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The Daydreamer

Soo Yun "Maya" Kim



Pansexual / No preference

Shin Hyejeong

•Maya is, first and foremost, the sweetest girl you would ever have the chance of meeting. Sometimes it's hard to believe that it's all genuine, but believe me, even if Maya could lie (and she, by all gods, cannot) she would never lie about her feelings towards others. Love bursts from her very soul, raining down on those around her without prejudice or bias.

•She has a childlike temperament. Curious, naive, clumsy, attention seeking, at times bratty, and easily upset at the randomest things.

•You either hate her or you love her, honestly she doesn't particularly care what others think of her. She's confident in that sense, since she doesn't let what others say bring her down, and won't stand for anyone that would insult her or her loved ones.

•Self preservation is a word that doesn't exist to Maya. It's nihilistic in its core. Since she was young, she's always been the unlucky one. If she's going to die anyway, might as well make the most out of it, right? She never thinks, she just does whatever comes to mind the moment it does.

•Being a "monster" herself, she thinks of the others as siblings she's never met. Though they might not want to form any sort of relationship with her, she would still treat them lovingly. She has it lucky since her powers aren't exactly noticeable, but she still faces a lot of discrimination simply from the knowledge of having powers.

•Oral Fixation: Simply put, Soo Yun loves anything that has to do with her mouth. Talking, eating, singing, humming, anything in her mouth. It doesn't also help that she loves the sound of her own voice.

•Sweets; she has the biggest sweet tooth known to man kind.

•Singing; she's rather talented at it, and isn't afraid to show it off.

•The color pink; if it isn't obvious already.

•People using her real name; she knows it isn't the easiest to say, but when people actually make an attempt to pronounce it, she gets really happy.

•Prejudiced people; especially those that judge them without even knowing their story or if their powers were even dangerous at all.

•Needles; her first check ups weren't exactly.. ideal.

•Doctors; they always treat her poorly, and even though they're supposed to make her feel better she only leaves feeling worse than before.

•Hospitals; the smell of it alone can put her in a bad mood.

•Smells; certain fragrances and odors just don't go well with her at all. She would even leave rooms just because a certain smell in it bothers her.

•Being rejected; she's been rejected since she was a child, if she goes through one more... she doesn't know what she would do.

•Medicals; anything that has to do with it. Doctors, hospitals, needles. Medicines, thankfully, are usually orally administered so she can look past those.

•Anything bitter; coffee and tea are no-go's, but it's fine since it looks like she's high all the time anyway.

•Singing; she's not like drop dead amazing at it, but she's decent and her voice is soothing.

•Getting herself in trouble; it's like trouble follows her wherever her goes. Danger, too. The girl can't get a break.

•Speaking Korean; she can also speak slight Japanese, but she's not fluent in it.

Prince Laurent Ainsley

•She's half Korean on her mother's side.

•She has no other siblings, but if she had one, she would want it to be an older brother.

•Maya is her Americanized name. Simply put, it's the name she adopted because it's easier for others to pronounce than her real name.

•She was five when people discovered she had powers.

•Not really recent, but it was hilarious.
[ Some girl: I'm Filipino, not Asian!
Other girl: isn't that the same shit? ]
•Oh! And I can't choose! I love all my fluffy babies.

The Scholar

Cyrus "Chul-soo" Moon



Bisexual homoromantic


Cyrus, despite typically being silent, is actually quite expressive. He loves to talk, and appreciates people who are patient with him, since it takes a lot more to write than to speak. He is never seen without a small hand held notepad, in fact, he even has a built in pocket in the inside of his sweater, which is the perfect size for said notepad.

He can be very analytical, and loves observing people when he's not in the mood for talking. He searches for patterns and consistent actions in people. Habits, tics, things that they usually do when they feel a certain way, these things interest him.

From what his notepad and his expressions have told us, Cyder is a very gentle person, he hates it whenever people talk about violence or curse. He's a huge pacifist, and can get so upset from yelling that he would leave the room.

When he's not in the mood for talking, which is more common than you would think, Cyder could be seen drawing on his notepad or writing little poems and stories.

•He feels like he could relate to them, since his speech impediment has made others bully him throughout his life. However, in order to keep up an image, he usually doesn't respond whenever people ask what his opinion is about them, and prefers to pretend like he's neutral (or even against them if he knows the person is particularly hateful, since he doesn't want to get on their bad side).

•Poetry and drawing; he used it sort of to cope with his trauma when he was younger, and then it kind of stuck.

•Fluffy animals; dogs, cats, who cares? They're adorable and Cyrus loves them.

•Card games; they're easy to play and don't require much talking on his side.

•The Sky; his favorite colors are yellow and blue which are found almost constantly in the sky.

•He hates physical contact, not even his friends could hug him for too long without him getting squirmy. Tiny touches are fine, like pats and nudges and pokes, but anything engulfing makes him feel suffocated.

•He doesn't like eating, as it makes him nauseated, but really likes snacking on any kind of nuts.

•He hates when people think they're entitled to things, like if they look at his notepad without even asking.

•Like I mentioned before, he hates cursing and anyone talking about violence.

•Losing his voice completely; while it doesn't seem like he cherishes his voice that much, he would be devastated if he ever lost it.

•Heights/Sharp objects; a part of his accident. He doesn't want to (and, at times, can't) talk about it.

•Feeling worthless; because of his speech impediment, he's always felt lesser than his classmates at school, but he's pretty good at keeping himself up.

•Poetry; he's okay at it, but if you have powers you might relate a bit too much to the poems he write, about feeling judged and ostracized because of something so minuscule.

•Drawing; same as last time, he's not the best at it, but his drawings are quite cute and it's always an honor whenever he draws one of you, because it means that you're his special friend and he likes you a lot.

•Sign language; it's not the easiest way to communicate since not many know it, but he decided to pick it up anyway.

•Prince Percivus Aisnley

•Cyrus has aphonia. An accident when he was younger caused trauma to his vocal chords. He can't speak louder than soft whispers or else he would hurt himself.

•He finds the fact that he can't socialize normally to be extremely troublesome, and tries to force himself to speak which would go about as well as you would think.

•He's extremely clumsy and easy to scare. Please don't sneak up on him.

•It doesn't happen much, but if he ever gets worked up about something, a short but tight hug would help a lot, and don't ever crowd around him.

The Maid

Annysia Hamilton




Alina Kalenich

•Annysia is a quiet and timid maid that doesn't really stand out much. She's polite and respectful, and can joke around, but doesn't like having the attention placed on her. However, she's been described to be very easy to talk to.

•She loves listening to other people's problems and always tells them that she's always open if they need someone to vent to.

•Her quiet is like a storm, thoughtful and calculating. She's critical and has extremely high expectations for everyone, including herself. She's a huge perfectionist and hates disorder.

•She tends to be a bit high strung, and doesn't like when others goof off before their work is finished, which leads to a bit of hostility from the other maids who tell her that she needs to have fun sometimes.

She doesn't really care much for them, seeing as she's never met one before, but she would be wary because of all the rumors. She's more neutral, I suppose.

•Cleaning; she has to like her job to do it efficiently, and she finds cleaning somewhat therapeutic.

•Her family; Annysia comes from a pretty big family, and she's the second eldest so she's quite doting on the younger ones.

•Helping other people; some weird bit of motherly instinct that she gained from taking care of her younger siblings, she supposed.

•Animals; they seem to like her a lot, so why not be friends?

•Calming others down; its always come easy to her, since she's such a soothing presence.

•The gardens; her favorite part of the castle, no doubt.

•Prince Alistair; she's had her eyes on him since she first arrived at the castle. She isn't actually going to get in the Selected's way, but you can see her being more closed off towards those who are planning to woo the first prince.

•Having the attention on her; it's uncomfortable at best and downright mortifying at worst. She doesn't like being stared at or feeling like she's being watched.

•People making fun of her; as you can tell, Annysia is easily self conscious, and would feel like she isn't doing things perfectly enough.

•People forcing her to do things; ordering and forcing are two different things in Annysia's mind. If she respects you and you're above her station, you're ordering her. If you're equals and you tell her to do something, she feels like she's being forced. Simple, really.

•Being yelled at; she's usually really obedient and well mannered, so whenever she gets yelled at she feels like she doesn't deserve it.

•Insects; as much as she loves the gardens, it's one thing she can't stand.

•The Selected; those that are going for Prince Alistair, at least.

•Losing her job; it's weird, I know, but when your job is one of the only things that's keeping your family from homelessness and poverty, the stakes are high and she literally cannot afford to lose her job.

•Her younger siblings growing up poor; she wants to make their life beautiful and memorable, and she can't do that if they don't have money. Hence why she started working at the palace.

•Household chores; as a maid, she's used to cleaning, doing the laundry, anything that would need to be done at the palace that doesn't require professionals (cooking/gardening).

•Sewing; surprisingly, Annysia loves making dresses. However, she can't do this often since she doesn't have the money to buy materials and she doesn't have time to waste on 'stupid hobbies'.

Prince Alistair, of course.

•Annysia has five siblings, one older, the rest are younger. They all have names that start with A.

•She came seeking work at the palace when she was 15, so she's been here for 3 (almost four) years.

•Annysia never finished high school, but she's still pretty intelligent.

•Her father was a soldier that was forced to retire due to an injury.

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