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Patrons of Humanity

Hilda was safe, already turned to the authorities to locate her home and send her back. She was thanked by many once the news got out that she ended the streak of kidnappings and abductions to the populace...

Yet Kerubi was still feeling very on edge.

She didn't know what was happening, nor why she felt that way, but Áine was there on her shoulder to comfort her. The little fairy's support going far beyond what her species was known for, always being there for Kerubi in the times she needed her.


"Yes Kerubi?" The little fairy was gently plucked from her shoulder, and now was staring Kerubi in the eyes. "Tell me Áine, is there anything you can sense that's causing me to be so...tense?"

The fairy closed her eyes, little dust particles floating off of her and spreading about. Soon though, she opened her eyes with a sigh. "I don't feel anything off, only the heat of the sun is any different, meaning only one thing..."

Kerubi's eyes slightly wandered upwards, staring at the sun dead on. "So they've taken notice of me now?"

"I think it started with Solstice, and now that the day has risen. Equinox is now watching you...and I think they're going to meet you soon too."

"And how do you know that Áine?"

"Call it a God's intuition, cause I have no better name for it."

Kerubi thanked her and put her back on her shoulder, swiftly heading back to the barracks where Tarti and the others were probably gearing up to go. The talks were done with quickly, as they came to both warn of the Demon threat, and to hopefully find ties to this "Tyrant".

They have done the Demon warning fine and dandy, but the news of the Tyrant was fresh on both rulers ears. Kerubi knew that this wasn't going to go smoothly nor easily, so she had to buckle in for the long run against this person.

Soon, the barracks were in sight, and she can see the Soldiers guarding the place starting to sweat from the distant stare of Equinox. She was beginning to grow tired of having the God stare her down like that, and she knew he would be watching her for a while before contact would be made: From what or who, she didn't know.

"Kerubi?" She turned her head once inside, seeing Tarti leaning against the wall and staring at her. "How on Earth are you managing this heat with all those heavy scales?"

"I have zero clue, but I'm thinking it's because I'm a user of flames myself."

"...Fair." Tarti got up from the wall, letting out a breath as she fanned her face. "Can you follow me for a moment? I need to speak with you before we leave."

She took Kerubi up with her to the top of the battlement, where the sun beat down on them relentlessly. Kerubi was fine as can be, but Tarti was...doing good, she guessed.

"What needs to be discussed?"

"It's about the Queen Kerubi."

Kerubi nodded and walked up next to her, leaning over the railing as Tarti did the same. "So what about her? Did she tell you anything important?"

"Not really, but she did mention wanting to...court you, for a more favorable word."

Kerubi had to hide a disgusted raise of her lip, but soon looked back to Tarti, who was staring at her with her brow raised. "Look, I'm not one to go after married people. Hell, I'm not even sure what my own preference is at this point."

"That's an understandable opinion, but what if you were able to bed her? You would be an important figure of a country, and one so developed as Leipni. "

"Not my style, I'm not one for politics."

She heard the door click open behind them, so both she and Tarti turned around to see who came up here. Kerubi's eyes widened considerably as she saw Almerox herself there, wearing a loose fitting uniform to let her skin breath under the hot sun.

"There's the lady of the Hour! I was hoping you would come to meet me soon after dispatching the Ullins, but you seemed to have other plans." She eyed Tarti with a small glare, but Tarti shrugged her shoulders.

"Apologies your Majesty, but I had a nagging feeling, something that wasn't sitting with me easy, so I came here to calm myself."

Almerox hummed and looked slightly up to the sun, covering her eyes with her hand. "Is it the terrible heat? It truly is beating down hard today..."

"I'm uncertain, but it's most likely connected."

Kerubi looked back towards the City, looking at the central tower that held the Queen's chambers. This whole city is surrounding it, and if she remembered right, there's countless guards both inside and out of it, how did she get out without detection?

'This Queen is the champion of Solstice, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.'

Her gaze went up to the sun, her eyes not bothered by doing so. 'Equinox...what the hell is your deal? Are you working with Solstice to do something?'

Áine flew up from out of nowhere, landing on the balcony edge and shaking a little water from her hair. "Sorry, it was getting hot so I went and took a dip in the lake. What did I miss?"

"Not much, just the Queen's here, and she and Tarti are..." She turned around and saw the two conversing with each other. "They seem to be doing well."

"Mmh...say, do you notice that?"

"Notice what?"

Áine looked up to the sky, narrowing her eyes. "It's about the sun, it seems even hotter and more...focused."


Kerubi bent down to the Fairy God, leaning close. "What do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying that Equinox must be doing something nearby...but I can't see him unless he manifests, so the best I can do is feel him out with the divine power he gives off."

"Alright, thanks for the warning." She got back up and turned to see that the conversation between the two Queen's seemed to be over, and Tarti was walking towards her.

She stopped just short of Kerubi, looking up into the taller woman's eyes. "Kerubi, the Queen and I discussed about this...courtship, she wishes to do."

"...I swear, if you accepted it..."

Tarti shook her head. "No, that's not what this is about. I saw the glimmer in her eyes Kerubi, she's a Champion."

"I know that."

"Then you know how dangerous she can be." Tarti lowered her voice, not wanting Almerox to hear her. "We can't be safe so long as she's on our tail, so it's best we leave Leipni before the Gods of this land grow tired of our refusal to their chosen."

Kerubi nodded, and got off from the railing to follow after Tarti. However, she felt her ear get tugged quickly by Áine, and when Kerubi looked over to scold her, she saw how wide her eyes were.

"Áine? What's wrong?"

"It's Equinox! He's nearby!" She looked panicked as she yelled that...

She shouldn't have yelled it.

As she finished, a massive blast of hot air blew Kerubi off the battlement, sending her into the bridge below as she cracked the stones on impact. She rolled for a few paces before stabbing her claws in the ground and halting herself.

"Son of a Bitch! This God really wants to ruin my day doesn't he?!" She looked up to the battlements with a snarl, but her face quickly adopted a look of shock as she saw him there.

Equinox was barely human looking, mostly just a Male shaped form bathed in light that seemed to be his entire figure. He looked down at her with no visible eyes, before turning around to look at what he had in his grip.

He had suspended Tarti in tendrils of light, and despite all the Queen's struggles, she was unable to free herself as he grew closer. "Let me go you bastard!"

"Fufu~, don't squirm to much Tarti." Almerox came up from behind and held Tarti's chin tightly, a sick grin on her face. "This won't hurt you, and I can finally get my prize that was always just out of reach."

"W-Wha-" Tarti was cut off as she suddenly felt breathless, and she looked to see Equinox's hand inside her stomach.

She soon began to feel her vision fade away, and looked over the edge to Kerubi with determined and confident eyes, despite the situation. "KERUBI!! ON MY NAME AS TARTI WISCON, I GIVE YOU FULL AUTHORITY TO DEFEND AND ATTACK THOSE WHO HARM YO-"

"Silence." Equinox quickly put a hand around her throat before pushing himself into her body even more. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, before Equinox was fully inside of her body.

Almerox gently let go of her, and she was then standing on her own feet again, the light binding receding. "So my dear, how does it feel to be in mortal flesh again?"

Tarti's eyes opened, revealing bright golden eyes instead of her usual grey. "Repulsive, I always hating using a vessel...alas, the moment calls for it, and I'll see this through for you."

" warm my heart my sweet sun."

Kerubi watched their entire event happen, her eyes unable to leave it after watching Tarti get possessed by Equinox. What was he planning with her body?

Equinox's gaze soon fell on Kerubi, as he drew Tarti's blade and held it aloft. "Kerubi, I am Equinox, Patron of Man in Leipni. At the request of my other half, Solstice, I will cut away your soul to make way for your empty flesh."

"WHAT?!" Her eyes soon turned a darker purple, as she snarled and prepared for combat against a God.

Almerox, now easily known as Solstice, walked up next to the possessed Queen. "Yes. I seek the greatest beauty and power possible. I care for my lands, but my lands need a glorious and strong leader to hold it by the reigns."

Her hands went to her face, cupping it as a blush quickly overtook it. "This mortal's flesh was great for many things, but it pales in comparison to the pure awe I had when my eyes landed on you!"

Equinox set the blade aflame. "Don't make this any more difficult, and I promise to eliminate your soul quickly."

Kerubi never gave a response, her teeth soon started to grow sharper as she took in the smell of two divines in such close proximity. Being around Áine helped her learn to control her urges when near the Gods, but with the two Gods in front of her, both flaunting their aura and power, on top of her being furious?

She was beginning to lose it.

Her horns quickly grew into the maw-like shape, framing her head as her claws grew longer and sharper. Her second pair of eyes quickly growing out from under her skin, and she took a single step that echoed out with the force behind it.

"Fine, you want my body so badly? You want to destroy me so badly?! THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO TAKE IT BY FORCE!!"

She felt Áine leave her shoulder, and she looked over to her. "Áine, get inside and make sure everyone gets out safely, I doubt this will be a pretty one."

"R-Right! On it!" The little Fairy turned to dust as she teleported inside, and Kerubi returned her glare to the top of the battlements.

Equinox looked ready and able to fight her in Tarti's body, while Solstice looked more reserved, possibly going to be fighting at range, or not at all, while in Almerox's body. Kerubi took a deep breath, widening her stance before screeching to the sky.

Her power exploded outwards, changing the once clear blue sky to a deep shade of purple. Her gaze returned to the two, and she already saw Equinox flying at her.

"Face me Gods! I'll only add you to the list of things I've consumed!" She sprang forward, leaping into the air and meeting Equinox halfway, heated glares were shared as the first clash of the battle was conducted.

The battle of Leipni's Gods has begun.

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