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The Queen of Despair: Iowa

This finale shall be made differently than the others. Instead of one extended chapter to take up the finale, it will be split into several chapters, which will help with what I have planned for this fight.

Hope you enjoy!

The void shuddered around them as Iowa prepared her energy. The shipgirls stood in defiance against her power and her godhood, letting her know they are not her inferiors.

Iowa: You all did well to hold out against the Sirens for so long, I thank you for doing so

She pointed forward, towards the girls.

Iowa: Thanks to that, I no longer have to deal with them being a problem, and I can solely focus on destroying you

She narrowed her eyes as they flashed yellow, purple spears appearing behind her and hovering there.

Kiana: Steady...

More spears appeared and fashioned themselves towards a target of choice.

Kiana: Steady...

Iowa felt a smile come to her lips, knowing everything is falling into place.

Just then, she brought her fingers back, readying the attack.

Kiana: Steady...


Kiana: FIRE!!

The shells and the spears met midway, a thick screen of smoke tainted purple covered everyone's vision of Iowa.

Kiana: Everyone stick close to those who have shields!

The barrier users spread out more openly and readied themselves to use their shields. The smoke screen was cleared in an instant as Iowa waved her hand through it.

Kiana:*shocked* What the...

Iowa: It seems that you do have the power to stand against me

She stepped forward, but no platform was made underneath her, letting her drop to the ocean surface.

Iowa: Let us start this death dance shall we?

Kiana raised her hand and pointed outwards, letting everyone take that as a signal. The cannons roared again, with hundreds of shells heading towards Iowa.

Iowa: Foolish

She formed a portal in front of her, absorbing the shells shot directly at her while dozens of others fell to the sides of her.

She waved her hand as the portal flew off above the shipgirls, splitting into several more.

Kiana: Shields!

The shells she absorbed were shot out at random portals, but the early warning gave them time to raise their shields and prevent injury.

Giving them no time to prepare further, she created more spears and launched them out.

Kiana: Shit, brace!

Despite the order, it came to late as several cries of pain came from the fleet.

Kiana: Fuck...whoever's injured get back!

Iowa: You're leading quite well Kiana, but what can you do against something you never fought before?

Kiana looked up to her with a smirk.

Kiana: Fight until I do something to it, what else?

Iowa: Heh...hahahaha! That attitude is what gets you places

She summonsed more spears, but she smirked and raised her other hand, surrounding them in a purple glow.

Kiana: Today, that'll lead to your death!

She threw down both hands, as the spears travelled overhead and rained done energy blasts on the shipgirls. The barriers were raised to block them, but several stray rounds made it past.

Takao: Move!

She jumped into the way of some of them, deflecting them with her katana. Her sisters were doing the same to protect the others.

Iowa: A double layered defense...clever

Another blast of shells came hurtling towards her, and all she did was sidestep the explosives. Not a single shell hit her and yet she still looked as ready as ever to fight.

Bismarck: What's it going to take to get her?!

Kiana: I'm not sure...all I can think of is to surprise her but that won't be easy. Maybe we co-

Something flew past her face and cut her nose, making it drip a bit of blood. Looking over, she saw a purple spear floating in the water near the command ship.

Iowa: I'm getting tired of this waiting! Do something!

She raised her hands and opened innumerable portals all across the area, letting them hover there as the girls waited for an attack to come.



Yet nothing came

Yorktown: Just what is she planning?

She kept her eyes on the portals and tried to find some sort of reason to make them appear like that.

Kiana: Whatever it is, it isn't going to be good for us...without a doubt

They looked over to Iowa, who was looking down on them with a slight scowl. She was getting impatient, and they needed to get things going soon.

Kiana:*whispers* Remember the plan? We need to hold out a few minutes longer now

The girls nearby nodded and held their position as the portals stood still.


That's when they saw it, a small purple lance was formed in Iowa's hand, and it was glowing with the dark aura.

Iowa: This is getting boring, so dance for me!

She threw the lance into one of the portals, it disappearing into the endless black within the portal.


Then they saw it again, as well as another...then another...

Kiana: Oh shit...SHIELDS!!

At her call, the portals lit up with a seemingly unending wave of lances that struck at the shipgirls and the shields, bartering them with constant attacks.

Roon: getting annoying!

Eugen: Nngh...I hear ya!

The shields help strong under the barrage, as Bismarck and the other battleships fires up to Iowa's position, pelting her with explosives.

Iowa: Tch!

She jumped out of the way and landed on a single knee nearby, unintentionally revealing something.

Kiana: She can't use this much power at once without focusing it in a single area. Overwhelming offense in exchange for losing defense...

She grinned, knowing one possible way to take her down.

Kiana: Everyone! Shoot her now!

Barring the few who shot before, the rest of the guns were sent up and lit up the sky once more. Kiana watched with gleee as the portals were cancelled and taken in front of Iowa to protect her.

Iowa: So you figured it out huh?

Kiana: Maybe we did, maybe we didn't. What's to say you didn't just say something you shouldn't have?

Iowa: Kiana, I MADE you, you're cleverness was something I always noted

She narrowed her eyes and glared at Kiana.

Iowa: That play right there was a sign that you're up to something...and I know I won't like it

Kiana: always knew me too well "mother"

Iowa bared her teeth in silent fury at being called that by her, all the while Kiana kept her smirk.

Kiana: Let's say we did reveal something big, what do you plan on doing now? If we revealed some sort of big weakness...what then?


She closed her eyes and opened them again, replacing her snarl with a smile.

Iowa: Well, as much as I would love to say you found me out, I'm afraid you only cracked one piece of the code

The portals completely vanished, and the void itself was consumed and brought back to Iowa. Revealing the bright sky overhead.

Kii: Any idea what she's planning?

Washington: No, and frankly I'm too afraid of her powers to ask

Iowa stared down Azur lane as their weapons were finally reloaded and ready to fire again.

Iowa: This is what it came too huh? The hero's of the world standing against their enemy...

She smiled

Iowa: People would have it no other way

She brought her hands up and collected energy in them. Two small black orbs formed and shot high into the sky, disappearing from sight.


Kiana: Uhh...

Iowa: Don't worry, that won't affect anyone now, rather...


Iowa: It'll affect the region instead

Storm clouds quickly covered the area, turning the peaceful seas into a raging storm in moments. The girls weren't prepared for that, and some stumbled as soon as the waves hit them.

Kiana: Everyone brace and be ready!

She held a hard grip on her console so she wouldn't fall over in the rocking waves. Once she was stable enough, she looked up at Iowa and saw her hand raised to the sky.

Iowa: I'll show you what a god can do...

Lightning crackled and shot down to the field, nearly hitting some and actually ramming straight into Eldridge, who was unaffected and just sparked even more than she already did.

The waves grew more and more ferocious, as even the battleships in the fleet started to lose balance and risk collapsing.

Mutsu: This isn't going well!

Bismarck: Shoot her!

A few seconds passed as they attempted to take aim, yet even with their control systems, the waves and winds were making aiming near impossible, and every shot missed.

Bismarck: Dammit!

Iowa's hand started getting struck by the lightning, gathering a bolt of yellow sparks in her hand.

Iowa: Now be smitten by my Hands!!

The bolt was thrown through the air, aiming dead into the crowd as it finally landed on the ocean surface. The resulting explosion threw several girls out of the water and slamming them back down, concussing and knocking them out.

Eldridge: Nnnnn...

However, in the center of the explosion was Eldridge. She absorbed the impact and was sparking at the touch.

Kiana: Uhh...

Eldridge: HAAAAAH!!!

She screamed out as the lightning exploded outwards, making a large amount of electricity shoot into the sky.

Iowa:*wide eyed* What the...



She looked back down and saw Eldridge unconscious, presumably from the electricity and having to discharge it.

Iowa: Huh...

She shook her head and looked back to the group, noting how Kiana was looking right at her...yet the look in her eyes wasn't very welcoming to Iowa.

Kiana: Everyone! Fire once more!

Iowa: Once more?

She didn't continue since she had to weaken the storm to make a portal and evade the shots.

Iowa: You're up to something Kiana...I'm curious what it is

Kiana:*grins* Wanna find out?

She pulled something out of her pocket, and Iowa raised an eyebrow at the object.

Iowa: A flare gun?

Kiana: Yep, a flare gun!

She aimed it high and shot it, letting the red flare go high and shine down on them.

Iowa: Calling for reinforcements? In this storm?

Kiana: Nope

The fleet fired again, and Iowa once more diverted the shots with a portal.

Kiana: It's a message!

Iowa: A message?

That's when she heard it, a loud and resounding boom sounded behind her. Her eyes filled with shock as she quickly turned around.

Jersey:*smirks* Bullseye



*drip* *drip*

The storm died down as the light of day was revealed once again. The waves died down and the girls were able to see Iowa more clearly than before.

Iowa: Hah...haah...

She was holding her stomach, where they could finally see the fruits of their labor.


Bismarck:*wide eyed* All of that...for a few drops of blood...

Kiana: She's...tougher than I thought she'd be, even against Jersey's cannons

New Jersey was watching with shaky hands, knowing she shot her sister full force with her monstrous cannons.

Jersey: Please tell me she's okay...

Iowa:*shocked* I...I...

She looked down at her wound, and she gave what they could only describe as a smile of accomplishment.

Iowa: Pain...I, felt pain...


Iowa: Hehehe...hehehehe...

She looked back up and at her sister, her golden eyes wide and a smile on her lips.

Iowa: You hurt actually hurt me!

Jersey: I...had to do it-

Iowa: Incredible...incredible! I forgot what pain was like! It's...invigorating!

She slowly devolved into insane laughter, all as her wound healed up.

Bismarck:*unnerved* Is...she alright?

Kiana: I'm not sure...everyone be careful!

Iowa: Hahahahahaha! This is pain! This is what I've missed for so long!

She looked back down and saw that her stomach was healed.

Iowa: No, come back...I want to feel alive! I've missed you so! Please come back...please...


Iowa: Fine...

She looked back up, her golden eyes glowing so intensely that they seemed to shine like lanterns.

Iowa: I want that again...I want to feel alive again!

The world around them felt heavier as the ocean seemed to shudder and shake. Waves ceased as the rumbling worsened.

Iowa floated back up into the air, her hands sparking with black lightning. She put them together and pulled apart, revealing her large and deadly Swordspear.


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