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New Blood (@seolvienti)

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full name
❥Mayu Saitou

wanted alias

❥Sai / any given


❥September 3




❥Panromantic demisexual

❥Mayu is as gentle as a drizzle of rain. Delicate is a word well suited to her. She isn't the type that brings a lot of attention to herself, preferring to stay in the shadows of those who do, but at the same time she secretly craves to be seen after living her whole life in her older sisters shadow. A lot of people think that she shouldn't be a hero, but she's not letting that bring her down. She can be kind and still be a hero. She can be afraid and still be a hero.

❥She's very contradictory, and can be seen as a hypocrite sometimes. She doesn't like liars, but she is the one that lies the most. She can't say what she really wants to, in fear of it being taken badly, and so instead says everything that they want to hear and nothing that they don't.

❥She's a huge people's pleaser, to the point that its self destructive. She has a deep set inferiority complex that dictates most of her actions, even without her realizing it. One such instance is that because of her past, she tends to be very clingy to her closest friends and is easily jealous whenever they hang around other people.

❥Mayu is both the baby but also the mother of her friend group. In one hand, she's one of the shortest and most childish, but she's also wise for their age and cares deeply for their health and well being.

❥Her deep knowledge of psychology has allowed her to basically fix some of her bad habits before they get too bad. Though some of them are just too deeply ingrained into her psyche and others are just too big of habits to give up so easily.

❥She can be really talkative and rants a lot around people that she's comfortable with, almost to the point that it gets annoying. She's a very earnest person, and always goes 100% when it comes to her friends.

❥She's also really thoughtful of the others, almost to a creepy extent. She remembers a lot of things about the others, like specific things that they've said in the past or something that they mentioned off handedly.

face claim/appearance
❥Lan Âu Kim (@lan.aukimie)

hero uniform

❥Vietnamese (43%), Korean (37%), Japanese (20%)


❥Hiina Saitou; Mother
•A retired hero who now works overseas. She's unsurprisingly strict on Mayu and is unsupportive of her going into the hero industry.

❥Anh Saitou; Father
•A government worker. He has a bit of a temper that he passed down to Mayu. Mayu is a bit scared of him because of how easy it is to set him off.

❥Seo-yun Saitou; Older sister
•Seo-yun inherited their father's flame quirk, but has the patience of gods. She's really protective and supportive of Mayu, but still thinks that she's too fragile to become a hero.

❥She wanted to prove to her parents that even someone without a powerful quirk could become a hero.

❥She's loved Deku and Shoto since she was a kid, but her inspiration was Anima because he's so shy but he still helps to protect people.

❥Year 1, Student no. 16

❥A gray cat named Suzu

❥She's into writing and psychology, which is obvious from her refined speech and deep understanding of people.

❥She loves to sing and has a pretty decent voice, but she doesn't like doing so in front of others because she has a bit of an accent.

❥Her first language was Vietnamese, but she's fluent in Japanese and knows a bit of Korean.

❥She has a lot of free time, so she's become a lot better at turning on and turning off her quirk instead of it being constantly on or constantly off.

❥She can use her quirk without anyone detecting it.

❥Her quirk can make it way easier to communicate with other people.

❥She's flexible and has pretty good reflexes.

❥She has to absolutely despise you and be really tired or frustrated for her to be uncooperative, and even then she still does her job, she just ignores that person or snaps at them. Meaning, she's relatively easy to work with in teams or pairs.

❥She's not physically strong and has to rely on catching her enemy off guard or winning in a battle of wits.

❥Her quirk doesn't have any physical boosts for her, which is why her family thinks that she shouldn't become a hero.

❥She's more of a support person rather than a fighter. She can fight if absolutely necessary, but she doesn't like doing it.

❥To show people that even those weak quirks can become heroes.

❥Social Anxiety

❥Emitter Type; Clairvoyance

❥Mayu can see things that can't be seen by normal people. The more hidden it is, the clearer it appears to Mayu. Depending on her level of focus, she can see and broadcast other people's quirks, emotions, memories, footprints, and thoughts. It can be physical or metaphysical

❥Her quirk can be forcibly turned off if she's startled or can't concentrate/focus hard enough.

❥She has perfect vision as a side effect of her quirk, but she's near sighted.

❥Her head would start to hurt if she keeps it open for too long.

❥She doesn't actually like using it because it makes her nauseous and she feels like she's overstepping her boundaries if she peeks at other people's emotions and memories.

love life

❥She lives with her grandparents.

❥She's left handed

❥She wears contacts but also carries her glasses everywhere she goes.

❥She was named by her grandmother. If her parents chose her name, it would have been Ha-eun.

full name
❥Akane Nishimura

wanted alias
❥Red Riding Hood / Little Red

❥She's not fond of them


❥March 20

❥Pisces-Aries cusp



❥Gynephilia (attracted to femininity, doesn't necessarily mean women)

❥Akane is a well mannered, but sometimes aloof person. She's rather closed off even to her classmates and isn't the easiest to get along with, but she has good intentions. She's the guardian angel of her class in a way. Always helping but only from the sidelines. If someone is getting bullied or hurt, Akane is always there to help them. As such, even though she isn't very talkative, people in her class still enjoy her company and try to include her in stuff. Other people don't have the same impression.

❥Because of her high pedigree, people believe that she's arrogant and self centered when she's anything but. Whenever she's supposedly ignoring someone, it's only because she's deep in thought or doesn't know who you are. When approached, she usually responds well but can be a bit too blunt or closed off. She does not like strangers or those who get too close too quickly.

face claim/appearance
❥@ani.ya with short hair

hero uniform
❥Akane's uniform consists of three pieces primarily. Her brown lace up boots go all the way up to her thighs and are designed to be soundless and to prevent her from twisting her ankles. On top of this is a skin tight romper that has a corset like design on the bodice. Finally, she wears a deep red coat on top of it which is bullet proof and acts almost like a shield.

❥Japanese (35%), Ukrainian (65%)


❥Daichi Nishimura; father
•Her father is a doctor, so he isn't home often and whenever he is, he's always really tired. Akane does have fond memories of falling asleep with him when she was younger.

❥Suzumi Nishimura; mother
•Her mother is a stay at home mom, and is the one that takes care of Akane and her brother. While Suzumi can work if she wants to, she decided to dedicate her time to her kids.

❥Ashio Nishimura; twin brother
•Ashio is the older twin and shares the same quirk as her except his is more towards fauna rather than flora. The two are rather close and she often visits him in the regular class.

❥She doesn't have a set reason in particular, it's just something she wanted to do. A 'why not?' sort of thing.

❥It's weird, but she's always liked Bakugo. She was so intrigued by how he's usually seen as bad tempered and evil but he's one of the best heroes out there.

❥Year 2, student no. 4

❥She has two hamsters, Miki and Rai. Technically Miki is her brother's but she still takes care of them.

❥She's rather good at intimidating people. Akane has the perfect RBF, partnered with the smooth and sometimes cruel way that she speaks.

❥She's amazing at English and English literature, the best in her class.

❥She's got pretty good control over her quirk and knows how to incorporate it into her strategies.

❥Stealth is her biggest power, she knows how to blend into the shadows and her entire hero costume is designed for her to be able to stay hidden.

❥She works best alone. It's simply easier to make strategies when she doesn't have to worry about others and putting them into account.

❥She's decently strong, but nothing that is immediately overpowering.

❥She's not very good at fighting without her quirk yet, and even with her quirk she relies a bit too much on catching her opponent by surprise.

❥Her drawbacks also cause her a lot of trouble and she's easily frustrated whenever they get in the way of her plans.

❥She's a lot easier to overpower because she's adamant on working alone all the time.

❥To become one of the top heroes.


❥Emitter Type; Flora Manipulation
❥She can quicken the growth of flowers, as well as manipulate the ones that she grew but she cannot create them out of thin air. She carries a basket of different seeds.

❥She doesn't get many physical drawbacks, but her quirk becomes practically useless if she doesn't have seeds or plants to work with.

❥The plants still have minds of their own and can disobey her commands if she's angry or gets out of control. Their obedience also depends on how much she's bonded to them.

❥Any injuries that the plants go through could sometimes affect her as well if she was particularly bonded to that plant.

love life

❥She was born in the Miyagi prefecture, but moved to Musutafu when she was young.

❥She had a giant crush on Deku when she was younger, and still idolizes him to this day.

❥Her irises have an imprint of a clover on top of them if you look closely. The same goes for her brother and mother. 

❥She's scared of dogs and tight/constricting places.

full name
❥Kaoru Hozumi

wanted alias
❥Undecided, but for now Kaoru.

❥Hozu / he prefers being called by his first name


❥July 5




❥Bisexual (preference towards girls)

❥He's usually polite and well mannered, but can be a bit cocky without realizing it. He likes being the center of attention and showing off his quirk but doesn't necessarily seek it out.

❥He thinks that people with weak quirks should just stay off the battle field so they don't get hurt, which makes other people offended and upset, but aside from that he's usually rather charming and is definitely a peoples person, he just doesn't realize how harsh his wordsare sometimes.

❥He's a true ladies man in a sense that he's extremely gentle and friendly to the girls of the class. Not just because he wants to get with them, he's genuinely that nice due to the fact that he has a few sisters. He despises perverts and anyone that doesn't respect women.

❥He gives off a feeling of an older brother and loves being able to protect and help his younger classmates and underclassmen such as Mayu, although does take quite a bit for him to actually accept you as his equal and stop trying to shepherd you out of the way every time something remotely dangerous happens.

face claim/appearance
❥Takeda Kenta

hero uniform
❥His costume is rather simple and consists of a striped, skin tight long sleeve that are connected to fingerless gloves. He wears baggy black pants underneath and black boots. His mask is dark blue, the same color as the stripes of his shirt and the color of the laces of his boots.



❥Yuki Hozumi; mother
•A cook. She's very kind and raised Kaoru and his sisters even though she's always tired from her job. She loves making hamburger steaks.

❥Asano Hozumi; father
•He's a regular office worker. A rather frivolous person, but he means well and loves his family dearly. He shows his affection by giving his children anything that they ask for and has trouble refusing whenever they ask him for something.

❥Kazue Hozumi; older sister.
•She acts very reckless and childish around her friends, but is actually a reliable older sister. He gets along well enough with her but doesn't like the fact that she goes out with any guy who asks her out.

❥Rina Hozumi; younger sister.
•She was bullied a lot for being quirkless but has since gotten a group of friends that would protect her with their life if they have to. He's very protective over her.

❥He wants to make the world a safer place for Rina and people like her. This is also the reason why Kaoru is sometimes so adamant that people just aren't cut out for being a hero (Mayu is a good example since she doesn't have a powerful quirk). He looks at her and sees his quirkless sister and he just wants to keep them away from harm instead of fighting the harm beside them.

❥He loves Uravity because their quirks are kind of similar in the way that they are used, and he also looks up to Red Riot because of how brotherly he is.

❥Year 3, Student no. 3

❥None, but he would totally love some!


❥His stamina is his most discerning feature. Both physically and quirk wise.

❥He's fast and decently strong from his three years of hero training.

❥He's great at close range combat because it's basically the only combat he can use his quirk in.

❥He can be pretty reckless with his body since he can just pause his wounds, and he's the type to overexert himself because he didn't realize how many times he's used his Quirk.

❥He's really bad at cooperating. He tends to run off and do his own thing without regards to others.

❥Kaoru hates whenever people try to protect him. He feels like it's his job to do that. So whenever his classmates assist him he tends to get angry.

❥As for physical weaknesses, he doesn't have many aside from the overexerting part. His knee is a bit of a weakness for him; he tore his ligament when he was in his first year and had to get surgery on it so it's not in the best conditions but his hero costume usually helps with it.

❥Kaoru is pretty bad at strategies. He just rushes in without much thought and goes from there.

❥To make the world a better place.

❥Shrimp allergy

❥Emitter Type: Pause

❥If he touches an object, that object will literally just stop whatever it's doing. If it was in motion, it would stay in place without regards to gravity or physics. For example, if he touches a falling object, the object would stop midair.

❥If the object is huge, like a building, he has to pause various places on it for it to actually work, and the mental strain of keeping it paused gets bigger.

❥He can only pause about 5 small things at once or else he would get splitting headaches.

❥It has a time limit of about an hour. If he doesn't unpause it by then it would do so automatically.

❥He has to actually touch the person with all five fingers for it to work. It only works on physical things.

love life

❥His family isn't very well off, so he works at a café near the school.

❥His little sister is in her last year of middle school, and his sister is working to get her degree in nursing.

❥He pierced his left ear when he was in his second year but only wears a piercing when in his hero costume.

❥He's in the soccer club.


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