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Camp Point (@lol2468lol)

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"Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands."

❥Government Abnormal
《full name》
❥Katsumi Ito
❥biromantic homosexual
《romantic preference》
❥Unsure (female)
《written appearance》
❥Katsumi is a fragile little thing, with skinny arms and even skinnier legs. Poor girl looks like she would get blown away with a strong gust of wind.
❥Her eyes, when not covered by a soft white bandage, is a beautiful copper color, bright and shining like gold and a little bit slanted through her Asian heritage.
❥Her skin, although a healthy pale color, is littered with quite a few scars.  Though they do appear faded, which meant they were inflicted very long ago.
❥Her hair is raven black, falling over her petite shoulders and down below her waist.
❥Katsumi is an easily excitable person, she's been sheltered practically her whole life, and thus has an excitement and curiosity for the outside world which mimics that of a child.
❥She's quite talkative, something that she often got punished for back when she was still at Japan. Her brain runs ten miles a minute, and she seems to just love the sound of her voice. She can talk about anything and everything, even deep or scary stuff.
❥She's very much a people's pleaser, and loves helping others, especially her teammates and the agents. She also doesn't get very upset easily, unless it's from her fears. She loves anything scary, so long as she's with the people whom she trusts.
❥She has giant mood swings, though they're usually never anything destructive. One word can spiral her into a tantrum or a panic attack, and one word can have her bouncing right back into her cheerful, energetic self.
❥Forests and nature
❥Soft colors/Pastels
❥Flower crowns
❥Her abilities
❥Copying people
❥She hates classroom settings
❥Adults, except for the agents
❥Making mistakes
❥Bright lights
❥Being yelled at
❥People blaming her for anything.
❥She can see very well in the dark.
❥She's good at sneaking around and being stealthy.
❥Her enhanced sight allows her to see more clearly and further away.
❥Her heightened six sense alerts her of any dangers.
❥She is agile and has extremely quick reflexes, like a cats.
❥She has a good immune system; better than a regular humans.
❥She is easily deceived and gullible.
❥Her phobias/fear are easy to take advantage of.
❥She has a tendency to overheat in warm climates.
❥She is a people's pleaser, and would do something that she is against if an adult asked her to do so.
❥She doesn't have very good stamina at all.
❥Her eyes are very sensitive to bright lights which requires her to wear sunglasses or blindfolds.
❥She is terrified of dogs or anything similar to them. Even just the sound of a dogs bark can make her start to shake.
❥She's afraid of being sent back to the Japanese government.
❥Adults yelling, the sound of rulers or long pieces of wood being slapped, and heels typically elicit panic due to the trauma that is associated with them. The former being most severe and the latter being the least.
❥She has an intense fear of making mistakes due to the punishments that typically followed after making one.
❥Katsumi's life was neither peaceful nor simple this time around. She was taken in by the Japanese government when she was very young, around six years old, and for some reason she has very little memory of her life before the government had her. They didn't tell her much about her past either, all she knows is that the government works very closely with her father, and her mother was someone they always spoke about in disgust.
❥Life with the government was strict, she was placed into a house with others like her and had a very strict schedule. Wake up, get ready, study, eat lunch, study, then go to bed. There was very little time for any sort of fun, and everyone was miserable. The teachers there were also very strict, and punished them severely for any slight mistake.
❥She cried when she was transferred to the American government, overcome with happiness of being taken away from her prison.
《revealed to agents》
❥Katsumi's father is a politician who works very closely with the side of the government that handles Abnormals, and her mother was a courtesan whom he solicited.
❥The agents also know about her life under the Japanese government, and is free to use that information to their advantage.
《revealed to teammates》
❥Most of it, except of her parents' origins.
❥Katsumi can create and manipulate fox fire. In Japanese folklore, fox fires (kitsunebi) are balls of spectral light or flame that indicate the presence of kitsunes; fox spirits.
❥They are typically harmless and act only as light sources, but when fueled by the users emotions, the fox fires can act like regular balls of Fire and cause damage to anything around it.
❥Aside from Fox fires, Katsumi can also create fire, but she cannot control it like she does with Fox fires. She can only light it or extinguish it.

"Let him be soft, and let him be mine."
❥Assistant councilor and friend of the victim
《full name》
❥Lucian Gray
《romantic preference》
《visual appearance》
❥Lucas Bin

❥Lucian is an actor, a dramatic one at that, and the whole world is his stage. He's a bit over the top at times and definitely all over the place, which leads to a lot of people getting annoyed with him. ❥First impressions with him are always rough, because he's actually kind of an asshole when you first meet him, but once he gets to know you he becomes a lot nicer.
❥And when I mean nicer I mean he becomes a puppy, like actually adorable little kid that just wants his friends to have fun and be happy.
❥One thing to know about Lucian is that he absolutely loves any kind of attention, so just don't give him any reactions and he'd usually leave you alone.
❥Everyone that has met him thought he was this cool guy who's a bit intimidating at times when really he's a pouty little brat that throws tantrums when he don't get what he wants. Sometimes it's cute but most of the time he's really annoying.
❥He's very possessive, and has to mentally tell himself to back off, scared that he would cause people to run away.
❥Lucian isn't very honest with himself at all. His outer personality never matching with his inward one. Being around people he's interested in makes him unable to pretend, and that makes him flustered beyond belief which is an amazing sight to behold.
❥Basically he's a train wreck of a person and even I can't read him and he's my oc.
❥People's reactions
❥Anything cold
❥getting his way
❥cute boys
❥People telling him to shut up.
❥Negative feedback of any kind.
❥Being dirty for prolonged periods of time.
❥Being made fun of.
❥Sexist people
❥Homophobic people
❥People touching his hair without his permission.
❥He's actually really good with kids.
❥He's surprisingly flirty, but I'm not so like if he fails miserably that's my fault.
❥He's very emphatic, to the point that it's almost scary.
❥He has amazing stamina due to being in track.
❥He's also an amazing actor and is great at lying.
❥He's a great conversationalist.
❥He's really talented at using eskrima sticks.
❥What he lacks in physical strength he makes up for in endurance.
❥His left wrist which he fractured when he was younger.
❥It's really easy to rile him up or get him down.
❥His fears
❥Fire; he was involved in an accident when he was younger that resulted in his extreme phobia of fire and anything related to it (heat, smoke, etc.)
❥Being annoying; he doesn't want people to hate him, and gets really insecure when people tell him to shut up or roll their eyes at him.
❥Not meeting his parents high expectations.
❥His earliest memories were of a bright (too bright) room, with tear stained books spread across his desk as a stranger yells at him-louder and louder and louder till their voice was all he could hear when he struggled to fall asleep that same night.
❥The Grays were aristocrats; influential, powerful, cunning. His mother was an esteemed physicist, his father more focused on the medical field. They were elated to have a son, hoping that he would inherit some of their intelligence. He didn't.
❥Everyday felt like a reminder of how stupid he was, with each problem that he struggled on. But, as years passed, and with the barely concealed threat of being cast away by his parents in the back of his mind, he finally managed to become the son they wanted.
❥And then everything was perfect, or so he'd like to trick himself to believe to this very day. They loved him now, they were proud of him, they wanted him there. But he knew in the back of his mind if he didn't meet their high expectations they wouldn't hesitate to kick him out and try again.
❥Which is what almost happened, that one faithful night when he accidentally came out to them as gay. He stormed out, on the verge of tears, the disappointed faces of his parents blurring as the chilly night air forced his tears to flow. He had been doing so good, trying to keep the illusion from fading.
❥Westley Gray
❥Catarina Gray

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