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Topic 4: Your Free Time

1. Do you have much free time?
Model Answer: At the moment, I don’t have as much free time as I’d like due to a busy work schedule. However, I try to carve out some time in the evenings and on weekends to relax and do things I enjoy. Balancing work and leisure is important to me, so I make sure to schedule time for hobbies when possible.

2. What do you like to do in your free time?
Model Answer: In my free time, I like to read, watch movies, and explore new hobbies like photography. I also enjoy going for walks or spending time with friends. When I have more
time off, I love traveling and exploring new places, as it gives me a break from the routine and a chance to experience different cultures.

3. In your free time, do you spend more time at home, or outside?
Model Answer: I would say it’s a mix of both, but I tend to spend more time at home. I find it relaxing to unwind in my own space, especially after a long day. However, on weekends or when the weather is nice, I prefer being outside, going for walks, or spending time in nature.

4. Has the way you spend your free time now changed, compared to the way you spent your free time in the past?
Model Answer: Yes, the way I spend my free time has changed quite a bit. When I was younger, I spent more time being active, hanging out with friends, and engaging in social
activities. Now, I prefer quieter pastimes like reading or watching a movie, and I value relaxation more. I think this shift is due to having more responsibilities and a busier lifestyle.

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