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LAMBS (@ The_Wild_Celery)

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《full name》
≫Rhosyn Monica Waters
《face claim》

≫Young and naive, Rho is quite fragile, even for her age. Except she hates being called fragile, she hates being protected and treated like a porcelain doll, hates being dumbed down towards because of her age.
≫Despite this, Rho actually is rather innocent. Her parents sheltered and spoiled her quite a bit, so she grew up never having to worry about anything until now.
≫She's rather silent most of the time, and has a very thoughtful, focused look on her face. She tends to be rather observant when left to her own devices and isn't very outspoken.
≫She's not meek by any means, however, and holds herself with confidence when she's approached. She hates letting strangers know what she's feeling and keeps up a facade of tranquility.
≫Underneath this, Rho is a critical person. She beats herself up for tiny things, and always gets upset whenever she feels like she doesn't meet others expectations. She's a people pleaser, always wanting other's assurance. She tends to close herself off when deeming herself too lowly to be around others.
≫She also never properly learned how to ask for things. When she was younger, she was never asked what she wanted, her parents have always been making her decisions for her. It's even gone so far that they've told her what she was feeling, instead of allowing her to place a name to the feelings she holds deep inside. This makes her really confused, because now no one is telling her what she's supposed to be feeling or what she's supposed to be.
≫It's like pushing a bird out of the nest to teach it how to fly, everything is rushing in so suddenly that she just doesn't know what to do.
≫Her powers
≫Her prey instinct would be extremely useful if she would actually listen to it, and sometimes there's a point where she can't simply ignore it, leading to her jumping out of danger and getting into more danger.
≫She hates being seen as weak and usually does her best to not be dead weight.
≫She's actually really hard to read. Covering her emotions come naturally to her.
≫Her mother often told her that her prey instinct was just her being paranoid, so she grew up not trusting it and simply ignoring it most of the time.
≫It also makes her extremely jumpy and anxious as it responds to any fear, even the irrational types.
≫She's extremely weak, having about the same strength as that of a baby deer.
≫She doesn't adapt well to bright lights (Deers stay in place until they can adapt to it, which is why they don't immediately jump away from a car coming their way)
≫Her stubbornness is rather high, and she hates asking others for help.
≫Loose clothing
≫Being in nature
≫Tight clothing
≫Her prey instinct
≫Being looked down on
≫Being away from people she knows for too long
≫Loud noises
≫Any kind of dangerous situation
≫Deer physiology; in simple terms, her mother's genes were spliced with a deer's resulting in her mother gaining abilities that mimic those a deer might have. Only thing is that because Rho is still young she only has the abilities of a young deer and not an adult.
≫Enhanced agility, hearing, and speed; only to that of a deer
≫Night vision
≫Prey Instinct; the ability to sense danger, though not the ability to evade it. If the 'predator' was someone much stronger than her, even if her mind did give her a warning that doesn't mean she would A.) listen to it or B.) be able to act on it quick enough.
≫Environmental Adaptability; Rho can adapt to any environment a deer can adapt to.

《full name》
≫Ashley "Ash" Fletcher
≫Trans male
≫Ash has thin bones and a pale complexion. He has intense grey eyes and dyed black hair.
≫He's often seen in loose fitting clothing to hide his binder and small waist. While he doesn't have an hourglass figure, he does still have feminine curves which he's insecure of.
≫His personality definitely depends on the level of trust that you're at. He's not someone easy to get along with or get close to.
≫If you're strangers, he's polite but rather cold. His responses indicate a lack of interest or even annoyance in certain cases.
≫If you're acquaintances, he would be more open to conversation, but would still be a bit closed off. He would stick to small talk and refuse to answer any question he feels is too deep.
≫Friends would find a striking amount of gentleness hidden beneath the cold exterior. It's in this stage that he becomes quite thoughtful and kind, despite Ash trying to pretend that he isn't. You could call him quite a tsundere.
≫Close friends, though slight and far between, get to know him like no other. He's rather clingy in this stage, but like a cat not like a leech. He's rather reliant on his close friends to the point that he would even be seen as annoying. 
≫He doesn't have many, that's for sure.
≫He's rather fit, despite being so small. He can throw a mean punch but is easy to overpower as long as you don't get caught off guard.
≫While he does have a short fuse, he doesn't loose his cool. He may bitch and moan but he would still do his job and won't do anything stupid.
≫He's merciless when pushed over the edge.
≫He has quite a temper that is commonly linked to those who are his size (aka smol people are v angry)
≫At the same time, he's also really lazy and rather unmotivated like all the time.
≫His powers are dangerous because he doesn't have a good hold on his emotions.
≫He hates being told what to do, and even worse being nagged to do things. Sure, he would still obey, but he would hold that against you for eternity.
≫Being left alone for a bit when he needs to cool off.
≫People using the right pronouns.
≫People who are shorter than him
≫Feeling masculine
≫People knowing that he's transgender
≫Being forced to do things
≫Anyone who thinks that they should have power over him.
≫Doing anything that isn't interesting.
≫Any kind of sport
≫Ash can change the temperature of his body at will* without it affecting him at all.
≫Because he's still young and completely inexperienced, he can't actually control it yet.
≫At the moment, they respond to his emotions. If he's angry, he would be practically burning. If he's sad, he would be ice cold.

《full name》
≫Adriel Mazarin Hamilton
《face claim》

≫As the eldest of his siblings (both his real ones and the unofficial ones in his friend group), Adriel is quite mature. Of course he jokes around and teases and rough houses like any other boy, but he tends to hold back more than others and doesn't let his emotions run as free as what he is permitted.
≫Adriel tends to be rather reserved. He's more introverted than extroverted while still being an ambivert. He needs to have time to recharge from social interactions or else he could get a bit snappy and a lot more easily irritated.
≫Adriel doesn't typically stray from his friend group unless its to talk to his siblings and their friends. Inside his friend group, he lets down his guard a lot more and is someone who is very easy to get along with.
≫He's a great listener, and is someone who is genuinely just a trustworthy guy. This is what accidentally turned him into the dad friend of the group, along with his careful and gentle assertiveness.
≫He's a leader, that much is true, but his confidence is quiet, and he doesn't like bossing people around. Instead, he's very encouraging of others and helps the shyer kids get out of their shell while not being too suffocating or controlling.
≫While he pretends that he doesn't care much for his siblings, the truth of the matter is actually that Adriel is extremely protective of each and every one of them, and tries to hide it for a multitude of reasons.
≫The biggest is that he doesn't want them to end up hating him. He knows that suffocating them would just cause them to push him away. He does, however, still make sure that they're all doing okay.
≫He is incredibly patient.
≫He's good at memorizing and picks things up really fast.
≫He's a great listener and is someone who's always there for his friends.
≫He can't socialize with others for extended periods of time or else he'll mentally exhaust himself.
≫He's the type to emotionally exhaust himself by listening to his friends and trying to help them when he still has problems that he needs to do.
≫He has a horrible habit of trying to help others while he's busy, it's his own little way of procrastinating that gets rid of the idea that he isn't doing anything productive—because he is, he's just not doing what he's supposed to be doing.
≫He's surprisingly weak for a man of his height, he can't throw a punch for his life because he's too scared of actually hurting the other person.
≫His family
≫His friend group
≫Playfully scolding his friends when they do something reckless
≫He's actually quite religious, so he likes to pray.
≫Comforting others
≫He takes walks to calm himself down.
≫Being away from his family.
≫People being scared of him because of his height
≫socializing for too long.
≫Judgmental people
≫Anyone who badmouths his loved ones.
≫The person that took his sister.
≫Being scrutinized.
≫Adriel is the eldest of four siblings. That is, not including his 2 half siblings. So, he was raised in a huge family. Bigger than what his parents could both afford.
≫They didn't have much to go around, but they were happy. Their father was often away from home, so Adriel had the job of taking care of his younger siblings alongside his mother.
≫Their father lost his second job, which made getting enough money even harder. He and his sister took up jobs even though they were only in high school. His sister went missing soon after getting a job with some shady people, and he's been searching for her ever since.
≫The main reason is because he really needs the money to help support his family and save up enough to go to college, but he also believes that by doing this he could find out who took his sister. (He's sure that it had to be someone with powers, as it was almost like there was no trace of her)
≫He doesn't want to hurt the kids, but if he finds out that one of their parents had taken his sister. Well, my prayers go to them.

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