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Roles pt. 1

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What's so funny?

The minor arcana has no originality.  It's literally the same name over and over again.

Well, obviously.  They're a bigger deck, so it's not like they can have a different name for all of them.

Y'know, sometimes I hate when you become such a smart ass.


*Even though the names are gendered (King and Queen), you get to decide what gender they are! Of course, I kind of want to have an equal amount of boys and girls and nonbinary peeps because too many of one gender would be boring, right?

*For the audition roles. You must come to me in PM and give me 2-3 paragraphs of you roleplaying as that character. If I need to (which I probably won't) I would also give you a scenario to play out and we'll see from there!

*First come first serve!*

The Wands
∽The Suit of Wands are associated with primal energy, inspiration, determination, strength, and ambition. 
∽It is represented by the element of Fire, it is unpredictable.

King of Wands (1/1)
"No ones fall is an accident. We were all chosen for this damned life."
∽They are not interested in the making or creating of ideas and is known to be apathetic when it comes to strategizing, coming in late to meetings and only taking charge in the actual battlefield when plans start going south.
The King of Wands loves challenges and the rush that comes with a tough foe or a difficult problem. They are good at erasing their fears and the fears of their comrades.
∽They can be frighteningly ruthless, and is unafraid to use others to their advantage. They can easily manipulate others into doing their work for them and has shown a tendency to push the responsibilities they don't care for to the Queen of Wands.
∽They are not close to anyone outside their suit.
∽They can generate and manipulate flame and heat.

Queen of Wands (1/1)
"please at least let me try to be enough for you."
∽An exuberant and strong leader, the Queen of Wands represents the positive energy of the fire element. They're comfortable in their own skin, although somewhat cocky. They know what they want and how to get it, and is able to effortlessly use others to reach her goal.
∽While They may be cruel and heartless to their foes, many of their comrades would describe them as kind hearted and friendly.  They lift others up, despite having little self confidence in themselves.  This would soon lead to her their destruction.
∽they crave to be the center of attention and can be extremely stubborn to the point that they make herself sick from overworking.
∽Younger sibling of the Queen of Cups and looks up to them.
∽Is a tired and stressed mom because of their impulsive children.
∽they are easily irritated by the Ace of Wands but is desperately trying to get closer to them.
∽they can generate explosions and can also make handheld bombs that don't explode instantly. Aside from this, they can sometimes manipulate the intensity of attacks that center around heat and emotions. (So they can't use this power with any other suit outside of her own, and can only use it on The Lovers and The Sun)

Knight of Wands (1/1)
"I guess some stories just don't have a happy ending."
The knight of wands is as reckless as the Fool and the Page, yet they actually have the drive and commitment to bring their impulsivity and ideas to life.
∽A driving force, the Knight of Wands is the one that encourages the free spirited Page and apathetic Ace to be more grounded or active.
∽While they may be more committed, they are none less impulsive. They are an "act first, think later" type of person.
∽Has an adorable crush on either the King of Wands or Queen of Wands and follows their commands like a puppy.
∽They can shoot lava out of their hands on command, but doing so could result in them getting burned as well.

Page of Wands (0/1)
"Why are you playing the victim here?"
∽They had been alone for most of their life, and never had much of a parental figure. This made the Page of Wands grow up to be reckless and with childish immaturity that makes them irritable to others.
∽Like The Fool, they do not have much worry and always jump head first into whatever pleases them.
∽They understand the Ace of Wands but you wouldn't exactly call them friends right now.
∽They are often the butt of the joke in the Minor Arcana, but is confident enough that they don't really mind.
∽They have a weapon of choice that lights on fire once they touch it. It only activates on their command.

Ace of Wands (0/1)
"Agh, I get it already so shut up!"
∽A very apathetic person, the Ace of Wands is generally not very motivated or inspired to do anything. They go with the flow, but may subconsciously want some sort of change.
∽They are easily frustrated and angered by the most random of things, but they are only short bursts of irritation before they're back to their lazy self.
∽They do not like to be forced or 'nagged' into doing anything, and generally get irritated by who they call "fake leaders", which would be the Kings and Queens of each suit, especially their own.
∽They like hanging out around the Page of Wands because they don't 'annoy them' like others do.
∽Is touch starved yet refuses to let others anywhere near them let alone to touch them.
∽Their hands are scalding hot, to the point they could give you fourth and sometimes fifth degree burns and require special gloves. The heat generated in them depend on how intense their emotions are. They have a natural skill in making weapons.

The Cups
∽The Suit of Cups are associated with emotion, love, feelings, relationships, intuition, and connections.
∽It is represented by the element of Water, it is fluid and purifying.

King of Cups (0/1)
"I won't deny that we are bad people. But everyone has a bad side."
∽The King of Cups represents balance between emotions and logic. They have a strong hold on their feelings and is not overtaken by either side of their brain. They use both their heart and their brain equally well.
∽They are great at balancing the others out and making sure each person is accounted for and that no one is getting thrown off the loop.
∽Many think that they are your regular logical and intelligent leader, and is genuinely insulted when people are shocked at their compassionate and caring side.
∽Often has to scold the Queen of Wands, yet actually enjoys their company.
∽They can generate and manipulate water and ice. The purer the water, the easier it is to manipulate.

Queen of Cups (1/1)
"You don't understand her like I do. She would rip her whole body apart just for you."
∽Like their younger sister, the Queen of Wands, the Queen of Cups represents the positive energy of water. They are nurturing and fair, treating everyone with the same gentleness of a light drizzle of rain.
∽They are highly intuitive, and their connection with the subconscious is rivaled only by the High Priestess. They usually know what's wrong before you even have to open your mouth, and is sensitive to the feelings of those in their Suit.
∽The King of Cups often has to berate them for lacking common sense and rationality, as they often think more with their heart than their head.
∽The Queens are all very close to each other, but the Queen of Cups and Queen of Pentacles have a very special relationship. (It's up to you guys whether or not you want them to be lovers or just really close friends)
∽Aside from their natural ability to understand people and connect with them, the Queen of Cups can manipulate glass and any reflective surface. They can use their mirrors to reflect powers back or away from them and also manipulate them into sharp shards.

Knight of Cups (1/1)
"I hope to arrive to my death, late, in love, and a little drunk"
∽The Knight of Cups is known to be a charming and even seductive person. They are able to woe anyone regardless of sex and gender and has a slightly narcissistic side.
∽They are childhood friends with the Knight of Pentacles, though they have distanced from each other. Not on purpose, more just because they grew to be so different people.
∽Actually one of the oldest, despite having a more childish appearance and aura.
∽The way they are ruled by their heart is even worse than the Queen of Cups, as they don't care how illogical and stupid the choice is as long as that is what their heart tells them.
∽Despite being something of a player, the Knight's main goal is to spread warmth, friendliness and love to others. They are most happy when others are.
∽They are able to manipulate ice and rapidly lower the temperature of any liquid even blood in some cases. 

Page of Cups (1/1)
"Being gentle doesn't mean weak, it means knowing when to use your strength."
∽They live by the idea to "wear your heart on your sleeve" and are by far the most honest and blunt of the Minor Arcana.
∽The Page of Cups is in touch with their innocence and youth without being childlike. They are free of worry and unafraid of anyone else's opinion on them.
∽They are always been open with their emotions and has a vivid imagination.
∽They have a close relationship with the Ace of Cups and gets possessive of them easily.
∽They have the ability to heal using water, ice, and anything cold.

Ace of Cups (1/1)
"Don't be mistaken.  No one wearing a crown comes in the name of peace."
∽An actual ray of sunshine, if the feelings of butterflies in your stomach and that warm feeling you get when talking to someone you really enjoy the company of could be turned into a person, it would be the Ace of Cups.
∽Unlike the others who are mostly calm and intuitive, the Ace represents flowing water, their emotions seem to pour out of their very soul. They are easily excitable and jittery, and they look forward to the future instead of fearing it.
∽The Ace of Cups is the youngest princess of the royal family, and was raised in secret to ensure that the bloodline would continue if there were a revolution. They were raised as a commoner, despite knowing of their heritage.
∽Best friends with the Page of Cups, although they are on good terms with mostly everyone in each Suit.
∽No one knows for sure what the Ace of Cup's Powers is, only that they must be powerful.
(Good luck trying to guess ;3)

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