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Chap 29

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Chapter 29

The weeks following the accident were a blur to Jessica. Stubbornly refusing to part with the tanned girl for even a second, her friends, the doctors and the nurses had already become attuned to her actions, eventually allowing her to stay. Everyone visited regularly, and everything had become an organized cycle in just a matter of days; something that Jessica didn't notice or cared for. A day in the ward was a year to the girl.

Meanwhile, things were working in favor of Mr Jung. The lucky stars were on his side that night, and Hyomin had relented to his incessant pleading, leaving the man to abide by what he swore. He couldn’t have had it better. Tying up that loose end, the man had set off in search of his wife, after receiving news that the latter had landed in Korea. After all, he couldn’t risk being exposed.

Back to the less chirpy side; Jessica would spend every single day, without fail, talking to a comatose Yuri about the weather, the hospital food, about anything in the world. And every night, she would hold Yuri’s hand to sleep, with an undying hope to wake up grouchy at the dork’s silly antics. Day after day, she didn’t.

But there was the upside. Jessica was declared fit for discharge and eventually, Yuri was out of critical care. Even so, Jessica would never leave, not without Yuri. She stayed by the girl’s side, just watching over her as the days passed. Eventually, pieces of hospital equipment detached from the girl, her superficial wounds were almost healed and the doctors were optimistic about her recovery.

They were right.

That one particular beautiful morning, Jessica’s eyes opened to meet Kwon Yuri's deep dark ones looking straight back into hers.

She smiled immediately. "Morning... Yuri..."

"Morning, Sica."

"Hmmm..." Jessica stretched a little as she tried to wake fully. Upon noticing how the bed wasn’t the familiar fluffy bed in their home, the situation finally dawned on her.

"Yuri...??!" Jessica shrieked as she cupped the girl's face. Using a hand to fumble for her spectacles on the bed stand, she hurriedly put them on and observed the girl intensely, still grabbing onto her face. "You're awake..."

"Hahaha yea. Ow ow ow. Careful, Sica."

"Omgawd!!!" Jessica hugged the girl tightly and shrieked.

"I must have been out for a while huh?" Yuri asked, to no avail.

"Omgawd!!!" Jessica was still shrieking. "How are you feeling? I have to inform the nurses!!"

"Relax.” Yuri held the over-excited girl back. “I’ve already talked to the doctor. He’s gonna keep me under observation for now before he discharges me tonight.”

Receiving good news after good news, Jessica could barely contain her happiness. “Why didn’t you wake me!!” she slightly pushed the girl.

“You were sleeping so soundly I couldn't bear to." Yuri smiled. “Where are the others?”

Jessica was speechless. Her only focus now was to look into Yuri's warm eyes and have them staring straight back at her. In one swift action, she pushed Yuri down, grabbed her face and leaned forward, hoping to finally get something she had longed for the whole time; reciprocation.

"Whoa whoa whoa!!" Yuri extended an arm out and kept Jessica at arm’s length. "What are you doing??"

Annoyed with Yuri’s joke, Jessica shot her a stare. "I have been worried sick about you."

"Uhh... Okay, but we don't have to go there, right?"

Jessica glared at her for a moment, then narrowed her eyes at the girl underneath her.

Yuri sank deeper into the bed in an effort to create a little distance between them. "I-I have a girlfriend, you know."

Jessica was getting a little frustrated with Yuri's behavior. "Kwon Yuri, stop playing around."

Yuri gulped, feeling the full blown iciness of the girl on top of her. "Y-you’re the one who’s playing around. Can you get off me please? People might misunderstand."

"Okay. This is not funny anymore, Yuri." Jessica stated.

"It's not funny to me either."

At that moment, Jessica realized something was amiss. Yuri wasn't playing around. The expression on the latter's face had said it all. She held up her left hand in Yuri's face. "Do you remember this?" she asked, feeling that tinge of worry escalate by the second.

Yuri expression turned lively upon spotting the ring on Jessica’s finger. "Wow… Nice ring! Who’s the lucky guy??"

Jessica’s fear was almost validated by now. She kept her eyes on the girl underneath her for a while as the sinking feeling in her chest sank even deeper. Slowly getting off Yuri and hesitating for a moment, she finally gathered up the courage to ask, "What do you remember about your life?"

“That’s a funny question.” Yuri sat up and grabbed her head as it started to hurt. "Uhh... Kwon Yuri, 5th December 1989, graduated with a... Uhh wait. Why are you asking? Is there something wrong with me??”

Jessica didn’t answer her question. Keeping her eyes on Yuri, she asked, "What do you… remember about me?"

“You’re…” Yuri's head throbbed as the headaches came one after another in waves. Subdued, she groaned in pain.

"Okay stop thinking about it... You're in pain. I'll get the doctor." Jessica said as she climbed out of the bed.

"Wait…" Yuri held the girl's arm to stop her. "There’s something wrong with me, isn’t it? Why do you look so upset?"

That previous sinking feeling in Jessica's chest had now turned into one of despair. Reaching towards the bed stand, she pulled out the drawer and retrieved Yuri's bracelet from within.

"Remember this?" she asked as she held it up in Yuri's face.

Yuri's head was hurting tremendously by now. But she continued trying, feeling a slight sense of familiarity as she examined the bracelet. "YulSic… Is this mine? It somehow feels a little familiar."

Jessica nodded before pulling out her necklace.

Yuri examined the necklace in shock. “Omgawd…” she grabbed her head in agony. “These 2 words stand for our names, don’t they??”

Jessica slumped back, feeling more helpless by the minute. Very calmly, she said, "Listen, I'm your fiancée, Yuri. You proposed to me at the Golden Gate Bridge. Any recollections at all?"

“F-fiancée??” The pain was getting so bad that Yuri was starting to tear up. "I... I don't..."

Jessica hugged the girl tightly. "It's okay. Take your time. Stop thinking about it. Just... rest for now."

“No… I need—“

“Just rest, okay?” Jessica reassured. “I’ll call the rest of the girls here.”


Jessica left the ward as an extremely perplexed Yuri lay back on the bed. An unsettling feeling reverberated through her body, and she felt her chest tighten up at the prospect of the worst case scenario.

What if Yuri never regains her memory?


“I’m sorry, Miss Jung. There’s nothing we can do.”

The girls were all gathered at the hospital following Jessica's news. No one knew if they were even supposed to be happy right now. To Jessica, it was as if Yuri was still in a coma, locked somewhere away within that girl’s body. That girl wasn’t Kwon Seobang.

"Memory loss is a common effect of head traumas. It might be temporary." Yoona tried in vain to comfort the girl. “At least she’s out of the coma, right?”

"What if she never remembers me anymore?"

"Then do what you do best.” Yoona answered. “Make her fall in love with you again. She's still Kwon Yuri afterall, right?"

Confused and helpless, Jessica buried her face in her hands as Yoona stroked her back in comfort.

“Don’t worry, Mom.” Yoona said, smiling confidently. “Dad belongs to you. Nothing can break our family.”


While the two girls sat outside the ward, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Sooyoung and Sunny were inside, drilling the amnesiac.

“So… You remember me, but you don’t remember how you met me.” Sunny said.

Yuri scratched her head in frustration as she struggled to find the missing link. “Uhh yea. So I really was in San Francisco, huh?”

Taeyeon sighed, bothered by how things had turned out. "You absolutely don't remember a thing about your relationship with Sica, do you?" Taeyeon asked.

"The only relationship I can recall is that she's my classmate from high school."

“And then?” Taeyeon continued asking.

“And then what?” Yuri asked.

“And then she left on the last day of high school.” Tiffany answered, a little angry. “For 3 years, but she came back. For you. And…” Tiffany paused, unable to continue as the frustration within her built up. “This is really an obstacle after another…” she sighed.

Yuri frowned. “So, let me get this straight. She and I have this really long history that goes way back?”

"It’s not just way back, Kwon Yul.” Sooyoung said. “It’s also way deep. You two are so in love that you'd die for each other. Sica literally ran towards the charging car with the intention to save you, and then you went all hero-like, you pushed her away and got hit. And that’s how you're lying here right now with this whole memory loss thing." Sooyoung said with her arms crossed.

Yuri rubbed her forehead and groaned. "Gawd... I... I can't even remember the accident."

"Omgawd, this is like Jessi's worst nightmare..." Tiffany sighed. "Seriously, we have got to do something to jolt your head back up. You guys are supposed to be getting married!"

"What about Minnie then? By the way, where is she?"

Everyone was rendered speechless upon hearing Yuri’s response. "She disappeared shortly after you were hospitalized. I couldn't get in touch with her." Sooyoung explained.

Yuri's face darkened in a second. "I-it's cos I got engaged with Sica, isn't it? Hyomin hates me now? W-were we friends after that?? Or at least amicable??"

"Omgawd." Tiffany groaned while everyone else stared at her in disbelief.

Sighing, the shikshin took the initiative to ask the million-dollar-question. "Are you… in love with Hyomin now?"

"Why are you asking a rhetorical question? Why else is she my girlfriend?" Yuri stated.

"Omgawd. Omgawd omgawd omgawd..." Tiffany groaned. "Jessi must not know about this! Omgawd omgawd omgawd!!!"

"Uhh seriously, overreacting much?" Yuri asked.

Everyone glared at Yuri upon hearing her comment.

Yuri frowned, bewildered that everyone seemed to be getting mad at her. “Oh come on. I can’t even remember having feelings for Sica.” she defended herself.

"Kwon Yul," Taeyeon leaned forward and grabbed the girl's shoulders firmly. "Jessica Jung is the love of your life. You two have a history together that's as old as... bacteria. Whatever it is, just keep that in your head, okay?"

"Okay, okay.” Yuri retorted, slightly annoyed. “But you guys have to fill me in on everything, cos I don't recall a single thing, and every time I try to, my head friggin' hurts!" she yelled.

"Fine, I will." a voice came from the door.

"When did you..." Sooyoung opened her mouth in shock as the blonde emerged through the doors. “YA Im Yoona, we told you to keep her outside!”

“Sorry…” Yoona apologized sincerely.

"You want to know everything?" Jessica walked closer to the bed.

Yuri gulped, sensing that the blonde was immensely upset. As annoyed as she had been with everyone pressuring her, something inside of her wanted to fit the pieces of the puzzle, to somehow make it up to Jessica, regardless how painful the headaches would be. She felt inclined to be extra sensitive to the girl’s feelings; maybe it was because of her sad eyes, or maybe it was because they were supposed to be married. Regardless, Yuri wanted to do something for the girl standing in front of her.

She's just a classmate from high school...

"When you get discharged later tonight, you're coming home with me." Jessica stated.


Yuri had been on the edge the whole journey home that night. Every now and then, she would secretly take glances at Jessica, only to find the latter staring out the window of the taxi, as if longing for someone. Her sad gaze only made Yuri guilty; Jessica just seemed so fragile and Yuri knew she was responsible for it. After all, a whole day of propaganda from her 2 closest friends, an anxious couple, and an uptight mother was almost enough to prove her history with Jessica.

The only thing missing in the equation now was Hyomin; the person Yuri longed to see at this point.

"We're home." Jessica said solemnly.

Entering the apartment behind Jessica, Yuri observed her surroundings intently. Feeling a slight sense of familiarity, the girl proceeded to poke and prod at every corner of the house. Photographs, clothing, Ma, and other personal belongings all pointed to the fact that she had an entire life here that she couldn't recall.

"You must be tired. Rest early okay?" Jessica said as she settled on the loveseat, still solemn.

Yuri observed the girl silently, feeling the girl’s anxiety rub off on her. The girl looked defeated, and it surprised Yuri a little. She never knew there was even an emotional side to the Jessica Jung she knew from high school. Feeling extremely guilty, she finally came to terms with her unprecedented concern for the blonde.

I guess I must mean a lot to her if she’s this upset…

Inhaling deeply, Yuri began a frenzied, self-guided walking tour around their 1-bedroom apartment, covering as much ground, cupboard, and surface as possible.

Jessica noticed. "Are you looking for something?"

"Maybe. I'm gonna look at anything and everything I can to jolt my memory." Yuri said, gritting through her headaches and busy fiddling with random items in the house.

"You look so sad Sica. I just-- I have to remember at least something. I don't wanna see you this sad."

Jessica went teary upon hearing it. But they were tears of comfort; knowing that Yuri was still the same kind soul she fell in love with. Walking forward, she approached the girl from behind and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Kwon Seobang."

Yuri felt a little nervous at that point - having the arms of Jessica Jung wrapped around her waist, the face of the girl buried in the cranny of her neck, and the way Jessica called her “Kwon Seobang” – as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Truthfully, she couldn't deny that Jessica was an extremely attractive woman. Throughout the span of the hug, her heart had skipped a few beats, and she had been frozen to her spot.

The most popular girl in high school got engaged to me? How the hell did I…

What am I thinking? I should be missing Minnie right now!

"I'm sorry." Jessica apologized, finding it senseless to seek permission to be close to Yuri now. Hugging her more tightly, she buried her face deeper in Yuri's neck.

"Just let me hug you for a while… I just really miss you." Jessica whispered; her breath ever so warm, brushing right against Yuri’s ear.




The momentarily rapid heartbeats came more often now. It then manifested into a succession of vigorous, uncontrollable, adrenaline rushes.

She's just a classmate from high school...

But why am I feeling...

Without saying anything, Yuri gently pried Jessica's arms apart and turned around to face her. Looking straight into Jessica's sad eyes, she leaned forward and hugged the girl tightly.

"I don't know why... But I feel like I should hug you and tell you that everything's gonna be fine."

But Jessica didn't respond to the hug. She stood there for several seconds as Yuri kept a tight hold of her.

Did I make her more upset?

As Yuri contemplated on releasing the girl, Jessica had suddenly spoken up.

“Can you do something for me?”

Yuri nodded, still keeping her arms around the girl. “What is it?”

“Can you sleep beside me tonight? I’m not used to sleeping without you with me.”

Without answering, Yuri had lifted the girl up in one swift action before proceeding to the bedroom.

Jessica smiled a little, indulging in the familiar, comforting feeling of the Kwon Yuri Bear Hug. “You know, you used to do this all the time…”

“Did you like it?” Yuri asked as she put Jessica down on the bed.

“Yes. But I never told you that I did...” Jessica said regretfully, tearing up a little.

Seeing Jessica this fragile, Yuri couldn’t help but to lock her in another embrace. There was an innate feeling of wanting to do anything in the world just to make the girl feel better, and she didn’t know why.

“It’s okay, I know now.” Yuri reassured.

She smells familiar... Strawberries?

As she tried to fit another piece of the memory jigsaw together, she felt the girl underneath her trembling, sobbing lightly. Beneath the moonlight that streamed in through the windows, she could see the tears glisten on the girl's cheeks, her spectacles effectively concealing the sadness behind it. Taking the spectacles off Jessica's face, Yuri gently cupped the girl's cheek and wiped the tears away, deeply empathizing with the amount of pain the girl was going through.

She was a beautiful disaster. Even in her sadness, Jessica was breathtakingly beautiful.

Jessica Jung is my wife... that thought repeatedly flashed in her head.

"I'm here for you, Sica. It'll be okay. Trust me."

The words had somehow sparked off everything. As soon as Yuri had said them, Jessica's arms had somehow found their way around Yuri's neck and pulled the girl’s face closer.

A kiss.

A craved, desired, and deep kiss.

It almost felt like their first kiss; the one they shared at the club 2 years ago. The warmth of Jessica's lips only served to make the tanned girl hungrier, while the wet patches on the girl's face begged for some sort of comfort. Yuri couldn't resist it; she felt the urge to put the girl back together somehow, in some way. She didn't know if she was trying to make it up to the girl, or if it was a moment of passion, or if it was beyond that, but she didn't care. The only calling clear enough in her head now was the desire to be with the girl underneath her.

There was no Hyomin. There was no memory loss. There was just YulSic.

It was getting harder to breathe. The both of them were exploding on the inside and there was only one answer to this. One thing led to another, and soon the irksome articles that were in the way of their physical intimacy had been removed. It all occurred naturally to Yuri somehow, but she had been too distracted to be perturbed by it. The two girls both shared a consensus of not breaking apart; not even for a second.

“Don’t you remember this…?” Jessica whispered as she slowly roped Yuri’s arm around her bare waist.

“I… I don’t know. I’m sorry…” Yuri panted, too distracted with that exploding feeling inside her body to think clearly. She buried her face in Jessica’s neck as some sort of solution, only to earn herself an unexpected audible reaction from the blonde.

Jessica was going crazy. It made Yuri go crazy.

“It’s okay, Yuri…” Jessica whispered with a hand in Yuri’s hair, gently caressing the back of her head, her other hand following Yuri’s trail down her waist. “You don’t have to apologize.”

“Help me remember. Because I really… want to be with you right now.”

The tears came back into Jessica’s eyes. “Then just be with me.”

Very gradually, Yuri was getting lost in a haven as the familiar enticing smell of strawberries engulfed her senses. The warmth from their physical contact was the temptation she would never be able to overcome; the intimacy of their mysterious bond was the solution to each others' beckoning. Yuri found herself sinking deeper and deeper as Jessica responded in ways that drove her to insanity.

"I love you so much, Yuri..."

But she was pulled right out of that haven with those words. The burden of those words that Yuri couldn't afford right now.

Breaking apart from the girl underneath her, Yuri said, "I'm sorry... I can't... I'm taking advantage of you when I shouldn't."

Jessica cupped the girl's face and leaned into the girl's lips to silence her. "Silly, I'm your wife."

Resisting as much as she could, Yuri gently pushed the girl away. "Let's just take it slow, okay?"

Pondering for a moment, Jessica acceded, recognizing that this was probably a huge step for the girl. "Okay." she said, a slight tinge of disappointment. "Can you... hug me to sleep though?"

“I guess…” Yuri chuckled as she got off the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Getting our clothes..." Yuri said, only to be interrupted by a forceful tug from Jessica.

"We can do without them." Jessica stated.

"You're trying to kill me here, aren't you?"

Jessica nodded. "Yes. Come back to bed with me now."

"Forever the sergeant. Ordering me around just like the good old days." Yuri chuckled as she crawled back under the covers.

"You remember?" Jessica asked as Yuri shifted closer to the girl.

"I remember being your little slave the first week of high school. And getting injured for your strawberry tart." Yuri said, slightly embarrassed.

"Do you remember why you did that?"

Yuri pondered for a moment. "…because I'm nice?"

"Because you were in love with me since the first day of school, silly." Jessica giggled. "You told me so."

To Yuri, watching the blonde smile was like seeing fireworks for the first time in her life. Bright, spectacular, and exhilarating.

For that slight moment, it took Yuri's breath away.

"Are you alright? Does your head hurt?" Jessica sat up and asked upon noticing the girl's sudden silence.

"Y-yea!!" exclaimed a frantic Yuri as she hurriedly pulled the covers over the girl. Yuri had a pretty good vision despite being in the dark. "I was just... trying to recall."

"Oh." Jessica pouted. "Stick your left arm out to the side, Yuri."

For reasons unknown to Yuri, she did as she was told. It was like a reflex. Very conveniently, the girl had comfortably positioned herself against Yuri's body and pulled Yuri's outstretched arm over her shoulder.

Yuri gulped as the girl made herself even more comfortable by snaking her arms around Yuri's waist. It was the hug of a koala bear; a koala bear in all its nakedness.

Yuri groaned a little in pain as Jessica hugged albeit too tightly.

"My back... Sica."

"Sorry!" Jessica loosened her grip a little.

"No worries. I'll be better in no time."

"It's going to be a scar..." Jessica commented sadly as her hand slid up Yuri's back, fingers tracing along on the edges of the healing wound. It sent shivers up Yuri’s spine, and she tried in vain to shut off the thoughts of the intimacy they shared just moments ago.

“You okay?” asked Jessica, fingers still tracing along Yuri’s wound.

"Uhhh yea…” Yuri said through gritted teeth to stop her inappropriate thoughts once and for all. “You know, that’s a battle scar right there." she added cheekily.

Jessica glanced up at the tanned girl and smiled. "My very own hero."

"Speak for yourself. What were you thinking, Sica?"

"What do you mean?"

"Running out towards me like that. That was rash and just downright crazy. You've gotten yourself hurt in the process."

Jessica stared straight into Yuri's eyes and said, "All I could think of at that moment..." she choked a little as she recalled the scene. "Was you. All I could see was you getting hurt. If something bad happened to you... I..."

"It's okay." Yuri interrupted. "I'm fine now."

"Nothing bad must happen to you, Yuri.”

"Can I… ask you something?" Yuri said.

"What is it?"

"What if... And I mean IF... I don't ever remember?"

Jessica inhaled deeply and sighed as she thought about that dreadful possibility once again.


“I'll make you fall in love with me."

The adrenaline rush was back. Slightly stammering, Yuri said something that surprised even herself.

"I... I think you already have."


The morning after came, and Yuri had woken up first. Lying in bed, she glanced down at the blonde, who was still holding onto her. She chuckled a little upon recalling how Jessica had refused to budge the whole night and resultantly locked Yuri in a deadgrip.

Very gently, Yuri managed to wriggle her way out of the girl's embrace. As she got off the bed, she put her clothes back on and began doing multiple stretching exercises to ease out the muscle cramps she had accumulated from a night of not moving/moving perhaps too much.

She groaned upon feeling a wave of headaches coming over her again. Rubbing her forehead, she sat back down on the bed as the pain was getting slightly unbearable.

It woke Jessica up. "Are you okay??" The girl sprang out of the covers and tended to Yuri in a split second.

"Relax, I'm fine." Yuri laughed. "This sure is a good way to wake you up, Sica. Forever the sleeper. You know I've always wanted to stuff cucumbers under your pillow to see how that pans out."

"You... You remember?"

Yuri hesitated a while as she thought about the things she just said. "Yea... I... I just somehow did…" she muttered as she tried to place that piece of info somewhere in her head. She definitely remembered waking up with Jessica now.

Springing up from the bed, the blonde leapt forward and hugged the tanned girl tightly, shrieking into Yuri's ears.


"Arghhhhh....." Yuri groaned as the high pitched shrieks vibrated into her eardrums, intensifying the headaches.

"Sorry! I was just... You remember! You're starting to remember things!" Jessica exclaimed excitedly.

Yuri giggled. "I guess it's slowly coming back now..." she smiled at that exciting prospect as she patted the girl's back.

Wait. This is definitely not cotton. Yuri thought as her hands conveniently slid down the girl's smooth back.

The girl is not wearing clothes.

I wonder if it'll be like that everyday...

"Uhh..." Yuri stammered as her hand retreated. "Give me some time to adjust to this, Sica."

Jessica understood immediately. Crawling back underneath the covers, she stared at Yuri. "Make breakfast. You still remember how to cook, do you?"

Yuri nodded and laughed it off. "Wow. I sure make a good seobang, don’t I?" she muttered as she left the bedroom.

Breakfast was amazing, as usual. Jessica’s Personal Chef Kwon was as usual, the best cook in her eyes and whipped up the usual, awesome cuisine. And to top it off, Yuri still had her usual daily Ma. The girl just didn't seem any different; though the memory loss was still irksome.

"So what are we doing today?" Yuri asked.

"Staying home." Jessica replied as she washed the dishes.

"Why...??" Yuri whined as she stretched around behind the girl. "I slept long enough to recover."

"Not enough. And believe me, I know what it’s like to sleep long enough." Jessica stated indifferently.

"Aww come on... I have somewhere I really wanna go."





Huffing, Jessica turned around, having had enough of Yuri's incessant whining. "Where?"


"Eeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!!" Jessica's shrieks tore through the thick atmosphere as she forcefully threw a kick forward, only to come out short.

Beside her, an extremely amused Yuri broke out into hysterical laughter.

Jessica gripped tightly onto Yuri's forearm with a look on her face which resembled that of a lost kitten. "You're mean! I'm really, REALLY scared!" she exclaimed with her eyes closed. Whining, she resigned to using Yuri as her guide as they walked through the scariest place in the whole wide world: a haunted house in an amusement park.

Jessica’s actions amused Yuri even more. The taller girl glanced down at the blonde, whose eyes were still welded tight. Being the dork she was, she began leading a too-trusting Jessica down the pathway, and stopped strategically in front of a particular dreadful-looking, mangled skeleton of some sort.

"Sica, we're safe now. You can open your eyes."

And the ever gullible Jessica did as she told. As soon as her eyes made contact with the horrific sight, she instinctively went into her 4 step-routine again.

1) Scream.

2) Kick.

3) Hug Yuri as if her life depended on it.

4) "This is not funny, Kwon Yuri!!"

"Sica!!! You broke the skeleton!" Yuri exclaimed frantically.

Jessica gasped when she realized what Yuri was talking about. As if the skeleton wasn't mangled enough before, it was now a puddle of pseudo-calcium on the ground.

"What should we do??"

Yuri pouted and pondered for just a second. Inspecting her surroundings for actual human eyewitnesses, she quickly dragged the girl in her arms away from the crime scene, through more mangled limbs, and eventually out of the maze of horror. "Hit and run! Full speed ahead!" she yelled as Jessica closed her eyes and let Yuri be her guide - again.

Once out, Jessica (who was still in Yuri's arms) used a fist and pounded on Yuri's chest.

"Not funny, Kwon Yul! I am traumatized!!" she cried out with her face buried in Yuri's shoulder.

"Aww c'mon it was fun!! How often can you say that you kicked the undead’s a**??"

"I don’t care! Smooth, gentle rides from now on, Yuri!" Jessica ordered.

"Well... If you say so." Yuri responded grudgingly.


"Eeeekkkkkkkkk!!!!! Kwon Yuri!! You wanna die???"


"I said SMOOTH, GENTLE rides!!"

"But this is awesome!!"

"I should never have agreed in the first-- EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

"I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"

The girls' screams trailed down as they went down another 250-foot fall.

Recovering at the valley, Yuri turned to Jessica. "That was fun wasn't it??"

"No it's not!! I'm terrified!!! It's not---"

Jessica paused when she felt Yuri grab tightly on her hand. "It's gonna be okay Sicaaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm here!!"

"Just relax and go with-- WHOAAAAAA!!!"

And then the girls went down another fall.

Thanks to Yuri’s incessant pleading, the pair has spent an entire day at the amusement park. From the roller-coasters and haunted houses which Jessica had vowed never to set foot on, to the romantic carousels and ferris-wheels that made up for it. The chemistry was amazing, and the date, was perfect.

Jessica was even beginning to think that Yuri's memory loss wasn't entirely a bad thing.

Before they had realized, the sun was finally retiring after a whole day.

"Tired?" Yuri asked as she handed Jessica an ice cream cone, her other hand pounding on her back; she was beginning to regret riding on the roller-coaster.

"Freaked out." Jessica licked the ice cream, feeling slightly refreshed by the tingling sweet sensation.

Yuri laughed out loud. "Well I had fun. Don't worry, I won't force you to do it again." she chirped.

Jessica smiled as she handed Yuri the ice cream cone, who rejected by shaking her head.

"We're sharing it." she insisted by holding the cone directly before Yuri's mouth.

Yuri hesitated for a moment. That's like indirect kissing...

"We've already kissed last night. And, a whole lot of other times that you don’t remember." Jessica stated indifferently.

She read my mind! But wait, this feels like déjà vu...

"Quick! Before it melts."

Pondering for a moment more, Yuri leaned forward and licked it once. "Ohh that tastes--"

Before Yuri could finish, Jessica had leaned forward and licked Yuri’s upper lip.


Yuri spaced out for a moment as Jessica settled back on her seat indifferently.

Did she just do THAT??

"You didn't bring napkins."

"Uhh... Oh... I... see..."

Is she enjoying this or something?

"I would do it again though." Jessica stated as she licked her ice cream.


"Going on scary rides with you." Jessica said. "I would do it again."

"OH!!" Yuri laughed and awkwardly scratched the back of her head, mentally facepalming herself for misunderstanding what Jessica said. "Y-yea... That'll be great! Hahaha!" she stuttered as she settled down beside Jessica.

Just then, a sudden 'pop' sound startled the two girls. Jessica immediately cringed and she tried to cover her ears, though unsuccessfully due to the ice cream cone that took up one of her hands.

"You don’t like fireworks?" Yuri asked.

Jessica nodded with her eyes closed. "The sounds scare me..."

"Silly." Yuri commented as she raised both her hands and covered the girl’s ears.

Even though it wasn't the most efficient device, it worked. Feeling the warmth of Yuri's hands cupping her ears, a wave of calm resonated throughout her body.

Yuri leaned in closer to whisper in the girl's ears. "Open your eyes, Sica."

Jessica did as she was told. Looking up into the dark sky, she witnessed how the fireworks had struggled to get to the top, defying gravity at all odds, just to get to its destination. One after another, they bloomed, sprouting beautiful showers against the night sky.

Yuri had done it again.

If fireworks were scary before, they were now the most beautiful things Jessica had ever seen.

"Not so scary now, are they?" Yuri asked in her ear.

Turning towards the girl, Jessica saw something even more beautiful; Yuri's face, with the fireworks reflecting in her dark eyes. She couldn’t help but lean into an incredulous Yuri to kiss her on the lips.

And it wasn't one sided.

Reciprocation; and how much it meant to Jessica right now. It meant even more when she noticed how Yuri had conscientiously kept her hands on her ears, diligently protecting her from the things she feared.

The only thing Jessica could hear right now was the sound of her own increasing heartbeats. Smiling, she dropped the ice cream cone and put her arms around the tanned girl's neck as they continued kissing under the rain of fireworks.

At that moment, she vowed to love the girl forever.

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