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The Abyss Will be Ready

Kiana: Bring it over here Amagi, we need to set up the table before Jersey gets here!

Amagi brought over a basket full of treats and snacks made by both her and Akagi. Each sweet was hot and ready to be eaten on the wonderful day that is today.

Kiana: To think she's 3 years old now...

Amagi: In her human form yes, but you know she's older than that by quite a bit

Kiana: Yeah...just makes me feel older

She looked out to the ocean that the view gave them, it was Jersey's favorite spot to relax on the base.

Kiana: 3 years have passed since the war ended...I guess Iowa truly has made things right with her death

She was cut from her thoughts as a steamy bun was put in front of her.

Amagi: I thought you'd be hungry after today's work, so I made a bun specifically for you

Kiana: Aww, thanks Amagi!

She ate the bun quickly, savoring the sweet flavor and the car spit into it.

Kiana:*muffled* Ash gud ash allys!

Amagi: Don't speak with your mouth full Kiana...


Kiana: Sorry, it's delicious


Amagi: So then, how's family life?

Kiana: Well-

?: There you are!

They turned around to see someone running up to them. Kiana smiled as the person ran up to her as she stood up.

Kiana: Hey sweetie!

Cleveland: How was everything in the office?

Kiana: It was all fine, but it was still agonizing dealing with it all

Cleveland: Maybe a kiss can help?

Kiana smiled and wrapped her arms around the shorter girls back, leaning in for a kiss.

Amagi: Ah, young love. I hope I can find my other half some time down the line

Kiana: You will eventually, I know you will

She had her hand wrapped in Cleveland's, which had a diamond ring on her finger.

Kiana: Now, did you get Jersey to go up here? I swore I told you to do that

Cleveland: I would have, but you had a message from the admiralty


Kiana: What is it about?

Cleveland: Apparently, you're getting a fellow officer over here. Someone you knew in Highschool is what they said


Kiana: When she gets here, I want her taken to my office immediately

Amagi: Understood



She just sat with her hands folded in front of her face. The new arrival made quite a commotion considering they haven't had one in literally years.

The woman had shown herself to be very kind, and quickly made friends through the ranks, even if she just arrived.

Kiana: And now she will be meeting me...her "Highschool friend"


Soft footfall could be heard as several people walk down the hall. She took a deep breath and prepared herself for whoever was about to walk through the door.


Amagi: She's here, shall I send her in?

Kiana: Please do, and leave us be

She stepped aside and let the woman walk in. In contrast to Kiana's white and blue uniform, this lady had a mostly black one with red lines. Even her hair and eyes seemed to contrast well with not only the design, but Kiana's personal looks.

?: It's a pleasure to see you again Kiana, it's been too long

Kiana: I'm sorry to cut this short, but today is important to a good friend of mine. I'll have to ask you to spill the beans, cause I never went to Highschool

She could see the sweat gather on the woman's brow, all before she let out a sigh and slumped a bit.

?: I was hoping we could at least talk for a bit, it has been years after all

Kiana:*narrows eyes* I won't be asking again, who the hell are you? Another one of Iowa's projects? Cause I don't remember any other homunculi

The woman sat down in front of her, looking into her eyes and smiling.

?: I'll start with my given name, my name is Mei Raiden. But that's what everyone usually calls me

Kiana: So you are another of her projects...come for revenge have you?

Mei: No...there's no point in revenge. Just look at my eyes and you'll see what I mean


Kiana reeled back, her already pale face gaining a new shade of white.


Mei: Yes Kiana, it's true


They both turned to the door, seeing an all too familiar pair of ears come in the door.

Jersey: Commander, I heard that there's a new arriv-, oh! She's here already!

Kiana: Jersey, stay back-

The battleship walked forward and put her hand out, smiling at Mei.

Jersey: Battleship USS New Jersey, it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am


She shook her hand and smiled up to Jersey, who felt an odd sense of familiarity in the woman.

Mei: It's nice to meet you too. I'm Mei Raiden, newest addition to the base and the assistant of Kiana here

Kiana: Wait! That wasn't in the letter!

Mei: It's what I'm here for, so it'll be best if we get acquainted at least


She sighed, as her face regained it's color.

Kiana: Fine...besides, I have more important things to deal with right now

Jersey: Like?

Kiana: involves you first off

She stood up and walked over to Jersey.

Kiana: Come with me Jersey, this is something you have to see

She led the battleship out of the office, leaving Mei alone.

Mei:*sigh* She forgot about me...she's still an airhead...

She smiles as her eyes flashed.

Mei: I wouldn't have it any other way

Jersey: So what's this thing you want to show me?

Kiana: It's something we have set up for you, it took a bit, but we got everything ready

Jersey: What do you...wait a minute IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!

?: You just remembered?!

Kiana: Ah Hipper! Pleasure to see you here!

Hipper: Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm still trying to see if I can get a tan so I don't look like I have a skin disorder

Kiana: I'm not sure that transformation can go's been 3 years

Hipper: I will keep trying until it happens!

Kiana:*sigh* You do you...let's go Jersey, it's just up here

She led her through the trees that go up the small hill on the base, leading out to the ocean. Amagi was still there, and the treats were cooled down, but still warm enough to eat fresh.

Amagi: Ah, here's the girl of the hour!

Jersey: This is...actually a pretty cozy bash

Amagi: Bash?

Kiana: It's slang, she means it's a cozy party

Amagi: I see...I need to learn some English slang some time

Jersey: It's...better you don't

They sat down and enjoyed themselves, talking about whatever they had on their mind and getting a few visitors who wished her a good birthday.

Overall, it was nice and quiet, something Jersey welcomed.


Kiana was lying on the ground, taking a nap after eating some sweets. Jersey and Amagi were talking between each other in the meantime.

Amagi: You have been bettering your aim, as well as thinking up great strategies quickly. Those lessons have been taken to heart haven't they?

Jersey: Aye, I want to be the best I can in honor of my sis. I just hope she's watching us here, from wherever she is

?: I'm sure she's happy at what she can see

Amagi: Hm?

She saw the head of black hair walking towards them, that trait being surprisingly rare among shipgirls.

Amagi: Ah, Miss Raiden. I hope you're stay is great so far?

Mei: It is, thank you for the concern Amagi

She sat down with them, having brought her own food to enjoy.

Mei: So Jersey, are you enjoying your birthday?

Jersey: How did you-

Mei: Everyone is talking about it, I'd be deaf if I didn't know about this


Jersey sighed to herself, looking out to the ocean.

Jersey: was great. I just wish Iowa was here

Mei: Isn't she the one who caused all the problems to begin with?

Jersey: Well...yes, but she did that all with a purpose. We don't hate her here, but not everyone exactly likes her either...all we can do is honor her memory


She smiled and put her food down, taking a chunk of it in her chopsticks.

Mei: Jersey

Jersey: Hm?

Mei raised the food up to her, a soft smile on her lips.

Mei: Care for a bite?

Jersey: I...that's your meal, I couldn't do that

Mei: Please, I insist

Jersey: Well...alright

She opened her mouth as Mei fed her the clump. She chewed slowly and swallowed.

Mei: Well?

Jersey: It's great! It's actually really well done!

Amagi: I might have to ask you how to make it if it's that good

Jersey gave Mei a look, so she kept feeding her more of her meal.

Amagi: I think that's enough Jersey, soon she won't have any meal to begin with

Mei: It's quite alright. It's the job of a big sister to care for her younger after all

Jersey: See Amagi, she's letting me...


They looked at Mei, who was still smiling to them.

Jersey: Did...did you say-

Mei: I did

Her eyes turned golden, and both Amagi and Jersey recoiled as she was consumed in a bright light.

?: It's my job after all

When they uncovered their eyes, they almost felt them fall out of their sockets when they saw who was in front of them.

Amagi: IOWA?!

There she was in front of them, smiling at them and still sitting down.

Iowa: In the flesh

She was in her original look, her long brown hair was framed by the hat she wore.

Jersey: This! It has to be a trick, you died! You actually died!

Iowa: I did, but you cast me into where my element is strongest. It brought me back from

Amagi narrowed her eyes

Amagi: Have you come back to continue? You completed your goal, we won, and the people
still remain united...what more could you do?

Iowa: I know...I came here to do something I should have done long ago

She put her hand forward as a dark ball collected in it.

Amagi: Jersey, get behind me!

She shielded the younger ship and covered her, ready to die if she was aiming to kill.



Jersey: Uhh...Amagi?

She opened her eyes, seeing how nothing happened. She turned to look at Iowa, who held a box in her hands.

Iowa:*smiles* Happy birthday little sis

Jersey walked out from behind Amagi and took the box, opening it and looking at what was inside.

Jersey:*Wide eyed* did you-

Iowa: You think your style has gone unnoticed? Everyone knows you love that stuff, even me

Jersey pulled out what she got, seeing a bunny outfit perfect for her size.

It was a bit embarrassing sure, but she was happy nonetheless. She hugged Iowa, who returned it wholeheartedly,

Jersey: Thank you sis...

Iowa: It's my pleasure

Amagi:*sniff* It's heartwarming...

Kiana:*sleeping* zzz...Neko punch...zzz

Jersey: Say...sister?

Iowa: Hm?

Jersey: What happened to the Abyssals? Are they gone? Cause they haven't attacked at all these years

Iowa: No, they aren't gone. They lie in wait for when the Sirens return, for when they do, you'll need backup

Amagi: Are you sure they'll come back? After the devastating blow you dealt to them?

Iowa: They definitely will...and that's why they're always ready for them

She looked out to the ocean, seeing many pairs of eyes looking up at her.

Iowa:*smiles* It's their new duty. Watch the oceans and make sure that when the Sirens come back, they're ready to destroy them

Jersey: And what of you?


She smiled, looking at her sister.

Iowa: My heart forever belongs to you, sister

Jersey smiled, remembering when she heard that last. She embraced Iowa once more, who traded her golden eyes for her original pink ones.

She opened her arm and welcomed Amagi into the hug, who in turn wrapped her tails around them.

It was peaceful, and that was something Iowa needed after all this time.

?: Wow, she really did it

?: Auntie Wo, is mommy happy now?

Wo smiled down at Siara, patting her head.

Wo: Yes she is, she's finally happy...for real this time

Siara: Yay! Mommy is happy!

Wo smiled at the young girls antics, but there was something she needed to address first.

Wo: Seer, come here

The floating orb came down, hovering in front of her.

Wo: This message goes to those out there that witnessed this ordeal

She smiled

Wo: I'm sure you enjoyed this tale of pain and well as cried when we had our hiccups and pains


Wo: Nevertheless, I'm sure Iowa and the others are happy you stayed to be here during this journey. I know I'm happy to see such loyal subjects to the Queen

Siara: Yeah! Thanks so much for being there for mommy!

Wo:*giggles* What she said

She and Siara both went into frame, Wo giving a small wave while Siara was waving above her head.

Wo/Siara: We'll see you soon!


Hot damn, this is definitely a nice conclusion if you ask me, especially after what happened in the finale.

To those who have read since the early days, what did you think? I'm sure some of the things you saw you weren't expecting!

Anyways, moving on from here, this is book 4 of my 5 book Azur lane series, and the last one will be worked on and finalized soon, leading to...

The Sequel

As before, I will reveal the fourth word of the title, as I have in previous books before this one.


4 out of 5, we're nearly there! With Akagi's story nearing its end, it's only a matter of time before we see the new adventures these characters will go on!

But that's for another time, for now, I rest cause my hands are not feeling right after all this.

See you all again soon!

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