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Kerubi's New Clew

After she met the three knights under Robert, or rather Captain Darrows, they decided to get to know each other before leaving the city and heading to the capital.

Kerubi: So do you mind if I get comfortable!

Winna: Not at all! But first, introductions

She stood up and nearly head butted Kerubi's chest with her short stature.

Winna: Name's Winna Elt. I'm 19 and I've been a squire for 4 years!

Kerubi: Pleasure

Richard: Richard Elt. I'm 20 and the older sibling of this little ball of energy

Winna: I ain't little!

Kerubi/Richard: Yes you are

They looked at each other, a glint of admiration in their eyes as they locked their hands in camaraderie.

Kerubi:*smiles* We'll get along just fine

Richard: Damn right we will

They stepped back as Winna tried to hit her brother's head, failing miserably from their height difference.

Kerubi: Now then, you're Marcus correct?

Marcus: That is indeed correct Kerubi! My name is Marcus Corain, 22 years old and the first squire of Captain Darrows!

The light seemed to reflect off of him as he introduced himself.

Kerubi:*detested* It's like a white surface in the sun

She put her hand out for a handshake.

Kerubi: It's...a pleasure

He gently grasped her hand and bent to kiss it,

Marcus: The honor is all mi-OUCH!!

He jumped back and put a finger to his lip, which was slightly bleeding.

Kerubi:*sly smirk* I should have mentioned my scales are razor sharp

Winna: Yeah no kidding...did you say scales?

Kerubi: Indeed I did


Richard: You're a dragon?!

Winna: Really?!

She grabbed Kerubi's hand, minding the spikes.

Winna: I've always wanted to meet a dragonoid!

Marcus: It really goes to show your beauty matches your it still bleeding?

Kerubi: First off, I'm not a dragon, secondly, it stopped bleeding

Marcus had a face of relief, while the siblings were confused.

Richard: If you're not a dragon, what are you?

Kerubi: That's something that will probably get you to laugh, but whatever

She sat down and leaned her head on her hand.

Kerubi: I'm a worm, and I'm not sure what species


Winna: A fucking what?

Kerubi: A worm...the little bugs that crawl around in the ground and feel weird? Those

Richard: You...a worm?

Kerubi: Yep


Marcus: honestly the strangest thing I've probably heard

Kerubi: What? You ain't gonna flirt with me now? Afraid I'll wiggle around you in my sleep?

Marcus: Absolutely not! I'll keep trying until you do fall in love with me!

Kerubi: Well, he recovered fast

Winna: Let's forget about that for now, what can you do?

Kerubi: Well, I'm monstrously strong, I'm fast, and my senses are incredible compared to humans

Richard: How strong then?

Kerubi: Remember the training pole outside? I snapped it in half

Winna: Damn girl! The hell did you eat to do that?!

Kerubi: Well...a bit of everything

Marcus: Alright! That settles it!

He stood up, gaining everyone's attention. He stood at 185 cm, as the second tallest in the squad.

Marcus: I think we know enough, but we have to evaluate her ourselves to make sure she has what it takes!


Winna: He does this with everyone...just accept it and if you wipe that smirk off his face then I'll buy you dinner

In the training yard, several figures stood to the side, as both Kerubi and Marcus were standing in the middle.

Robert: This duel is a friendly bout! As such, any strike that would be deemed fatal will be considered a victory! Any successful pinning, disarming, and surrender are other ways for this too end. Any questions?

The two looked over to him, shaking their heads.

Robert: Begin!

Marcus unsheathed his blade, revealing the fine shine of the polished and sharp blade. Kerubi looked into his eyes as he did to hers.

Kerubi: He is really focused...a goof off the field and a serious fighter when in it

Kerubi didn't let her admiration shine through as she leveled with a glare, both sides have yet to move.


Winna: Are they...gonna fight soon?

Robert: Ah, but they are

Winna looked up to the man with a barely noticeable question mark floating above her head.

Robert: Winna, a fight isn't just slashing down your opponent, it's both a physical battle as much as it is mental

He looked out to the yard and watched both sides stare each other down.

Robert: It doesn't matter that Kerubi May be leagues stronger than him, or faster, as long as Marcus' mind is sharper, he has a chance at victory

Winna's eyes sparkled at the display of wisdom, before she heard footsteps echo from the battlefield.

Back to the fight, Marcus charged at his opponent with his sword in front of him. He raised it slightly and brought it down on Kerubi, who dodged away from the strike.

He twisted his blade and moved in her direction, forcing her to block the sword with her armored hands.

Kerubi: I'll admit, you can really throw someone off with your personality

Marcus: Well...I live by a code; Act the fool so you can always play that card

Kerubi smirked, before yanking the sword from his hands while still holding it in hers, as she swung it around and placed the top at his neck.

Kerubi: It's a smart trick, but make sure your opponent doesn't see through it next time ok?

Marcus:*smiling* I'll be sure to remember that

Kerubi handed Marcus his sword back, and gave him a rough handshake. A bond was started that day.

A bond of battle brothers...uh, sister.

Fun fact from the Author: A Clew is a group of worms

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