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Idyllic (@The_New_Marauder)

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❥Daughter of Sleeping Beauty

❥Miréille "Mira" Sophia






Sorry it looks terrible lmao. Her hair is dyed dark purple but it was originally blonde like her mom and her sister.

❥An eccentric and bubbly character. Her chatty nature and day dreaming ways are usually shunned by normal people, along with the fact that she doesn't hold a candle to her mother when it comes to grace, charm, and other princess-like characteristics.

❥Despite this, Mira is an extremely positive person, to the point that it's unnerving. She likes to do a challenge called "20 complements" where she has to complement 20 people, and the complements have to meet specific requirements. It's rather fun, even though no one is willing to do it with her.

❥She is the most open of open books, you can tell a lot about her simply from her speech alone. For example, she becomes calmer and less chatty around people she'd like to impress, and even more chatty with people she has taken an interest in. She tends to stutter when around people that are her type and would be dead silent around people that she hates.

❥It's very rare to make Miréille hate you, that is unless you're a killer or a rapist or something extreme like that. As long as you don't get in the way of anyone's happiness, she is perfectly okay with you. She calls herself the Happiness Fairy sometimes, protector of peoples happiness in life.

❥She has a tendency to always want to join in on conversations and doesn't handle being told to shut up very well. You can always expect her to be eavesdropping if she's within range. No one knows where she gets this curious nature from, but sometimes it gets very out of control.

❥Positivity; her optimism is usually infectious to others and is one of her defining character traits.

❥Confidence; she doesn't care if people think she's weird, and she's also pretty extroverted in general.

❥Music; she can play the piano and has random ideas for songs. Nothing concrete, just little snippets that went nowhere. They still sound pretty though.

❥Surprises; for as loud as the girl usually is, she's really good at sneaking up on people and scaring them. You wouldn't even know she was near until she's jumping on your back.

❥Smarts; she's not the best at studying, and can't focus at all on something she isn't interest in.

❥Charm and grace; she's charming, sure, to some people, but she's about as graceful as a baby fawn.

❥Nosy; she can't stay away from drama and tea. Miréille's often tuned out whatever her friends are telling her because she's too busy listening to the two people next to her spilling some mad tea.

❥Spiders; they're actually the worst thing ever and if she sees one she would start crying.

❥Darkness; again, another childish one but she's been scared of it since she was a little kid.

❥Losing her sister; the two grew up together, so she's terrified of losing her.

❥Socializing; she's a chatterbox

❥Attention; she doesn't care if it's negative as long as they don't rain on her parade about it.

❥Jokes/Pranks; as long as they don't hurt anyone.

❥Anything sweet; she has a huge sweet tooth.

❥Writing music; its the only thing that calms her down.

❥Strawberry flavored anything

❥Knowing secrets; she likes knowing things about other people in general, really.

❥Sleeping; she's a rather heavy sleeper, and is out like a light after like 2am.


❥Pressure; she hates timed anything, and cannot handle when high expectations are put on her.

❥School; she's never been the conventional type of smart, and a school environment always makes her feel stupid even though she knows she's not stupid.

❥Insects; she hates them. Spiders especially as you can tell.

❥Anyone mean; the only time she would ever be mean to someone is if they were mean to someone first.

"Sunsets are proof that endings can be happy."
❥Child of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling

|Full Name|
❥William Daniel Pan

❥Will; used mostly by everyone




❥Closeted bisexual

❥William is a mix of both his mother and his father. Like his father, he is mischievous, adventurous playful, passionate, childish and kind of a little bit flirty.

❥He enjoys teasing his siblings (if he has any) and playing little pranks on his friends. He's usually upset whenever things don't go his way. Whenever he likes something, he usually gives 100% towards that thing.

❥However, much like his mother, William is very optimistic, honest to the point of bluntness, observant and kind. He's always looking on the bright side of things and is always trying to comfort others who are more pessimistic.

❥Sometimes he can't keep his mouth shut, and talks before thinking of his words, which leads to him being quite brutally honest. He likes observing people from the sky (either flying or up on trees) and has become really good at reading people's emotions.

❥He's rather possessive, and can get easily jealous sometimes. He hates it whenever he's ignored or when people try to actively take his friends away from him. You can say he's a little bit insecure, which is why he's so possessive of his loved ones.

❥Oliver Hayes

❥Reading others; he's made a habit out of people watching, so he's really good at catching on to people's habits, especially if it's people he's around a lot.

❥Passionate; once he gets into something, he dedicates 100% of his time and attention to said thing.

❥Leadership; he likes hyping others up and having others listen to what he has to say.

❥Possessive/Easily jealous; while he flirts quite a bit, he doesn't like seeing his crush flirt with others.

❥Brutally honest; especially when he's upset.

❥Childish; he likes whenever things go his way and hates being scolded.

❥Running away; whenever things get too much for him, he tends to push himself away and seclude himself from others until he gets his thoughts together.

❥Loneliness; he's always been surrounded by his extended family, so he hates the thought of suddenly not having anyone to rely on.

❥Claustrophobia; it's not that he's scared of tight spaces, it's just not the most comfortable place for him. William thrives in a place where he can stretch his legs and walk around and just breathe.

❥People finding out he's bisexual; he grew up feeling like he's somehow wrong for liking boys, and still carries this to this day, though he has accepted the fact that he's bisexual, which is a step in the right direction.

❥Sports; he loves running around and just exerting himself in general.

❥Stories: Specifically his mother's stories, as they always have happy endings.

❥Yellow and Green: He's always liked these two colors for some reason. Yellow just always makes him feel really happy and green is his father's theme color.

❥Sweets: William has a huge sweet tooth, he can literally eat a whole cake and not feel sick.

❥His friends and family: he's very possessive of them and would actually go crazy if any of them got hurt.

❥Adventures: He likes not knowing where life takes him, it gives him a thrill, the unknown.

❥Children of Captain Hook: It's not because of anything they did, but William's parents always spoke so ill of Hook, so he just assumed they were evil as well.

❥Feeling Jealous: He hates it whenever he gets jealous, knowing that there's nothing to be jealous of. 

❥Blushing: He doesn't like feeling embarrassed or shy, because the Prince's in the story books never blush.

❥Sour things: It seems pretty reasonable.


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