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Chap 14+15

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Chapter 14


Yuri groaned at the sound of the alarm. Why am I sleeping on the floor?! She looked up at her bed and saw that Sooyoung had successfully occupied their two joined beds with her arms and legs spread out, oddly resembling Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. She cursed as she saw Sooyoung’s happy sleeping face. Stretching her body a little, she proceeded to the bathroom to wash up and then to the kitchen for her Ma. She glanced out of the window as she sipped on her drink.

A few days has passed since the newspaper report. Yuri had not heard from Hyomin as the latter hadn’t replied to her texts and calls. Yuri had also slowly gotten adjusted to the weird glances she was receiving. Still, she stuck mostly to her trusty wayfarers to avoid getting them.

Weather looks good for a jog.

Changing into her jogging attire, she slipped on her shoes. Suddenly remembering that she wasn’t wearing shades, she shrugged it off by reasoning that it was unnecessary this early in the morning. Plus, the park had relatively little human traffic.

As she embarked on her short run towards the park, she couldn’t help but shake off the feeling that she was being followed. Thinking it was nothing, she ignored it and continued jogging to her destination.

When she finally got there, she did light stretching exercises. The morning air was refreshing. She hadn’t had a good morning jog for a while now, and was looking forward to clock a few rounds around the perimeters of the park. As she stretched her limbs, she couldn’t help but take a glance at a particular spot across the park. It was her secret meeting place with Hyomin. She wondered how the girl was doing.

“Excuse me. Are you Kwon Yuri?”

Turning around, she came face to face with three girls. They were probably a little younger than her. “Yea…?”

The girl who approached her nodded slightly and almost immediately, someone appeared behind Yuri holding a bucket, and emptied its contents over her. Instinctively, she backed away but still couldn’t fully avoid it.

It was red paint. Her hair, clothes, shoes, everything had paint on it.


“Stay away from Hyomin.” she heard one of the girls say. They hurried off while Yuri was still wiping her face.

Yuri was infuriated. Running to the nearest washroom, she washed her face and her hair at the basin, but the paint on her body required a shower. Highly embarrassed, angered and frustrated, she sprinted back towards her apartment, dripping red paint on the way. Inevitably, everyone stared at the girl. She could hear people gossip as she ran past them, mostly associating her with Hyomin and the newspaper article from days ago. She didn’t want to care, but it was too irritating too ignore. It only added fuel to the fire.

When she finally got home, she slammed the door shut and cursed under her breath. Yoona awoke at the noise and walked out of her room.

“Yuri! What happened to you!” her eyes widened at the sight of a seemingly bloodied Yuri.

“Crazy fangirls!” Yuri yelled as she walked straight into the bathroom, “Friggin’ red paint! Seriously!” and then slammed the door shut.

Damn!! These clothes are ruined!! And my shoes!!! she threw them on the bathroom floor in frustration.

She showered to calm down, but it didn’t help much other than ridding the paint on her body and her hair. When she came out, Sooyoung and Yoona were both in the kitchen, looking at her in concern.

“Yul, it’s dangerous for you to be out alone now. You never know how far some obsessed fans can go.” Sooyoung said.

“The hell is their problem?? This was what I’ve been worrying about since I got involved with her a year ago, and now that I’m not, it comes back to haunt me?!” Yuri exclaimed.

“Chill Yul. Let’s focus on getting you out of this mess and preventing further incidents like these.” Yoona told the flustered girl. “Sooyoung and I have discussed this, we think you need to contact Hyomin and ask her to schedule some press release to clear the air or something.” Yoona suggested.

“And I’m puzzled. Why isn’t her company clearing the air about this? There seems to be no comment from them so far.” Sooyoung said.

Yuri groaned and rubbed her temples. “I don’t know. And I can’t get to Hyomin. I’ve tried contacting her but got no reply. And I bet the hospital’s still swarming with reporters. There’s no way I can even see her, not to mention talk.”

“Oh don’t worry about that.” Sooyoung grinned.


Soon after, the trio arrived at the hospital. Yuri was right; the swarm of reporters hadn’t dissipated at all. Adjusting her black wayfarers, Yuri gestured to her two friends who immediately went into action.

“YA! Kwon Yuri’s over there!” Sooyoung roared, her voice so loud it was almost deafening, but definitely audible to everyone in the area. Without delay, the crowd of camera-wielding-stalkers stormed towards the girl in the distance.

As they approached the girl, they held up their cameras and started snapping away. The girl seemed unfazed. “Miss Kwon, how long have you two been together?”, “Do you think your girlfriend will be kicked out of T-ara?”, “Are you the cause of Hyomin’s hospitalization?” the questions popped up like daisies as everyone struggled to get their story.

The girl hesitated for some time before pulling down her hood and taking off her shades. “Miss Kwon who?”

“That’s not Kwon Yuri!” one of the reporters shouted out. The crowd jeered and immediately turned around, heading back to their spots, deleting the photographs they’ve just taken.

Inside the hospital, Yuri smiled as Sooyoung made her way to her, followed by Yoona. “That was awesome, you guys.”

“No sweat. You’re gonna be fine upstairs?” Sooyoung asked.

Inhaling deeply, Yuri said, “Yea I will be.”

“Alright. We’ll be at the canteen when you’re done.” Yoona stated while Sooyoung had already gotten a head start to her destination.

Yuri took the elevator and made her way to the floor Hyomin’s ward was on. There was a single guard outside her ward, while the rest of the floor seemed relatively empty. Yuri thanked her lucky stars. She stopped in front of the big burly man who was beside the door. It was the exact same man from days ago.

“I’m here to visit Hyomin.”

“No visitors allowed, Miss.”

Yuri took off her shades. “This is important. Please.”

The man instantly widened his eyes upon recognizing the girl. “Oh. I understand.” He opened the door for the girl.

Entering the ward, Yuri noticed that Hyomin was asleep. She looked pale and fragile, seemingly still in bad shape. Yuri walked over to her and brushed off her bangs.

It woke the girl. “Yuri??” the girl sat up immediately, but Yuri held on to her to stop her. “You’re here!” she raised her hands and touched Yuri’s face.

Yuri smiled slightly. She took a chair and sat by the bed. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” Hyomin smiled. She had missed Yuri but being immobilized in the hospital couldn’t bring her to the girl. She was beyond ecstatic to see her come to her instead.

“Good. So why didn’t you return my calls?”

Hyomin’s smile disappeared and she confessed, “I wanted you to come here.”

“You do know how risky it is for me to appear at the hospital don’t you?” Yuri looked down and fiddled with her own fingers, trying not to look into Hyomin’s hopeful eyes.

“Yes. But you’re here now aren’t you?”

Exhaling, Yuri replied, “You should know what I’m here for.”

Hyomin nodded. “I’m sorry about that day. I was so happy to see you again that I wasn’t thinking straight. You were leaving and--”

“I know. I understand.” Yuri interrupted, knowing full well that Hyomin wasn’t one to be rash and heedless of consequences. That one outburst was inadvertent and out-of-character for Hyomin. “How’s your family taking the news?”

“They aren’t too glad about it. But they didn’t chide me, maybe because I’m still recovering.” Hyomin said, regretful of any possible rifts that might occur in the family.

“And the T-ara members?”

Hyomin shrugged. “They are fine, but I feel guilty. Whatever I do represents the group in some way.”

Yuri nodded solemnly, preparing to ask the next question.

“The company isn’t saying anything to the reporters. They’re gonna schedule a press release for me when I’m well. I’m not getting fired.” Hyomin said, unknowingly answering Yuri’s thoughts.

“That’s great, I’m happy for you.” Yuri heaved a sigh of relief. “So… what are you gonna say to the press?”

Hyomin smiled. “They told me to say that you’re just a cousin that I haven’t seen in ages. And… as for the other details, the company might threaten to sue the newspaper for libel.”

Yuri pondered for a moment. “Well… That works I guess.”

“Yuri,” Hyomin held Yuri’s hands. “So it doesn’t matter if we get seen together anymore.”

Yuri looked at her, puzzled. When it dawned on her what Hyomin meant, she shook her head. “But we are not together.”

Yuri’s negative response saddened Hyomin. Desperate, she tried to explain, “Yuri, you don’t have to worry about my career anymore. The company knows about us, and I’m not getting fired. We just have to be careful not to do anything over the line in public...”

Yuri let go of her hands and interrupted her. “That’s not the point…”

Hyomin leaned forward, desperate to convince the girl. “And I promise I will make more time…”

“We CAN’T.” Yuri interrupted her again. “We can’t get back together Minnie.” she said, a little frustrated. Hyomin was unknowingly wasting her efforts.

“Why?? Everything worked out, Yuri--“

“I’m seeing someone.” Yuri confessed finally. It wasn’t impetuous; the girl had already planned to tell Hyomin the truth.

The weight of the three words fell heavily on the girl. She didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t. “You’re lying…” She looked straight into Yuri’s eyes. “You’re just cooking up excuses! Why don’t you want to get back with me??”

Sighing, Yuri looked back at her. She hated this part; it was like breaking up with Hyomin again. But it was inevitable; it had to be cruel just so Hyomin could give up. “I’m not… lying.”

Hyomin knew the girl too well. Yuri always sucked at lying; she would look away, play with her hair, rub her nose, in short, her body language would always give her away. Desperately, Hyomin searched for something, a signal, an averted glance, anything that could prove Yuri was lying.


Yuri looked down. Hyomin’s eyes were filled with so much disappointment it was hard for her to look into them. “I’m sorry.” was all Yuri could manage.

“It’s that girl who called you seobang, isn’t it?”

Yuri sighed. “That’s not important.”

“Answer me.”

Yuri looked up at the girl; tears were streaming down her face and Yuri still couldn’t look into her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she nodded in response.

Hyomin was shaking by now. “You don’t love me anymore?” Hyomin’s managed to say. Her tears fell uncontrollably, her breaths shorter.

Yuri grabbed a tissue and wiped Hyomin’s tears away. “Listen.” Yuri reached forward and grabbed onto the girl’s arms to calm her down. “You have no idea… Just how much I care for you. I freaked out when I found you unconscious. I freaked out at the possibility of losing you. I freaked out at the thought of you losing your career. It KILLS me to see you get hurt, so please, don’t do silly things anymore.”

Her words brought little comfort to the distraught girl. “It really wasn’t intentional… I missed you so much that night… And I couldn’t sleep…” Hyomin cried hard, her weak condition prevented her from continuing. The fact that Yuri was looking at someone else, the fact that Yuri was thinking of someone else, and the fact that Yuri was in love with someone else destroyed her.

“Shhh… It’s okay. Try to breathe.” Yuri patted her back slowly. She didn’t want to continue the conversation until Hyomin calmed down.

A knock came on the door. The guard opened the door slightly. “Sorry to interrupt, but Miss Park has visitors.”

Yuri immediately got up. “Wait…” Hyomin tugged on her arm.

Moments later, the door opened and in walked the T-ara members. They stopped near the door, stunned at the sight of a teary Hyomin and the girl whom they met a few days ago.

Yuri bowed to them as most of them were older. They bowed back.

“We’ll just wait outside for a while.” Eunjung said, before urging the other 4 girls to exit the room.

When they were out, Yuri sat back down on the chair. They both took several seconds of silence while Hyomin calmed down and Yuri bathed in guilt.

Breaking the silence, Hyomin questioned, “Do you… love her?”

Yuri frowned and rubbed her temples. “Why are you asking questions like that when you know the answer will just hurt you further?”

Hyomin ignored Yuri’s comment. “Since… when?”

Yuri sighed, frustrated that the girl would want to know such details. “Since high school.”

Predictably, the girl would be taken aback by Yuri’s answer. Yuri tried to explain; “I just… I cannot be with you when I’m thinking about someone else.” Yuri paused, overwhelmed by guilt and feeling like the cruelest person alive. “I’m sorry... There’s no way I can sweeten this story but I cannot live a lie like that. It’s unfair to all of us.”

“So did you… ever… love me?”

Yuri looked Hyomin in the eyes. “Yes. I did.”

Hyomin already knew Yuri’s answer. The year long relationship they had proved everything. Yuri was the great girlfriend who had always put Hyomin before herself. She took it for granted that Yuri would always be there, despite the fact that she couldn’t do the same. In spite of this, Hyomin had been knowingly selfish all along; she wanted her career, and she wanted Yuri.

Even now, she couldn’t give up both.

But now that Yuri’s made this decision…

Hyomin closed her eyes for a little while, took a deep breath and wiped her tears. “If you love someone, let them go, right?”

Yuri didn’t respond, instead, she kept her eyes on Hyomin’s face, worrying that the girl couldn’t take it. Hyomin tried to smile a little and held onto the girl’s hands. “Does she love you?”

A tear fell down Yuri’s face. “Yes.”

Hyomin looked away. “Okay. That’s good.” Yuri noticed that the girl’s hands were shaking and held on tighter.

“Then I guess…” Hyomin said, fighting back the umpteenth wave of tears which were threatening to spill. “Be happy with her, Yuri.” She smiled a little.

Yuri immediately hugged the girl tightly. “Thank you.”

“I just want you to be happy, Yuri.” the girl whispered. Yuri’s hug was causing her heart to sting, even though she longed so much for it. She knew she would miss this feeling. “That’s what love is… isn’t it?”

Yuri was at a loss of words; she could only nod in response.

Hyomin rested in her arms a while more, indulging in the embrace as much as she can. She bit on her tongue hoping that her tears would stop. With much reluctance, she lightly smacked Yuri’s back and said, “Go to school, Yuri. You have class at this hour.”

“You remembered.” Yuri smiled through her teary eyes.

“Of course I do.”

“Alright.” Yuri broke off the embrace, oblivious to Hyomin’s reluctance. She smiled at Hyomin who did the same. Walking to the door, she turned back and said, “I’ll see you, Minnie.” before making her way out of the room.

Hyomin watched as Yuri left the ward. Her tears fell the moment Yuri disappeared.




Two girls sat on the bench in the park, staring into the night sky, littered with stars. They sat in silence, enjoying the peace and quiet of having no one else around, taking comfort in each other’s company.


“I lied...”

Hyomin kept silent. She diverted her attention to the tanned girl, waiting for her to complete her sentence.

“You know that night when we were drunk? I do remember what happened. I kissed you, didn’t I?” the girl said, still looking at the sky.

In an instant, Hyomin could feel her heart beating faster. She wondered if Yuri remembered everything; including how Hyomin reciprocated it. She feared that this might cause a rift in their friendship. Looking down immediately, she hurriedly tried to explain, “We were both drunk then… It’s okay--”

“But I’m not drunk now.” the girl interrupted.

“Hmmm?” Hyomin looked up at the girl, only to find their faces inches apart. She braced herself as the tanned girl leaned forward, kissing her under the moonlit sky.

“I think… I love you, Hyomminie.”

I’m sorry.

But I need to forget about Sica.

(end of flashback)

Chapter 15

“Honey, I’m home! What’s for dinner tonight?” Yuri asked as she stood by the beautiful kitchen.

“Ohh… You’re in for a treat.” Jessica walked to the oven as Yuri settled comfortably at the dining table in front of it, holding up the knife and fork that had been neatly placed on the table.

“Look, baked chicken!” Jessica said excitedly as she threw air down on Yuri’s plate.

“Mmmm… looks delicious my dear.” Yuri stared at her empty plate with eyes of hope.

“That’s ‘cos it IS delicious.” Jessica replied confidently as she walked over to the sink and lifted the faucet. “Awww, the sink is broken.” she pouted as she fidgeted with it.

Smiling, Yuri dropped the utensils in her hands, got off her seat and held Jessica’s hand. “That’s okay honey,” she led Jessica into another showcase. “That’s why we have 2 kitchens!”

“You’re so smart!” Jessica exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck and kissed her on the cheek.

“Of course I am.” Yuri grinned widely as she led her girlfriend to yet another showcase. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

The happy couple was at IKEA, shopping for a new couch to replace Jessica’s old ‘dirtied by TaeNy’ one. Inevitably, they were distracted by the awesome showcases and started playing around with them.

Yuri sat on the bed with Jessica beside her. “Nah, not as comfortable as your fluffy bed.” Yuri complained.

Jessica giggled. “We aren’t even shopping for beds, Kwon Yuri.”

“Oh yea, the loveseat. Right.”

“What makes you think I’ll get a loveseat?!” Jessica exclaimed.

Yuri smiled confidently. “Cos you will.” she replied and got off the bed.

“Hmpf.” Jessica followed suit and clung onto the taller girl’s arms as they travelled over to the couch section.

There were plenty of choices; different textures, different colors, different sizes, and different shapes. Both girls had their mouths hung open at the numerous options.

“Sica baby.”

“Hmmm?” Jessica looked up at the taller girl.

“Tell you what. We’ll go on separate ways and choose the best couch, and in 15 minutes we’ll meet back here.” Yuri suggested. “How about that?”

Jessica nodded. “Sure.”

“Ready? 1, 2, 3, GO!!” Yuri announced. “See you in 15!” the tall tanned dork exclaimed excitedly as she made a head start.

The 2 girls went in different directions, searching for that perfect couch.

Loveseat loveseat loveseat

Reading couch reading couch reading couch

15 minutes later, Jessica returned to the meeting point to find no sign of Yuri.

“Trust her to be late.” Jessica huffed as she started searching for the girl.

As Jessica maneuvered her way across the endless crowd and couches, she eventually found Yuri. The dork was comfortably lying down on a certain leather couch with her legs stretched out. Jessica walked over with the hugest smile on her face and plopped comfortably on Yuri’s legs.

“OWW!” Yuri jerked up at the surprise attack. But upon seeing that it was the blonde, she smiled.

“So which is your favorite couch?”

“Found your couch?”

The 2 girls asked at the same time, taking each other by surprise.

“Hey girls, welcome to IKEA! Any couches in mind?” a store assistant approached them and asked.

Smiling and not taking their eyes off each other, they both said, “This one.”


It was reported that Hyomin and the girl named Kwon Yuri were only ‘cousins happily reunited after a long time’, and that rumors of the non-existent kiss were unfounded. The newspaper had also posted an apology to Yuri for fear of getting sued.

“Peace, at last.” Yuri smiled as she texted a thank you message to Hyomin.

“You’re awake.” she looked up from the newspaper at the sleepy girl who was groggily trudging out of the bedroom. Her hair was disheveled, and her eyes were half closed. Yuri giggled at the sight. The usually glamorous Jessica looked like a total complete mess in the morning.

Nevertheless, how cute.

The girl approached Yuri, took the newspaper away from her hands, and straddled her. She then leaned down and started kissing Yuri’s neck.

“Round 2.” Jessica whispered into Yuri’s ear.

“A little too early in the morning, don’t you think?”

“I don’t care, do you?” she nibbled on Yuri’s earlobe.

Yuri shivered. Jessica was already driving her insane. “A-Aren’t you worried we’re gonna dirty this?” Yuri softly patted the leather couch they were on.

“Well, it’s our couch.” she smiled as she gave a peck on Yuri’s lips.

Yuri smirked as she pulled Jessica’s closer and kissed her neck. “You smell good… I wish I can do this every day…”

The girl immediately pulled out of Yuri’s embrace and looked at her, wearing a serious expression.

Did I say something wrong? Yuri wondered.

“Okay. Move in with me.”

Yuri’s eyes widened as she looked up at the girl on top of her. Is she serious?

“I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it.”

Yup, she read my mind again.

The girl kept her straight face on. “And I’ll try not to have cucumber dreams anymore.”

Yuri burst out in laughter. “I don’t know how you’re gonna control that.”

Jessica pouted. “Or you can bind my arms.”

Yuri couldn’t stop laughing. Jessica’s weird suggestion, accompanied by her solemn expression, plus the fact that she was straddling her seemed too amusing. Was Jessica trying to be funny, serious and sexy at the same time?

“Stop laughing!” Jessica smacked Yuri’s shoulder. “I’m serious! We’re talking about an important issue here, Kwon Yul!”

Yuri coughed a little amidst her laughter. “Cucumber dreams?”

“CO-HABITING.” Jessica huffed and got off of Yuri.

Yuri hurriedly pulled the girl back down. “W-wait wait wait, Sica.”

Jessica glared at the girl below her. “Just… move in. I don’t want to spend any less time with you.”

Yuri smiled at Jessica’s neediness. “We see each other nearly every day, Sica baby.”

Pondering for a second, Jessica put both hands on Yuri’s shoulders and looked deeply into Yuri’s eyes. “Don’t you want to see me every night too?”

Yuri gulped. That line definitely got her.

Jessica leaned forward. “And it’s not a request. It’s an order.” She smiled the smile which she knew would be irresistible to Kwon Yuri.

Yuri giggled upon hearing what Jessica said. “Yesssssss, my Sergeant Sica.” Yuri said as she pushed Jessica down on the couch and kissed her deeply.

“This is why I suggested the loveseat.”


“We should totally hold some kind of competition pitting YulSic against TaeNy.” Sooyoung said out aloud as she scooped another mouthful of ice cream from the tub. “But I can’t see what they can compete in besides activities in the b--”

“Lalalalala can’t hear you lalalalala” the girl responded as she packed her stuff for the second time in weeks.

“The hell you blabbering about Sooyoung. Eat your ice cream.” Yoona glared at the shikshin. “Yuri! It’s too soon! Stay a week more!” she pleaded while holding Yuri’s juicer as hostage.

“I wouldn’t mind staying a while more, but SOMEBODY can’t stand a love sick mush running around the house.”

Sooyoung rested her elbow on Yuri’s shoulder, sighing. “She’s right. The love sick mush needs to go.”

Yuri glared at the taller girl. “And besides, I don’t want to wake up on the floor almost every other morning.” she said as she took the juicer from Yoona’s hands.

“Oh wait till Sica gets her cucumber dreams.” Sooyoung rebutted as she scooped another mouthful of ice cream.

Sooyoung the Vitruvian Man, or Jessica the war veteran in The Great Cucumber War?

Yuri packed the juicer in her bag and sighed. Sooyoung was right. Either way, she would end up on the floor.

“Awww, don’t be upset. Have some ice cream!” she offered it to Yuri who ignored her. “Anyway this is for your benefit. You get to—“

“Lalalalala not listening lalalalala”


“SOOYOUNG!” Yoona glared, disgusted by Sooyoung’s bluntness.

“What? Facts of life, Yoong. You and me, we’d better catch up with Yuri who has loads of experience now.” she replied indifferently.

Both girls rolled their eyes at the shikshin and continued packing as Sooyoung stood at the corner savoring her ice cream slowly, using it as an excuse to not participate.

The doorbell rang and both girls turned to Sooyoung. “I’ll get it.” Sooyoung groaned.

Yuri turned to Yoona. “All that junk food probably junked her brain.”

“I know. And it seems to be getting worse—Where are you going??” Yoona asked when Yuri suddenly sprang up and ran out of the room.

The tanned girl pounced on the person who had just entered the house.

Intruder description: Dolphin shrieks. Strawberries. Blonde. Relatively short. Very pretty!

“Sicaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!” she bear hugged the girl. It gave Yuri some sort of happiness to be able to lift the girl up in the air. Fortunately for her, the girl was light.

Jessica chuckled and gave a peck on the top of Yuri’s head. “Surprise.”

Sooyoung sighed and shook her head. “People in love.” she said as she scooped another spoonful of ice cream.

“Sica!” Yoona exclaimed as she ran out of the room. “Don’t take Yuri away yet!”

“Oh please! Take her away, Sica!” Sooyoung retorted.

Jessica was going to respond to the duo but suddenly burst out in laughter. Yuri was rubbing her head against Jessica’s belly again.

“YA Kwon Yul, put Sica down already!” said a disgusted Sooyoung, who obviously can’t stand watching the couple, or anything mushy.

Yuri buried her head in Jessica’s stomach. “No.”

“Kwon Yul, put me down.” the sergeant ordered.

Yuri looked up at her with puppy eyes. “B-But…”

“Urgh, this side of Yuri is so revolting.” Sooyoung stated, almost gagging on her ice cream, something she thought would never happen. Because Choi Sooyoung never gags on food.

Eventually the girl relented. The sergeant’s glare was too strong an opponent for her puppy eyes.

Sooyoung put her arm over Yoona and confided in the girl. “I’m doomed, I almost gagged on food. This never happens! Yoong, let’s grab something else from the kitchen.” she pleaded with a sincerely worried face.

This time, even Yoona agreed with the shikshin. “Sica, just take the love sick mush away.” she stated before dragging Sooyoung into the kitchen.

The couple giggled as they proceeded to the room. “Are you done packing?” Jessica asked.

“Yup.” Yuri said as she zipped up her bag.



“Are you ready for this? I know I should have asked earlier--”

Yuri stood up and held Jessica’s hands. “I’m not only ready, I’m deeeeesssssssssperate.” she winked. Jessica laughed and slapped Yuri’s hand lightly.

“Let’s go.” Yuri held onto Jessica’s hand. “Before the 2 shikshins forget about Love Sick Mush and remember Chef Yuri.”


“ByunTae!” Tiffany yelled. Taeyeon was laughing and running away by the time Tiffany turned around.

“How dare you! Come back here!” Tiffany started chasing the girl down the pathway. Unfortunately, Taeyeon’s super reflexes allowed her to dodge Tiffany’s attempts for a payback butt slap. In frustration, Tiffany stood still in the middle of the pavement, and crossed her arms.

“You can’t win me, Fany! I am THE ByunTae.” Taeyeon stated, as she slowly approached her girlfriend.

Target Tete, ready.

Target Tiffany, locked and ready.

“Oh yea? We’ll see about that!” Tiffany stated as she waited for her approaching target to reach the optimal distance.



“Take… that!!” Tiffany reached out with one hand.

Unfortunately, “Argh!!!” Tiffany yelled again, Taeyeon had emerged victorious. As always.

“I am THE ByunTae! Muahahaha!!” Taeyeon laughed menacingly, attracting weird looks from passing onlookers.

“Dammit, Kim Taeyeon! Come back!!” Tiffany demanded and gave chase, full speed ahead. When she finally managed to close in the distance between her and the shorter girl, she made a leap and pounced on the girl’s back.

Payback time!!

Feeling the whole weight of Tiffany on her back, Taeyeon bent over and halted for a while. “You’re… getting… heavier… Fany…” she panted as Tiffany wriggled around playfully on her back. “Stop moving… about! I don’t want you to fall!!” she said as she wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s bottom, supporting and holding her still. A sudden grimace blossomed on her face as she realized where her hands were.

“YA Kim Taeyeon, enjoying this much?” Tiffany said.

“Of course. Now stop fidgeting if you want me to piggyback you all the way home.” Taeyeon replied as she started walking ahead.

Tiffany smiled, burying her head into Taeyeon’s shoulder. She could feel all eyes watching them along the busy road, but she didn’t care. This was the comfort, and this was the happiness that Tiffany sought after. It didn’t bother her how people looked at them as two girls, and how their disapproving stares hunted them down.  She never cared one bit. She trusted Taeyeon, she had faith in their relationship, and she knew she wasn’t alone.

Walking off into the sunset with Taeyeon piggybacking her; this was Tiffany’s happy ending.

“How did we end up together?” Tiffany mumbled into Taeyeon’s shoulder.

“What are you asking? You asked me out.”

Tiffany ran a finger up and down Taeyeon’s arm. “What if I didn’t? Would we have ended up together?”

“Y-yea...” Taeyeon grunted as her hands struggled to keep their hold onto the girl.

“Very convincing, Tete.”

Tiffany’s sarcasm caused the girl to chuckle. “Sorry, I was trying to not drop you.”

The girl lifted her head up. “Are you tired? Put me down.”

“Nope, I’m fine.” Taeyeon assured. “I’m enjoying this as much as you are.” She smiled cheekily.

“Okay.” Tiffany lay her head back down on Taeyeon’s shoulder as Taeyeon continued piggybacking her. She could hear the faint sound of Taeyeon’s footsteps, going in sync with her own heartbeat. It sounded like the best thing in the world.

“You know,” Taeyeon suddenly spoke up. “Even if you didn’t ask me out then, we would somehow make our way to each other in the end. That’s what I strongly believe in. Us.”

Her words brought the brightest smile to Tiffany’s face. She had never been surer of anything in life. Holding onto the girl tightly, a tear ran down her cheek as a rush of emotions overwhelmed her.

“I love you, Tete.”

Taeyeon instantly smiled. “I love you more.”

As the couple neared their apartment building, Tiffany kissed Taeyeon’s cheek and hopped off her back. “Thank you for being the best girlfriend in the universe.” she smiled.

Target Tete, locked and ready.

Taeyeon chuckled. “You’re wel--”


“Why you… Come back! Fany!!” Taeyeon exclaimed as she chased the girl into the building. She spotted the girl, standing in the middle of the lobby. Grimacing, she ran forward and reached for Tiffany’s ASSet. “Hahaha! I gotcha!!” she declared happily.

However, Tiffany didn’t respond. Turning to where Tiffany was facing, she spotted what Tiffany was looking at.

“Hello, Tiffany, Taeyeon. It’s been a while.”


The couple stood in front of Jessica’s apartment door, hesitating for a moment. Taking a deep breath, Jessica turned to Yuri. “Ready?” she asked.

Yuri nodded, and Jessica unlocked the door. “Wait.” The girl stopped Jessica before she could enter the apartment.

“What’s wrong?”

In one quick move, Yuri dropped her bags and lifted Jessica up; bridal style, gently kicked the door fully open with her foot and then brought her Ice Princess in. Jessica shrieked in surprise.

Yuri is so cheesy. She smiled as she clung tightly onto Yuri’s shoulders. But unexpectedly strong…

“I know.” Yuri sniggered.

Jessica gasped. “Know what?!”

“You always don’t keep your thoughts to yourself.” She dropped Jessica on the ground. “And I’m not cheesy, you are!” she said as she scrambled to the door to retrieve her bags.


Jessica gave chase and pounced on Yuri’s back just as she lifted up her bags, further weighing the latter down. “ARGHHH!!” Yuri yelled as she struggled to hold onto Jessica while still holding onto her bags, afraid that the girl would fall off her back. “Sicaaaaaaaaaaa…” Yuri whined helplessly.

“Let’s see how strong you are now.” Jessica smirked as she lightly bounced on the taller girl.

Yuri chuckled. “Oh you wanna play?” she dropped her bags onto the floor, and then reversed, effectively pinning Jessica against the wall with her back. Using the wall as support, Yuri then turned around and kissed Jessica on the lips.


“Yuri… We’re… in the… middle… of the… hallway…” Jessica said between kisses.

“Mmmm hmmm…” Yuri acknowledged, but didn’t stop.

It went on for a while, and soon after echoes of moaning were sounding across the hallway.

Tiffany opened the door to her apartment. “What’s that noise…” she looked out and spotted the hot and heavy couple. “Yikes! Jessi!!” she screamed, running forward towards them. “You uhhh… might wanna stop…” Tiffany said, anxiously.

The both of them broke apart upon noticing Tiffany. Jessica attempted an angry glare at the girl to mask her embarrassment. “Well you and Taeyeon are not any different.”

Before Tiffany could respond, a man emerged from Tiffany’s apartment.

“Dad?” Jessica exclaimed.

“Jessica,” he said, with a tone that seemed too cold for a father who hasn’t seen his daughter for a month.

“It’s time to go home.”

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