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League (@BeautifulNarcissist)

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"Do try to keep up, dear."
"Love is fleeting, even more so when you're immortal."

❥Tatiana De Clare
❥Unknown, though she's roughly a few centuries old.
❥Vampiress Noble
❥She's not picky ;3
❥Tatiana is a delicate looking thing, even she can admit as much. No one would bat an eye at her walking down the street. She takes on the appearance of a woman just shy of her early twenties, with long lashes and fair locks to match her deathly glow.
❥Her eyes are a dazzling red, though oftentimes it is masked to appear as their original copper brown color instead, just as captivating and suited to her heart shaped face.
❥She has an aura of nobility, her posture nothing less of perfect and her appearance always crisp and pristine, though the clothes are at times too tightly pressed to her curves to be formal.
❥Tatiana is of medium height, with curves that don't exactly make her fit into the hourglass category. She's a lot busier on top than on the bottom, and makes sure to accentuate this properly.
(That was so weird to write—)
❥She doesn't usually use any weapons, preferring hand to hand combat or even her fangs if things get dire. Though she is proficient in most bladed weapons.
❥Vampiric Strength; Tatiana has enhanced strength that allows her to overpower any normal human and almost every other vampire except for The Warlord Vampire.
❥Shapeshifting; Tatiana has the ability to manifest as a swarm of bats, about 10-15 and covered in a dark mist. She mainly uses it to dodge attacks and escape, but also used it get all up in people's faces.
❥Perseverance; she doesn't get hungry for blood like others do. She needs it to survive, yes, but she won't go into a rampage every time she wants to sate her hunger.
❥Growing up, Tatiana did not have very much freedom. Back then men ran everything, and she was forced into a feminine role. It's not like she doesn't like keeping in touch with her femininity, but she couldn't help but feel irritated when her brothers were allowed to do things that she and her sisters could never even dream of doing.
❥So, she often acted out and became known as the troublesome daughter of her family. During social events she was polite and courteous, even charming, but at home she had a horrible temper and snappy attitude that often got her in trouble, usually confined in her room, though she still remembers the day her father raised a hand to her like it was yesterday when really it's been more than three centuries.
❥Perhaps that's why The Warlord Vampire took such an interest in her.  Unlike her sisters, she fought back and screamed and did everything in her power to change her fate even when it seemed impossible.
❥Her turning had subdued her, though only for a few months. Her humanity felt shattered. Her emotions were still there, only it felt like they weren't as important as they were before, and she hated that with a burning passion.
❥Three or four months into her numb episode, her sister finally snapped her out of it. She doesn't quite remember how, as those months are hazy to begin with, but after that she basically returned to her old self, but with a lot more control over her emotions.
❥Centuries of her living as a woman in a patriarchal society finally made her learn to hold her tongue and not snap at every man that gives her a reason to snap. And while she may hate being a passive little doll for them to toy with, if she wanted to be free, she had to sacrifice some parts.
❥Centuries flew by like days, and the Tatiana of today is a tall young woman with a gleam in her eye that spoke of years beyond the age she looks. "An old soul" as many would say. Her aura is no less intimidating, full of silent, unwavering confidence and grace. Her sharp tongue hasn't changed, it's gotten worse in her opinion. Though that's only when she unleashes it.
❥Teasing The Beholderless Assassin; since her emotions have felt locked away, she's relished in watching the reactions from other people, and the Assassin seems to have the best reactions she's seen in centuries.
❥Blood; she's not obsessed with it like other vampires, but feeding does leave her feeling satisfied.
❥Playing the piano; she grew up learning how to play, though dropped the art for a while.
❥People's reactions; she loves how different everyone reacts to certain things. Her favorite reactions are those that appear from her flirting with them. A mortified sort of flustered that always amuses her.
❥Being dominant; having been in a submissive role for practically her whole life, she's craved to be in power for a change, and she's been in power, as one of the most powerful vampires at the moment.
❥The Warlord Vampire; she doesn't hate him exactly, but she knows he doesn't like her right now. Their relationship has always been shaky, built on lies and dependency instead of trust.
❥Being ridiculed; especially if it's because of her gender, as if being female makes her any less of a man.
❥Sexist People; need I explain more?
❥Bright lights; it might be due to her vampirism, but she cannot stand bright lights or bright colors.
❥Born around the 1600, Tatiana De Clare grew up pampered and sheltered. She lived in the countryside with her five sisters and four brothers. Her family's always had a weird streak, and it wasn't till she was about to be married off that she learned just how deep these mysteries lie.
❥As it turns out, her family's had ties with vampires for two generations now, their deal being that Tatiana's family would give away their children to the clan to be turned or to become a good source. Tatiana was one of the lucky-unlucky, however you want to see it, few who were chosen to be turned. Her older brothers and sisters weren't so lucky.
❥That's when her life as a human ended, and her life as a vampire began. Those who weren't born vampires were generally mistreated, but due to her relations with The Warlord Vampire at that time, no one dared to touch her.
❥She kept her siblings and their descendants alive as long as possible, feeling as if bits of her humanity died every time they did. When her descendants were killed during the American revolution, Tatiana cut all her connections to the clan and the Warlord Vampire, disappearing off to god knows where for a good two centuries, finally resurfacing in America just in time for the First World War.
❥Well, mostly because she has nothing else to do, and this would seem to solve her boredom for a while, but also just to poke fun at The Warlord Vampire.
I'm so sorry if this seems rushed I just wasn't sure if I was gonna go over the deadline >.<

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