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As Soon As I Got Here...

Kerubi: Well...lets get this over with

She continued walking to the gate, passing by several people who either stared at her in awe, fear, or for the...special ones...lust.

Kerubi: What the hell is with these people?

She soon made her way to the gate, where several people were waiting in line, with a carriage at the front gaining entry. The carriage itself was quite beautiful to look at.

Kerubi: If I'm guessing correctly, that must be someone important

Eventually, she made her way to the front, where two guards stood as gate control.

Guard1: Name?

Kerubi: Kerubi

Guard1: Last name?

Kerubi:...Never had one

The guards' grip on their weapons shifted lightly, which Kerubi noticed.

Guard1: And why is that?

Kerubi: I grew up in the forest, just over there

She pointed to the distant mountain that housed the cave she woke up in, she noticed the guards didn't drop their guard.

Guard1: That makes arms out

She complied, as the second guard patted her down searching for contraband.

Guard2: Ouch!

He pulled back his hand

Guard1: What's wrong?

Guard2: I cut my finger on her armor!


Guard1: Aren't you wearing plate gloves?

The three of them looked at his hand, there was a hole in his gauntlet that had blood slowly pouring out of it.


Kerubi: I should have told you to be careful, my bad

The first guard tightened his grip before sighing.

Guard1: I'm sorry, but you need to follow me

Kerubi: Oh no...

She nodded and kept a stoic face, while on the inside she was panicking. The guard led her inside while he had someone else stand in his place.

They reached a small room where there was two chairs and a small table in the middle.

Kerubi: This looks exactly like an interrogation chamber!

Guard1: Please take a seat, we'll have someone come in shortly

He left her alone


Kerubi: Jee, not even a minute in the town and I already got arrested. Reminds me of Red Dead honestly


She looked up to the door and saw a man walk inside, he was wearing full plate armor with no helmet, the armor was red with golden highlights dotting it. The man himself was sporting a well groomed handlebar mustache with a buzz cut.

?: So then, you're the one who got the guards all riled up

She just started at the man with wide eyes.

?: You gonna talk? Or are you to scared too?

Kerubi slowly raised a finger before she opened her mouth.

Kerubi: I was distracted

?: By what exactly?

Kerubi: To be truthful, your mustache. It's looks great on you

Than man took a step back, before coughing into his hand with slightly dusted cheeks.

?: Thank you for the compliment, but we need to get moving on

He sat down in the chair across from her, glaring at her in an attempt to scare her.

?: My name is Robert Darrows, the knight who guards the princess's carriage that had just arrived

Kerubi: Well it's a pleasure to meet you

He nodded

Robert: So then, let's get to business. You arrived mere moments after her majesty's carriage entered the city. This armor of yours is of no familiar make that I've ever seen and you cut a guards finger with a puncture wound, despite the man wearing metal gloves

He kept staring at her while she did the same.

Robert: To add on that, even if you grew up in the woods, I've never seen nor heard of a person who looked like you, especially your bright pink hair

Kerubi: I was born with this hair, I was being truthful when I was talking at the gate

Robert: Even so, we need to be safe

Kerubi: Why is that?

Robert: Hmph, you really did grow up in the woods

He leaned forward and put his hands together.

Robert: We're at war with another nation

Kerubi: Oh...I see

Robert: This nation has been at odds with us in the past, but it usually ended with our victory. This time however, their wizards seemed to have harnessed something vile to assist their endeavors

Kerubi leaned forward as well, listening in to what he was saying.

Robert: We are lead to believe that they have used summoning arts to bring demons to our world

Kerubi: Demons?!

Robert: Yes, that's correct

He pulled out a crystal that glowed an unnatural color, like a sickly green.

Robert: This crystal is one such thing they used to bring them here, usually sending someone inside with the crystal to open it and sow chaos among the citizens.

He placed it on the table, between the two of them.

Kerubi: While that's an atrocious thing to do, why are you telling a random outsider about this?

Robert smiled, before pulling out a small mirror like device from his pocket.

Robert: Because of this


Kerubi: A mirror?

Robert: It's more than just a mirror, it tracks magical energy, it's normally used to detect demonic energy and prevent these crystals from being used by locating and destroying it. However...

He put the mirror down, before it shined a dark purple light and created a picture of Kerubi's face.

Kerubi: What the?!

Robert: This mirror showed us a picture of you, something that doesn't happen to often

He picked it up and put it in his pocket.

Kerubi: Alright, then what does that mean?!

Robert: What it means is that the mirror has detected a massive surge of power, normally reserved to being of high magic energy or of demonic origin. High ranked magicians are always picked up by these things, but when a new face is found, they are sought out to evaluate them

Kerubi sat there, glaring at the man in front of her.

Kerubi:*rising anger* So you came just to arrest me?

Robert threw his hands up, laughing slightly.

Robert: No no, I came to ask you what you plan on doing here

Kerubi: What I'm doing?

Robert: Indeed, what is your purpose for being here?


Kerubi put her hand down, looking in the mans eyes.

Kerubi: I wish to explore the world, and find my purpose in it while doing so

Silence filled between the two, eventually, another guard walked inside and nodded to Robert, who nodded back.

Robert: Well, I suppose you're alright then, so I'll take my leave and you can too

Kerubi was slightly shocked at the lenience, but stood up anyway.

Robert: Now hold up!

She stopped and looked at the slightly taller man.

Robert: You said you were looking for your purpose in life?

Kerubi: Indeed I am

He smiled and offered a hand to her.

Robert: Do you mind if I assist you in that goal?


Robert laughed at her dumbfounded face, before mellowing out and softly smiling at her.

Robert: You're new around here, but your power is immense. I'm offering you a chance to explore in the best way possible, as an apprentice of mine while we traverse the country!


Kerubi: WHAT?!

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