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Robert: How'r you holding up?

The past few days passed in a flash, as the group were finally on the road. Kerubi had a wonderful dinner that night, devouring even the bones in the steak, which shocked the others.

Kerubi: I'm doing good so far, not even feeling tired

Winna: My feet are starting to hurt, how about yours?

Kerubi: Nope

Winna: How?! Look at those boots! How does that not hurt?!

Marcus: Umm, Winna those are her scales

Winna:...forgot about that

They spent the next little bit in silence, as the carriage was pulled along with Richard and Renai inside. Richard was on shift for being her guard in case the ones outside fall.

Not like that would happen with Kerubi there.

Renai: Oh, Kerubi!

She stuck her head out of the window, looking at the worm.

Kerubi: Yeah?

Renai: You have increased senses right?

Kerubi: I do, what about it?

Renai: Can you try them out here? See how far they stretch and if there's anything around us?

Kerubi nodded, and closed her eyes. She hear the rustling of leaves, but it was calm and rhythmic.

Kerubi: The winds blowing them, so that's good

Next she smelled the air, it was metallic and crisp, but that scent was strong, while there was a smell of honey off in the distance.

Kerubi: No odd smells around...except for that honey

Kerubi: Nothing's around us, only nature

Robert: Good job Kerubi, that's definitely eases my nerves

The group continued onwards for some time, and as the hours went by, they eventually set camp for the night. Renai fell asleep first, and as each person fell asleep, Kerubi was still up.

Marcus: You going to sleep anytime soon?

Kerubi: I'm still wide awake, so you pass out ok?

Marcus: Are you sure?

Kerubi gave him a thumbs up, so Marcus didn't push any further and laid down, soon joining the others in sleep.


Kerubi: Now then, that's like alcohol, but mixed with a sharp wood-like scent that doesn't seem natural

She walked away from the campfire, and soon her eyes glowed a soft purple.

Kerubi: Night vision for the win!

She stalked through the forest, crawling across the ground with her hands leading her legs along. If someone were to spot her, she would look like a predator stalking her prey, silent and deadly.

?: They stopped for the night?

She heard voices, just up ahead of her.

?2: Yep, boss wants us to wait till morning though, they'll be sluggish then and it'll be easier

Kerubi: Like I'll let that happen

She stalked to the voices and spotted roughly 5 men at a small encampment, all surrounding a fire with a dead boar at the side while another one was asleep to the side.

Kerubi: They were going to cook it at this hour? That's bound to attract a predator

She let her teeth show

Kerubi: And they attracted the most dangerous one...


?: Uhh...does anyone feel that?

3: Feel what?

?: I feel like something's watching me

The second bandit slapped his back a few times.

?2: It's probably a cougar lookin' to eat whatever's left of the pig when we're done, don't worry about it!

?: Yeah...anyways, it's getting late and the boss wants us to hit these nobles early

He stood up and stretched

?: Let's hit the hay

They all agreed and threw the boar's carcass into the darkness. They could see it slightly and watched as it was dragged into the dark.

?2: See? Cougar!

?: Heh, he musta' been hungry

They refueled the fire and went to their cots, laying down on them.

?: Night everybody


After waiting for several minutes after they fell asleep, a purple claw emerged from the dark. The rest of the limbs slowly came forward, eventually reaching the caramel skin and purple hair, then it's face.

Kerubi still had the boar's bone in her mouth, as she crushed it and swallowed.

Kerubi: Wow...I wonder how they fell asleep so fast?

She slowly crawled to the fire, as she sat near it.

Kerubi: How will I put this out? It'll make noise to do anything like that and the fire is a big advantage for them...

As she thought about it, she felt something started to itch in her throat.

Kerubi: Oh this isn't this heartburn?!

She felt the feeling crawl up her throat, as she started heaving thinking she was going to hurl.

What happened instead was that it welled up in her mouth, and she soon shot out a torrent of purplish flames that disintegrated the fire pit entirely, leaving nothing behind.


Kerubi felt it settle back down in her body, as she felt completely fine again.

Kerubi: I...can breath extra hot fire?! What the fuck kind of worm can breath purple fire?!

She heard a groan from one of the bandits, as she snapped her head in that direction. She saw the one they called the leader stir a bit before settling back down.

Kerubi: Freak out later, gotta deal with these chumps first

She approached the leader first, knowing he was most likely either the smartest, strongest, or both. She stood over him and looked down at his sleeping figure, gravitating towards his exposed neck.

She felt her instincts pull at her, and she happily obliged to them, swiftly rushing down and biting his neck. The man woke up, but could do nothing as his life was swiftly extinguished.

Kerubi: This blood tastes incredible! I...what does his flesh taste like?

She ripped out his throat and swallowed, savoring the taste as she devoured the corpse. Mere moments passed as his body vanished into her gullet.

Kerubi: So goood~!

?: H-huh?

She forgot about the other bandits, and they were now awake and looking around.

?: You heard that? Is one of those knights around here?

They looked around, barely being able to see thanks to the moonlight.

?2: Holy Shit!

?: What?!

Soon all of the living men fell upon the bright purple eyes of Kerubi, freezing in place as the overwhelming feeling of death looked over them.

Kerubi: Sorry, but you can't be attacking those, you made another mistake tonight

?:*scared* W-what...what was that?

Kerubi smiled, and the blood on her teeth didn't make them feel any better.

Kerubi: You made the mistake of being delectable~

Eventually, Kerubi returned to their camp, resting on a nearby trunk.

Kerubi: Hmm...that was nice

?: What was?

She looked to her right and saw Renai was awake.

Kerubi:*smiles* It's nothing to worry about, I just had dinner

Renai: Oh...well goodnight then

Kerubi: Yeah...goodnight

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