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Fly High in Din Mai

"Before we start the actual journey, we must gather supplies. There is little water in the Desert after all, and good food is possibly even rarer."

Kerubi and the group, without Astraea now, followed behind their local Lamia guide, who was pointing out several things they'll need as they went through the market place. Kerubi was ever so thankful that the currency seemed to be universally used, cause they were getting plenty of supplies for their journey.

"4 Silvers ma'am."

"Alright." Kerubi handed over the money, to which the man thanked her before she walked off with the salted meats and additional preservatives.

Metius had a checklist of all the things needed, accounting slightly for Kerubi and Weaver's tendency to consume raw meat instead of prepared, meaning less money spent on food than normal. She checked off the food part, before smiling and putting the paper away in her satchel.

"Good, we have everything needed. Any other essentials that may be warranted?"

Áine flew off Kerubi's shoulder, landing on the sand below. "What about transport? Or are we walking the whole way?"

"We will be walking Lady Áine, it is the best way to travel the sands for our group, and saves on costs." The Lamia looked between the members present, silently questioning if she was correct on that.

When she got nothing back, she nodded and continued on. "We will be leaving at nightfall, when the sands are cooler and easier to traverse for us all."

"Hold on, isn't that worse on you then?" Tragedemia stepped forward, moving some of her black hair out of the way from her eyes due to the winds. "Lamias are cold blooded right? Wouldn't it be best to travel during the day?"

"Usually, I would be inclined to agree. However, thanks to my status as a Pilgrim Guide, I was given a Heat Stone to keep my body warm even at night." She reached into her satchel, pulling out a necklace with a small gold circlet and red gem in the center. "When the temperatures lower to a certain point, the magic within activates and keeps me going with energy."

Tragedemia looked closer at the jewel, soon nodding and backing off. "Alright, I suppose that's works. What should we do until then?"

"Whatever you wish, all I ask is that you pay attention to the Central Plaza's Sundial. Once the time hits Seven, you begin making your way to the gates over that way." Metius pointed to one end of the city, where they could faintly see a wall and gates poking above the buildings.

"Alright, thanks for this Metius."

"It's my pleasure." The Lamia bowed to Kerubi, before slithering away with a wave off her shoulders to them.

With the group now without their guide, Áine kicked at the sand below, shrugging her shoulders before facing the rest from her low standing point. "Welp, no point in standing around right? Why not go sightseeing and explore a new culture before we leave?"

"That sounds fun!" Weaver was about to zip off again, but was grabbed by the back of her carapace by Kerubi.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"...To have fun?"

The elder worm's stare bored into the younger's, and she was let go as Kerubi faced her fully. "Weaver, in these last few weeks, you've been doing your own thing and, while I understand, it's still a little painful."

Weaver tilted her head, confused on what she meant. "But shouldn't I be? I mean, I think I'm almost grown already anyways."

"That's besides the point. You've been pretty absent these days, so why not at least spend one of them with me? A day for you and I."

The little worm looked away and to the city around, contemplating what she was asked to do for the day. Eventually, she looked back to Kerubi and nodded, bringing a smile to the older's face.

"That's settled. I'll be doing my own thing in the meantime then, we'll meet up here later yeah?" Tragedemia gave a small bow, her red horns twinkling in the light before she stood and chose a random direction, walking off from them.

Áine flew back up to Kerubi's shoulder, sitting herself down as she was ready to follow after Kerubi. The trio was certainly an odd sight on the streets of Din Mai, but it wasn't the oddest thing considering how many different species were here.

"Let's go see what this city has to offer."

Surprisingly, there was a small Oasis here in the city, where a nice large pond sat, with a myriad of local species relaxing in the pond from the heat of the desert. Pantoos, a type of Seabird native to this region, were swimming through it's waters and eating small bugs that rested on leaves or fell into the water.

Kerubi and Weaver were both sat on the water's edge, looking into the waters at the fish and bugs that swam around. As expected, there was plenty of eating happening in the pond, and Kerubi was happy to see nature running it's course.

Weaver though, she was off to the side, actually in the pond and swimming around with the fish. Several others were also doing that too, and when she breached to get air, she seemed to have made friends with a few Nereids.


"Hm? Yeah?" She was resting on Kerubi's shoulder as usual, and she was watching Weaver having her fun.

"You told me those are Nereids right?"

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Well, what's the difference between a Mermaid and Nereid?"

"Hmm..." Áine floated off her shoulder, holding her hands up and creating small illusions of light to show both. "Okay, look at it like this: Nereids are generally more human like in appearance, and long ago, Nereid was a term simply for the daughters of an ancient Sea Lord. Nowadays, the name is repurposed and used as the general name for children of Mermaids and Men."

"Oh...that's actually pretty interesting." They both continued watching Weaver and the Nereids play, apparently even having some of the fish come over thanks to the Nereids calling them.

A smell soon hit Kerubi's nose, and she looked to where it came from, seeing a small stand selling food, another next to it selling drinks. They must have been partners to each other, as they were trading actively to assist their fellow.

But the, was the food smelling good. Kerubi stood from her seat, actually feeling hungry since she hadn't eaten in a while.

"Áine, I'm gonna grab us some food, want some?"

The little Fae Goddess looked over, seeing the stand. "Oooh~! That's a Kebab stand!"


"Grilled food on a stick, and it can be a big combination of foods! One time a Fae brought two sticks back, and our people fell in love!"

"Sounds good then!" With the heads up, she went over to the stand, catching the attention of the man running it.

With a big toothy grin, the man put his arms out, displaying the sticks of fresh Kebabs on the heated plates, clearly by some form of fire magic. "Welcome Miss! Care for some?"

"I do care for some, how much for a stick?"

"Sixteen Copper a stick."

She paid the man ninety six Copper coins, counting up to six Kebabs, and took them in her hand, passing off another forty five Coppers for three drinks from the other stand. She actually needed Áine to carry one of the cups back so that it wouldn't spill.

"Weaver! I got us a snack!"

Weaver's head whipped to her, and in a flash, she was out of the water and right in front of her. Although, Kerubi was smacked with a lot of water...thankfully the Kebabs were okay.

"Can I get one?!"

"I bought this much for a reason..." Kerubi passed to Weaver two of them, three for herself, and the final one to Áine, who would be eating the most relative to her size.

"Alright, dig in!"


As you'd expect, Weaver and Kerubi practically inhaled theirs in seconds, while Áine was eating normally. They relaxed and enjoyed themselves while Áine ate, but it was fine for them.

Today was for relaxation after a long trip, and to think they're almost there...just a large, deadly desert to go.

It was even later in the day, and the trio was walking through the streets of Din Mai's Entertainment District. As one would expect, there was lots of Dancers of many kinds, from Humans to Lamias to even some bird like people, which Áine told her were Harpies and Eaglemen.

There was no real reason for them to come through here, other than curiosity. Áine and Weaver were looking all around, mostly taking in the sights of the buildings, while Kerubi was taking in the sights of...other things.

"...Kerubi?" Áine noted that she stopped walking, and was staring at something to their right.

She looked over and...


Kerubi didn't respond, staring into one of the buildings they were around and looking right at a performer, a tall man with perfectly sculpted abs. Áine didn't really see the appeal, but it looked like Kerubi enjoyed it.

...and she was drooling.

"Kerubi!" The little Fae hand smacked Kerubi's cheek, snapping her out of her staring. "Eyes on the road!"

"Uhh...right! Right...sorry."

"Honestly, with how you were ogling him, I'm surprised you haven't gotten laid yet!"

"Oh shut it Áine, at least I have that option!"

Áine smirked and crossed her arms. "I'm a God! I'm not wasting time searching for a mortal man or woman! I can choose whoever I want, whenever I want!"


"...So you resort to rape?"

Áine's eyes snapped open. "H-Hold up! That's wildly out of context-"

"Mom! Mom!" Weaver was at Kerubi's side, looking a little worried. "I smelled Smoke and Ash!"

Kerubi's face immediately sharpened, and she looked to Weaver. "Where?"

Weaver pointed down the street, another building that looked the same as the rest. There wasn't any actual flames seemingly pouring out, but their smell hasn't lied to them yet.

Kerubi ran with Weaver, Áine already prepared with Light gathered in her hands to blast holes in the ceiling to let the smoke out. Kerubi went through the beaded curtains separating the inside from the outside, and...saw that nothing was wrong.

"What? Weaver, I thought you said—"

"I know! But...there was that smell, and it's still here..."

Kerubi smelled the air, picking up the exact scent she was talking about. Before they could go any further, the clerk at the front, a traditionally dressed Human woman, gave them a smile.

"Hello travelers, are you here to enjoy some time with our Ladies?"

Kerubi was confused for a second, and before she went to respond, Áine flew off her shoulder and fluttered her wings, the light bending off them in hypnotic ways that seemed to put the clerk to sleep where she stood.

"Áine! What the hell?!"

"There's no time to discuss with her! If there's a fire, it's better we stop it now than later!"

Kerubi agreed on that, even if she didn't like how the woman was dealt with, and they continued in. Kerubi's nose tracked exactly where the scent was coming from, and it was a room just ahead.

The Beaded curtains were effective at blocking their figures from those in the rooms, but they could see in fine thanks to the windows. Which is why, when they got to the room that held the smell, they froze up immediately.

Why? Well...they found their local Daemon.

In that room, discarded of her usual black tattered cloak, was Tragedemia, her underclothes of tight red magic robes also to the side as she was holding a Lamia woman close. The Lamia was wearing the most bare essential clothes to be considered not nude, but clearly, she was feeling ready to take them off.

"You're a lovely lady Gihai, you know?" Tragedemia was leaned into her ear, whispering to her. "I'm sure you've been called that many times...but I truly mean it."

Tragedemia's flirts were clearly working, as Gihai's blue scaled tail was swaying rhythmically, a clear sign of happiness. " just say that with all the pretty women you see Miss Trag..."

"No, I truthfully don't. You're a Diamond in the rough..."

Kerubi and Áine were staring baffled at the scene, seeing Tragedemia lean into the Lamia's face to kiss her. Clearly, there was healthy sexual tension in the room, so the two were ready to move ba-

"WOAH!!" The loud voice scared the both of them, and they looked to the other side of the door, where Weaver was also looking in. "I didn't know you were into ladies!"

Tragedemia and Gihai's eyes snapped to the door, both blushing in their own species' way. Gihai's blush was more along her scaled body than her face, while Tragedemia's cheeks lit up the same way a human's does.

"W-Weaver?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I'm here with Mom and Áine!"


Kerubi sighed, knowing that Weaver had just fucked them over. "We smelled burning, or something close...we found you."

Tragedemia probably couldn't get any more embarrassed. "Y-You slimy Wankers! Can't a woman get her privacy?!"

"We're leaving! Our mistake!" Kerubi grabbed Weaver and left the building, sighing as they all felt embarrassed over what for the kid.

"Miss Tragedemia is into girls? That's good for her!"

"Yes, I guess it is..."

Getting that out of the way, they opted to just leave the area, not wanting to further make things worse by sticking around. For a day to relax after such a long and dangerous first leg of the was eventful.

Now to figure out how to soothe things over with their Daemon friend...

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