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Twelveth page

Let's selfie~

I draw this cuz I want something new in the story :))

The strange one is me!

Ok. Get back to the story~


Ewwwwww.....just ew!!


Hm, is it just me or killing someone does counted as a dirty job.

_ I don't have time for crazy kid like you!! - He scream at the top of his lung, may he can chase some little kids.l, you crazy monster...

_ If you have time to say nonsense, then find a way to open this elevator!

Sure he can't do that.

_ Then will you kill me?

_ Ray, you just can-n...... - I open my mouth to protest.

_ Yeah, yeah, whatever.

I'm still processing.....did she just say what I think she just said?!

Why it has to be him?!

Ray head back to the hallway.

Before i snap out of my thought and ready to chase after her, I look at the man one more while he's trying to look around the door for any slit.

_ Does it hurt? - I decide to ask bluntly.

_ Hah? What do you mean, brat? - He look annoyed but answer anyway. Well, what else could I mean?

_ Your burn. Does it hurt? - I realized he has this bandages cover all over his body and his burn skin from the corner of my eyes makes him like a whole mess. He doesn't know how to dress his wound properly, does he?

_ .....not really.......It has been a long time..... - There is a glimpse of sadness flash through his eyes before turning back to normal.

_ Why am i talking to you anyway?!?! - He turns his head away, avoiding the topic.

_ Good to know you. - With that i leave him to go look for Ray. At least I now know he has a weak side, I should take that as a threat if he dare to do some tricks under my watch.


This girl.......


I catch up to Ray, who is examining the bird brain's body. She ignore the bloody smell, searching through his inner pockets, a key.

But to where?

The first thought comes to my mind. The door on the left near the entrance that we have entered! It must be it!

Ray has the same thought as we start heading our destination.

I kinda want to go over the bird brain's body. He is not dead yet. I recognized he was still breathing slightly. And how he moved at the moment Raychel walked out. I caught the whole scene with my eyes, which made me smirk.

Good actor but not with me. Let's just hope he'll die from blood loss.

I can't let my guard down every minutes pass till we got into the room.

Yep. The key fits the hole gives a clicking sound. Again a switch on the plain wall. A opened sound can be heard from afar.

At the middle of the return, I separated with Ray, I have to double check on him again, just for sure...

Good. Still lying there breathing....



..............should I?........


I quickly pull out and stab his hand with a small knife in my pocket, no hand no harm.....maybe less.

_ Don't make me cut the whole thing. It's rude to ditch your nose in someone else's business, don't you think?

*third person pov*

The girl laugh, then flee after ward leaving the man bleeding badly from the opened wound. The man gritting his teeth, mumbling something under his breath may with fear someone will eavesdrop, his expression becomes darker and darker...


As soon as Rachel get into my sight, she's with the jerk, waiting for me. I should not leave her alone with this guy, who knows what can happen.

_ Y/N. - Rachel look at me directly like she has something really important to tell me in person.

_ Yes? - I glance at the jerk once before give her my full attention....don't tell me.....

_ We've made a promise....He'll kill me. As soon as we get out of this place. - At the moment she said that, her eyes flash some liveliness. I can see them lighten up a little, which bother me. Oh my god, I'll make some stupid decisions again...

You expect me to accept that?! No freaking way!!


.....see her getting all excited like a child craving for new toys.

_ Ok. - I sigh, giving up.

_ Really? - Her lips curl into a small smile with a satisfying look.

_ Like I can stop you... - I mumble the last sentence but I know she heard it.

_ Are you done talking yet? Can we go now?! Ugh! I hate this place!! - The jerk can stand being left out. He growl and yell at us to hurry while stomping his feet on the ground several time, show us that he's impatient.

Rachel then hold my hand, lead me to the elevator with the jerk's in it.

Of course....

......I lied.

While waiting for the elevator to reach it's destination, we exchange a little words. The jerk start the conversation first.

_ Hey, brat. I didn't catch your name...Don't tell me if you don't want to. - He glance at me.

_ Thought you would want to keep those nick name of yours. - I smirk then introduce myself.

_ I'm (Y/N) (L/N). - I point at myself then to Ray. - This is Rachel Gardner.

_ Hm...too long. I'll keep your nick name for short. - He snort.

_ Will you tell us your name then? - I raise my eye brow, poor boy. He don't even know simple manner while introducing.

_ Zack. - He cut it short or....maybe it's not his real name.

_ Before getting further, I have two rules for you two. One: no wandering around, you will waste my precious time. Two: no smiling or jumping or dancing happily. I especially hate those who laugh from joy -- when I see those face I just want to -- KILL THEM IMMEDIATELY AND PAINFULLY!!

I'll pass the first one. Not wandering with hope that we can find the exit, yeah right. Two, no need to worry. Look at Ray's face, smile happily. Huh. No way. And if she is capable of doing that, I would prefer it wont happen.

Our little chat ends when the sound of the opening door can be heard. The cold air hit our skin. It's so cold down here! This hoodie is not thick enough. May this wont affect Ray' health, the cold causes more trouble without care.

_ Tch! We've only reached B4?! - Zack look up to the word B4 is written in red color on the brick wall. - Let's get out the here quickly!!

_ you cann't get through all these puzzle on your own.... - I mumble, still the words get to Zack's ears.

_ What did you say?! - He growl while glaring at me.

This guy's temper is hopeless.

_ I see something under the water. - Ray says, pointing at the spot, where bubbles keep coming from.

_ What is it? What is it?! - Zack tries to look over Ray shoulders to have a full view of the thing. He nearly pushes me into the water.

_ Watch where you going! - I hiss.

Zack didn't hear it, get more curious in the thing under the water, which gets me more mad but I keep my mouth shut. Ray is here, time is important.

_ I don't know. - Ray says. Clearly it's shape has been blurred by the dirty water. Guess it wasn't cleaned for years...

_ If you don't know then how should I know. - Another bird brain says.

_ Just by looking at it all day won't do a thing. Now hurry and do something!! - Geeze...

Sorry but I want to punch him.

_ I understand...

In front of us now is a cemetery, a huge one. There are nine tombs, one new hole has been digged ready for a new body. No wonder this place is stinky by the blood smell fill the atmosphere. Zack seem to have the same thought while use one hand to cover his nose. Ray isn't affected by this. Zack challenge me to break some tombs, which i don't mind. Ray's busy looking around then lay her eyes on the hole. She gets closer with us follow behind. She sits on her heels to get a closer look. As she is about to put her hand in the hole, I stop her, shake my head to say that she should not get her hand dirty. It might be a trap. She could lose her fingers or hand. Of course she doesn't get the whole message, still she look back at me for solution. I put my hand in. Then this time, Zack stop me.

_ Get off. - I demand, not looking up at him.

He pull my hand back by force, replace his hand in.

_ keep your short hand for yourself!! If you don't change your tone, one day you will lie in a hole like this one, but in a much worse situation. Oh! Maybe I should do that. - He chuckle for his own joke, dig his hand deeper, then put out a key.

_ There! - Zack show me the key, smirking like he just prove his better, which is not.

I look at him. Sigh.


I smile then pat his head slightly, which surprises him. His body tense up, loosing later minutes, but I didn't notice. I get back to Ray so I miss the pink dust plash through Zack's cheek for a second.

The key open a mortuary, which lies on the left of the cemetery. In there has arranged big freezer cartons into two lines make the way at the center lead to a dead end, or that's what we think. A big slit on the wall run down until it reach the ground. May this building is just too old or a hidden path on the other side, secret room? These things only bring bad luck. Sure it will become garbage eventually .

The water flowing from the small slit next to the "maybe hidden path" looks fresh.

_ Zack. Wash your hand here. This looks fresh. - The horrible smell from his hands gives me more and more difficulty to hold back my food in my stomach.

Of course, after that I have to prepare some new bandages for him. Good thing I spare some in case worse situations. Unfortunately, It wont be THAT easy like I thought. Zack refuse to be touch by me. Why does he always have to make a fuss over some little things?

So trouble some.

I threat to leave him with that smell forever if he's still stubborn. At first, he hum at me and turn away, sitting on the ground with his back face me to protest. As some minutes go by, Zack glance back at me a few time. Its fun to tease him, noted.

I give up, handing him some bandages, I follow Ray to investigate more, leaving Zack some time to pack things up. So we found some information about those death in this building; for example, " Watkin Beckett (36) - POD: B3, COD: blood loss from the shot opened wound. The key for B4 is what he keeps but hasn't been found. Conclusion, he may lost it." .

All these people, they were killed by a group of murders living in this building. Guess every targets get killed by on or another way, facing every boss at every floor, Daniel has clamed he is the boss of B5. There should be more.... Even Zack doesn't know much, well, like I can expect much from this mess.

This key has been found from the water where Zack dip his hands in, now it's stinky. A big grave yard expose before our eyes after we open the right room, bright and chilly. The tombstones kept in order lie two side the main way. We stop in front the biggest one. Ray cant keep in her surprise; she has her name written on the plain tombstone. Next to it is Zack's and.....well, mine is nowhere to be seen, just a doll lying there instead. The poor thing looks old like it has been used a lot for relieving stress. Many lost parts, which is tattered and can be found far away from the doll, still it might have been fixed a little. Someone try to keep the doll from falling apart completely.



_ Oh! Look at all these tombstones! Who needs so many tombstones for their own?!

Ray mumble the words on the white tombstone near the entrance we have just walked pass.

" The sanctuary of those chosen ones!

Those have been chosen by the supreme being, who are pure, loved by the angles, those special....

will gladly be lying here after passing away, the privilege.

-- But sure remember.....

Those souls who dare to submit betrayal shall be buried in the hell's flame."

Ray is still looking at "her tombstone" until Zack's shout grab her back to reality.

Is she afraid?

Who wouldn't?

Even Zack scare to die in a nowhere like this.

Being forgotten....

How painful.....

At first, we decide to let Ray get inside the big slit on the wall, Zack and I are too big to fit in. And of course Zack shows his disapproval to let Ray escape through that hole like who knows to where it leads. Lots of argument, Ray has her thought across Zack, he cant talk back any more. That's the reason makes me alone with Zack now. Gosh, worst person to stay with.

--------------------------------------End of chapter twelve-----------------------------------------------------------

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