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Chap 31

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Chapter 31

Tiffany smiled brightly as she stood by the kitchen counter, observing as the shorter girl washed the dishes.

"Dinner was fantastic, Tete."

Taeyeon smirked. "Glad you enjoyed it. Specially made for your birthday."

"It'll be so nice if I enjoyed home cooked meals from you everyday..." Tiffany said as she snuck up behind the girl.

"Everyday?" Taeyeon laughed as she put away a dish. "I'll try, I'll try."

"And even if it isn't everyday, I want to be able to have all my meals with you beside me."

"Sure." Taeyeon replied, still engrossed in her task at hand. "We've been doing that haven't we?"

"Tete..." Tiffany called out.

"Yes?" Taeyeon said, struggling to get a particular stain out of a bowl.

"Turn around."

Taeyeon did as she was told. With hands still holding onto the bowl she was washing, she gasped in shock when she turned to see Tiffany down on one knee, almost causing her to drop the porcelain on the floor.

"I'm sorry for rejecting you that night; I was being stupid and insecure. Seeing Yuri and Jessi go through all that made me realize how fragile life is, and it made me realize how I don't want to die not being Mrs Kim Taeyeon." She smiled as she took out the ring from her pocket. "I stole this from your drawer. Kim Taeyeon, will you propose to me again?"

The seconds passed as Taeyeon stood in shock, water dripping from her hands onto the wooden floor. When she came to her senses, she put the dish away, hurriedly wiped her hands and then took the ring from Tiffany's hands.

"Thank you for dropping such a big surprise at a time like this." she said as she helped Tiffany up. "I'm sorry that this isn't the most romantic setting to do this, I mean, there's no candlelight dinner, no fancy presents, my hair's in a mess, I'm wearing an apron... But I can't wait, and I can't think of anything more romantic other than pledging my life to you. I love you forever, Tiffany Hwang..." Taeyeon began as she went down on one knee and held Tiffany's hand. "And I want to spend forever with you. Will you marry me?"

"I don't care for any of that... This..." Tiffany smiled as she ruffled Taeyeon's hair and tugged at her apron, "is the Kim Taeyeon that I want to spend my life with. So yes, I would love to marry you!" Tiffany shrieked as she did a little happy skip.

"Stay still while I put the ring on you." Taeyeon smiled.

"This will be the best birthday present in my life." Tiffany declared.

And with that, the precious little jewelry finally rested on its rightful owner's hand.

"I love you forever too, Tete." Tiffany said as she brought the shorter girl's face up for a kiss. Any trace of a doubt in Tiffany's mind had vanished there and then. If no two people out there had been perfect for each other, they would be the pioneers, or even the monopolists, because they were perfect; because if there's only two things to believe in and one thing to have do doubt in, Tiffany knew for sure what they were.

After all, this was the happy ending anyone out there could only dream about.


Sunny was just the medicine to any beat-down, depressed, and lost soul. Feeling a tinge more optimistic, Jessica held on strongly to the 6 words that Sunny had drilled in her head:

The one Yuri loves is you

They were the only words she could hold on to for now, else her world would crumble.

However, as with how things always turn out, life more often than not, dishes lemons. As the two girls entered the lobby of Jessica’s apartment building on that fateful evening, Jessica would never dream of seeing just the people that have given her nothing but lemons.

Mommy and Daddy Jung.

Jessica approached her parents, still carrying that little grudge in her heart. “Why are you here?”

“Jess…” Mrs Jung walked forward and hugged her tightly. “Are you recovering well?”

“I’m not going back to the States.” Jessica stated without answering her mother’s question. “Why are you both here? Where’s Krystal?”

Mrs Jung smiled in an attempt to ease the hostile situation. “Krystal’s still in San Francisco. We’re here because your father has something to tell you.”

Reluctantly, the man stepped closer to Jessica, his eyes looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry. About Yuri.” he said.

Jessica sighed as she looked into the guilty eyes of her father. “All I ask for is your acceptance. Not your apology.”

Mr Jung looked straight at Jessica, rendered speechless by Jessica’s magnanimity. He felt even worse now, knowing that things could have turned out more pleasantly if he never made that mistake that night.

“Tell her, David. Or you can forget about getting your family back.” Mrs Jung ordered.

“Tell me what?” Jessica asked, feeling more bewildered than ever.

“Jessi!” Tiffany called out as she stepped out of the elevator at that moment, along with Taeyeon.

“What’s going on?” Tiffany asked, throwing Jessica’s parents a side-glance; she was all ready to defend her best friend.

Sunny stepped forward and pulled the two girls back. “Let them talk first.”

Having Jessica’s 3 friends around made it even harder for the man to swallow his pride and come clean. Taking a deep breath, Mr Jung held Jessica’s arms and braced himself. “Listen. I made a huge mistake and I’ve been regretting it every single day.”

Jessica listened intently as a bad feeling arose in her chest.

“That night… When I came home to an empty house and found you and Krystal missing, I got mad. I got extremely mad, and I drank. I drank so much that I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t mean it, I swear to you. I was going to fix things the right way, I was going to move our family back here, I even quitted my job—“

“What are you talking about?” Jessica questioned, unable to get his point.

Mr Jung inhaled deeply, clenching his fist. “The accident… wasn’t an accident.”

The 3 girls behind Jessica gasped at Mr Jung’s confession.

Jessica began shaking.

This time, he had crossed the line.

This time, he had gone too far.

Jessica couldn’t say a thing. She froze to her spot, bathing in fear, blame, and anger. There were a thousand things running through her head at that moment; all urging her to strike the man in front of her.

Going so far as to hurt Yuri…

“Get lost…” Jessica stepped back from the man.

“Jess, just hear me out…”

“GET LOST!!!” Jessica yelled at the top of her lungs, startling everybody. Sunny rushed forward and held onto Jessica, who was already trembling with anger.

Tiffany stomped in front of the man and pushed him hard. “How could you do this to Yuri?!! She’s done nothing but love your daughter!!”

“It was a mistake. I didn’t know what I was—“

“Please just leave! She’s had enough!” Taeyeon sternly requested, holding Tiffany back, sensing that Jessica was almost reaching her breaking point.

Defeated, Mr Jung stepped away from his daughter, knowing that any further explanation would only make matters worse. “I’m really, really sorry... And I will do everything in my power to make it up to you.” he said earnestly, before taking his leave.

As soon as the man had left, Mrs Jung approached her daughter and reached out for her hand. “You have to forgive him one day. He’s your father.”

Jessica retracted her hand before her mother could touch it. “Stay away from me.” she stated.

“I’m on your side, Jess.” the lady explained, hoping to reach out to her daughter now that she was the only parent left to pick up the pieces.

“Go away. Please…” Jessica begged in frustration.

“But I didn’t do anything!”

“That’s the point! You didn’t do anything! You didn’t do anything 5 years ago, you didn’t do anything 3 years ago, you NEVER did anything to stop him!!”

It pained Mrs Jung to come to terms with Jessica’s harshness, though she knew that her daughter was right. With tears in her eyes, she resigned to the fact that there was a long journey ahead to forgiveness.

“Just know that we love you, Jess. And we’ll never stop trying.”

With her parents out of the building, Jessica dropped down to the ground and buried her face in her hands, feeling the whole world crash on her that instant. All she wanted right now was Yuri by her side.

“Remember what I told you, Jessica.” Sunny emphasized.

“Jessi…” Tiffany squatted down beside the girl and tried to provide some comfort. “Take it easy. Look on the bright side, at least Yuri’s fine now.”

“She could have DIED. She could have died in front of my very eyes that night...”

Taeyeon shook her head and sighed. “Sica, ignore them. Cut them off if you must. Just don’t let this affect your relationship with Yuri.” Taeyeon advised. “In any case, it should make your bond stronger. I mean, you two literally put your lives at stake for each other.”

Taking just a few more moments to digest her friends’ words, Jessica turned around and grabbed Tiffany’s arm. “I-I’m sorry, Tiff. It’s your birthday today and you had to see this…”

“Don’t be silly.” Tiffany patted her hand. “We’ll be here for you any day.”

Jessica nodded, forcing herself to put on an act for her best friend.

“Tell you what, drinks are on me tonight.” Tiffany said.

“But you’re the birthday girl. It’s on me.” Sunny rebutted.

“Oh stop it. It’s Fany’s birthday, so it’s on me.” Taeyeon declared. “Plus, I have some good news to share later on.”

“Ooh what news?” Sunny asked.

“We’ll announce it later, when everyone’s around and HAPPY.” Taeyeon said, staring at Jessica.

“C’mon, let’s go.” Tiffany urged, tugging at Jessica’s arm.

Jessica nodded and forced a smile, making her best attempt to lighten up for her best friend’s birthday. But at the back of her mind, she couldn’t seem to put away the one thought that was still bugging her.

Where are you, Yuri?


Taking a quick glance at her watch, Yuri joined the queue to enter the club, clutching Tiffany’s birthday present in one hand. Fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, she smiled as it shone under the glow of the streetlights.


“…let me be your girlfriend.”

Hyomin broke apart from the hug and looked straight at Yuri in the eyes. "Kiss me."

A second passed. Then another, and another. Yuri kept still, just staring at Hyomin's face, finding it hard to close the distance between them. Images of the past few days flashed in her mind, and it all centered on one person.

Jessica Jung.

Hyomin shook her head and smiled, already expecting this outcome. “I know you feel responsible for everything and you’re trying to make it up to me, but it doesn’t work this way; not when your heart is already somewhere else. You're thinking about Jessica now, aren't you?"

Yuri kept silent, only further proving Hyomin's point.

"I know why you wanted to see me, Yuri. Thank you for being considerate over my feelings, but we've already broken up for years, in case you forgot." Hyomin laughed a little in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere. "I'm fine, don't worry."

Yuri sighed and looked down. "I feel like an open book."

"Don't forget, I was your girlfriend."

“I’m the luckiest person in the world, Minnie.”

“I’m glad you realize that.” Hyomin smiled as she patted the top of Yuri's head. “Now go. Your wife is waiting for you. Don’t you dare let her down or I’ll come after you.”

“Got it.” Yuri chuckled as she stood up from the bench.

Turning back to look at Hyomin before she left, Yuri said, “Whatever reason you have for avoiding me, throw it out. I know you have a good reason for doing it, because you’ll never avoid me if you could help it, but just… throw it out. I don’t care; I just don’t want to lose you.”

"Even if it's something really huge?"

"Even if you murdered my family." Yuri joked.

Hyomin looked straight back at Yuri’s sincere gaze, feeling a great sense of comfort for the first time. She smiled, upon recognizing what that feeling was; closure.

“I don’t want to lose you either, Yuri.”

(end of flashback)

As Yuri entered the club, she squinted as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. The loud music blasting in her ears was costing her a slight headache, but her anxiousness to see Jessica again bugged her even more. Definite of her feelings for the girl she was going to be with, she braced herself as she approached the table where her friends were seated.

“Yuri!!” Tiffany screamed happily. “You’re here!!”

Slowly walking over, Yuri spotted the blonde at the table. Her heart fluttered upon making a very brief eye contact with the girl.

“YOU’RE LATE, KWON YUL!!” Sooyoung yelled at the top of her lungs. The effects of alcohol had probably already sunk into the shikshin.

“Sorry!” Yuri apologized as she reached the table. “And happy birthday, Fany!” Yuri chirped, her eyes avoiding Jessica who was seated right beside the birthday girl. “I got you a gift.”

“Aww!!! Yuri’s the sweetest!” Tiffany exclaimed. “Sit down!” Tiffany shrieked in Yuri's ears before pushing her down into the little space beside Jessica. Being this close, Yuri’s heart raced upon smelling strawberries again.



The whole table of girls was seemingly drunk. Yuri’s eyes trailed down the table as she observed the gang in the anti-clockwise direction.

1) Tiffany: Eye smiles, smiling, more eye smiles. Clinging onto Taeyeon’s arm like her world depended on it. Lovestruck.

2) Taeyeon: Pervy face. Pervy laughter. Pervy gazes at Tiffany. Perv. Yuri shuddered.

3) Yoona: Passed out on the table. Dead drunk.

4) Sooyoung: Helping herself to anything under the category “food”. Random hysterical screaming and cracking up. Totally oblivious.

5) Sunny: Laughing along with the shikshin, feeding the shikshin, bobbing her head to the music along with the shikshin. Everything shikshin. Seriously, why aren’t these 2 together yet… Yuri sighed.

6) …

For some strange reason, Yuri found it extremely hard to look to her left to fill in the description for number 6. Her other senses did however; pick up that Jessica was silent.

But perhaps a little too quiet for Yuri’s comfort.

She’s mad at me for leaving just now, isn’t she?

Breathing deeply, Yuri slowly inched her head towards her left, and caught a glimpse of Jessica’s face. The girl had her eyes fixated on the table, and she wore her usual undecipherable expression.

Is she mad or is she just spacing out…


“EVERYBODY!! I have an announcement to make now that everyone’s here!” Taeyeon proclaimed as she stood up.

It caught everyone’s attention (except for Yoona). Clearing her throat a little, Taeyeon proudly declared, “FANY AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED!!”

“It’s the best birthday present in my life!!” Tiffany joined in.

“WOOO!!!! Congrats!!” Sooyoung and Sunny exuberated while Taeyeon and Tiffany wore the utmost blissful expression on their faces. The couple could defeat the rainbow at being the new gay symbol; pun intended.

“Cheers everyone!!” Sooyoung screamed, raising her arms in the air and urging everyone to follow her cue.


But Jessica was still sitting still, unfazed. It bothered Yuri a whole lot more now.

“Congrats, you two…” Yuri extended out a hand towards the couple, who used it to pull her in for a group hug. Taking the opportunity, Taeyeon hurriedly whispered in Yuri’s ear. “Sica’s drunk. She’s not okay. Do what you have to do.”

Yuri nodded and sat back down, knowing that it was wholly her fault for Jessica’s mood. Turning towards the blonde whose eyes were still fixated on the table, she tilted her head in her line of sight and tried to get her attention.

“I’m sorry for leaving so abruptly today.” Yuri apologized, feeling a little disheartened when Jessica refused to make eye contact with her. To make matters worse, Jessica didn’t respond. She remained spaced out.

Okay. She’s REALLY mad.


Jessica lifted her glass and downed its contents without saying a thing. Frustrated and still bothered by her headaches, Yuri grabbed the glass from Jessica’s hands. “You can ignore me but don’t indulge in this.”

In a swift move, Jessica got up from her seat, still giving Yuri the cold shoulder.

“Where are you going?” Yuri asked, half-expecting a non-response.

And she was right. Jessica had left the table without a word.

“Yuri.” Tiffany stopped the girl before she took off after Jessica. “Something really really bad happened tonight.” Tiffany said. “She’s extremely fragile right now. Be careful with her.”

“I will.” Yuri replied before giving chase. She was too distracted with the growing distance between Jessica and her to be worried about her throbbing headache.

Why is EVERYONE avoiding me today? Yuri mentally cursed as she squeezed her way through the throngs of people in the club. It didn’t help that drunkards were rowdy and rude either.

“Where are you…?” Yuri muttered under her breath as she scoured the area for the blonde.


“Hey beautiful, let me buy you a drink.”

The man reeked of alcohol so badly that it almost made Jessica barf. “Get… lost.” she managed to say despite her spinning head.

“Aww c’mon. It’ll make you feel better.” he said, leaning closer to the girl. His rancid, alcoholic breath made Jessica more uncomfortable than ever. It didn’t help that she was staggering a little and barely had the strength to push him off.

“Stay away…” Jessica struggled to keep him at arm’s length, whilst trying to stand upright.

“Why don't you join me at my table?” he said as he attempted to put his arm around Jessica’s shoulder.

But of course, he failed miserably when that arm was stopped by Kwon Seobang’s firm grip.

“Get the hell away from her.” Yuri stated, the rage in her eyes almost burning holes in the man’s face. Feeling more protective of Jessica than ever, she wrapped her arm tightly around the girl’s shoulder.

“Yu…” Jessica slurred as she stumbled back and forth.

The man raised his hands and shrugged. “Lighten up, beautiful. You’re in a club.” he commented before walking off.

“Doesn’t mean you get the right to touch her, you jerk.” Yuri scoffed. Turning towards Jessica, the rage within her dissipated in an instant. Bringing up her other hand; she brushed Jessica’s bangs to the side to get a glimpse of the girl’s face. “What exactly happened, Sica?”

Jessica turned over and took a closer look at Yuri’s face. Stepping back from the taller girl, she forcefully removed the latter’s arm from her shoulder and started walking away – again.

Yuri stood still, incredulous. Feeling more perturbed by the second, she watched as Jessica staggered several steps away from her.

“Don’t walk away.”

And Yuri had been ignored again. Huffing, she gave chase and gripped the girl tightly on her forearm. “What happened?? Talk to me!”

The stubborn girl just wouldn’t give in. Not holding back on her hostility, she continued walking forward, whilst still wriggling out of Yuri’s dead grip. “Let me go…”

It sent Yuri on a rocket trip to Angry Land. "Arghhh fine!!" Helpless to the point of anger, Yuri tugged Jessica towards her forcefully, hugged her tightly, and then lifted the girl up in a bear hug.

“Put me down!!” Jessica pounded on Yuri’s shoulder while the latter gritted her teeth throughout. “I said put me down, Kwon Yuri!!!”

“No friggin’ way!!” Yuri wouldn’t have any of it. Not when Jessica was pushing so many of her buttons and pissing her off at that moment. Their little bicker had created quite a scene as onlookers watched on, but Yuri could care less. Holding Jessica like she was a prized trophy, Yuri trotted out of the club with the angry blonde still pounding on her shoulders.

Once out, the tanned girl continued down the sidewalk, not stopping to even catch a breath. “Put me down!!” Jessica persisted but still failed, probably due to the weakening effects of the alcohol in her system. “Where are you taking me?!”

“I’m bringing you home, where we can hold a proper conversation.”

Jessica huffed. “Fine. Put me down, I can walk myself.”

“No way.”

“Kwon Yuri.”

“I said NO.” Yuri reinstated, walking as fast as she could. She was almost glad that home was just a few blocks away.

At the end of her tether, Jessica gave up, too vulnerable under the alcohol and fatigue. Moreover, she was partially enjoying this; despite still being upset over Yuri’s disappearance the entire day. The rest of the journey home was silent, except for the sounds of Yuri panting and grunting as she struggled with Jessica’s deadweight.

Back home, Yuri didn’t let go of the girl till she ensured that the front door was locked and bolted.

“If I put you down… promise… that you won’t run away...” Yuri said, gasping for breath.

Jessica sighed. “I promise.”

Reluctantly, Yuri lowered the girl onto the ground. Jessica didn’t move from her position, she kept her head lowered, still refusing to look at Yuri’s face. Taking a few more moments to catch her breath, Yuri then squatted down and looked upwards at the girl.

“I’m sorry that I disappeared on you today.”

Jessica looked away. “Just say it.”

“Say what?”

“Break the news to me.”

“What news??” Yuri stood back up and walked in front of Jessica, who was still persistently avoiding her gaze.

Jessica took a deep breath and bit on her lip. “You’re going back to Hyomin aren’t you?”


“It’s obvious.” Jessica said, looking towards the ground. “You remember everything about her and nothing about me. You definitely have more feelings for her.”

Yuri closed her eyes and took deep breaths as she tried to channel her frustration somewhere else.

Did my confession not mean anything to you…

“I won’t hold you back this time. I’ll let you—“

“Stop talking.” Yuri interrupted.

“Why?” Jessica said, almost at the brink of tears. “You wanted me to talk just moments ago—“

“Stop talking, Sica.”

“So it’s true, isn’t it? You’re really—“

But before Jessica could finish, Yuri had grabbed her arms, pushed her up against the wall and crashed into her lips, catching the blonde by surprise. Jessica remained stiff for a few seconds as Yuri kissed her deeply, and then forcefully pushed the taller girl away before she melted into a puddle of mush. “What are you doing?!” she asked, glaring at the girl.

Finally able to establish eye contact with Jessica, Yuri stared straight into her eyes and said, “I went after Minnie today because I needed an affirmation.”

“W-What affirmation?” Jessica asked timidly, almost crumbling under Yuri’s gaze.

Yuri exhaled. “I needed to see her to know that what I feel towards her isn’t the same as what I feel for you.”

Jessica kept silent as Yuri stared straight into her eyes, piercing into her soul. With her back against the wall and Yuri’s body pressed up against hers, her heart was thumping harder and faster than ever before.

“I wake up from a coma, having no memories of you, thinking that Minnie was my girlfriend. And then everyone in the room tells me that I’m engaged to my high school classmate whom I have no recollection of, and I didn’t know how to reconcile with that. That very night, when I first went home with you, something was bugging me the whole time; I felt like I was cheating on Minnie. Because from that one night, from just THAT ONE NIGHT, Sica… I started having all these unexplainable, extremely intense feelings for you and I've been killing myself the whole time for feeling that way.”

Jessica didn’t know what to say. Tears welled up in her eyes as a rush of relief overwhelmed her. At that moment, she realized that she had been worrying over nothing.

“I don’t care if I don't regain my memories. I don’t need them to know that the one I love is Jessica Jung.”

“Yuri…” Jessica shook her head as she started sobbing. “What happened to you wasn’t an accident. My father wanted you dead… And it’s my fault. It was all because of me…” she said, tears streaming down her face.

Yuri kept silent for a little while, digesting the news. “It’s not your fault.”

“You could have died, Yuri…”

“I don’t care.” Yuri said, leaning closer towards Jessica’s face.

“But I do!! What if my father hurts you again??”

“I don’t… care.” Yuri repeated, their lips now less than an inch apart. Still panting, Yuri’s rapid breathing was leaving sweet, hot breaths on Jessica’s face, and it didn't help that the claustrophobia was accumulating a sort of tension between the two.

“I just wanna be with you.”

Jessica couldn’t feel more relieved with Yuri’s reassurance. The anxiety, worry and sadness that she had built up over the days had completely vanished. Instead, they were now being replaced with a brash desire to be with the girl in front of her. The breathlessness began setting in as her heart pumped rapidly, channeling the blood into every crevice in her body.

The proximity between them was killing Jessica by the second, but she fought hard against that rush in her blood to pull the taller girl towards her to close the distance, preferring Yuri to take the initiative this time.

Unfortunately, to her disappointment, Yuri had released Jessica’s arms and backed away.

Frowning, Jessica reached out and grabbed Yuri’s arm before she even took one step. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Yuri arched her eyebrows. “I’m still standing right here.”

“Weren’t you going to kiss me?” Jessica asked breathlessly.

“Uhh…” Yuri stammered. “What kinda question is that?”

“Then why did you come so close?!”

“I was just trying to get your attention!”

Jessica huffed, frustrated that she wasn’t getting anything from the taller girl. “Are you going to kiss me?” she asked, already transforming into sergeant mode.

Yuri wore the most perplexed expression ever. “I-I don’t know. Do you want me to kiss you?”

“Do you want to kiss me?” Jessica further interrogated.

“Sica…” Yuri began explaining, “I know we’ve been close before, but I have no memories of it. This is extremely nerve-wrecking--”

“Do you…” Jessica leaned closer. “…want to kiss me?”

H-half an inch apart... Glancing at Jessica's lips, Yuri swallowed the huge lump in her throat before answering, “Y-yes.”

“Then just do it…”

“B-but aren’t you still angry at me for disappearing on you today?” Yuri asked, much to Jessica’s annoyance.

“Yes.” Jessica sighed, rolling her eyes a little. “I am… so… angry.” she managed to say, furiously hoping that Yuri would get her point.

“So then…”

“Shut up and kiss me now, Kwon Yuri.” Jessica ordered.

Acceding with Jessica’s order, Yuri braced herself and took a deep breath before she moved in for the kill, feeling her heart already at the edge of her throat. Leaning forward, she made gentle contact with Jessica’s lips, half-nervous, half-reminiscing about that night when she got discharged from the hospital. After a couple of seconds, Yuri retracted, choosing instead, to circumvent the blonde’s orders before she drove herself crazy.

To Jessica, it was almost definitely a weak attempt at a kiss. Unsatisfied and at the peak of chagrin, she wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck and fervently pulled the girl back into her lips; her brusque action threatening to push Yuri off the edge of sanity.

Fiercely engaging in a battle of some sort where Yuri tried to play up a defense, Jessica’s attacks were getting harder to resist. However, the passionate kiss still wasn’t quite enough to break Yuri out of her shell, and it frustrated Jessica to no end. Not wanting to lose, Jessica pounced on the taller girl, wrapping her legs around the latter’s hips. Though it was matched with Yuri"s instinctive support with expert timing, she had slightly stumbled, causing her to step forward and press Jessica hard against the wall behind her.

The audible reaction for that unintentional action ended up becoming a strong attack against Yuri’s weakening defenses.

The little conflicts here and there screamed volumes about the accumulated tension between them over the course of days. With one last bit of effort, and relying on the support of the wall and the taller girl holding tightly onto her, Jessica relieved her tied up hair, letting it fall loosely all over Yuri’s face before using both her hands to bring the latter’s face even closer.

The overwhelming scent of strawberries had ignited it.

Yuri had fallen off that cliff.


Back at the club, Sooyoung had joined Yoona in the Passed Out Drunk Wonderland, leaving the 3 remaining girls to ponder how they were going to transport the 2 giants home.

“Where’s YulSic? They’ve disappeared for quite some time now.” Sunny asked in concern.

Tiffany raised her head and scoured the area near them. “You’re right. Tete, give Yuri a call.”


(phone rings)


Yuri gave the girl a peck on her lips and wriggled her way out of the girl’s grip. “I’ll be… real quick.” she said before retrieving her phone.

“Who’s that?”

“Taengoo.” Yuri replied before answering the call. “Hey, what’s up?”

(“Where are you? Are you with Sica?”)

Jessica got off the bed and proceeded to hug Yuri from behind. The latter gulped upon feeling the warmth on her back. “Uhh… Yea.”

(“Are you guys okay?”)

Gawd… What are you doing?!

(“Hello? Yuri?”)



“Y-yea!! We’re good... Don’t worry. Uhh c-can you tell Tiffany that we’re sorry for leaving early? I gotta go, bye!” Yuri muttered and quickly hung up.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Yuri turned around and stared at the blonde.

Jessica chuckled. “Why?”

“Because…” Yuri smiled as she carried Jessica back to the bed.


“What did you say?” Taeyeon covered her other ear as she struggled to make out what Yuri had said amidst the booming club music.

“Hello??? What the hell…” Taeyeon said as she looked at her phone. “Yuri just hung up on me.”

“What?” Tiffany exclaimed worriedly as she reached for phone. “It could be something bad. I’ll call Jessi.”


(phone rings)

“Not again…” Yuri groaned. “Your phone, Sica.”

“Ignore it…” Jessica said as she used an arm to hook Yuri back down by her neck.

“B-b-but…” Yuri struggled to say amidst her lip-to-lip session with the blonde. “It’s... distracting.”

Huffing, Jessica pushed Yuri off of her, got off the bed, reached for her phone, and then swiftly rejected the call with a finger.

“There. Back to business, Seobang.”


“Anything?” Sunny asked.

Tiffany frowned. “I can’t get through…” she said worriedly. “Do you think they’re okay? Jessi seemed really upset just now.”

“I’ll call Yuri again.” Taeyeon offered.


(phone rings)

“OMGAWDDDDDD……” Yuri groaned. “Of… all… TIMES!!” she complained as she got off the bed to take the call. Jessica chuckled a little at Yuri’s aggravation.

Sighing, Yuri answered the call as she sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing her temples. “How can I help you, Miss Kim Taeyeon?”

(“Yuri! Why isn’t Sica picking up her phone? Are you guys okay?”)

“Yea she’s…”

Yuri was rendered speechless when Jessica moved in front of her.


“…she’s so fine…” Yuri unwittingly muttered, eyes focusing on the girl in front of her.

(“Huh? What did you say?”)

“You are... killing me…”

“Oh really...” Jessica replied, biting her lip as she straddled Yuri’s lap.

“Yea… really…” Yuri muttered as she snaked her arms around the blonde’s waist, letting the phone fall by the bedside.


“Yuri?? Hello??” Taeyeon said, bewildered. “That’s strange; she’s still on the line but she’s not saying anything…”

“Really?” Sunny asked. “Give me the phone.”

“Hello? Yuri?” Sunny spoke into the phone while Taeyeon and Tiffany watched on.

(loud gasp) “Omgawd.” Sunny said, eyes wide open.

“What what??” the couple asked in unison.

“Omgawd!!!” Sunny exclaimed before bursting out in laughter.

An extremely curious Taeyeon grabbed her phone back from Sunny’s hand. Silently listening for a moment, her inquisitive facial expression had turned into one which screamed amazement.

“WOW!” Taeyeon commented as she listened intently.

“What’s going on?” Tiffany asked frantically, still unable to grasp what was happening.

Taeyeon shot a cheeky look to her wife before handing her the phone. “Here.” she said with utmost amusement before entering into a laughing fit with Sunny.

“You two are weird…” Tiffany muttered before putting the phone to her ears.

“OH MY GOODNESS!” Tiffany shrieked as she hurriedly dropped the phone on the table like it was infected. Frantically rubbing her ears, she looked at the laughing duo while wearing her most fearful face. “That’s just… I can never look at Jessi in the same way again!!”

“You missed the part where Yuri… Oh nevermind.” Taeyeon stopped herself upon noticing her wife’s disgusted face. Picking the phone back up, she continued eavesdropping on the couple.

“Tete! Hang up the call!” Tiffany demanded as she slapped Taeyeon on the arm.

Unfortunately, Taeyeon didn’t abide by the girl’s order. To top it off, Sunny had leaned over and was also trying to listen in on the… action.

“WOW!” Taeyeon exclaimed again, laughing. "Well at least we know that they're okay."

Tiffany shook her head, sighed and buried her face in her hands. “I am scarred for life…”

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