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Love Can Drive You Crazy

What little light she had left was all she could grasp onto. The one beacon that pulled her away from endless torture and pain of being truly alone.


Was...this how Iowa felt?

All those years of isolation, your family, friends, and even your country turned their backs to you.

Cleveland: No wonder she did all of this...I hate it...

Cleveland was sitting in the Commander's office staring at the wall with an empty and almost lifeless gaze that didn't fit someone like her. Her friends tried to cheer her up, but they couldn't grasp just how deep her pain really went.

The only one who did was the Commander.

The same woman who brought Enterprise out of her Death March, the one who rose through the ranks using nothing but her muscles and her smarts.

She's the only one who knows how it feels to lose everything.


Kiana stopped writing and looked down at the girl in her lap.

Cleveland: Do you...have any family?


Kiana softly pat Cleveland's head, smiling sadly for her.

Kiana: I did...all before things went to shit with the Sirens. My sister looked very much like me, but I couldn't watch her grow since the Sirens killed her in front of me...

Cleveland: Oh...I'm sorry if that was difficult to talk about

Kiana: I didn't say much for a reason, but I lost more than just her as well


Cleveland: How?...How do you do it?

Kiana put the pen down and opened a drawer, pulling out the picture of her and Admiral Maddock.

Kiana: You find a new cause, a new way to live...otherwise the world will leave you behind, and it will never stop to pick you back up

She was, so right.

All Cleveland could feel was the emptiness in her heart. Oh how she wanted to hear the screams of excitement, the chatter they always had, hell, she missed when she was called Clevebro.

She just wants them back.


She moved her eyes to the door, feeling the little clutches of her heart tighten when Kiana walked through the door. The white haired woman turned her own eyes to Cleveland's, smiling softly.

Kiana: Resting in here again Cleveland?

Cleveland: Mhmm...

Kiana walked past her, giving her a pat on the head that she leaned into. Going to her desk, she sifted through documents and found what needed to be filled out.

As she sat there slogging away at her papers, Cleveland just watched her move. This woman, who had endured more pain than Cleveland ever could, is this cheery and strong?

She wanted to be like her, she wanted her confidence, her strength.

But above all, she wants her strength to save her sisters.

Cleveland laid down and looked to the ceiling, since there wasn't any missions yet, she could lounge around without worry. More likely than not though is that if there is a mission she wouldn't be able to go since she's unstable.

Kiana: Cleveland?

She turned her head to her beautiful blue eyes.

Cleveland: Yes?

Kiana: Are you...alright?


Cleveland: That...that's the stupidest question you can ask

She sat up, narrowing her eyes at Kiana.

Cleveland: I lost the people closest to me thanks to someone I've once called a friend...I'm feeling like shit!


Cleveland: And thanks to this? I finally understand why Iowa did what she did. I've never been alone in life, but now that I'm finally facing hurts. It's so damn painful

Tears welled up and slowly rolled down her cheeks.

Cleveland: I lost my sisters and that happened only a week ago, and I feel trapped. What would I be like if this happened for 9 years?!

Kiana: Cleveland...

Cleveland: No, you shut the hell up! You may have moved past your pain, but I'm still caught deep in it, so don't go prancing about like a messiah!

Kiana: Cleveland!

She actually stopped her rant and looked into Kiana's eyes.

Kiana: Do you realize what you're saying? You are openly welcoming the enemy of humanity, sympathizing with her. While that isn't illegal to do, I feel that you might do something stupid if this keeps up

Cleveland: Of course I sympathize! That woman was trapped and torture both physically and mentally for years! If I was in her place...I don't even know what I would do!


Kiana stood up from her desk, walking over to Cleveland and glaring at her.

Kiana: You're walking a thin line Cleveland. I want to help you, I really do, but if you keep going like this, I might have to send you away

Cleveland: Then do it...


Cleveland: I want no part in this conflict anymore if I'm only going to be put away because of my "situation"


Cleveland looked down, not looking Kiana in the eyes.

Kiana: Cleveland...the whole World is jumpy. You'll be killed because of this, and I have no way to stop it

Cleveland:...I don't care what they do, I just want my sisters back...

Kiana: Is that your only wish?

Cleveland looked up to her.

Kiana: Is that all you care for? Not your friends, not your duty...your sisters?


Cleveland:...Yes...and I'm tired of saying otherwise


While Cleveland wasn't looking, Kiana's eyes flashed to gold, as an evil smirk grew across her face.

Iowa: Doubt and fear are growing insanely quick in her...this could be useful

Kiana: Cleveland...I have something I want to say to you

She sat down next to her, as Cleveland looked into her eyes, which were still blue.

Kiana: What would you far would you go...just to find out and make sure your sisters are safe and sound?


Cleveland: I would do anything...anything that I could do I will!

Kiana smiled, but Cleveland didn't catch the malicious tension behind it.

Kiana: I have a way to help you...if you want it that is

Cleveland's eyes widened, as she looked for any signs that her Commander was lying, but she found none.

Kiana could actually help her

Cleveland: You have a way?! W...what is it? Please, what is it?!

Kiana: I have a way for you to reconnect with them...just trust me, alright friend?


Cleveland smiled for the first time since that day, with tears brimming her eyes.

Cleveland: Friend...I'm happy you see me that way Commander...thank you...

Kiana hugged her, with Cleveland buried in her shoulder.

Iowa: She doesn't think this is suspicious at all, she completely clouded by grief...I almost feel bad for manipulating her like this

Kiana's eyes changed to gold once more.

Iowa: Almost...but she will be getting her wish, but not in the way she truly wants it

Kiana grins like a complete psychopath.

Iowa: Always be careful what you wish for Cleveland, it can always come back to nip you where it hurts the most...

Kiana: Alright Cleveland, look at me

She got off her shoulder, looking into Kiana's eyes.

Cleveland: Y-yes?


Kiana gave her a sultry smile, gently grasping her chin.

Kiana: You really don't know how to hide your emotions, you know? I can clearly tell you want more than just friendship


Cleveland's face grew a bright red, Kiana could swear she saw steam erupt from Cleveland's ears.

Cleveland:*blushing* U-uhh...I can explain!

Kiana: All I want to know is when this all started happening, if you care to share


Cleveland: was when you introduced yourself to us. Several girls here saw you and thought you were an Angel with your pure white hair and gorgeous blue eyes

Kiana:*giggles* I'm flattered~

Cleveland: A-anyway...I saw you were pretty, but I actually started you...when you helped us through all the battles against the Abyss and the Sirens. You always lead with a strong soul, you were always calm, you never gave were everything I aspired to be!


Cleveland looked up to Kiana, who was just staring at her.

Cleveland: I-I get it you don't like girls...I get it even if you do that there's so many other pretty women on the base...why would you like a tomboy of all people?


Cleveland looked away again, feeling rejected since Kiana wasn't responding to her. All until she felt her hand gently turn her head, as Kiana looked her in the eyes again.

Kiana: Cleveland, so you understand why we're having this conversation right now?

She shook her head "no"

Kiana: Well, it's because I almost see my old friend in you. She was brave, yet foolish at the same time, and above all else she loved me and another of our friends like remind me of her all to well

Iowa: I'm happy I can lie so well...this might be too easy

Cleveland: R-really?

Kiana: Yes, you're just like her...and even better?

Kiana gave her a soft smile, as she leaned down and gave her a quick kiss that turned Cleveland pure red again.

Kiana: I loved her too

Cleveland felt her worries drift away, all the while Kiana soothed her from all the pain.

This woman has been through so much, and probably lost that friend to the war as well, but she's moving past it and proving that she's stronger than anyone else she knew.

This woman is the one she fell for? It would be a miracle if she could get her love...

Yet she did. She did get her love, and she loves her back.

Cleveland took the initiative, kissing Kiana back as tears freshly fell from her face. Kiana let her have her fun, but refused to go any farther than a loving embrace.

Cleveland could care less about that, she's enraptured by her Commander. The Commander is full of surprises sure, but she's happy this one was so great for her.

Maybe...maybe she could be the key to ending the war?

Cleveland broke off the kiss, smiling to Kiana.

Cleveland: there anyway this war could end without so much suffering?


Kiana:*smiles* Yes...yes there is

Cleveland hugged Kiana and rested on her chest.

Cleveland: Then...I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth, the deepest Abyss, even the depths of Space...any of it, I'll be right by your side and helping you along the way!

Kiana giggled, while her eyes changed to gold once more.

Iowa: I'm eternally grateful for that Cleveland. Let's make it through this war...together...

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