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Pint-sized Deity

The little balls of energy...both the girl and the actual energy balls, were hovering above the heads of Kerubi and Tarti. While Kerubi was watching with a smile, the Queen was completely baffled and confused.

Tarti: How does this happen?

Kerubi looked back to her, putting her arms out in front of her and catching Weaver in her arms.

Kerubi: I guess we can start with the when. I cornered her and gave her an ultimatum, and obviously to anyone who values life, she accepted.

Weaver: Yeah, I was scared, but mom made sure it didn't hurt!

Kerubi:*smiles* Adorable...

Tarti: So did a demon change into...a worm?

Kerubi: Remember my question about a worm's reproduction?

Tarti nodded

Kerubi: It's about that, but instead of two worms rubbing a mucus layer together, I sort of...let my instincts...go


Tarti: I'm not sure if I want you to elaborate or not

Kerubi: I'll just say it quick...I let my body go and I woke up with a massive cocoon of solid mucus in front of me

Weaver: Oh! I can explain!

She hopped out of Kerubi's arms, standing on the ground and showing she was exactly half Kerubi's height.

Weaver: Mom covered me in the slime, and it felt really gross but I held strong! When I was surrounded I felt magic coursing through me, and it put me to sleep

Kerubi:*mutters* So that's what happened...

Weaver: When I woke up, I felt stronger and faster, and I could use lightning! I even felt a connection to mom!

She ended it with a hug to Kerubi, who still had a hard time being called mom.

Kerubi: I really am a mother...and my old memories never showed me a child of my own so I became a mother before I was a father...I'm disappointed in myself

Tarti: Well that's...interesting. As well as highly disturbing

Kerubi: Nothing we can do now. But that's something I want to bring up...Weaver?

Weaver: Yeah?

Kerubi: When you were a demon, what were you told about? Or what do you remember having to do when you were summoned?

Weaver: Hmm...I remember suddenly waking up in a dark room, and I heard whispers in my head that told me what to do

Tarti: And...these whispers told you?...

Weaver: They said to "Eliminate the Enemies of the Tyrant"


Kerubi was processing the information, trying to figure out if this king was that much of a prick that even the demons called him that. Tarti was mulling it over too, but came to the realization of something dire.

Tarti: Kerubi, what do you know of the Leipni kingdom?

Kerubi: Absolutely nothing except that you are at war with them and now their name

Tarti: Alright, the kingdom has been our rival for many years, but in all the dealing between us and them, their kings have been benevolent and friendly to all but us

Kerubi:'re saying that the people love their king?

Tarti: Yes, so this "Tyrant" can't be their original king...possibly a usurper

Kerubi: If that's the case, we need to prepare for war, at least war with real people as well

Tarti: That might be too sudden, but we need to do something


Tarti: Let's gather the other generals and decide on what too do next

Kerubi: Agreed

Kerubi and Tarti split away, considering Kerubi's inexperience with the subject of war she decided to stick out of the meeting. Weaver broke away too and went to introduce herself to the others, which is going to be another few surprises to deal with later.

Kerubi: Alright then...what to do...

Walking out of the castle gates, she looks around at the activity around the city that came back surprisingly quick after the attack.

Walking through the crowd, she saw many people making way for her, most likely because of her intimidating appearance.

While walking, she picked up on several smells, some of them being sweet, others crisp like cooked meat, and one that caught her attention.

Kerubi: Divine...

She singled out the smell, walking past a few buildings and making her way down an alley. Past the alley was a small shrine, with characteristics unlike the 4 gods of Daggal.

Kerubi: So someone's a foreigner nearby? Freedom of religion is something that's exercised here so it doesn't surprise me that this exists

She walked closer to the Shrine, looking around and spotting nobody else around. Getting down on a knee, she pointed her finger at the shrine and shot out a small pulse of magic into it.


The shrine rattled a small bit, as a small ball of light shot out the top.


The ball of light flew down to Kerubi's face catching her off guard and nearly sending her on her back.

?: What's the big idea?! You trying to give me a heart attack with that overflow of terrifying mana?!


?: Seriously, I try to rest for a few years and I'm rudely awoken by a blast of mana that nearly made me piss myself!

Kerubi couldn't get her words in, but this small...fairy?...lets go with radiating a divine aura, so she is obviously someone powerful.

Kerubi: Can you calm down for a seco-

?: Oh, so first you wake me rudely, then demand me to shut up? You mortals are so insufferable!

Kerubi: I'm trying to diffu-

?: All you do is fight and steal and cheat from each other, all the time!

Kerubi:*gritting teeth* If you would simmer down, maybe we co-

?: I've just about had it with these rude Elves, and then the humans cause problems, then you-

Kerubi: ENOUGH!!


She snarled at the fairy, who fell to the ground from the force of mana behind the roar and froze out of fear.

Kerubi: If you could keep your mouth shut for one second, I might have been able to string together a sentence longer than you are tall!

She grabbed the fairy and held her in her hand, raising her to eye height while the poor thing was trembling from her rage.

Kerubi: Now that I have your attention, will you kindly shut the fuck up?

The fairy nodded rapidly

Kerubi: Good. I'm Kerubi, and I sensed a divine presence nearby, which turned out to be coming from this shrine, most likely dedicated to you

The fairy stopped shaking, suddenly remembering the situation.

?: Really? I'm a Goddess! Of course I have shrines!...but I never expected such a terrible mana to wake me from my vacation

Kerubi: Well I'm sorry, but I was curious abo-...did, did you say "vacation"?



Kerubi let go of her hold, gently resting the fairy goddess on her hand.

Kerubi: Well, I'm sorry for interrupting your rest Goddess, but may I know your name?

?: Oh! Uhh, sure...

She stood up on her hand, spreading her sparkling rainbow wings and posing with a soft smile.

?: My name is Áine, I'm the Goddess of all Faires, and represent Summer, Wealth, and Sovereignty!


Kerubi: Must they always pose?

Áine's pose dropped slightly as she saw the disapproving face Kerubi made.

Áine: What's with that look?! Am I not what you expected?!

Kerubi: Apologies, but I'm just wondering why you found the need to pose. Elenh did the same thing and it just confuses me

Áine: Elenh huh? She did mention meeting the Beast...

Kerubi: Beast?

Áine realized she said that out loud, but after that...she realized who is holding her.


Kerubi: Umm...I'm not sure?

Áine: I...*sigh* she did say the beast wasn't dangerous unless provoked

Kerubi: Okay, that's just plain rude!

Áine: Apologies, but I never would have thought I'd meet you this soon...if at all

Kerubi: That's fine...but what now?

Áine: What?

Kerubi: I mean, what will you do?


Áine: Probably heads back to the divine realm, I want to relax from the mortal problems and just kill some things

Kerubi: You...are violent, aren't you?

Áine: Yeah...I've been told it's a problem

Kerubi: Hmm...why not come with us?

Áine: Excuse me?

Kerubi: We're on a war against a rival kingdom, but Demons are thrown in the mix-

Áine: Sure! I'll be happy to join!


Kerubi: Huh?

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