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(Remaster) The Ship of the Tempest

(Remaster) The Ship of the Tempest

32,317 1,557 62

This is the Remastered edition of "The Ship of the Tempest"Feel free to check out the Original!…

OSLCW: Usurpation

OSLCW: Usurpation

1,586 65 6

Volume 2 of Our Silent Lives Conquer WorldsRouted and forced to retreat, our 4 remaining Heroes have lost against their battle with Arbiter I, now identified as the final card of the Major Arcana: The Fool.Now, with the corners to retreat to having been annihilated, they are forced back to old places, where things have changed through time. New dangers and new enemies await, but surely, they can continue on fine.Yet, foes that they have struggled against before will come to face them. Origins of power will test their mettle in combat.Fool awaits them, but what remains to be seen is if they can make it to her once more...…

A Silver Touched Rose

A Silver Touched Rose

17,012 382 10

On the hunt for clues on Yang's real mother, Ruby and her sister are split from each other when Grimm attack them.Ruby runs into the woods, hoping for an escape from the beast behind her, unfortunately she is hit with a cliff wall blocking her path, and the Grimm right behind her.Before the Grimm strikes, she activates the silver eyes that she was born with, killing the Grimm and knocking her unconscious.The action however, seems to have opened a door, the young girl falling in before it closes, leaving only her red cloak behind...…

(Remastered)Dark and Light Do Mix

(Remastered)Dark and Light Do Mix

206 15 2

Monster HuntersA renowned and prestigious profession, where Humanities' best and bravest fighters go toe to toe with the full wrath of nature. Be it the harshest environments, or the mightiest of beasts, Hunters see it through to protect not only the rest of humanity, but the delicate balance of nature itself.However, there are many things that are still to be known, and further still to be studied in full. An infamously slippery monster group, the Magalas, is one such mystery.Thanks to a duo of hunters however, even more mystery was thrown into the mix, in the form of a young girl found in the wilds bearing a resemblance to the Black Eclipse Wyverns themselves.This, is her story...…



498 29 2

The city of Kivotos...less a city and more a country given it's size. There are thousands of schools that govern their districts like general municipalities would, making the entire place almost entirely self sufficient.It would be impossible without the Students, all of which with the strange Halos atop there heads, who defend and uphold the home they live in.On another hand, the new SCHALE Club has had a somewhat rocky start, what with the crime on the rise and the newest Sensei feeling slightly alienated in this city he recently came to work in. What's a man to do when he needs help in this situation?Why, call for aid from a very interesting individual of course.…

Little-Big Tyrant

Little-Big Tyrant

354 27 4

Tyrannosaurus RexEveryone has heard of the King before, who doesn't know of the great Theropod that ruled the Cretaceous?Though what most probably don't know is this Tyrant never had it easy. Sure, when you're big and strong, no one can stop you, but on this Archipelago, where past and present Megafauna live, what's a newly born Rex to do?Simple, his best…

My Evil Eyes

My Evil Eyes

132 6 1

Two stars shine onto the worldOne basks in the light, taking the sword to defend the world.The other, drenched in dark and overcoming their fate.These two are the opposite sides of the same coin, the Yin and Yang. There is only one thing connecting them together.Blood.…

Intentional, Infectional

Intentional, Infectional

4,200 257 11

Warning: Sunlight ahead, possible detection risk....Proceeding with movement, energy required....Four unknown signatures found, investigate.…

Apex's Lament

Apex's Lament

383 18 2

ReapersA creature created as a means to an end, a way for the Ark to punish the Survivors that harnessed and used the futuristic technology with no desire to ascend.Such creatures were fast, powerful, and above all else, near impossible to kill, unless in the right conditions. By all means, they are Humanities' natural predator.But why, from such a mighty beast, were you born?…

(Remaster) The Abyss Calls Out

(Remaster) The Abyss Calls Out

44,373 1,862 41

This is the Remastered edition of "The Abyss Calls Out"Feel free to check out the Original!…

(Remaster) Cleansing the Waters

(Remaster) Cleansing the Waters

6,310 205 4

This is the Remastered edition of "Cleansing the Waters"Feel free to check out the Original!…

Our Silent Lives Conquer Worlds

Our Silent Lives Conquer Worlds

132,353 5,445 177

5 individual worlds.5 different ships, all having gone through challenge after challenge.5 different paths...all converge onto one.When a threat that is both familiar and oh so distant makes itself known, they will need each others help.Yet the secret fell out, they need to travel to more worlds to loosen their foe's hold on domination.That's something they are more than willing to do.Something that they must do.Or they will all fail.…

(Remaster) Forsakened, yet Awoken

(Remaster) Forsakened, yet Awoken

2,419 97 5

This is the Remastered edition of "Forsakened, yet Awoken"Feel free to check out the Original!…

Gap Closers

Gap Closers

426 27 2

KansenThe powerful, fabricated brings that have defended the world from attacks by those beyond it. Stalwart, reliable, and most of all: BeautifulEven now, long after those threats have vanished, they're still well respected and revered. Though, there was always the issues of how they interacted with normal people, especially one of the primary concerns most of them had coming from the conflicts.Someone they could put their everything into…

She who Devours All

She who Devours All

40,735 1,051 35

Hunger can change people, but hunger is controllable when you know what to do.True starvation however, leads to dangerous things, death being the worst.Or was it?…

(Remaster) Family is Stronger than this Feud

(Remaster) Family is Stronger than this Feud

1,844 86 4

This is the Remastered edition of "Family is Stronger than this Feud"Feel free to check out the Original!…

Conquistadora de las Sirenas

Conquistadora de las Sirenas

28,648 821 23

Written in English, don't let the name fool you.Many centuries have passed since her fall. The Empire she once served proudly has fallen and now resides as a long lost time, one the modern age has moved far beyond.Great ships of steel and guns that fire farther and faster than she ever could. All of this to be used by girls to fight a threat from somewhere else...Should she really be here?Hah! The Spanish didn't belong in the Americas and they came anyways!She'll make it here and she knows she will. This time, she'll make sure her record remains spotless.Just have to hope no more Jackdaws exist...…

The Waves Don't Forget

The Waves Don't Forget

5,139 227 17

Großer KurfürstA legend who has served the world itself faithfully and dutifully. She has served in countless battles against the enemies of mankind themselves, the Siren.Yet this hero and legend was no longer as such, with the defeat of the Sirens and the lack of any combat currently, she did the one thing she wished for long, long ago.RetirementBut what else can one do now? Other than stare at the memories of days long past...…

Constant Chaos

Constant Chaos

225 12 1

The ConstantA world of chaos and despair, known to lead many into insanity from the horrors of the vast wilderness and the strange wildlife dotted about in this place. Not many could survive such an environment, much less could ever hope to thrive in it.If that's so, how would a group of four fair in this place? They come from all walks of life, some warriors in ages past, some from places beyond our wildest imagination, but all have something to bring to the table in this desperate bid for survival....Wait, why is that one using a Shovel? That one's a God?! The other is too?! You're from the Moon?!Ugh...this group is wild...…

Amagi: The Arrival

Amagi: The Arrival

1,991 91 5

A dimension left to it's lonesome, none daring to touch it out of fear of the horrors that lie within.A Siren Hunter held dear to the hearts of many has found herself here after entering through the only way possible: Her Dreams.The world itself has reacted to her presence here, and it doesn't take her arrival kindly. Now, how will Akagi fare in this hostile and terrifying new world, with the faces of those familiar haunting her every step?…