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A Match Made in Heaven (@-_Rose_Petal_-)

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❥Jessamine Day
❥Jess, Jessa, Jessie, Essa
❥Jessamine takes on the role of 'big sister of the friend group' a little bit too perfectly. She's always there for her friends, and wouldn't think twice to sock someone in the face for insulting her 'little bro/sis' but can be a bit too critical of them as well, even though her friends know she means well.
❥She has an intimidating aura, but is actually very kind and friendly when you try to talk to her. Jessamine is very confident and is seen as the type that would never lie to you. The advices and encouragements she gives are usually taken without question.
❥She has a bit of a spoiled streak, and can be very selfish due to it. If you're not her friend, or if you don't interest her, chances that she would care about your well being above hers is slim. She's the type that would kill 10 strangers to save her 2 friends because in her mind, even if they do have families, her friends are still more important.
❥She's a huge hopeless romantic, and is heavily superstitious as well. She believes in things like charms and magic and stuff like that, but isn't gullible. Due to her parents loving and faithful relationship, she wasn't raised with any sort of suspicion for how the matching works, and has never questioned it before.
❥Jessamine is typically described as having an intense aura. She's very relaxed yet confident, her face the picture of mental surety. Never wavering from anything but quiet thoughtful, that is, when she isn't joking and having fun with her tight knit group.
❥Her hair is dark brown and dirty blonde, with hints of anything in between as well. They match her dark brown eyes and the olive undertone of her skin.
❥She has a beauty mark on her left cheek, an inch from her lips.
《face claim》

❥Love; anything related to love, she absolutely adores.
❥Her friends; she has many close friends, and is usually in the middle of a large crowd.
❥Fashion; it gives her a giant confidence boost.
❥Singing; she's been into music since she was really young.
❥Jewelry; it's a huge part of her wardrobe. She likes to accessories.
❥Flowers; since she is named after a flower.
❥She's lactose intolerant
❥Insults; towards her or her friends.
❥Nosy people; she hates feeling like she's being interrogated
❥Being underestimated
❥People outside of her friend group seeing her in a vulnerable state
❥Pizza; if it's too greasy.
❥Her friends being hurt
❥Being yelled at
❥Singing and anything to do with music
❥She also collects pretty stones.
❥She's a singer/songwriter and works part time at her family's flower shop.
❥Freesia Day; her mother, the two have always been really close. Jessie tells her everything but has nowadays felt like her mother doesn't understand her as well as she used to.
❥Vincent Day; her father, he's very doting on her and gets her anything she could want which lead to her being a bit spoiled.
❥Jessamine's parents were one of the lucky ones, it took a while for them to fall in love, but when they did nothing could break them apart, it's amazing that they only had one kid.
❥Jessamine grew up in a peaceful, happy household with two doting parents, and grew up with not a care in the world.
❥When she was young and easily impressionable, her parents fed her what was basically propaganda, that the Matching ceremony was flawless, that it never makes mistakes, that it would make her happy, and Jessamine believed them. Well, she was never given anything that would make her otherwise.
《preferred/current match》
❥N/A because I don't know who would be a good match with her whoops ;;
❥Her name means grace and elegance in flower languages.
❥Her mother's side has a tradition that every female born in their family must have a flower name.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❥lover boy

❥Fallon Elizabeth Page
❥Aromantic asexual
❥From a very young age, Fallon has always been in the shadow of her sister. Unable to keep up, she's become stagnant in it, complacent almost. It's hard to grow in the dark. She's lost her footing long ago, and only relies on the fading light of her sister to guide her.
❥Even while trapped in the shadows, Fallon is a beacon of light. She's passionate and free. She loves dancing more than anything in the world and is genuinely happy. Disgust at herself takes the form of iron bars gilded in gold to lock her heart away.
❥She feels as if she's not normal, as if what she feels for others (no romantic nor sexual attraction) isn't normal, and it's broken that happy girl. She's extremely harsh on herself and tries so hard to "fix" herself that she's become reckless.
❥Even still, Fallon still hopes for someone to find her in the darkness and make her realize that she isn't weird or broken.
❥Fallon is her mother's "Doll", pretty as porcelain. Of course, she's not the most attractive girl out there, but her mother is damn sure that she's the most perfect. ❥The first thing that people notice about Fallon is her flawless posture and smile. During her performances, she has the rawest emotions in her face, though that was all thanks to her, not her mother.
❥Fallon's black hair, a signature of her mothers side, falls gently down to her waist, framing her lithe figure. She's not the most well endowed for her age, and stands only at 5'3. Her mother is just glad that her small figure doesn't disrupt her elegance, which she claims would have been perfect had she only gotten her mother's height.
❥Her eyes are light grey, contrasting nicely to the dark of her hair and pupil. She has a birthmark on her shoulder blade; a small patch of darker skin that seems to resemble stars.
《face claim》
❥India Eisley

❥Listening to stories
❥Photography even though she sucks at it
❥Perfection/imperfection; it's hard to explain, her immediate response is to fix any imperfection, but at the same time they make her feel like she's not alone.
❥Anything with strawberries
❥Being controlled/told what to do.
❥Grandfather clocks
❥Rough clothes
❥Being vulnerable in front of others.
❥Fallon is a talented dancer. It was her passion, and the only thing she takes pride in.
❥Fallon is well versed in history, as it's one of her favorite subjects. She really loves learning about her country's past.
❥She likes photography, but she isn't very good at it.
❥She's in college right now but she also does a few ballet recitals
❥Adelaide Paige; her mother and dance instructor. She's a strict and calculating young woman that expects nothing but perfection from both of her daughters. Her mother is very controlling of her actions.
❥Jacob Paige; her father, just as strict as her mother and maybe even more so. He let's her mother do anything she wants with her.
❥Crystal Paige; her older sister, she fell under her father's teaching and grew up wanting to raise above her station.
❥Fallon and her sister couldn't be more different. Her sister was obsessed with power, rising up, doing something important with her life.
❥Meanwhile Fallon didn't want anything more than a simple life and the music. She spent every waking day in ballet, practicing till her feet bled.
❥Puberty came, and while everyone around her gushed about their future partners, she didn't feel any romantic nor sexual attraction for any of her peers, and she felt, at first, confused, and then growingly realized that she wasn't like the rest, and she felt horrified for it.
《preferred/current match》
❥She looks a lot like her mother except for her eyes and face shape.
❥She's heard rumors about rebels and wants to join them after she gets matched, but she knows that her family would not hesitate to turn her in, especially her sister.


(Yes, if you were wondering. I intentionally made all of their aesthetics pink XD)
❥Lucian Gray
❥Closeted Homosexual
❥Lucian is an actor, a dramatic one at that, and the whole world is his stage. He's a bit over the top at times and definitely all over the place, which leads to a lot of people getting annoyed with him. ❥First impressions with him are always rough, because he's actually kind of an asshole when you first meet him, but once he gets to know you he becomes a lot nicer.
❥And when I mean nicer I mean he becomes a puppy, like actually adorable little kid that just wants his friends to have fun and be happy.
❥One thing to know about Lucian is that he absolutely loves any kind of attention, so just don't give him any reactions and he'd usually leave you alone.
❥Everyone that has met him thought he was this cool guy who's a bit intimidating at times when really he's a pouty little brat that throws tantrums when he don't get what he wants. Sometimes it's cute but most of the time he's really annoying.
❥He's very possessive, and has to mentally tell himself to back off, scared that he would cause people to run away.
❥Lucian isn't very honest with himself at all. His outer personality never matching with his inward one. Being around people he's interested in makes him unable to pretend, and that makes him flustered beyond belief which is an amazing sight to behold.
❥Basically he's a train wreck of a person and even I can't read him and he's my oc.
❥Lucian is very careful about his appearance, not because of his parents, but simply because he likes being seen as attractive. He wouldn't be seen dead in a bad outfit.
❥He's often describes as having "dreamy eyes", as they are a crisp, warm blue, like the ocean. His wavy dark blonde hair is typically parted to the left and slightly covering his eye.
❥He's a bit more tan (than what's shown in the picture) which he absolutely loves, and adores the sun freckles he gets along with it.
❥He's lean, but not exactly muscular. He works out every so often and his work always has him up and about.
《face claim》
❥Lucas Bin

❥Being out in the sun
❥People's reactions
❥Anything cold
❥getting his way
❥Cute boys
❥People telling him to shut up.
❥Negative feedback of any kind.
❥Being dirty for prolonged periods of time.
❥Being made fun of.
❥Sexist people
❥Homophobic people
❥People touching his hair without his permission.
❥He loves reading in his free time.
❥Though uou could also find him asleep in a couch or something.
❥He would probably be an actor if he could, but his family wants him to be something important like a politician or a doctor.
❥His earliest memories were of a bright (too bright) room, with tear stained books spread across his desk as a stranger yells at him-louder and louder and louder till their voice was all he could hear when he struggled to fall asleep that same night.
❥The Grays were aristocrats; influential, powerful, cunning. His mother was an esteemed physicist, his father more focused on the medical field. They were elated to have a son, hoping that he would inherit some of their intelligence. He didn't.
❥Everyday felt like a reminder of how stupid he was, with each problem that he struggled on. But, as years passed, and with the barely concealed threat of being cast away by his parents in the back of his mind, he finally managed to become the son they wanted.
❥And then everything was perfect, or so he'd like to trick himself to believe to this very day. They loved him now, they were proud of him, they wanted him there. But he knew in the back of his mind if he didn't meet their high expectations they wouldn't hesitate to kick him out and try again.
❥Westley Gray; his father, who has a surprisingly better relationship with him. He always makes sure that Lucian doesn't overwork himself and is always eating and sleeping properly.
❥Catarina Gray; his mother, who's a lot stricter than his father. They have a terrible relationship and Lucian wouldn't care if she disappeared.
《preferred/current match》
❥N/A though his parents would likely want him to end up with someone rich as well.
❥His left wrist was fractured when he was young.
❥Would also Rebel if he gets a female Match.

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