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Beneath the stars (@ssaturnsays)

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🌵G E N E R A L🌵
❥There's nothing wrong about taking the Fool's route.

full name
❥Valentina Castellanos

❥Val, Valley, Valley girl, Tina




romantic orientation


🌿A P P E A R A N C E🌿
face claim
❥Tashi Rodriguez

❥One on her back involving an accident with horses.

other markings
❥She has really prominent freckles on her nose and cheeks, spreading to the rest of her face and down her neck but smaller and less pigmented. Val also has two tattoos on each side of her collarbone/shoulder area

🍀P E R S O N A L I T Y🍀
main personality
❥Valentina grew up in an open minded town where no one really bothers anyone about anything, and it's really shaped her as a person. She's confident, but not in the cocky way. Val's never had anyone tell her that who and what she was is inherently bad or wrong. She was raised to embrace every single part of herself without even thinking of what others might think. Valentina's an open book, but only because she's never had to close herself in the first place.

❥It may sound like a dream and for the most part, it is, but it also comes with some drawbacks. For one, Val has almost never met anyone who judges her, and it's left her with thin skin. The moment anyone says anything about her, there's only two things that could happen. One, her confidence takes over and she brushes you off. That, or she wholeheartedly believes you and bursts into tears. She also just doesn't realize that some of her personality needs to be reigned in at times. Of course her parents still disciplined her and told her what's socially acceptable, but she doesn't particularly listen to them when it comes to that sort of thing. She's a very 'I do whatever I want' type of person, which you could either love or you hate.

❥Valentina's a jokester by nature, but she's also really blunt a lot of the time which really doesn't translate well. What she thinks is just good fun could actually be hurting someone and she would be none the wiser. There's that, too. Val is pretty dense when it comes to other people's feelings. She expects them to just tell her straight up because that's what she would do, so it really baffles her to think that people hide what they really feel because they're scared of what might happen.

❥Valentina can sometimes be completely unexpected. Just when you think you know her, she does something out of left field. Her opinions on people change by the second. She could literally hate you one second and love you the next. She doesn't like doing things just because other people are doing it.

❥Despite everything, Val is mostly a good person. There's no denying that she has a lot of flaws which she is (hopefully) trying to overcome, but at the end of the day; Valentina would never purposefully hurt anyone, and she's always looking out for others as much as she can.

❥Algophobia: fear of pain
❥Equinophobia; fear of horses
❥Tonitrophobia; fear of thunder

❥Ataxophilia; disorder or untidiness.
❥Catroptophilia; mirrors
❥Daimonophilia; ghosts or demons.
❥Geliophilia; laughter
❥Heliophilia; the sun or sunlight.
❥Xylophilia; Woods or Forests

❥Aliens; she wholeheartedly believes they exist.
❥The color green; it's her absolute favorite color.
❥Her hometown; its the place she would always come back to.
❥Her family; though she grew up being raised by many people all at once, she still really loves her biological family more than the others.
❥Romance; she loves all that cheesy good stuff.
❥Mints; she likes the freshness of it, and also the fact that it reminds her of one of her close friends.
❥Cashews; another thing that reminds her of her friends back home.

❥Being forced to do anything; she's very much a free spirit, and a stubborn one too.
❥People who judge others; this is pretty self explanatory.
❥Her birthday; something bad always happens during it, or it just doesn't go as she plans and she hates it.
❥Horses; an accident when she was younger left her pretty traumatized of them.

🌲H E A L T H🌲
❥Valentina is very physically active, so she's rather fit. Aside from a couple of colds here and there, she's been mostly healthy and her immune system is really great because of all the time she spends outside. She has seasonal allergies but they don't really bother her as much as it does others.

❥Valentina is also mentally healthy, if not just a tad bit sensitive. Because of her odd upbringing, she's very open and communicative of her feelings, so she generally goes through life without much worry or regret. She's also a naturally confident person.

🍃A B I L I T I E S🍃
❥Natural confidence and charisma.
❥Free spirited and fun loving.
❥Open minded to a fault and non judgmental (unless you judge others first).
❥Easy to get along with and friendly.
❥Quick learner and adaptable.

❥Childish at times.
❥Blunt and doesn't know when to hold her tongue (literally the worst combination).
❥Dense about other's feelings and hidden emotions.
❥Doesn't/Can't hide anything.
❥Sensitive to criticism.
❥Naturally rebellious.

❥She knows a bit about a bunch of random things because she just soaks up knowledge like a sponge.
❥She knows a small amount of gardening, baking, and knitting, though she's forgotten a lot of things from them too.
❥She's really good at dancing and sports.
❥She also knows how to fish since she does come from a port town where most people are fishermen.
❥She's a great swimmer.

🎍P E R S O N A L🎍
role / royal
❥Princess Lyla Brunelli

❥Like I mentioned before, Val's town was pretty open minded. It was a small port town near the old border of Spain and Portugal where everyone knew each other. Her parents were both from merchant families that docked there a couple of generations back, so they had a pretty good living, not too poor but not too rich either.

❥Most children are raised by the community. It's completely normal to see children 5 and older running around all over the place because all the adults are supposed to look after them, whether the children are theirs or not. Valentina basically absorbed all of the adults' personalities. Which is why sometimes she can do things that are completely unexpected. The values she was raised with are all messed up as well, as not all of the adults shared the same opinions.

opinion: royals
❥She doesn't have much of an opinion on them. Valentina thinks they're all super pretty/handsome and finds them cool, but she'd rather learn about them properly instead of basing her opinion on rumors or what she sees on TV.

opinion: rebels
❥Valentina's town gets a lot of rumors about rebels because it's a port town and word travels through the sea. Valentina's pretty sure she's even been friends with people who became rebels when they became older or were rebels when they were younger, so she doesn't actually mind them as long as they don't hurt her loved ones.

fun facts
❥Valentina is an only child, but she practically considers all the other people her age as her siblings.

❥Valentina's grand father was actually part of the rebels, but because he didn't want to get his family involved in that lifestyle, he left without a word. Everyone thought he died on a fishing expedition, and that's what Valentina's been lead to believe as well.

❥She doesn't like the smell of fish, but she's pretty much used to the smell now. The reason why she knows how to garden is because she spent a lot of time in this old ladies place because it didn't reek of fish around it.

🌹G E N E R A L🌹
❥I'll give you a hint; make me feel something, and you win.

full name
❥Evander Jude Allencourt

❥E, Vander, Van (most common), Evan, Vampire boy



❥Bisexual (no preference)

romantic orientation
❥Biromantic (no preference)


🍷A P P E A R A N C E🍷
face claim
❥Cole Sprouse


other markings
❥Beauty marks on his face and all over his body. He also has a birthmark on his back that almost looks like England (if you squint) and a hidden tattoo on his arm.

🥀P E R S O N A L I T Y🥀
main personality
❥Evander has many faces, it's just something that he has to do. He has to be polite and respectful to the other royals and his officials. He has to be kind and gentle to his people. He has to be caring and strong for his mother and family. He has to be fierce and proper as a royal. He has to be so many things, and honestly, it's exhausting. A constant tiredness and fatigue seems to follow the prince, though he would rather die than let it show on his face.

❥What he's learned to do is simply combine all these faces into one. Why switch personalities when you can just wear every single one all the time? Usually, Evander would be described as a terribly charming person, perhaps even talkative and chatty. Not in a bad way, of course. Everything that comes out of his mouth has a purpose, but it's just that he can literally talk about anything and everything, even things he's not interesting in at all. His charisma comes from the quiet confidence and relentless passion in everything he does.

❥His charm also sometimes comes across as rather seductive. As one of the most sought out bachelors in high nobility, he's learned how to make ladies and gentlemen all fall for him, though since he's typically a good natured person, he doesn't do it often. It's flattering to be liked by many, but Evander would rather not have so many hearts broken because of him. That being said, he can sometimes be quite cruel in the way that he would flirt with others just to catch a glimpse of their reactions. 

❥When Evander is truly himself, without any face or act, it's a somber thing. It doesn't happen often, since he's always either busy or asleep, and he only ever really lets his guard down when he knows he's without a doubt alone. He's silent, almost emotionless. As if recharging and preserving his energy for later when he has to put up his act again. He allows the tiredness to creep up his face and he looks like a dead man walking. Sometimes, he would mutter his schedule out loud to himself. People typically don't go near him when he's like this. Not because it's creepy, but because he would put up that facade again the moment anyone comes up to him.

❥Agrizoophobia; wild animals
❥Amnesiophobia; forgetting
❥Apiophobia; bees
❥Atychiphobia; failure or misfortune
❥Lyssophobia; madness
❥Mastigophobia; punishment

❥Autophilia; being alone
❥Bibliophilia; books
❥Cymophilia; waves
❥Eosophilia; dawn or daylight
❥Ergophilia; work
❥Glossophilia; language or speaking

❥Pretty much anything really, he likes anything that anyone else has a passion in, even when he himself is not particularly good at it.
❥For example, he's a terrible cook, but he can listen to someone rant about ingredients and techniques for hours if he has to, and can still hold a conversation about it based on what he knows on it without fail.
❥Particularly, his passions are linguistics and culture. He loves learning other languages and analyzing old texts. As a byproduct of that, he's also quite fond of reading and writing speeches, theses, and books in general. This is the reason why he knows so many things as well.
❥While he does read up on these things, he's only been able to apply a couple of things to real life. Particularly, he utilizes his understanding of psychology and history on a day to day basis, while the rest get pushed to the side.
❥He loves people, not just his as well. They're basically the combination of both his passions (linguistics and culture) so how could he not adore everything that they do? Their reactions, their expressions, it's different each time, yet there's always a pattern to them.
❥Evander is quite the workaholic as well, though it's simply more due to necessity than anything else. He's desperate to prove himself to his country and his people, so even though he hasn't succeeded the throne he's already taking matters into his own hands when it comes to laws and what the people need.

❥His faces are exhausting, and he doesn't love putting them up every single day. He longs to someday break them apart one by one until all that's left is his own, but the thought of not having them also terrifies him.
❥While he loves people, he hates anyone who thinks they can act frivolously and leisurely.
❥It's been years since Evander's been completely tongue tied, so while he is curious to see if any of the Selected could leave him speechless, he also doesn't like the feeling of being bested at his own game. He's got a good amount of pride in his work, rightfully so of course.
❥While Evander knows failure is a natural event that strengthens one's mind, he still doesn't like it, but since it shows that he can always learn and improve, he's willing to look past his failures. It doesn't mean that they don't burn when they first happen.
❥He also despises showing weakness to anyone, even his family. It's like a breach in his facade, his act, his armor, and he normally doesn't let it slip so easily.

🌺H E A L T H🌺
❥While it doesn't normally show on the outside, Evander has a somewhat weak disposition due to his unhealthy habits. His lack of sleep is the main reason why, which he has been trying to fix since the Selection is coming up. He has dizziness spells at random times in the day and could collapse if he exerts himself further.

❥As for mentally, while he isn't as far off as with his physical health, Evander doesn't realize how much his work ethic is actually doing more harm than good. He doesn't relax nearly enough, so he often has this underlying tension in his body and mind which further cements the dizzy spells and migraines. Thankfully, his servants have been pulling him away from work more often so he could better take care of himself.

💋A B I L I T I E S💋
❥Knows a little bit about everything.
❥Intellect and charm, without being over the top crazy like Valentina.
❥Linguistics and culture expert
❥Good work ethic and genuinely cares for his people.
❥Passionate about everything

❥Kind at heart, but too merciful.
❥Weak disposition / Physically and mentally fatigued.
❥Stubborn and reckless.
❥Could sometimes be boastful and a bit prideful.

❥He can talk about anything to anyone.
❥Can still function with virtually zero sleep.
❥Has memorized many books in the past, though because of his fatigue has mainly forgotten most of them.
❥Would be pretty good at fencing if he wasn't so weak.

🍒P E R S O N A L🍒
❥Deception; the ability to partially control someone through words depending on the person's mental strength.

❥Throughout most of Evander's childhood years, he showed the liking of becoming a prodigy in terms of intellect, which is why the Queen was particularly strict on getting only the best professors to teach him, but she didn't stop there. The makings of a proper King didn't require just smarts, but also charm and strength, which the Queen didn't sacrifice either. It was rigorous, but Evander grew up with all three skills, though his strength has indeed taken a toll due to his recent habits.

❥In his teenage years, Evander went through a period of rebellion due to the stress of being a prince. He would often play around with countless nobles and servants, breaking hearts left and right. It's during this stage of life that he realized and came to terms with his sexuality. Eventually, the prince managed to right himself through the help of his mother's gentle advice and became the prince we all know and love today.

❥He felt guilty for all his wrongdoings in his youth, which is when he began to throw himself into fixing his country and fell down the path of overworking himself. The switch from being a playboy prince to a workaholic prince came as a shock to everyone in the castle, but they supported him nonetheless.

opinion: royals
❥Evander considers them strong allies and even friends if that's what they would like to call their relationship. He's secretly quite fond of them, especially the princesses whom he considers his little sisters. A part of the reason why he agreed to partake in the Selection was so he could watch over the others and see if the selected are fit for his lifelong allies.

opinion: rebels
❥He thinks they're dangerous, but he doesn't want to punish them. It's a battle between doing what would benefit the kingdom and doing what would keep his own mind at ease. His morals in this situation is the only thing he's not willing to give up to the country, since he knows it's the last straw to completely losing 'himself'. Without his morals, he wouldn't be Evander anymore, just another nameless prince.

fun facts
❥His fear and hatred of punishment all stems from a particularly harsh tutor from when he was young. While, yes, his tutor did manage to teach him all that he needed to know, the ways of which Evander was taught were less than kind.

❥Thankfully, he only began to physically strain himself when he was 17, so it didn't affect his growth and puberty cycle.

❥If he has any younger siblings, I figure that he'd be quite doting on them, and would be incredibly hypocritical when it comes to their health. Evander would probably often tell them to sleep early and eat healthy foods when he himself doesn't do that.

❥His youth still haunts him to this day in the form of heartbroken faces that occur to him within his dreams, another reason why he doesn't sleep as much anymore and was really against the idea of a Selection. It was a surprisingly traumatizing experience for the poor guy.

❥When he's particularly stressed and realizes that he's overworking himself (he always is, but sometimes it goes even beyond that), he would always turn to his mother or when she's too busy he would go to one of the towers and just look out to the kingdom.

❥He knows all the secret passages in the castle from his days of sneaking out to flirt with the town maidens at night.

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