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Tyranical (not)

A portal opened up in a dark room, Iowa walked out of the portal, now with an expressionless face after her hug with Enterprise.

Soon the portal closed leaving Iowa in her room, she undressed and put on a simple white nightgown.


She laid down in bed, and stared up at the ceiling, in thought.


Soon, her face went bright red.


She screamed into her pillow and let out the embarrassment she had been holding.

Iowa:*sigh* Ok, ok...I think I'm fine now

She summoned Seer and looked into it.

Iowa: They now know I have several infiltration skills, and even though I shouldn't have, it was fun tricking them in Javelin's body

Iowa: Now then, what needs to be done...

She snapped her fingers, Seer projected a full picture of her kingdom.

Iowa: The girls are doing fine, Siara is having fun...everything seems fine so far


Iowa: Enter!

The door opened, revealing a Wo class carrier.

Wo: My Queen, the humans are talking about Seattle

Iowa: Oh? I need to see this
Gathered in the open hub, the many abyssals sat down and waited for the human broadcast to start. Joining them was their queen, which they cheered to when she arrived.

Iowa:*smiles* Good day to you all! I'm guessing you're all here for the news?

Their response was a unanimous yes.

Iowa: Then I guess we all want to hear about it! Seer!

The little ball floated in the air, and projected the news.

Good day to you all, unfortunately, I bring terrible news to the public.

The picture changed to the ruins of Seattle.

Just a day ago, the city of Seattle in the Eagle Union was attacked and destroyed by a threat now dubbed as the "Abyssals," these new foes are not the Sirens we know, but they are more daring and go so far as to attack innocent civilians and destroy our homes.

Even though Iowa can't see it, she can feel it.

The dread of Humanity, their fear, their anger.

It's intoxicating

However, from what we know, this threat seems to have been created recently, so their forces must be smaller, as a government report states.

The mocking of their strength angered several abyssals, many of them shouting and cursing the man on television.

Iowa: Quiet down everyone! Save the complains till after it's over!

They silenced and continued to listen.

Until this threat surfaces once again, it is recommended to stay away from the ocean waters, at least until we can pinpoint their attack pattern.

Random abyssal: Hah! We don't have one!

A majority of the girls started to laugh, even their queen softly giggled.

Stay safe everyone, and please keep up hope in these trying times

The feed cut off then, the girls were still recovering from the joke.

Iowa: Well I must say, he's good at speeches

N.P: Yeah...actually, I have an idea!

Iowa: For what?

N.P: I want to sing to the others!

Iowa: You want to sing?

N.P: Yep!

Iowa: To everyone here?

N.P: Mhm!


Iowa: Well, no one's gonna stop you, go ahead

N.P: Actually...

Iowa: *sigh*

Iowa clapped her hands, getting the girls' attention

Iowa: Everyone! To celebrate our little victory, I have something special in mind for you all

She snapped her fingers, void energy coalesced and shifted into a number of instruments, as well as an electric guitar for Iowa. Once the instruments were done, she summoned clones of herself, each were the color of the sky that never shines on them.

Iowa: I was thinking I could play some music for my lovely children!

The girls went wild and cheered her on, nearly begging for a performance.

Iowa: Alright, go sit down Siara

The Northern Princess went to the front of the crowd and sat down.

Iowa: I hope you're all ready for a tune!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Seer replicates the male singing)

After the performance, the girls cheer and holler, some of them even had roses.

Iowa: How the hell did they get roses?!

De-summoning the clones and equipment, she gives the crowd a bow and left the stage to head back to the castle.
Iowa: *sigh* It's surprisingly easy to get bored here when I'm not fighting

She looked around her throne room, inspecting the murals that depicted her rise as a ship, and her fall as a girl, all ending on the throne itself, where history is still being written.

Iowa: Aah~, the sands of time may forever fall, but my kingdom will persist with my power, unto the end of time


Iowa: I guess I can walk around town, see how everything's going

She got up from the throne, and made her way outside. She passed by Siara along the way, so she tagged along as well.

N.P: Mommy! I know the perfect place to go!

Iowa: Alright then, lead the way

Siara grabbed her hand and started to run, Iowa somehow keeping up even in heels.


N.P: We're here!

Iowa looked up at the building, realizing what it was.

Iowa: The training grounds? Why did you want to go here?

N.P:*smiles* Hehe...I wanted to show you how good of a shot I am!

Iowa: Oh that smile is too precious!

Iowa followed N.P inside, going through the "airlock" into the open ocean of the abyss, out here, several other Abyssals are also practicing.

N.P made her way to the firing line, and aimed at the farthest target, which was about 500m away.

N.P: Look at this Mom!

She fired and hit the target, Seer showed she only barely missed the bullseye.

Iowa: That's good sweetie! You almost hit it dead on!

N.P: Almost?! Aww...

Iowa: Don't be like that, you did good! Come on, let's get back for the day

N.P: Oh! Can you tell me a story before I go to bed?

Iowa: *chuckles* Of course, Siara

N.P: Yay!

Iowa lifted N.P onto her shoulders, watching amused as she looked around with the new height.

Iowa: Today was a long day...threaten Azur lane, than spend time with my daughter


Iowa: *smiles* This...this I can get use too

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