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the DEVIL in all of us (@followingsaturn)

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"Don't ever touch them again if you don't want to lose your fingers"
﴾ ROLE ﴿
xii. Mama bear
﴾ NAME ﴿
Nesryn Almira Vega
﴾ AGE ﴿
Filipino-American descent


"You can do all you want with me just please don't take my baby away."

Kathryn Bernardo

﴾ SCARS° ﴿
She has a small one on her lower back from an accident when she was younger.

Stretch marks from being pregnant, around her stomach and a few on her legs from growing.

"I don't think I would be here if it wasn't for this little guy."
•If a thousand springs could be compiled and formed into one person, that person would be Nesryn. A breath of fresh air, an exhale of relief, thousands of flowers scattered in the air, a windy plain. All that and more could be seen in her eyes if you would look beyond all the pain and heartache of winter and autumn.
•She feels deeply, as if she takes in others with each inhale. Not just someone's beauty and warmth but their darkness and their fears too. Her greatest gift is that she accepts, she accepts. But nowadays she holds back, pulls away, struggling between staying true to herself and doing things so that she and her baby could survive.
•She's been motherly since before she became one, all feathery soft touches and gentle smiles. She's calm and nurturing, caring for everyone and anyone, and now, especially children. But never, ever make the mistake of confusing gentle or kind with weak.
•Because if there's something that Nesryn isn't, it's weak. For years she's supported her younger siblings practically on her own, she's stood as hard as iron when she was cast aside due to her pregnancy, she's lived now for 4 and a half months with people constantly telling her that her baby is an imperfection when really it's the best thing that has ever happened in her life. She is not weak, but she is not always strong either. She is only strong because she needs to be, and nowadays it feels like she always needs to be strong.

•Claustrophobia; fear of tight or enclosing spaces
•Acrophobia; fear of heights
•Haphephobia; fear of being touched
•Necrophobia; fear of death or of the dead
•Nyctophobia; fear of the dark
•Anginophobia; fear of being choked or choking.

•Agathophilia; kindness
•Ailurophilia; cats
•Anthophilia; Flowers
•Biophilia; nature
•Botanophilia; plants
•Dendrophilia; trees
•Oneirophilia; Dreams

•Gardening; If you can't tell, she's a very nature person.
•Documenting; she likes to keep records in any way she can, mainly because it's fun to look back at good times, but also because she never wants to forget.
•Children; she likes feeling like she can protect and comfort people, children are usually in need of those things.
•Her siblings; she has two younger siblings, a pair of twins, and she loves them with all her heart.
•The father of her child; her boyfriend, or is it ex now? She's not exactly sure.

•Disorganization; she's a bit of a neat freak, meaning she will totally yell at you if you're a slob.
•Betrayal; she trusts easily, and she's fully aware of that, which is why it stings even more when she gets betrayed because she should've seen it coming, but she didn't.
•Liars; it's fine as long as it's not anything of her business, but if people lie to her about something that concerns her or worse, her baby, she will get pissed.
•The doctors; she knows that they want to abort her baby, and hell would freeze over before she would let them.
•Being touched without permission; she's scared that people would hurt her baby, and flinches away from anything that could hurt.


"Thank you for helping me but I told you I was fine"
Nesryn would be pretty fit if it wasn't for her being pregnant. Since she is in her second trimester, a lot of the usual pregnancy symptoms are fading out. She doesn't have morning sickness anymore and isn't an emotional wreck. However, she is having frequent pregnancy cramps and migraines (which she's always had, but before they were pretty minor). Due to the way that her uterus is now settled, she also has trouble with breathing deeply enough.
(I did my research bois)

Nesryn has always been the rock, the shoulder to cry on. She's an emotionally and mentally strong person, but being here has caused a definite shift in this. For one, she's always terrified of what could happen to her baby, even if she does get out, and is desperate to keep them alive and well. Pregnancy hormones aren't helping much either, she's been having countless nightmares leading to insomnia it wasn't for her body needing sleep in order to do all the pregnancy things it needs to do.


"Hey baby, mommy's going to make sure at least you get out of here, okay?"
•Determination to stay alive
•Good at keeping calm during high tension situations.
•Good at household chores (cleaning, cooking, sewing, washing clothes, etc)
•Good at talking. She can probably talk her way out of more things than you realize.

•Her pregnancy is genuinely just a bad time.
•Doesn't have much stamina anymore.
•Weaker than a Brussels sprout.
•Emotionally sensitive
•Doesn't usually like being told that she can't do something because she's pregnant and will try to prove that person wrong.

She's an amazing cook and has really good hugs uwu.


"I wish things could've been different."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

•Mom Friend™️ that is the definition of "I compulsively take care of other people when I don't know how take care of myself"
•Her favorite color is orange.
•If her baby is a girl, she would name her Marigold or Amber, if it was a boy she would name him Richard (after her dad) Caden.
•She has a feeling it's a boy though.
•(The reason why she might choose Marigold is actually because she's in ship with a guy named Marigold but he's not her boyfriend in this universe)
•Is actually really sensitive about her weight now don't mention it to her if you don't want her to cry.
•Was in a toxic relationship before her most recent boyfriend.




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