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The Heart of a Dead Woman

Darkness fell over Azur lane, with everyone asleep or nearly so. Cleveland was staying with Kiana that night as it was already late and she was more than happy to stay anyway.

However, the base was resting and welcoming the night. Down in the deep...there is a somber atmosphere surrounding the castle, the walls themselves are grieving for the soul that cries out.

Iowa was in her room, her head in her hands and resting next to a small box on her dresser.

She met her true sister, she actually did! they've been separated once more, and now...they are enemies.


She brought her hands away from her face, looking over to the box on the side. She grabbed it and gently looked it over, knowing just what it was.

As per her request many years ago, if and when they gave her a real sister, she wanted her to have a musical locket that she personally created. The need for attachment was obvious in the other girls, so to keep her sister happy, she wanted to give her a musical locket.


Tears slowly welled up in her eyes, as she slowly opened the locket and winded up the sound, and when she let go, she placed it down and listened.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The tune she made so long ago, meant for another purpose entirely now being used for another...but such is her life isn't it?


She clenched her hands, slowly standing up.

Iowa: I can't...the land base is fully operational, the war is going well, but I want need this

She dressed herself, opening a portal a short distance from her target.

Iowa: This is beyond stupid, but I need closure...I want a goddamn excuse!

She steeled herself, and walked through the portal, leaving the room empty once again.

Something she didn't notice was that the door was slightly ajar, and several people were behind it.

N.P: Is mommy okay?

Enterprise: I'm...not sure Siara, I'm really not

N.P: Auntie Amagi, you always cheer me up, can't you do the same with her?

Amagi looked down at her, drooping her ears.

Amagi: I...I can't help her with this, she need to end it herself, and she's the only one who knows how

With that, Enterprise closed the door and took Siara away, finally taking her too bed. Amagi stayed for only a bit longer, remembering the tunes of the locket even when Iowa took it with her.

Amagi: Whatever plaques you Iowa, we're always here to help you...remember that, please...

The hours passed by, and the sun slowly peaked over the horizon and slowly woke the shipgirls from their sleep.

Soon enough, the base was flooded with confusion, as when someone went outside, a soft and almost sad melody could be heard echoing from somewhere in the base. As this is an unknown, the rest of the base was woken up, and people were sent around to find the source.


Nagato: What could that sound be? It's melancholic and carries what sounds like longing...right?

Bismarck: I agree, it does sound like that's intentional. But who could be playing it?

Elizabeth wasn't with them, since shortly after she was woken and heard the song, she rushed away, in what they think it to search for the source.

Bismarck: Where have they searched already?

Nagato: Mostly around the plaza and the docks, but we seemed to have narrowed it down to the park, most likely on the northern end near the ocean

Bismarck: That spot is you believe someone is playing a requiem for someone they lost?

Nagato: Possibly...but I'm not sure who other than the girls who lost their sisters to the Abyss and Akagi, but they're all accounted for

?: Hey...what is that?

They turned around and looked as the newest member to Azur lane walked out of the building, rubbing her eyes.

Bismarck: New Jersey, did you decide to join in the search?

They watched as Jersey slowly woke up, and listened to the song that somehow echoed across the base. Despite it doing so, it was quiet, which shouldn't happen with a song that stretches this far.

Jersey: Wait...

Bismarck: What's wrong?

They saw Jersey's eyes slowly widen, as she slowly reached up to her dresses collar and reached underneath it, pulling out a necklace.

Nagato: You have a necklace? When did you get it?

Jersey: was when they finished building me. They gave me this locket and simply told me it was made because of a promise...

She opened it, revealing to the two that it had a small chart inside, she wound it up and held it firm, breathing deep before letting go.

It was the same song, but more jovial and lighthearted, and just like it's more somber version, it echoed across the base.

People started turning to Jersey, seeing as she had started playing that music as well.

Bismarck: You...who made that? It's beautiful, but...

Nagato: The beats alone don't finish the song...only together will it be complete

Jersey didn't respond, but started to walk away towards the park. Bismarck and Nagato shared a look before following behind her, not wanting to break Jersey from her trance.

Several others also followed behind them, as the group approached the tree line and entered them. The song was slowly encompassing everything around them, a peaceful and lovely melody that came from both New Jersey and the still unknown music source.


Bismarck: Elizabeth?

They saw the Queen leaning on a tree and looking out past the natural barrier. She turned to them, putting a finger to her lips as they quietly approached.

Nagato:*softly* What's wrong?

Q.E:*softly* This song, I heard it many years ago...back before the civil war between us

Bismarck:*softly* Then what is it? Who's playing it?

Jersey: Iowa...

She finally muttered a word, which slowly registered in the rest of them as the others peaked past the trees and saw a lone figure looking out to the ocean, standing on the edge of the cliff.

In her hands was a locket very similar to New Jersey's, and it was also the source of the somber song that they have been searching for.

Bismarck: She dares step back here...

Elizabeth grabbed her, shaking her head to calm her down.

Nagato: Why is she here? Is she planning something?


Jersey: I'm going to talk to her

Bismarck: I'll confront her with yo-

Jersey: Im going alone


Bismarck: you know what she can do to you if you angered her? You need someone with you!

Jersey: She's using the locket's song and letting herself be known, she's here for a reason...I bet that reason is me

She stood straight, stepping out from the trees and looking at Iowa's back.

Jersey: Don't follow me...I think this may be personal

The sound of a second and familiar tune hit Iowa's ears, bringing a soft smile to her face, knowing just what that second tune meant.

Iowa: Looks like they held their end of the deal...even after all these years


Jersey closed her watch, as Iowa did the same and turned to look at her younger sibling.

For everyone else behind her, they were shocked to see Iowa looking as she was, compared to last time. She was cruel and sadistic, evil even if they wanted to say that, now she was smiling and welcoming New Jersey as if she hasn't changed from all those years ago.

But most shockingly was her eyes. They were no longer the bright and devilish gold they had come to fear, but rather soft pink...just like before.

Jersey: We heard the song you know...why did you decide to come and play it?


Iowa looked down at the locket in her hand, squeezing it in her fist.

Iowa: I came because I want to end this chapter of my life...I want closure on something that shouldn't have happened

Elizabeth clenched her chest, knowing what she meant by that.

Iowa:'re young and happy, but I know that won't last forever because of this war

Jersey: What do you mean?

Iowa looked back to her with her bright pink eyes.

Iowa: This war is hitting its climax soon, and the Abyss is prepared and ready to counter it. What I'm worried about is if Azur lane is too

Jersey:...Why do you care for us? They left you behind, they brought you to the light only to cast you to the dark again. So why?


Iowa: Ten

Jersey: W-what?

Iowa paced around Jersey, who simply stood in place and followed her with her eyes.

Iowa: I spent nearly a decade down there, trapped as a prisoner of the ocean. My life was forfeit as I became nothing more than a carcass that could think, a husk that had a beating heart...a corpse that clung to hope

Bismarck and Nagato heard a soft drip, which they found belonged to Elizabeth. She was crying as the fate of what she condemned her friend too finally came to light, as the guilt crushed her.

Iowa: I know that with what we know of Sirens, they can control shipgirls, so these kind of mistakes will never be repeated. But back then, this wasn't known...I was labeled a traitor for saving lives

Jersey couldn't relate, and hoped she never will. All she could do is give her an sympathetic look.

Iowa: Enterprise came to me because she knows why this war is happening, she knows what will become of you all when it's all said and done...she came to the Abyss to help me save our world


Save it? How could she be saving it?

Jersey: What do you mean "saving it"? You destroyed a city and killed thousands, how is that saving?

Iowa: That's because of war know that. Years trapped down in the dark made me realize many things, and the events of my treachery were because of fear...fear that I was working with the Sirens, and fear that we can be corrupted. I used fear to introduce us, and to paint a picture of what can happen to the unprepared

She stopped pacing, but looked out to the trees, where she gently curled a finger.

Iowa: Come out, I know you mean to say something "Eli"

From the trees, Elizabeth walked out with her head down. She came forward, but stood a distance from Iowa still.

Iowa: Elizabeth...I honestly thought you knew me better back then. But it turns out you didn't

Q.E: I...I know...but we weren't sure then that they could do this...we would've...w-would've...


Iowa: Ten years, Elizabeth...a decade stuck in darkness that ate away my flesh, my mind, and it would have claimed my soul had you not come then

She walked forward, each slow and methodical step brought out more tears from Elizabeth, while Jersey watched this interaction since she didn't know this part of the tale.

Iowa: Ten years went by as the waves devoured all I had


Iowa: Ten years where I hoped and pleased that I could finally embrace the release of death, or the loss of my mind so I can finally rest

Elizabeth sniffled as she felt her heart wrench even more.

Iowa: And finally, when I saw that light, and I felt it's was torn from me in a moments notice. Ripped from my hands while you held the trigger that took it

She kneeled down to her height, as Elizabeth looked at her pink eyes with her bloodshot ones.

Iowa: Why?...Why did you bring me back, only to send me to my prison again?


She stood up, looking over the hidden shipgirls. She could tell they were conflicted after learning all they had, especially concerning the matter of her standing and if she truly was their enemy.

Q.E: We...

She looked back down to her.

Q.E: They were orders...we had to do it...


Iowa gently pat her head, earning confusion and fear from Elizabeth.

Q.E: W-what...

Iowa: Don't...I get it

She walked past her, and towards Jersey once again.

Iowa: Actions will always speak louder than words needn't say anymore than you can stand

She brushed past Jersey, who reached out to grab her hand, but stopped herself midway.

Jersey: Wait!

Iowa stopped, but didn't move any farther.

Jersey: What of the ones you took? What happened to them?

Iowa: They're safe, I'm not that cruel to take them and turn them to slavery or worse


Jersey: And...what of you?


Jersey: Where is your heart? Where's the woman who belonged to the world and saved it from death?


Iowa slowly looked over her shoulder, letting Jersey see her golden eye brimmed with tears.

Iowa: My heart...belongs forever to you...sister

She jumped off the cliff, but no one tried look over it, no one even moved from their spots.

That is, until they heard the music once again.

Everyone's eyes fell on the locket that laid on the edge of the cliff, which played its somber tune once again. Jersey walked over and gently picked it up, watching its melody play out as her other hand gravitated towards her necklace.

She opened the locket and played her tune as well, letting the two in sync songs play out to the ocean.

The others all silently left, knowing that Jersey need a moment, leaving just her and Elizabeth behind.


Jersey felt tears come to her eyes, but she didn't hide them. She let them fall, but she wouldn't cry out and disturb the song. Elizabeth came up next to her and listened in as well, knowing just how much that locket meant to well as the message she left by leaving it behind.

Jersey: Elizabeth...

She looked down to the Dreadnought.

Jersey: Is she truly the monster we think she is?


Elizabeth: I'm not sure...I don't ever think I'll know...but she still has you in her heart, remember that Jersey. No matter the form, she will care for you

She smiled up to Jersey, who smiled back and gave a gentle nod. They stood at the cliff watching the waves as the music played out to the world around them, but they didn't care for that.

The world bowed down to their grief, but the waves were there to comfort them...just as Iowa did too them in the past.

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