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Transmog- what?

The airlock of the Abyssal home sputtered open as Iowa made it back to the city. It came as a great surprise to the guards to see her come in instead of teleport, but they remained quiet out of respect upon seeing the look on her face.

She quietly marched through the city and to the castle, entering and softening her face to not worry the girl running right to her.

N.P: Mommy, they're ready!

Iowa: Ready? Who's ready?

N.P: The captured girls, they're finally ready for...transmorgan...

Iowa: Transmogrification Siara, but good job trying

Iowa patted her head and walked down the corridor towards the pool room once again. The last time she was here she made an example of Yukikaze and the effects of the pool.

Iowa: So many different paths I've taken are all converging. I do something good and something bad, then overwhelmingly heroic followed by dastardly evil

She stopped in front of the door hearing soft chattering and speaking from inside.

Iowa: Well, we walk a thin line in life...mine is just thicker

She opened the door and finally stepped inside the room.

Being immediately splashed with water from the pool.

?: Got her!

?2: Columbia! Don't do that again!

She wiped her face from the water and looked inside, spotting Columbia and Denver, where Denver is scolding her sibling.

There was a difference with them though...

Iowa: Girls?

Denver/Columbia: Yes my Queen?

They immediately stopped bickering and answered her, slightly unnerving Iowa.

Iowa: Creepy...anyways, may I ask how you're all doing?

They glanced over the other girls in the room, who were all asleep with only them and Hipper awake and alert.

Denver: We're feeling fine, just a bit cooped up in here

Iowa:*smiles* Well, you don't need to worry anymore since you're all getting out today

Both Cleveland classes perked up, and she even saw Hipper jump a bit at her sentence.

Iowa: Today's the day you all are getting transmogrified, and then you'll be allowed out into the city

Columbia: Re-really?!

Denver: We can go ou-

Iowa covered her mouth

Iowa: Quiet down will you? You don't need to wake up the others

Columbia: But...shouldn't they be awake with us?

Iowa: No, this process will take some time, so they should be comfortable and not irritable

She waved over to Hipper, who sat up and followed the three out of the room. They didn't go far as the room they needed to go too was just down the hall.

Iowa: Now that I get a good look at them...

Now that the girls weren't in the dark room, she could see the differences they had compared to before.

All three of them had noticeably paler skin, almost sheet white while their hair also whitened yet still held the obvious tint they originally had. All three had crimson colored eyes, with Columbia's just getting a deeper shade of red to match the other two.

Iowa: You all must have soaked plenty of Abyssal energy huh?

Hipper: Yes, it was strange at first, but it grew warm and comforting pretty quick

They arrived at the room, and when Iowa opened the door, they found strange pod like devices sitting in the room.

Denver: Uhh...what is this?

Iowa: This, dear Denver, is the "T-tanks"


Columbia: Really?

Iowa: I know...blame Wo for the shitty name. So! Who's first?

She opened the first pod and stood in front, watching as the three looked between each other and the pod.


Hipper: Fine! I'll go

She stepped forward and into the pod, where Iowa closed it behind her.

Hipper: So what's going to happen?

Iowa: First, a gas is going to knock you out so you won't be awake for the process. During that time you'll be changed

Hipper nodded and relaxed herself on the back of the pod. A pinkish gas slowly seeped into the tube, and soon after the group heard Hipper lightly snoring.

Iowa: Powerful stuff that is...and now we begin

She pressed a button on the pod's side, and the interior started to glow a deep blue. Right in front of their eyes, they saw Hipper twitch ever so slightly as her sheet white skin smoothened just like the abyssals. Her hair went pure white and small growths that seem to replicate shark appendages grew on some parts of her body.

Iowa: While she's finishing up in there, you two get ready for your changes. I'll get everyone else ready soon


Iowa looked up from Seer as she heard the pods all sound out. Despite some of them being finished earlier, she wanted them to explore their new selves together.

Yes, she was able to wake and put the others inside too.

She raised her hand and pressed the buttons with telekinesis, something she wasn't very good at. The doors all popped open and the girls opened their eyes.

Norfolk: W-wha?

Iowa: Come on out girls, I know you want to see how it all turned out

They all steadily got out of the pods, shaky on their feet but eventually they found balance. When they turned to their partners, a collective gasp sounded through the room.

Leipzig: Hipper! You look like an abyssal!

Hipper: Same as you!

Columbia: Look at us, we look like underwater knights!

She hugged her two sisters, and she wasn't wrong as all three had chitinous growths on crucial parts of their body, acting like armor.

The Germans all had shark bits, and their bodies adapted to fit a more swimmer like build too.

Both Norfolk and Hermione didn't change much, but their outfits definitely gained a more abyssal charm to it. Norfolk's cape was changed to look more decrepit and sea ridden while Hermione's maid uniform took a more cephalopod look, with her collar being a ring of small tentacles and her dress being disguised octopus-like webbing.

Formidable did a complete 180 and had a strange mix between terrestrial and sea snakes, with her hair seemingly being able to shift between them and her normal hair, much like Medusa.

Finally, the Sakurans took on traits of their own mythos. Kazagumo's floppy ears stood tall and seemingly hardened to bone, like a sort of demon wolf. Maya's outfit changed from a school like outfit to robes that seemingly held themselves up all while her mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. She almost looked like an Inugami.

Yukikaze's cat ears grew sharper, and she not only gained more cat like eyes, but grew two tails, becoming a Nekomata by the looks of it.

Iowa: Incredible! You all look great with those new looks!

They all turned to her and smiled, bowing their heads to her.

Iowa: No need to bow, all I want is for you all to enjoy yourselves today. So go out and enjoy a night on the town, alright girls?

"Thank you my Queen!"

They smiled to her as Columbia ran ahead of the rest, while they all tried following after her to not get lost. Iowa stayed behind and watched them leave with a smile on her face.

Iowa: Am I the bad guy, or just the "bad guy"?


She shook her head and stood up, walking out of the room too.

Iowa: I doubt I'll ever know

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