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"I'm nothing but a lovesick fool."

Marianne Antoine (Changed her name, sorry ;-; )
Mari, put simply, is the last person you'd ever want to become friends with. True to her powers, Marianne is fierce and a ball of uncontrollable energy, she's like a forest fire, unable to be stopped, unable to be prevented. She's confident with every step she takes, almost cockily so, and takes no shit from anyone. Because of this, everyone stays far far away from her. Yet she doesn't mind, really, it's not like she cares at all. They're all just probably here to feed off her money. But does she really think that way? Of course not.
Marianne doesn't have many friends, maybe because of her father, maybe because of her argumentative personality, it's probably a mix of both, but the tiny group of friends that she might have, she treasures greatly. Though it doesn't seem like that at all.
Marianne often tries to push herself to the sides of the group, not wanting to get too close in case she accidentally hurts them. She says it would be better for everyone that way, no one would get hurt, except her. She does everything she can not to get too close, staying firmly planted in the "acquaintance" zone.
Despite this, she is incredibly loyal, the moment someone gives her even the slightest amount of kindness, she would latch on to them like a leech, or like a puppy more like it, with wide, shining eyes. She treasures every single moment she has with her friends, because she always thinks that it would be the last.
When she had been ripped away so horribly from her loved one when she was younger, she's become more reclusive, closed off. She's been trying to change this though. Take one step closer, bring yourself to love and be loved, and yet it's like her body physically forces her back, her mind jumping at all these outrageous ideas that make all her confidence disappear.
This is because her brain, her body, her soul knows something she does not. Subconsciously, they know how destructive Marianne can become.
To be loved by Marianne is like to be held captive with a gun to your head. One word, and the trigger is pulled. The moment she admits she has feelings for anyone is the moment the safety is clicked off.
At first, she is psychotic and obsessive, to the point of controlling her lover. It is a cruel, but beautiful love. This can be reversed, of course, I'm not that cruel. You can teach her true love, show her what it really means when you love someone. It will be hard, since her mind is already so warped into believing a certain way, but like all things, it's temporary.
Ironically, Marianne is really interested in medicine. As a young and sickly child, before she realized she was.. different, she wanted to become a doctor, because she wanted to help all the people that felt the same way she often did (feverish, sick). She's kept this out of place interest till today. She loves being outdoors, as it holds most of her happiest memories. Marianne's favorite color is dark green, like the color of her lovers eyes, and she loves the smell of cinnamon and any spice that could be found in a bakery.
Marianne has a deep hatred for her father, for always ignoring her, for taking her best and only friend away, for everything. She's not sure she could ever forgive him for all that he put her through as a child. With this, she also hates machinery; her father was an engineer, and devoted his life into creating new machines, new technology. But most of all, she hates drunk or drivers under the influence, as a drunk driver had been her mother's untimely demise.
Marianne comes from a wealthy family, pampered since birth. She grew up without many friends her age, being only allowed to talk to servants or other wealthy children in the parties her father seldom ever went to. She was lonely, terribly so, and that made her reckless. With the help of countless servants she had grown close to, she began to sneak out every night. With her father being so disinterested in her and so focused on his business, it wasn't that hard to slip out from under his nose. She wandered the streets alone each night, with only her powers to protect her. There, she met a girl. Homeless, starving, but.. somehow, beautiful. The whole world had turned against her and yet she refused to turn against the world, kind amidst all the evil, pure against all the sin. Mari fell madly, horribly, obsessively in love with this stranger in the streets, and she fell too, yet one thing led to another, her father found out, found out about her sneaking out, found out about her sexuality, found out about everything he'd never noticed about his daughter before. How did he punish her? He made sure Mari never gets to see her ever again.
I already did it.
"How is it that a person can love so fully with a heart so broken?"

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