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A Show of Power


Once again, Enterprise was woken from a nightmare.

Enterprise: No...that was no nightmare...a message

She quickly dressed herself and made her way to the Grand hall, the news she had would be incredibly beneficial.


Bismarck: Good lord! Enterprise?!

Enterprise: I need to say something

Q.E: You could have came in quietly!

Enterprise: It's related to the threat that attacked Seattle


Bismarck: That's good, but how did you come across this?

Enterprise: It my dreams

Q.E: Really? You're imagining our opponents now?

Nagato: Elizabeth, she isn't lying, she must of had a vision

Enterprise: It was through my nightmare, I was in the burning city, than it flashed to a dock, where Iowa was falling off

Nagato: Enterprise...we know you miss her bu-

Enterprise: I'm not done! She fell and I felt my surroundings change, I was on a tower on a bright beautiful day, and then...

Bismarck: Then?

Enterprise: Iowa started to choke me out

Bismarck: Pardon?

Enterprise: In the city, I found a survivor when we went to check, and she was with a white haired woman, her eyes were shining gold, and she left through a portal

Elizabeth: So it's a siren?!

Enterprise: No, that was Iowa


Nagato: But...she's dead

Enterprise: It seems even death can't hold her down

Elizabeth: My god...twice she survived an execution, and twice she was backstabbed by her friends and family

Enterprise: That's not all, she was the woman choking me out in my dreams, but I got through to her, her eyes turn back to their Pink and she looked to be fighting whatever was controlling her body...but failed

Nagato: What happened then?

Enterprise: I thought she was freed, and embraced her, then she thrust her arm through by stomach...and before I passed out, she told me to send a message to the entire world

Q.E: And...*gulp* t-that message was?

Enterprise: The Abyssal fleet will show us who truly owns the planet


Bismarck: I cant believe this...I don't WANT to believe this

Nagato: Same as I, but she is definitely telling the truth

Elizabeth said nothing

Enterprise: What are we going to do? She definitely changed, and if she can invade dreams, what else?

Bismarck: She must have come across something to gain such power

Nagato: Yes...but what?

Enterprise: Whatever it is, we need to warn the world about this, keeping them in the dark about a threat that wishes to dominate them is asking for more deaths

Bismarck: You're right, lets get on that
Unbeknownst to the 4 leaders, Iowa was watching them through her orb, which she named Seer.

Iowa: *soft chuckling* They are quite intuitive, they knew I have plenty of abilities, yet they did pinpoint several of them

She raised Seer and put it off to the side, letting it levitate near the throne.

Iowa: I need something to send a message...but how...

She looked over to Seer, changing the perspective to an overhead view of Azur lane.

Iowa looks into it for a few moments, before she cracks a devilish smile.

Iowa: I know just what to do...
Back in the Azur lane base, 4 girls are relaxing in the park, laid out on the grass completely zoned out.

This is the Starter Squad; Ayanami, Laffey, Javelin, and Z23.

Javelin: To think that Iowa is our enemy now

Z23: It pains me too, I remember our cooking sessions

Laffey: She always gave Laffey the best cola

Ayanami: Yeah...she was there for everyone, and we turn our backs on her when she needed us

Javelin: Two times that happened...I wish we could go back in time and fix that

Z23: I wish so too


Javelin: you hear that?

Z23: Hm? Hear what?

Javelin: I though I heard something from the trees

She looked over to a patch of trees, the others followed her gaze.

Ayanami: There's nothing there

Laffey: Laffey agrees with her

Javelin: I could have sworn I heard something...I'm gonna check just in case

She went into the trees and vanished in the growth.

Z23: Do you think she'll find anything?

Ayanami: I don't know, I don't think it's something important

Soon enough, she left the tree line.

Z23: Did you find anything?

Javelin: No, I thought it was something special, but it was just a loud bird

Laffey: Laffey hopes the bird will be quiet

Javelin: *sweatdrops* It's just so you could sleep huh?

Laffey: Mhm..

Javelin: I better get going anyway, I have something to do

Z23: Alright then, see you later

Ayanami: Goodbye

Laffey: *sleeping*

Javelin left the group and exited the park, after leaving she looks to the Grand hall.

Javelin: Are they still in there? They've been in there for hours now...


Inside the room, the 4 are still trying to come up with an idea to repel and/or defeat this new threat to them.

So far...nothing

Enterprise: *sigh* What are we going to do?

Bismarck: We know she has an army, and if we believe they are like us, than this could be dealt with

Nagato: But she has powers as well, and we don't know the extent of them


Q.E: Do you...think she'll be up for an alliance?

Enterprise: I don't think so

Bismarck: That's obvious

?: Actually...

They look over to the door, and they see Javelin.

Javelin: I think she might be trying to do something

Q.E: Javelin? What are you getting at?

Javelin: I mean, think about it, if she truly is trying to kill us, don't you think she might have already done so?

Nagato: What do you mean?

Javelin: If she was in Enterprise's dream, and can teleport...don't you think she has other powers?

Q.E: You...have a point there

Bismarck: But if she isn't trying to kill us, then what is she doing?


Enterprise: Javelin

Javelin: Yes? did you know she was in my dreams?

The other 3 leaders' eyes widen in realization, and they turn towards Javelin.

Bismarck: She's right, how do you know?!

Q.E: Were you eavesdropping?!

Nagato: If she was, we would have noticed by now

Enterprise: Care to explain then?


Q.E: Javelin, explain now!

Javelin kept her head down, the light didn't shine on her face.

Enterprise: Did. You. Know.

Javelin didn't respond, she just started to laugh, not hard laughter, just quiet giggling. The leaders were unnerved by this.

Q.E: Javelin? Are you ok?

Javelin: Hmph, of course I am...

She looks up, revealing golden eyes.

Javelin: I'm completely fine~

Nagato: Wait! Her eyes!

Bismarck: Javelin, you're eyes are golden!

Javelin: Are they? I think they're fine

Enterprise:'re not Javelin

Javelin?: What do you mean Enterprise?

Enterprise: God damnit Iowa! Why and how are you here?!

The others look at Enterprise in shock, before they look back to Javelin.

Javelin?: Well, cat's out of the bag

When she finished saying that, a blue ghost like figure stepped out of Javelin. When it fully came out, Javelin fell backwards unconscious.

The figure fully materialized, revealing Iowa herself.

Iowa: I knew you'd be able to get it. Then again, you have been in a similar situation before with Code G

Enterprise: How-

Iowa: How did I know that? Hehehehe~

She teleported right to Enterprise and placed her finger on her lips.

Iowa: That's my. Little. Secret~

Bismarck tried to attack her since she was so close, but she teleported back to her original spot.

Bismarck: Who do you think you are to come back here after what you've done?!

Iowa: Me? I'm Iowa, once a proud battleship, now the queen of the deep ocean. With some pretty fancy powers to boot

Bismarck: Don't play coy with me!

Enterprise: Bismarck, calm down

Bismarck: Her order killed thousands of people!

Enterprise: And you think pissing her off is a good idea?!

Iowa: Listen to her Bismarck, what do you think you can do to me?

Bismarck: Rip you in half is what!

Iowa: And how do you suppose you'd do it?

Enterprise: Enough! Iowa, why are you here anyway?

Iowa: Just to demonstrate just how little you can hide from show you that there is no running from us

Enterprise: You did this to mock our power...

Iowa: You assumed that, not me

Q.E: Iowa, just what the hell happened to you?!

Iowa: Oh you know, a deep ocean dive does wonders to a broken mind!

Nagato: You've gone completely insane

Iowa: And who's to blame...


Iowa: Thought so

She turned away and opened a portal.

Iowa: Now then, I should get going, my little one is waiting for me

Enterprise: Little one?!

She sprang up from her seat before she realized what she was doing, Iowa just turned her gaze to her, not moving her head in the slightest.

Iowa: Oh relax Enty,you're still my adorable little sister~

Iowa snapped her fingers and teleported Enterprise to her.

Enterprise: Wha-?!

She then brought her in a hug.

Iowa: Even after all that has happened, even after you shot me in the will always have a place at my side

She released Enterprise and walked through the portal, closing it behind her.

Enterprise just stood there, taking in what just happened.

Q.E: Enterprise!


Q.E: Are you seriously thinking about what she said?! She's killed innocent people!

Enterprise: I know, just shocked she still sees me as her sister

Bismarck: *sigh* I need a drink

Nagato: So do I

Javelin: Uggh...what happened?

A lot

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