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Prologue + Chap 1

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“Come here.”

The girl’s face was shining under the moonlight; her eyes filled with longing. She was undeniably beautiful.

“I-- I should go.” she found herself stammering as she turned towards the door, mentally slapping herself in the face for even thinking about the possibility of spending the night.


“You’re drunk. I’m going home.” she replied without turning back to look at the girl. She knew that if she looked into those eyes again, she would relent.

As she reached for the door knob, she felt the girl coming closer.

Leave leave leave leave leave!! Her mind screamed.

“Don’t.” the girl said as she pinned her against the door. At this proximity, she could feel her warm breath on the back of her neck, she could smell the alcohol in her breath and the scent on her body.

That strawberry scent...

She instantly felt weak and found herself drowning in it, while the girl’s arms wrapped around her waist.

“Don’t go.” the girl whispered. “I missed you, Yuri.”

This is wrong…

It was killing Yuri to resist, she wanted so much to stay. She gripped on the door knob tightly; this was her only escape. It was now or never.

“Sorry…” was all Yuri managed to say before she made her exit.

Rejecting Jessica Jung was the hardest thing she’s ever had to do.


Chapter 1

“I’m home.” Yuri said as she opened the door to her apartment. It was already past 4 in the morning.

She scanned the apartment. “Not home again.” Yuri mumbled as she dropped her bag on the floor. Walking into the kitchen, she found a bright yellow post-it pasted on the fridge.

‘Schedule runs late. Don’t wait up for me. Bought Ma for you. Love, Minnie’

“Park Sunyoung, invisible girlfriend.” Yuri sighed sarcastically as she made her way to the living room and plopped down on the couch. She brought a hand up to her forehead and rubbed her temples lightly.

The night’s events replayed in her head. She was that close to becoming a cheater, and the thought of it scared her. She disliked cheaters for a particular reason; the fact that cheating involved breaking a bond of trust was daunting. Yuri strived to be excellent in everything, she excelled in the academics, sports, and she strived to be an excellent girlfriend. That aside, Yuri was warm, kind, selfless and undeniably attractive. She would naively sacrifice everything for the people whom she loved. Her cynical friends had labeled her ‘the perfect girlfriend’. Perfectly stupid.

But when it came to Jessica, Yuri began to understand why she allowed herself to edge so dangerously close to cheating.


The tall, tanned girl had been in a relationship with Hyomin for a year now. Maybe it was the “perfect girlfriend” in Yuri that moved the aspiring singer, who was presently at the peak of her career. Yuri was proud of her girlfriend, she loved her, cared for her, and supported her through the tumultuous times when she was still a rising star. She tried to remain indifferent about the fact that they had to keep their relationship under wraps, making extra effort to arrange their meetings in secret places and refraining from being intimate in public. She knew how cruel it could be, being in an industry like this; Hyomin sometimes came home crying, mostly due to the pressure that came with constantly being in the spotlight. The sight of her vulnerable girlfriend in her arms always made the extremely soft-hearted Yuri feel weak. She wanted to do anything she could to protect her.

But everyone has their limits. The fact that Yuri was seeing her girlfriend on television more than in person was largely taking a toll on her. It was almost as if they were in a long distance relationship. Yuri always knew she wanted to settle down with someone eventually, but sometime in the year of being together, she had started questioning the possibility of it happening with her current partner.

Still, one step at a time. Yuri knew Hyomin needed her, so she would choose to stay by her side.


And on that particular night, like many other nights she was left alone at home, she felt extremely lonely. To make matters worse, it was a Friday night, and Yuri had desperately needed a break from school, so she turned to her close friends; aka the greatest people to turn to for almost anything. Coincidentally, they had been lounging around at home when she called, bored out of their wits.


“Yuri!” shouted a girl with long slender legs. Behind her was another lengthy girl, who had eyes that were soft and innocent, resembling that of a deer; it was ironic to see a face like that in a place like this.

“Sooyoung! Yoong!” Yuri waved back with as much intensity as the former, before signaling to them to join her in a seemingly endless queue. The tall trio stuck out like pinheads in the crowd.

“Why are there so many people?” Yoona asked.

“It’s a club. It’s supposed to be crowded.” Sooyoung retorted, amused by Yoona’s obvious lack of experience in this area.

“Well I hope we get in soon. It’s getting hot out here.”

“Soon, soon.” Yuri smiled.

“Oh by the way Yuri, the others are joining us. They have been bugging us for a gathering the whole week. And also, there’s something you should know--”

“Wait, who?” Yuri interrupted.

“Unnies! Over here!” Yoona suddenly exclaimed, while waving excitedly.

“AHHHHH!! I missed you three!” a girl ran towards the trio and hugged them.

“Fany!!” a shorter girl caught up with the first, panting heavily. “YA!! How did you manage to run that fast in heels?!” she managed to say.

“TAENGOOOOOOOO!!!” the trio enveloped the girl once they broke off the first girl’s embrace.

“Okay okay kids, now get off me! I need air!”

“Hahaha Taengooooo, still as cute as everrrrrr.” Yuri said as she pinched the girl’s cheeks, earning her an angry stare.

“I can’t believe we’re all meeting again after so long! We have loads to catch up on!” Tiffany said.

“Yea we can probably do that now since this queue takes forever.” Sooyoung sighed. “Oh by the way, where’s Sica? Isn’t she with you guys?” she continued, before shooting a glance at Yuri.


“Oh she’s joining us in a while. That girl takes a gazillion years to get ready. She’s probably making her way here soon.” Tiffany said.

“Or maybe she fell asleep halfway.”

“HAHAHHA!” the gang burst out in laughter.

“Ya. Kim Taeyeon. I’m awake.” came a voice from behind.

At that instant, the 5 girls turned around and came face to face with…

Jessica Jung.

(flashback ends)

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