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Chap 16

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Chapter 16

“Yuri.” Yoona called out.

Yuri held up a finger to her lips and pointed at the girl sleeping on her lap. The blonde's face was flushed and she was exhausted from a night of crying. Carefully, Yuri propped the girl’s head on her bag and got off the couch. She stepped out of the room to meet with her two friends.

“Thanks for coming, guys.”

“What happened?”

Yuri rubbed her forehead. “Long story.”

“Is Sica okay?” Sooyoung asked.

Yuri sighed, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “Yea. She’s sleeping, at least.”

“Let’s go somewhere and talk.” Sooyoung suggested.

Once again, Yuri found herself in the same hospital. The drama from the night before had led her back here, but this time; it was for Jessica’s father.


“I already told you, I’m not going back, Dad. I want to stay here. I’m doing perfectly fine living here on my own.” Jessica stated.

The tall, dignified man had a look of disappointment in his face. He sighed as he looked at his daughter, before turning to the girl beside her. “Yuri, could you please excuse us?”

“Sure…” Yuri turned towards the front door but was stopped by a tug on her arm. “No. Yuri, stay. Whatever you wanna say to me, you can say in front of her.”

Mr Jung rubbed his forehead, seemingly frustrated. “Fine. Jessica, your mom and sister misses you. Come home.”

“They can come here if they like. I’m sure they miss living here too.” Jessica retorted.

Yuri was confused, watching this conversation made her uneasy. There was something that Jessica wasn’t telling her. The girl was wearing her poker face, and she seemed a little too angry at her father.

But why?

Mr Jung reached into his briefcase and took out an envelope. “I know why you’re staying here, Jess.” he said as he shot a glance at Yuri, startling the girl. A bad feeling tugged at Yuri’s chest.

Jessica reached for the envelope and took out its contents. They were photographs of her and Yuri, on several occasions; the cafeteria, IKEA, etc. “You hired someone to stalk me?” Jessica exclaimed as she threw the envelope on the table.

“I needed to find you, Jess. You just ran off without a word. Please, just come home with me. I’ve personally requested the school to save your seat. You can continue pursuing dentistry over there.”

His words raised even more questions. Yuri walked closer to Jessica and asked, “Wait, Sica… Your family doesn’t know that you came back?”

Jessica patted Yuri’s arm lightly in reassurance. “I’ll explain later okay?” Turning to her father, she stated; albeit too coldly, “I’m doing perfectly fine here now. I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

Mr Jung was becoming more frustated by Jessica’s hostility and obvious difference in treatment. Huffing, he stated, with a harsher tone; “You’re obviously not. You are still doing… THIS.” he raised his hands in despair. “Now, come home with me and I can pretend none of this ever happened.”

His agitation made Yuri even more uncomfortable now. And to top it off, Jessica seemed like she was hiding something. Worriedly, Yuri looked at her girlfriend, hoping to get answers.

Jessica turned to Yuri and smiled. “Don’t worry okay?”

Jessica’s continuous difference in treatment further angered her father. “YOU.” He pointed at Yuri. “YOU are the problem. You are the one taking her away from us. Whatever you two are doing now, this is wrong. Stop your nonsense and let her go!” he yelled.

Yuri looked at the man, bewildered. She was beginning to get a sense of what was happening.

“DON’T YOU BERATE HER, DAD. I came back here on my own accord. And I’m staying, with Yuri, whether you like it or not!” Jessica yelled.

Yuri had never seen Jessica like that before. It was the first time she saw Jessica this… worked up.

“Listen to yourself, Jess! Did you hear what you just said? You are not right up here! This… thing! It’s not right! You need help!” the man raised his voice. It had turned into a full blown argument which Yuri knew she should and could not participate in.

“I LOVE HER, Dad! What is wrong with that?”

“NOT in that way! She’s a girl for godssakes!”


Mr Jung clutched his chest and fell back onto the couch, breathing heavily. Yuri immediately rushed over in aid. “Try to breathe, slowly.” She tried to calm him down, then turned back and looked at Jessica, gesturing her to stop. Unfortunately, the next thing she knew; Mr Jung had pushed her away with all his might, catching her completely off guard. She fell hard onto the floor, and in the process hit her head against the coffee table. “Stay away… You freak. What did you do to my daughter!!?”

“How dare you?!” Jessica immediately rushed to Yuri’s aid. She then glared at the man on the couch. “I don’t have a father like you.”

“Sica don’t…” Yuri immediately grabbed Jessica’s arms and shook her head.

“What did you say??”

Jessica struggled out of Yuri’s grip. “I said, I DON’T HAVE A FATHER LIKE YOU.”

Mr Jung collapsed thereafter.

(end of flashback)


“You should understand, Yuri. Not everyone has parents like yours who can understand.” Sooyoung stated.

“I know.” Yuri responded as she sipped on her coffee. Her mind was too occupied with Jessica. She couldn’t help but feel responsible, as she was after all, the direct cause of the rift in the girl’s relationship with her father.

“You look tired. Why don’t you go home and rest?” Yoona asked.

“I’m fine.” she raised her cup and finished her coffee in one gulp. “Can you guys do me a favor? Send Sica home for me.”

“Sure thing.”


The trio headed back to the ward. “We’ll wait outside, Yuri.” Yoona said.

Yuri nodded before entering the ward. Jessica was sitting by her father’s bedside, holding onto his hand while the man still lay motionless on the bed. The room was silent, except for the rhythmic beeps that came from the machines.

“You’re awake.” Yuri smiled slightly.

“Yea.” Jessica nodded, not taking her eyes off her father. She was visibly upset, still reproaching herself for her father’s plight.

“Hey,” Yuri walked over and placed her hands on her shoulders. “Go home and rest. I’ll let you know when he wakes up.”

“It’s okay, I can stay here.” the girl responded softly, still keeping her eyes on her unconscious father.

“I insist.” Yuri lowered her head and smiled at the girl, trying to capture her attention. “Go home, Sica. I’ve assigned two bodyguards to you, my Princess. They’re waiting outside the palace doors.” Yuri said as she did a little gesture at the doors of the ward.

Unfortunately, Jessica was still looking at her father, too preoccupied to catch Yuri’s little joke. She hesitated a little before standing up. “Okay.” she walked over to the couch to grab her bag. “Call me as soon as he wakes up. Thank you.” she said as she gave a quick peck on Yuri’s cheek.

Yuri smiled; a little sad smile which Jessica didn’t catch.

After sending Jessica off, Yuri headed to the nearest vending machine to get another cup of coffee. She knew she needed it tonight. She sighed as she looked through her coin pouch. “Crap, short of 10 cents. What luck.”

“It’s not every day that you bump into someone you know at a hospital, and at this hour. It must be fate.” a voice came from behind.

That line…

Yuri turned around to see someone she didn’t expect. “What are you doing here?”

The girl smiled at her, before reaching into her purse and pulling out a 10 cent coin. “Here.”

Yuri smiled and took the coin. “Thanks.”

“I was gonna ask you the same thing. I’m here for my follow-up. I can never find the time in the day.” Hyomin replied.

“Are you better now?” Yuri asked as she inserted the coins into the machine.

Hyomin nodded. She seemed a little better than before, and a little more cheerful. Yuri felt a sense of relief. “So, what are you doing here?” Hyomin asked.

Yuri hesitated. “Uhhh… It’s Jessica’s father.” she said as she began reaching out for a button on the machine.

“Wait.” Hyomin stopped Yuri’s hand, before pressing on another button. “You still love your coffee with milk, don’t you?” she asked.

“Oh…” Yuri turned to the machine and realized her mistake. “Yea, thanks.” she smiled sheepishly. The effects of a long night had undoubtedly worn her out.

“So… Jessica’s her name.” Hyomin said. “Well now I know.”

Yuri smiled slightly. It was weird hearing Hyomin say Jessica’s name.

“It’s okay, Yuri. We’re still friends, aren’t we?” Hyomin tilted her head a little, smiling.

“Of course.” Yuri replied. The duo continued smiling and looking at each other for a few seconds, that it became slightly awkward. Thankfully, the beep sound indicating Yuri’s coffee was done saved the situation. “I-I’d better go… I’m on night watch.” Yuri hurriedly took the coffee, in hopes of breaking the weird atmosphere.


“I’ll see you around.” Yuri waved goodbye and walked away.

Awkward awkward awkward…

Yuri hurriedly returned to the ward and settled down with her coffee, trying not to think about the awkward situation with Hyomin earlier. Leaning back against the couch, she sipped on her hot drink and stared at the man on the bed. He looked frail; and it made her heart soften. After all, she couldn’t blame the man for being a protective father; she understood where he was coming from.

Although, she did silently wish that he would understand.



Yuri jolted up at the sound of his voice. She had dozed off on the couch. “Owww…” Yuri winced in pain as she felt the little bump on the back of her head, inevitably formed from the impact on the coffee table. Swiftly recovering, she looked towards the bed. “Mr Jung?”

The man reached his hand out, prompting Yuri to approach him. “Is there anything you need? Water?” she asked. He nodded in response. She turned to the bedside table and poured a glass of water.

“Let me help you.” Yuri helped the man sit up and handed him the glass. He took a few sips and then held the glass in his hands.

“Yuri. I would like to apologize for my outburst just now. It was extremely uncalled for.”

Yuri shook her head. “It’s okay, Mr Jung. I understand.”

“I’ve known you for years, Yuri. You are a nice girl. You are pretty, smart, kind, everything a person could ask for. I can see that.”

“You flatter me too much, Mr Jung.” Yuri smiled slightly, slightly hopeful of the situation.

“I like you, Yuri. You are a good person, I can see that. I really hope someday you’ll find someone.” the man said. “Just, not my Jessica. She’s not one of you. She’s just confused now, that’s all, but she’ll wake up. I humbly ask of you to leave her so we can speed up that process.”

Yuri looked at him, incredulous. She scoffed at her foolish hopefulness; for a moment she thought the man had come to his senses. A thousand things ran through her head but she didn’t know what to say to him. Should she be angry? Mad? Offended? Upset? Definitely. But still there was that side of her which empathized with the helpless man that was missing his daughter. It was probably best to play defensive.

“Mr Jung, with all respect, I don’t think you can speak for Jessica. She should have the right to decide. She’s old enough and she knows what she wants—“

“She doesn’t. She’s still a confused little girl.” he interrupted, which ignited that little spark of frustration in Yuri. Why doesn’t he even listen to what I have to say?!

“I just want her to live a normal, happy life. And you can’t give her that, Yuri. You can’t. It breaks my heart to see that she’s turned out this way…”

“I’m sure you can see she’s happy now, Mr Jung.”

“Knowing that I’m dead against it? I doubt so. And even so, will she be happy forever? With you, A GIRL?” he stared at her.

His stare reminded Yuri of Jessica’s famous icy cold glare. But unlike Jessica’s, it wasn’t just cold, it was offensive. She clenched her fist and took a deep breath. “Yes, she can be. And you’re the one stopping her from pursuing that.”

The man frowned. “No. YOU are the one stopping her. I’ve already got everything planned for her; she could have such a great life back in the States, if not for you.”

Yuri stared back at him. “Like I said, it’s her own choice to live her own life.”

He sighed upon hearing Yuri’s statement. “Fine. I have no choice then. Leave Jessica or I will disown her and cut her off. I will personally see to it that she will have no family, no money, and no home. She’ll lose her bright future as a dentist. And what a waste, I was already planning to fund her dental practice in future.”

“What??! That’s beyond unreasonable! You can’t do that. She’s your daughter!!” Yuri exclaimed.

“I can and I will. I’ll not stand for having a gay child in my family. I’ll disown her if this persists.” he stated, indifferently.

“You make it sound as if being gay is the worst thing that could happen to a person. What is wrong with being in love with someone!?”

“Nothing. It’s your freedom. Just leave my daughter out of it.” He leaned forward and looked at Yuri. “I’m protecting her, Yuri. Look at me in the eye and tell me. Tell me that EVERYONE out there accepts you people with a pure heart. You’d want Jessica to go through all that disapproval and hate? And don’t think I’m clueless about you and that singer. Are you sure you even love my daughter?”

“I’m sure your daughter can tell if I love her.” Yuri said, trying her best to remain composed despite the anger that was boiling inside. “And I don’t give a crap what the world thinks. I live my own life the way I like it, not how people dictate it to be. You are so quick to judge Jessica and me, without bothering to understand what exactly what we’re doing; which is NOTHING different from any normal happy couple.”

The man leaned back against the bed, totally indifferent. “Then go live your own life. Leave my daughter out of it.”

Yuri didn’t respond. She couldn’t. The anger had effectively rendered her speechless.

“Leave her, or I’ll disown her. Let’s see if you love her enough.” he challenged.

“How can you…” Yuri gritted her teeth and looked away from the man’s menacing glare. “Calm down, Yuri.” she muttered under her breath, but despite her efforts, his indifference and unwillingness to reason pissed the girl off even more. She shook her head and turned to the door. She had enough of reasoning with the man. “I’m leaving. This is ridiculous. You are HER father. You wouldn’t do that to Jessica.”

“I give you 3 days to make her come home with me, Yuri.”


Yuri sat outside the ward, seething with so much anger and frustration that she teared up. The man was beyond harsh, but she couldn’t push off the nagging feeling that he meant what he said.

“Yuri! He’s awake?” Jessica appeared across the hallway, panting.

“Y-Yea… He’s waiting for you.” Yuri replied, looking down. She didn’t want Jessica to notice her teary eyes.

And Jessica didn’t; the girl immediately disappeared into the room without saying a word.

Yuri opened the door slightly and peeked inside. The father and daughter were in an embrace; Jessica was tearing and Mr Jung seemed to be apologizing. It was a picture perfect reunion. Mr Jung looked totally different from moments earlier. From his eyes Yuri could see how much the over-protective father loved his daughter, to the point of wanting things to be perfect for her. It softened her anger a little.

It also laid a whole bed of discomfort in her heart.

Somewhere inside Yuri’s laid a mass of guilt. She knew, for certain, that she would do anything in her power to make Jessica happy, that they shared something so perfect it would be a shame if they weren’t together. But picturing Jessica in a scenario where she stood in between her father and Yuri created this immense guilt that Yuri couldn’t bear. It was manifesting inside her.

It would hurt Jessica if she were forced to choose between family and her.

And a part of Yuri feared that she wouldn’t win.

She took another peek into the room. Mr Jung was wiping Jessica’s tears away, while the girl was still sobbing. It was becoming painful to watch.

Family’s definitely more important… after all… right Sica?

She hated herself for even considering what Mr Jung said. Taking a last peek at the happy reunion, she left for a short stroll down the hospital’s hallway, her eyes spotting a vending machine midway.

With much reluctance, she picked up her phone.

“Hello? It’s me. Can me a favor?”

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