagued it were divided into ranks. This one is unranked because, well, it cannot be ranked by other monsters standards, I guess."

"Their difference in strength is drastic then."

Rosalyn nodded at the goddess and turned back to the screen.

[One day had passed since then.

Currently, it was 11 pm on November 7th.]

-Birthday~ birthday~

Cale frowned as his head was buzzing at the constant chant in his head.

The goddess was making it sound too festive.

[The electric eel monster still had not shown up again.

Only the thick fog around all of Busan let them know that the bastard was still alive while hiding somewhere aiming to take them out.

Cale was standing at the watchtower when he heard Lee Soo Hyuk's voice from behind.

"Hey, Rok Soo. Isn't it your birthday tomorrow?"]

Cale couldn't help but flinch even though he was prepared to witness them alive.

"Lee Soo Hyuk?"

"The team leader?"

Witira and Choi Han spoke at the same time.

"I didn't tell you? The timeline is 20 years back so, many are alive including Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo."

Asteria explained.

Now, they were more interested in the chapter.

She could definitely tell, as they got right back to the watching after a moment of surprise.

[Chapter 601- Even of it takes my last breath(1)]

"A new chapter?"

Clopeh muttered in question.

"There wasn't much to watch in that chapter. Besides we're here to watch your legend's birthday, no?"

Clopeh's smile reappeared on his face as his eyes curved to crescents showing glee that someone had finally acknowledged the legend.

Cale could only facepalm and move on.

"It sounds like you are doing something about sacrificing yourself again, young master-nim."

Ron had his benign smile as he spoke.

"I'm not " Cale futilely attempted to retort.

Ah shit....who forgot to close the windows? How is it so cold even in the middle of nowhere?

[Cale continued to look forward without turning around as he started to speak.

"I don't recall ever telling you my birthday."]

-You think your respected senior won't find out, just because you didn't reveal it?

Asteria cackled at the sun god's taunt.

[Kim Rok Soo had not shared his birthday with anyone during this time.

He had recorded his birthday later, when he joined the company and had to give some personal information. Lee Soo Hyuk remembered that information and took care of Kim Rok Soo and Choi Jung Soo's birthdays.

That was how it went until the two of them died.]

Many internally winced at the piercing statement.

Until they died.

It seems like this young master only ever celebrated his birthday when they were alive.

....with his personality, he may have only been dragged to celebrate rather than willingly doing it.

The crown prince gave an exasperated sigh at this ignorant bastard.

["Han told me about it."]

"...what the fuck?" Cale reacted a beat late as he saw the name.

"...Choi Han may or may not have given a part of his lifespan to..join...yo...u.."

Asteria's voice got a bit smaller at Cale's cold look.

He didn't actually respond but the cold cold look in his eyes were enough to express his rage.

Why would-

-Ah! This tension is killing me! Listen up! I'll help him get back his lifespan!

"Cale-nim, I-i may most likely have sacrificed the time that I had to spend alone in the future." Choi Han explained with a little panic.

Cale nonchalantly glanced at him before turning right back to the screen.

All of them were idiots.

This punk gave his lifespan away? Bullshit.

He'll definitely make Asteria smack that lifespan out of that motherucking god of death.

But can't you actually give a summary of the chapter before starting? Or just tell the important things all at once!?

-Even if I'm a goddess, I won't really remember which event was where. It's your life's fault! Why did you attract so much trouble?

Asteria lamented at the cruel fact. This man was a magnet of troubles.

Sigh. Why did she bring him here again?

...right, to help him.

This ungrateful bastard was ignorant and had a hobby of coughing up blood every few days.

Asteria dramatically sighed and lamented about her pitiful situation.

-You'll die from heart attacks before completing the story if Asteria actually tells you everything all at once.

Sealed one's voice came inside his head as Cale frowned.

Even this bastard..

[Cale nonchalantly responded to Lee Soo Hyuk's answer.

"Did you know that it is Choi Han and Choi Jung Soo's birthdays as well?"


"...Eh, Really?"

Lock was confused since the other world seemed to have a different calender system.

But nonetheless, he had never heard his Hyung mention about his birthday.

It seemed that both young master-nim and his friend and Choi Han-Hyung shared their birthdays on the same date?

[Cale slowly turned his body and looked at Lee Soo Hyuk since it was rare for him to sound flustered.]

"I can tell from a single glance that this punk is enjoying it."

Eruhaben clicked his tongue.

[Lee Soo Hyuk, whose mood had been quite sharp since yesterday, seemed oddly anxious.

Cale started to smile in response.]

"See that smile! It's human's scamming smile!" Raon excitedly pointed out.


Shut up.

Cale groaned inaudibly.


Aoi: I swear to TCF, what the fuck do you want now?

Asteria: awee don't sound so irritated, I just wanted some help!

Aoi: I'm the hardworking you

Asteria: you are me! why so harsh! TvT. Fine I'll hurry.

Dear dear readers, this pitiful goddess has a favour to ask of you..

Would you be so kind to suggest some chapters that come under these categories? Just 5 in total for each! One reader-chan can suggest only one chapter and only for one category~

1. Cale is pissed off.

2. A fluff chapter.

3. Angst angst.

4. Past.

5. Important information for the future.

Thank you! Love you!)

Cale touched his neck.

Why did he suddenly feel a chill?

["What is it? Did you prepare a birthday party for me or something?"


Lee Soo Hyuk had an awkward expression on his face.

"It's not a party since we are in a pretty serious situation."

He then scratched his cheek.

"Just some late-night snack time?"

"It seems like you included Choi Han and Choi Jung Soo to prepare for that late-night snack time?"

Lee Soo Hyuk looked flustered again.]

Many chuckled at the cute scene.

While others felt a chill. It seemed that when this man was serious, he would embarass you so much that you'd want to dig a grave and die right then and there.

["No, I-"

"Shall we go?"


"For the thing you prepared. Let's celebrate all of us."]

"Ah, young master Cale sounds eager." Rosalyn muttered with a teasing smile.

Cale turned away, fighting off the smirk that was trying to find its way to his mouth.

He didn't know if he'd actually meet that Lee Soo Hyuk after going back.

Meh, he was half-sure that Asteria would bring them here since she had said something similar to having more people come when they had first met.

[Lee Soo Hyuk jovially scoffed after hearing Kim Rok Soo say everything he wanted to say.

"Yes. Let's go."

He then looked elsewhere.
He Sook Ja and Jo Min Yeh were walking towards Cale and Lee Soo Hyuk.

"Have a safe trip."

Heo Sook Ja smiled as she addressed Cale.

"I'm sorry."

Jo Min Yeh waved her hand to say no after seeing Cale lower his head and apologize.]

"Is it because the monster was not killed?"

At this point, they knew his mentality too painfully well.


A collective sigh was heard.

["Not at all. Everybody knows how hard you've worked today, Commander-nim. We heard you didn't even get a chance to eat properly."

Heo Sook Ja who was standing next to her started to frown.

She had not heard the details of the battle because she was here defending the Seomyeon shelter.

All she had heard was that the yellow head had escaped in the end.

She had also heard that it had run away with the blue head in its mouth.

That meant that the plan had failed.

However, she could not be angry about the situation.]

"To be honest, she does not have the right to be angry." Asteria grumbled inaudibly.

-This bastard literally bathed in blood for them and they think about even being angry!?

She complained to Angelina as the latter sighed.

-Read the next line, Asteria.

[She had seen how Commander Kim Rok Soo was covered in blood compared to everybody else who only had light injuries or no injuries at all.

Everybody had said the same thing.

They would have all been seriously injured or dead if he was not there.]

Asteria agreed.

"Atleast they know."

The blood drenched rock muttered.


Heo Sook Ja opened her mouth before stopping herself mid sentence.

'Commander, you should rest a bit.'

That was what she wanted to say, but she could not say it.

'He can't rest.'

This young man could not rest.

She felt sorry about it, but it was the truth.

"Please enjoy your time."]

Everyone was silent.

Yet, all of them had another collective concern.

His slacker life-

Asteria coughed out her coffee as she heard their thoughts.

[Lee Soo Hyuk who was quietly walking next to him started to speak.

"Rok Soo."

"Yes, sir?"

"You're really good at keeping your promises."]

Many nodded at the statement.

"Cale-nim has never made promises that he couldn't keep."

Choi Han said while all the ancient powers agreed with him.

"You're right!"

"Kahahaha! Cale is a responsible punk!"

"Sobs even though he always overworked himself, sobs he keeps his promises to rest."

"Only if the situation allowed."

"But cutie was always busyyyy...."

Cale ignored all of them and continuued reading.

[Cale looked toward Lee Soo Hyuk with a confused expression.

However, Lee Soo Hyuk did not look at Rok Soo at all on their way to the room closest to the watchtower and the castle wall.

"What do you mean?"

Lee Soo Hyuk smiled and slowly answered after Cale finally asked.

"Yesterday and today. People probably saw your back the most."

Cale recalled what he had said to them a few days ago.

'The people here will fight while looking at my back the most, at least for this battle.']


Asteria couldn't contain her annoyance at the promise.

"I'm out. Just call out to me after you complete this chapter."

Even though she wanted to be with them for this particular chapter, she was definitely destroying the mood by fuming over something she didn't need to.

Might as well go and do something productive.

She waved at them and disappeared, leaving behind a dim star in Cale's hand.

"Break this when you're done with the chapter."

They didn't have the chance to react and only had an option to continue reacting.

(Aoi: lmao- oh, right, skip to the next paragraph of the actual novel chapter since this incident down below is very irrelevant to them reacting.

Asteria: you evil alter-ego of mine....tch. but yeah, it's just me being idiotic so you guys, skip.)

Meanwhile in another room:

"Ahhhhhh, this ignorant bastard! Ignorant sacrificial idiotic but intelligent, dense as a diamond bastard!!"

Angelina sighed as she looked at the star goddess cursing yet praising the redhead while raging at that promise she read about.

"Ahhhh, Angelina! Sob, why is this bastard so self-sacrificial!?" Asteria shoved her mobile in front of Angelina as she said in frustration,

"Why why why!?!? Each and every sentence contains angst! Look, even when this damn bastard was shopping for everyone, he didn't take anything for himself! Bastaaard!"

She scrolled through some more chapters and complained,

"Look, he thinks of his past life in such a distant way! Ah, this fucker! And even in sealed one's test, this fucker got emotional but never admitted to it! This fucking likeable tsundere!"

"Look at this, he said it so nonchalantly that he can't forget! God fucking damn it!"

Angelina held herself from sighing as she picked up her teacup and pretended to be nonchalant while sipping her tea and said,

"Asteria, you remember the cause of all this, don't you?"

While she was speaking, her eyes started to drift towards the two troublemakers that were trying to quietly escape.

Asteria paused. How could she not remember?

She turned her head sharply towards them as her gaze became dull,

"Ahaha~ It was you fuckers..."

The two gods that were very much trying to avoid her gaze.

"You..!" The white haired god was speechless as to why the blame was suddenly turned to him.

"Didn't you do the error of making that white shit's fate influence that ignorant bastard!? Didn't you enjoy it!? Enjoyed watching that bastard struggle!? Hell, even that fucker Ceres is better than you. Fucking-" Asteria was gnashing her teeth at this point.

She really wanted to rip the god apart. She didn't even know why she was so angry at a mere mortal's suffering.

She was just angry! She only wanted to yell out at someone, sue her if you can!

"You're accusing me as if you didn't enjoy it." Eternal sleep had a cold look on his face.

It wasn't as if Asteria wasn't a god. Even if she was higher than him. What kind of hypocritic action was she displaying now?

It was entertaining to watch the man struggle, he admits it. But he never believed that others weren't the same.

So, what position was she in, to accuse him?

"Haven't you been looking for entertainment, Asteria? This is it. Isn't this the place you like the most? Isn't his story your favourite only because of how much he struggled and still survived?"

"Excuse you! Who would have thought that while I was asleep for a few centuries, you would have committed such idiotic shenanigans!? Why did the white shit break his oath anyway, huh? Of course, I admire that bastard because of his ability to survive! Do you think any other human being would be able to endure such oppression? But! That does not mean I enjoy it!"

Loneliness was something that defined her for most of her life.

So there was no way she would enjoy other's loneliness.

Sealed one was now sitting behind Angelina, not minding the fact that he was next.

His eyes weren't filled with the remorse that Eternal Sleep had.

Asteria had already given up on him.

(Aoi: she just can't lash out at her lookalike.

Asteria: yeah)

"Damn it. This is so frustrating."

Asteria sighed and ruffled her hair when a black glowing star appeared in front of her.


"I know."


"Ha, okay fine! Damn it. They won't like it either."


"It's about them. I shouldn't have made it about me, no?"


"I know! Don't worry, I'm ending it now, anyways. You know I sometimes tend to act out of line. Thank goodness you called or I would have yeeted the bastard out of my realm.

...I'm still being unreasonable, aren't I?"


"Awe, really? Don't. I can handle it. Besides I gotta go now, got a surprise for our lovelies~"


"Yeah yeah, I'm not some depressed pitiful star to be thinking shit like that. Take care of your realm. I might visit soon~"

The star disappeared.

(Aoi: that person in the brackets won't be revealed~

Asteria: you did not add the 'yet'.

Aoi: there is no need to. We're not revealing.

Asteria: I'll spill it.

Aoi: I dare you to.)

"Aish, that helped me calm down. I tend to get over emotional when it involves certain things you see. Though, you've lost, she's gonna come soon ahahaha~"

Asteria deadpanned at the blank God of Death who heard their conversation.

He shuddered. Why did that goddess contact Asteria so frequently!?

He was already so tired of being her pawn as she called it.

Can't he get a break from her presence!?

Fuck their business.

(Asteria: why did you take over!?

Aoi: you won't end it so easily.)

Asteria blankly walked out of the room and sighed after entering the hallway.

Living did wonders to you mood and habits apparently.

"Let's get to the actual work now."

She walked towards a certain room and soon, the hallway was filled with a sweet smell.

Meanwhile, nobody noticed the children disappeared as an illusion of them sleeping appeared in their place.

[Lee Soo Hyuk continued to speak.

"It was the case during yesterday's battle. Even today, your back was clearly visible as you stood by the watchtower all day."

"I need to keep my promise."]

Many smiled at the statement.

[Lee Soo Hyuk grabbed the doorknob and looked toward Cale, who answered nonchalantly.

"Yes. That's the Kim Rok Soo I know."]

"But he's not the Kim Rok Soo he knows-" Bud attempted to crack a joke, only to be silenced by everyone's dead stares.

Poor Bud.


Cale could see the sights inside the door.

He slowly started to smile.

"Huh?! Mister! I thought you would give us a signal first. How can you just suddenly open the door like that?"

"Ah, it wasn't supposed to be like this."

Kim Min Ah and Bae Puh Rum shouted in shock.]

"Look at their expressions." Rosalyn chuckled as she nudged both the queens beside her.

"Definitely. They're together." Witira nodded along with a fond smile.

"They look good." Litana hummed along with the two.

[There was quite a lot of food on the table inside this small office.

It was not a fancy feast, but it was the best they could do in their current situation.]

Others couldn't hold back their smile at the scene.

For being in a situation where they'd die any moment...this kind of effort symbolised how important their leader was to them.

[Choi Han, Choi Jung Soo, Kim Min Ah, Bae Puh Rum, Park Jin Tae, the Lee siblings, and everybody else who had a connection with Cale were all gathered in this small office.

Cale started to smile.

"Looks great."]

Many were either awestruck of envious seeing Cale smile like that.

Awestruck, because it was one of his rare true smiles, even if he was in a different body.

Envious, because they didn't get the chance to celebrate with him and make him smile like that.

[The two words he said made the entire office go silent.

Then people started to openly or discreetly smile one by one.

Lee Soo Hyuk started to point at that moment.

Lee Soo Hyuk started to point at that moment.

"Hey, Han and Jung Soo."

Choi Jung Soo flinched at the sudden attention.

"I heard it's both of your birthdays tomorrow as well. Come over here."

Choi Jung Soo's eyes opened wide after hearing what Lee Soo Hyuk said.

"...How did you?"

"Rok Soo told me."

Bae Puh Rum rubbed his arm as if he had the chills before starting to shout.

"Damn! Does foresight tell you things like that too?"]

Cale had a small scamming smile on his face.

It had been bothering him about how he had convinced them to believe him and change the future of that world.

It seemed that his guess was correct.


Perfect for the scam.

["Who knows?"

Lee Soo Hyuk responded to Bae Puh Rum before looking toward Cale.

Cale shrugged his shoulders and looked back with a gaze that seemed to be asking if there was a problem. Lee Soo Hyuk quietly looked at him for a while before asking a question.

"Rok Soo."

His voice was extremely quiet, as if he was whispering.

"Is foresight really how you can know about things like this too?"]

"As if it even exists."

Alberu snickered seeing Cale's wide smile. He'd already known that it was a farce.

[Cale turned toward Lee Soo Hyuk.

The two of them looked at each other for a bit before Cale broke the eye contact and walked toward the table.

The words Cale whispered as he left echoed in Lee Soo Hyuk's ear.

"Who knows? Why don't you figure it out if you're so curious?"


Lee Soo Hyuk chuckled before starting to speak to everyone.

"Alright! Let's sing for the three of them!"

"You're right."

Joo Ho-Shik nodded his head in agreement before clasping his hands together.

"Sir, hap-"

"Hey, why are you saying sir?"

Park Jin Tae started to frown before looking toward a corner of the ceiling and continuing to speak.

"Just say happy birthday."

"That's right. I can't call him sir, now can I?"

Grandma Kim smiled before starting to clap.]

"She's an elder." Cale blurted when others paused.

Chuckles sounded, indicating they knew.

(This is different from the raw because in Korean, there is a respectful way to say 'birthday' which you use for your elders. English doesn't have such equivalent, so I added sir to find the best suitable translation. Grandma Kim says she can't use the respectful term for birthday since she is older than Cale.)

"How helpful. They've even given the details and explanation about your Korean language usage."

Litana smiled.

Choi Han nodded. It was pretty accurate if he were to be honest.

["Happy birthday to you-"

She started to sing and the rest of the people in the room joined in as well.

Cale reached his hand out while standing at the center of the songs.

"You guys come join me."

One hand grabbed Choi Jung Soo, the other hand grabbed Choi Han, and he pulled the two of them closer to him.]

The glutton squealed at the three handsome men standing side by side.

"Feels like the romance novel star goddess was talking about!" She snickered.

["No. Ah, really, wut the heck is going on?" (Remember, accents are translated like this.)

Choi Jung Soo looked flustered and confused as he accepted the birthday song directed toward him.

On the other hand, Choi Han was completely stiff.

Cale just patted Choi Han's shoulder.

Choi Han's pupils slightly shook.]

Choi Han smiled sheepishly at his future self.

It had been many hundreds of years since he had celebrated his birthday.

It was inevitable that he would get all stiff and shocked.

Listening to them singing the song brought a pang of nostalgia to both Koreans.

Cale could barely hold a blank face together while Choi Han felt all giddy listening to it in a familiar language that he could only dream of hearing just a little while ago.

The subtitles described the translation for others too.

[His eyes moved past Cale and Choi Jung Soo to take in this whole scene.

The song soon came to an end.

"Happy birthday to all three of you!"

"Happy birthday. I believe that November 8th is a great day."

"Alright, alright! Let's eat!"

Everybody made a comment once the song ended.

Choi Han heard Cale's calm voice next to him at that moment.

"There's still some time left, but..."

Choi Han turned back toward Cale.

"Choi Han."

"Yes, hyung-nim."]

"Hyung-nim?" Cale questioned but didn't get an answer.

Oh, the goddess wasn't here.

Maybe, he'd ask about it later.

["Happy birthday."

Cale could see the ripples in Choi Han's eyes.

They were not like strong waves crashing against the shore but gentle waves splashing and shining brightly.

"...Happy birthday to you too, hyung."

Cale nodded his head and turned his gaze.

"Choi Jung Soo."


Choi Jung Soo still seemed confused. Cale started to speak after a long pause.

Cale recalled Choi Jung Soo's voice in his mind at that moment.

'Rok Soo! Super duper happy birthday to you! Ahahahaha!']

Cale's blank face finally broke and a soft smile was painted on his face. Even if it was for just a moment.

Those fond memories that he had stored away began to emerge.

It wasn't horrific like before. He felt like he could watch a little of them now.

['Shut up.'

'Haaaaaaaa. Hey Rok Soo, can't you be excited and wish me a happy birthday too? I guess not. Kim Rok Soo is not that kind of person.'

'Who said I wasn't going to wish you happy birthday?'

'Keke. So you're going to wish me happy birthday?'

'Of course. How could I not?'

Cale slowly started to speak.

"Happy birthday."

Choi Jung Soo's eyes opened wide.

The words Cale said with a gentle smile on his face seemed quite meaningful to brush aside.

That was why he couldn't just brush it aside.

Choi Jung Soo subconsciously started to stare at Cale.


Cale patted Choi Jung Soo's shoulder once and then started to walk toward the others.

Lee Soo Hyuk had watched all of it. His gaze was following Cale, as if he was trying to analyze him.

Cale knew about it as well. He just pretended not to know.]

"Your senior has figured it out, good luck, boy."

Eruhaben commented.

"He hasn't." Cale said with full certainty. Lee Soo Hyuk's eyes didn't show the realisation of him being not him.

[Now that both Lee Soo Hyuk's gaze and Cale were gone...

Choi Jung Soo, who was calming himself down, could see someone walking toward him.

"Why don't we head outside for a moment?"

It was Choi Han.

Choi Jung Soo was about to ask why they needed to go out before he saw Choi Han's hand.

The hands of the guy who seemed younger than him, but had many scars that proved he had lived a difficult life, were fidgeting as if he was a bit nervous.

'He's fidgeting?'

Choi Jung Soo felt as if this was not like Choi Han before he was swept up with an eerie feeling.

His last name, birthday, and sword art...

They were all the same or similar.]

"Because you're a family, duh."

Hannah muttered at the oblivious duo.

Then again, Choi Han had disappeared a long time ago from the world there.

How would the only survivor of the family know him?

["Yes. Let's go."

Choi Jung Soo followed Choi Han outside.

They then stood in a corner of the hallway facing each other.

Choi Han did not say anything for a while.

"...What did you want to see me for?"

Choi Jung Soo could not hold it in any longer and asked, and Choi Han responded by taking a thick pile of papers out of his pocket and handing it to him.

"What is this?"

"Take it."

Choi Jung Soo was confused, but still accepted the pile of paper.

He peeked at it for a moment but it was difficult to tell what it was as the first page did not have anything written on it.

Choi Jung Soo had no choice but to look toward Choi Han for an answer.

"...It's a present."]

Choi Han asked himself what he'd give to his nephew who he would possibly never meet again.

Cale looked at him as the swordsmaster appeared to be deep in thought.

His sword arts.

It was the only thing he could give.

The idea clicked in both of their minds as they turned towards the screen almost simultaneously, not noticing their sync in action.

[He didn't know why, but he started to frown after hearing that.

Choi Jung Soo subconsciously started to speak.

"Do you know me?"

Choi Jung Soo slightly regretted the thing he said.

The hands that looked nervous until now calmed down and Choi Han's face no longer showed any emotions.

"I will not answer any of your questions."

Choi Jung Soo became frustrated after hearing Choi Han's response.

That was why he impulsively responded back.

"Then I guess you won't mind me figuring it out on my own."]

"How do you even manage to have such weird conversations yet manage to get to perfect conclusions?"

Bud sighed frustratedly.

These weird people and their weird minds.

[Choi Jung Soo could see a small smile appear on Choi Han's face at that moment.

"Yes, I would have no choice if you did that."

Choi Jung Soo felt as if his heart was tightening for some reason.

He had already been thinking about his family because everybody had wished him a happy birthday. His heart was beating restlessly.

Choi Jung Soo's expression and his demeanor calmed down in order to hide the restlessness inside him.

It was similar to what Choi Han was doing.

Neither Choi Han nor Choi Jung Soo knew how similar they were right now.]

"It runs in the blood, kahahahaha!"

Toonka strongly liked the strong duo and commented.

Many agreed. This nephew-uncle pair had many things in common.

["I understand."

Choi Jung Soo put the present in his pocket and started to speak.

"I will definitely figure it out."

He then looked toward Choi Han and added on.

"I don't have a present for you. However, happy birthday."

Choi Han's eyes opened a little wider.

"I mean it."]

Such a wholesome scene...

The kinder than kindest people in the hall were already sniffling with tears in their eyes as they saw Choi Han's eager look and happiness when he heard his birthday wishes.

They really couldn't imagine how he had survived so many years alone and still managed to stay the same, not losing his mind.

Choi Han was strong, like Cale had said.

He was strong indeed.

[Choi Jung Soo answered honestly.

"You've helped me with my sword art and training."

He didn't know why Choi Han did all of that, however...

Actually, there were too many suspicious things for him to claim that he didn't know the reason at all. He couldn't help but have many 'maybe?' types of thoughts.

But Choi Jung Soo did not say those out loud.

It was okay to say it once everything became certain.

"I know that you are taking a lot of time to help me."

That was why Choi Jung Soo slightly bowed toward this man who was younger than him but did not seem younger at all.

"Thank you very much."


Just maybe, Choi Han was the first sword instructor Choi Jung Soo ever had, aside from his family.

Choi Jung Soo had just called him Mr. Choi Han since Choi Han didn't call himself instructor nor master and didn't want to be addressed that way, but...

Choi Han was still like a master for Choi Jung Soo.]

Many smiled at the statement. Blood-ties really proved to be strong in their case.

"Choi Han is really trying to help his nephew, huh?"

[Choi Jung Soo started to raise his slightly lowered head.

He heard Choi Han's voice at that moment.

"It's me."

His voice was a bit cracked.

"It's me who is thankful."

Choi Jung Soo urgently raised his head after hearing Choi Han speaking informally in a different voice than normal.

But Choi Han's expression was the same as usual.

It was as still as his blade.

"Please head in first."

Choi Jung Soo suppressed this iffy feeling inside after hearing Choi Han's comment and nodded to say goodbye before heading toward the door.


He flinched after seeing Cale standing by the door, but managed to get the words out.

"Happy birthday."


Bursts of 'coo's and 'how cute's echoes in the room as they witnessed the adorable scene.

They could see the screen's Cale's slight hesitance as he hid his clenched hand inside his pant pockets while his eyebrows were trying hard not to look furrowed.

Hah, his acting was top-tier as always.

[Choi Jung Soo opened and closed his mouth a few times after hearing Cale's calm response before he walked past Cale and back into the room.

Choi Jung Soo started to think.

'I have a lot of time.'

After they took care of this unranked monster that was trying to attack this Seomyeon shelter... He could get rid of these frustrating and annoying things on his mind at that time.


'If we get a bit closer...']

"I feel that it's not gonna happen though..."

Sky-eating water honestly stated out her intuition.

There's nothing that went as they expected in the past chapters either way.

Cale meeting someone from his past life, Cale actually not being Cale, Original Cale voluntarily switching places with their Cale.

Who could have expected it?

[They could talk about it at that point.

Choi Jung Soo had those thoughts as he closed the door behind him.

Choi Han and Cale were the only ones left in the hallway.

"Choi Han."

"Yes, Rok Soo hyung?"

Cale, who quietly looked at Choi Han who was acting as if everything was fine, chuckled before starting to speak.

"I thought you had no plans on revealing the truth, but I guess that's not the case?"

Choi Han's shoulders slightly flinched.


"You don't need to be so tense, Choi Han! Young master Cale only seems to be teasing you."

Rosalyn chuckled as she saw the swordsmaster looking at Cale with a guilty gaze, like that of student looking at their teacher after committing a mistake.

[He opened his mouth but could not say anything.

He wasn't planning on telling Choi Jung Soo that he was his paternal cousin once removed.

But it was his birthday.

It was the birthday of Choi Jung Soo who was all by himself now.

For Choi Han, who didn't know when he would leave this world, this might be the first and only time he could celebrate Jung Soo's birthday with him.

But Choi Han had endlessly worried about whether he was making the right decision.

That concern was still going on.

Choi Jung Soo was continuously questioning Choi Han's existence.

It was at that moment.

"Good job."

He heard Cale's warm voice.

Choi Han focused to hear the quiet voice that only he could hear.

"You wanted celebrate it with him. Your family member's birthday."

Choi Han couldn't respond to that.

"Good job."

But Choi Han's lips started to move after hearing Cale praise him.

His lips formed a straight line, making it unable to tell whether he was trying to smile or stop himself from crying.

Pat. Pat.

Cale patted Choi Han's shoulder.

Choi Han could see Cale heading out of the hallway once those pats did not feel weird anymore.]

"This comradeship...Why do i ship..?" Glutton mumbled incherent words while not taking her eyes off the screen. The goddess' novels had corrupted her mind.

Many looked at her in confusion, not knowing what she meant while Cale could be seen facepalming and lowly cursing a certain goddess.

-Aigoo, not another Uriel...please...

Angelina sighed in exasperation as she saw the former owner of the sheild practically drool over the sight.

" have to fix it...." She muttered under her breath.

["Where are you going?"

"The watchtower."

"...Let's go together, hyung-nim."

Choi Han could not tell him to get some more rest.

It was because Choi Han was the person who understood Cale's desire to protect this place and quickly head back to the people waiting for him more than anybody else.]

They couldn't comment. They knew his desire to protect more than anyone else.

Yet, selfishly, they did not want their hero to suffer at all. They'd seen his sufferings, even if it was in bits and pieces.

They just hoped that he would get back safely, without the pain he hated.

Oh how wrong they were, when they realised the severeness of the matter after watching further.

[But even Choi Han didn't know everything.

* * *

Cale quietly looked down at the watch in his hand.

11:55 pm.

That day would soon arrive.

The day that the God of Death told him to make a decision would arrive in 5 minutes.]




Countless questions were thrown at the clueless noble who frowned at the situation.

"You guys do realise that it's the future me who's doing all that shit?"

"It's because it's you who would do that, that we're looking at you, young master-nim." Ron's pointed gaze and sharp reply shut the poor man up as he turned his gaze away.

That did not ease their anxiousness over that ominous god's shenanigans.

[He recalled the text from his memories.

<Grade 1 ability user Kim Rok Soo. >

< Do you wish to return to your original world? >

< Or will you die in this world? >]

The audience flew into a rage while trying to calm themselves down.

"Isn't that motherfucker just telling him to die or he'll kill him!?"

The ancient powers were on the verge of going wild yet suppressed their rage as they reminded themselves that this isn't the last chapter of his story.

Cale's life didn't end here. His future didn't end there.

"Fucking calm down and read, will you? We aren't here to destroy things and stupidly lose the opportunity to gain information for the future."

Cale's stoic face came into their view as his calm voice sounded in the hall.

Many felt as if they had been buried in thousands of grievances as they saw the said man looking completely unbothered about the whole fiasco of the motherfucking god.

Cale though, wasn't calm at all.

Why the fuck are they trying to rage over this idiotic god's actions?! It isn't as if I'll actually die!

Yeah, his concern was totally at the wrong place.

Not because he was oblivious, but, because he knew too, that this wasn't the last chapter of his life.

Surviving was how his life was described.

How could he die so easily?

[In five minutes...

The time to make that decision would be here.

Cale felt the calm night air as he quietly looked at the watch.

Choi Han walked toward him.

The people standing guard had headed down and only Cale and Choi Han were up here right now.

"Rok Soo hyung, why don't you head down and have a warm cup of tea-!"

Choi Han stopped talking.



An amused chuckle was heard.

-I feel my ominous power even though Asteria said that it wasn't possible to sense it through a screen~

-You're just too narcissistic and try to find yourself everywhere.


These motherfuckers were talking as Cale's suffering wasn't their business-

-anyways, you know you fucked up bad.


...tch seems that this bastard is dead.

[It was because Cale suddenly clutched the area by his heart and curled forward.]


Even though, it was through a screen, they could just see how painful it was.

Cale would never have made such a pained expression even when his plate was getting fixed by Mila, though that was more far off in the future.

Of course, that would just be the star goddess' opinion.

[Choi Han saw it at that moment.

He saw that Cale seemed to be in so much pain, pain that was incomparable to anything he had felt until now.


Choi Han subconsciously called him Cale and started to support him.

But Cale was looking down at the watch.

"...Why? Ugh!"

It felt as if his heart was being ripped out.

No, an intense pain that felt as if his soul was being ripped out overwhelmed Cale.


It wasn't November 8th yet.

What was going on?

November 8th.

Something was supposed to happen on that day.]

"You really need to say 'something', you bastard? You were literally going to die!"

Sigh, he was such an unfortunate Hyung-nim.

Always seeing his dongsaeng throw himself into a pit of fire and climbing it back all burnt and worn out, didn't help either.

[The God of Death was going to do something. That was what Cale had thought.

But it was still November 7th.

Cale started to frown.

- How entertaining.

It was at that moment.


Cale started to frown even more after hearing a voice in his head.

- I can't just let you overcome your despairs, now can I?

The sealed god was the one talking to him.]

Everyone was tense as their eyes drew daggers at the screen.

The chapter was over and Cale knocked the star he had in his hand onto the ground, causing it to shatter into tiny fragments.

Just when someone was about to speak, the screen disappeared and everything went dark.

Sounds of panic and caution were heard.


[Error not found.]

"Stupid First star, it's me!"

A voice came as the hall lit up again, this time, with fragments of little bright stars looking like a bright night sky.

They found themselves standing in the same yet completely different place.

The lighting had changed, the hall layout had changed, even the places they were standing previously changed.

Cale looked at how others seemed to be on a further platform than him and looked around.

....why were he and Choi Han standing on where the screen was supposed to be?

"What is this...?" Choi Han asked with uncertainty in his voice.

He didn't really get what was happening.

"Ugh, you guys, I don't understand why you're acting dense." The voice came again as the lights went out.

"Didn't want to embarass you but you guys are acting dumb infront of me, as if you don't know why you're standing there."

As soon their star goddess' voice was heard again, and there stood everyone, clad in beautiful yet comfy modern clothes, with a sash hanging down their shoulder indicating their roles for today.




"Cale Henituse, do you understand what this is now?"

Asteria smiled at Cale who averted his gaze, wearing an Ash coloured hoodie with black pants, having the 'MC-1' sash around him.


Choi Han, who wore a simple black shirt with ash coloured baggy pants and an 'MC-2' sash felt words refusing to leave his mouth as he looked at everyone.

"Isn't my First Star so convenient~? We can celebrate now~"

Asteria was excited as she moved around quickly, making sure that everyone had their sashes on.

"Nah-uh, Beacrox, you're a 'Family' today."

Beacrox's eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything. Perhaps the word 'family' was pleasing to them.

"Rosalyn! Don't put mana in it-"

A spark of mana caused a loud bang as a couch blew up into nothing.

"...ahaha....sorry?" The redhead smiled sheepishly as she was still fascinated by the unaffected sash in her hand.

"Yeah,yeah, my poor regenerative star.... Anyway, wear that sash and gather around Cale and Choi Han."

Asteria instructed everyone and before any refusals were heard from the two Koreans, she disappeared again.

"Shh, you guys, it's a surprise."

"Star goddess, star goddess! How about we do it like that guy did in that- that-"


"Yeah! Movie! Thanks, On-noona!"

"Hmm? Which movie though? The one where he gets out of the trolley?"

"Yes! That one! Cutie will be surprised!"

"But all of you won't fit inside a trolley even if you are all in your true form.."

" that so...?nya..."

"Hmm~? How about, I dress them up and come back to you and then boom! We'll appear together with that!"

"Yes, nya!"

"Yeah! Human and strong Choi Han will be so surprised!"

"I like the plan, nya!"


"Cale, Choi Han, nya!"

"Human! Strong Choi Han!"

"Cale! Choi Han!"

"Cutie, cutie!"

"Happy birthday, nya/yay!!"

The ravenette along with the redhead could only blink twice.


Choi Han could only stare at the oh so familiar cake, not one but two, that appeared along with the children who wore the 'Chef' sash, looking at them expectantly.

"Nah-uh! It has all seven colours! Call it by its correct name!"

Asteria, who appeared along with them, was wearing the 'Host' sash as she interrupted the ravenette.


Cale only looked at the colourful cake that appeared in front of them as he suddenly remembered,

"이건 사람의 첫 번째 생일을 위해 만든 것 아닌가요-?"

"Isn't this made for a person's first birthday?"

He blurted out in Korean without realising it.

"Human! This is our first time celebrating your birthdays with you! So we made these!" Raon flew to him as he said in a 'how-could-you-not-realise?' manner.

Thanks to the black dragon's spell, everyone could understand what he had said and some broke into a fit of chuckles.

"Yep, it's all the children's effort! Come on, appreciate it a little and smile, will you two?"

Choi Han's face immediately bloomed with his signature innocent smile as he looked at the smiling faces around him.

How lucky he was.

Cale looked away but couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face.

"Okay, now! Let's sing! Both of you! Cut the cakes together! I don't have candles here unfortunately..."

They both shook their heads indicating it was fine and picked up the knives that appeared beside the cake.

Their movements were awkward as it had been too long for them to remember when they had last celebrated the day.

Well, the redhead did remember, but let's not talk about it for now.

A little screen appeared beside Asteria as it replayed the scene where everyone sang for the two in Earth-2.

The familiar Korean song, along with their current family singing in their language along the tune made their eyes shake as they could do nothing but to stand there and listen to them singing, fully concentrated, imprinting the moment in their minds, so they would never ever forget them.

The smiles they had on their faces disappeared as they could do nothing but to stare at everyone who was infront of them.

Choi Han's mind couldn't process the sudden beautiful mix of two birthday songs as his expression faltered and a true expressionless face appeared.

Cale, on the other hand, couldn't hide the broken emotions he felt while listening to them. His broken records filled up his vision again. Why couldn't he get a break from these for once?

But then again, he was thankful for them since he wouldn't ever forget this moment.

"Come on! Cut the cake!"

The two came back to reality as they did what they were told.

Echoes of cheers sounded.

Asteria came forward,

"Ahem ahem, since I'm the host, lemme go first!"

She cut a relatively large piece from each of their cake and stuffed their mouth full.



"Awe, I wish I could take a picture of you two with that cake in your mouth and looking all confused~ cute~"

A moment later, a snap sounded.

Ah, she really took the picture.

Laughter echoed.

"Happiest birthday to both of you~"

(8458 words)


Long time no see?

How was the chapter?

Xie-unnie requested this chapter. Thank her, y'all.

Aish, I wanted to add more birthday moments but my hand refused to co-operate with me....sorry bout that.

Ah, right, I almost forgot.

The reader-chans who had suggested a chapter up above, please choose a colour too.






That's all!

....please wait for the special chapter- idk when I'll finish it....

I'll prolly post another normal chapter before that ever gets completed....


Don't forget to vote and comment!! I'll know that you ppl are actually reading I'd you do! I love you guys~~

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