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Reunion Under the Dark

Hornet: Sis? You doing alright?

Enterprise was staring out of her room's window, just watching everything happen down on the base.

Enterprise: Hornet...I'm honestly not sure

Hornet: Do you...need any help?

Enterprise:...Not now, but maybe later

Hornet left it at that, considering she didn't deny her help, just postponed it.

Hornet: That's good to hear...anyway, I need to get going, before Hammann does something stupid...again

Enterprise:*smiles* You do that sister

Hornet gave her a hug that she returned, before she left the room. Enterprise's smile fell as soon as she left, as she laid down on the bed.

Enterprise: Am I doing fine?...Hell no

The nature walk she had a few days ago really showed her the wonders of nature that exist all around her. She loved the feeling of the water, the fresh air, the plentiful life...

Where was that in her life?

Enterprise: There's none of that here, I only see the problems that we caused...all this war does nothing but destroy everything


Enterprise got up, putting her hat on as well as her boots. She grabbed her picture of Iowa and her and left the room.

Enterprise: So many questions and so few answers...I need to go where I know I can finally get closure

She soon stopped in front of where she believed would end her struggle, where all of her fuzzed thoughts will finally clear.

Kiana's office

Kiana was working on the last batch of paperwork for the day, as she stretched in her seat. As she was getting the knots out, she heard the door open.

Kiana: Ahhh~, who is it?

?: Enterprise

Kiana turned the chair and looked Enterprise in the eyes, as the ship sat down in front of her desk.

Kiana: What can I do for you?


Kiana raised an eyebrow, as Enterprise gathered her confidence.

Enterprise: I...I need guidance, I really need help

Kiana: As in?

Enterprise: Just...all these question I have, I have so few ways to answer them and I don't know where else I could go to talk about them


Kiana sighed and stood up, walking around the desk and putting a hand on the girl's shoulder. She gave her a gentle and comforting squeeze to calm her down.

Kiana: I'm sorry Enterprise, but I'm not the one who can answer these things

Enterprise: What?! But you work with them, how could you no-

Kiana: I said I can't answer them...

Kiana went back to her desk and opened a drawer, grabbing a disk shaped object before handing it to Enterprise.

Kiana: She can, just follow that sigil and it will take you to where your answers await you...alright?

Kiana stood Enterprise up and gently pushed her out of the room, closing the door behind her.

She looked down at what Kiana gave her, tapping a button in the middle and releasing a small aura of Void energy. She quickly turned it off knowing it was a transmitter and she didn't want to be caught with that out in the open, so she took it back to her room with her.

Enterprise: Just a few more hours...that's all I need to wait

It was time...

Enterprise left in the middle of the night, turning her ship into her rigging so she didn't wake anybody up. She set sail to where the transmitter was pointing, finding it going somewhat Southwest.

As she vanished over the horizon, a pair of golden yellow eyes followed her, a small smile was on their face.

Kiana: I guess I should prepare for a guest...

She vanished into the darkness of her room, shutting away for the night.

Enterprise: Where is this thing taking me?!

She was in the middle of the ocean, somewhere near Guam was all that she knew of her location.

Enterprise: It's nearly sunrise...just what the hell did this thing mess up?!

The device stopped leading her and just flashed  between blue and purple every few seconds. She didn't know what it meant but she hated that wherever she was she wasn't going back without getting in trouble.


Enterprise: W-what?...

She suddenly felt as if she was being watched, like some sort of great beast was eyeing your every movement. She felt the hair on her neck stand as she spun around to find what ticked her off, but was met with nothing.

Enterprise: What the hell is going on?

She was too occupied with the area around her that she forgot one crucial thing...

Always check below too

Enterprise: WHA-?!

She didn't get another say, as arms grabbed her ankles and dragged her under the water, carrying her towards the great abyss below.

The Mariana Trench

The first thing she felt when she came too was...something soft. Slowly opening her eyes, Enterprise found that she was actually laying down in a bed, a luxurious one at that.

Enterprise: But...wasn't I?...

She was confused, but this situation required action. She stood up and looked around, noting how the room looked somewhat like the Royal Navies fancy rooms, just darker themed and more...aquatic designs.

Eventually, she saw the door to the room, and with nowhere else to go, she decided to go that way. Outside of the room was a grand hallway that stretched for a bit in both directions, and with nowhere to go, she went left.


Enterprise: Where is everybody?...Where am I?

She rounded the corner at the end of the hall, and was nearly face to face with an Abyssal with a large...thing on its head. Both the abyssal and Enterprise were shocked at their run in, but Enterprise recovered faster, summoning her bow and aiming at the abyssal.

Enterprise: You! Where the hell am I?!

?: Please calm down Miss Enterprise

Enterprise:*shocked* Y-you can speak?!

?: All Abyssals can speak completely fine, but we usually don't unless we need too

The Abyssal turned around and walked back the way she came, waving a 'follow' signal to Enterprise.

?: Please follow me Miss Enterprise, the Queen wishes to speak with you

Enterprise: Why would I...wait, Queen?

?: Yes

Enterprise: Your...Queen Iowa?

?: Indeed


Enterprise soon unsummoned her bow, making the Abyssal smile as she followed after her, not saying a thing throughout their walk. A few minutes later, they came across a set of larger than normal doors, which the Abyssal opened with ease as they both stepped inside.

?: I brought her here my Queen

?: Thank you Wo, but may we have some privacy?

Enterprise's eyes widened as she heard the voice. She didn't even realize that Wo had already left the room, leaving just her and the figure on the throne.

Enterprise: Iowa...

Iowa smiled and stood up, walking slowly down the elevated platform until she was on ground level with Enterprise.

Iowa: It's been quite a while, hasn't it? I mean...I visited you a few days ago, but that was an apparition, so I really haven't seen you in a bit with my own eyes

Enterprise felt tears prick her vision as Iowa walked ever closer to her.

Iowa: I know why you're down here, and that's for answers. But knowledge isn't cheap as you probably know better than most...thankfully, I have my payment already

She was soon standing in front of Enterprise, a soft smile on her lips as tears started to gather in her own eyes. She gently pulled Enterprise closer to her and hugged her, feeling the girl's tear slowly fall on her shoulder.

Iowa:*crying* You're here in front of me once again...that all I ever needed

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