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The School Trilogy - FATE - YunJae [oneshot]

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The School Trilogy

Tittle: Fate

Author: enchanted1312

Pairings: JaeHo, hinted YooSu and KeiMin

Genre: Romance

Rating: Light R

Length: One-Shot

Summary: He was the nerdy geek while the other was the most popular guy at school.

NOTE: LOOK AT THE POSTER I HAVE MADE! It's all in the postre, this fic was divided into present and past!


You were rushing towards your class, your heavy bag pack leaning heavily on your shoulders. You took a glance at your watch and gave a little squeak. The extra tutorial books you had carried didn’t make the situation any better.

The campus was buzzing with life at the fullest. Everyone was trying to get to their class in time. Chaos ensured as people pushed to get to their destination. You were no better.

You kept looking at your watch that you didn’t notice someone in front of you that you bumped into him or her.

“Sorry-y…I-I…” You looked up just to freeze.

The campus football team captain and unfortunately the most popular guy at school was looking at you. His icy cold gaze was scrutinizing you and you moved to pick up your books uncomfortably. Why do you have to bump into him of all students in the campus?

“Watch where you are going next time, I think four eyes should be enough for you.” He replied coldly.

“I’m sorry.” You muttered once again.

When you felt him passed you, you breathed out a sign of relief. It was a great thing that he was not with his usual friends, Choikang Changmin and Kim Junsu. If he was, you couldn’t guarantee that you could escape with just a minor warning. You had heard worse from the three of them and you would never take a chance with them.

Kim JaeJoong was never a guy to be trifled with and you wouldn’t dare to take up the challenge.



“You are leaving?” You muttered as you put your hand over your head to block the sunlight that was coming in.

“Yes, there will be a legislate meeting at eight in the morning today.” He said, putting on his tie, taking a glance at you and smirked. “We have a good night, yesterday.”

“Yes, we did.” You nodded your head as you moved to the bathroom, stark naked, not at all put off by your own nakedness.

“Are we going out tonight?” He replied on the other side of the room.

“I have a date with the ministry’s daughter today.” You shouted, your hand started to take the brush and toothpaste out.

“Then we will meet tomorrow night then.” He said for the final time and slammed the door, signalling he was not in the room anymore.

You sighed as you looked at your reflection in the mirror. You gripped the toothbrush tightly till it broke into two pieces. The tears were threatening to fall but you blinked it away.

This was what happened each morning. You would say that you have something on at night, that you couldn’t meet him. But when night comes, and he made a phone call, you will drop whatever things you are doing and rush to his side. You will end up making love with him.

And when morning comes, he will rush to do whatever things he needed to do, leaving you on your own. No goodbye kisses or some promise that he would make it up to you. Nothing.

And you wouldn’t complain. You were weak; you had admitted that to yourself long ago.

You were Jung Yunho, the weakling.


You didn’t bother about anyone when you entered the classroom. You saw the usual ‘bitches’ grinning at you and you looked away. You quickly walked towards your seat and sat beside your best friend who was putting his head on the table.

When you settled down beside him, he looked up towards you and groaned.

“He disturbed you again?” You said, smiling when he nodded his head. “He kisses you?”

“How did you know?” He stifled his gasp.

“I heard about it on the way to the classroom. It must be hot.” You smiled.

“YUNNIE, it’s not the correct way to comfort your best friend!” He whined as you patted his shoulder.

“I’m sorry. You should have listened to my advice that day.” You said, repeating it again for a million times since it happened.

“How am I supposed to know the ‘Famous trio’ occupy the music room?” He whined once again.

“Yoochun, are you in mars or something?”

The both of you looked up to see another close friend of yours.

“What?” Yoochun asked, confused.

“Every ONE knows who occupy the music room.” Keita rolled his eyes and he sat down in front of you.

“You are not helping!” Yoochun shot him an angry look. “How could I know that he would fall in love with me the moment I play the song?”

“Who wouldn’t? You are very attractive when you played your piano. People could almost look past your ‘nerd’s looks’.” Keita said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Geez, that’s help a lot. Thanks.” Yoochun rolled his eyes. “And why didn’t the both of you fall in love with me? I always play the piano in front of the both of you.”

“It’s different. We are your best friends.” You said, shrugging your shoulder like Keita did. “When you are best friends with someone, you don’t found fall in love with them.”

“Geez, that’s explain a lot.” Yoochun said angrily.

“What do you want me to say, Yoochun?” You sighed at your friend’s childishness. “Didn’t I warn you not to go to the music room?”

“But no, the moment you heard the music teacher saying that a new grand piano was lying in the music room, you just have to run there to have the ‘first touch’. This is what you get.” Keita said with a smirk.

“How am I supposed to know that he would fall in love with me?” Yoochun whined once again.

“I admit it’s weird.” You said, smiling.

“Finally, you agreed with me on one thing!” Yoochun beamed happily and you rolled your eyes mockingly.

“So how does it feel to have a Kim Junsu at your service?” Keita said, raising his eyebrows up and down.

“It’s a good thing that you are my best friend.” Yoochun muttered angrily.

“I know. Life’s good, isn’t it?” Keita smiled and he turned around, his back to the both of you as the teacher entered.

“Can I go home with you today?” Yoochun whispered.

“Oh no you don’t, Park Yoochun. Junsu wants to have a date with you today after school, don’t you dare drag me into this. I don’t want any trouble with the second most popular guy at school!” You warned him.

“Thanks a lot for being a good friend, Yunho.” He said mockingly at you.

“You are welcome.” You smiled sweetly.

Keita was right.

Life’s good.



You groaned when he thrust deep into you, hitting your prostate once again. The sweat from his forehead was trickling down his face, making him looked more dominating than ever.

When you looked at me, you only saw eyes in his eyes so you looked away. When his teeth sank deep into the junction between your neck and shoulders, you closed your eyes as you groaned in pleasure.

A few more thrust, you come all over your body and his. He came a few minutes later and he collapsed on top of you. You love this feeling the most, with him on top of you, not caring that the both of you were sweaty or sticky.

“Are you alright, Boo?” You whispered weakly.

“Don’t call me that, I hate it. It sounds like a girl.” He snapped as he rolled off you.

“But it’s your nickname since young.” You retorted and earned a glare from him, you looked down immediately. “I won’t say it anymore.”

“That’s why I love you, Yunho.” He smiled as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

“Where are you going?” You frowned when you saw him putting on his clothes.

“Home, got another early meeting tomorrow.” He said, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

“Can’t you at least stay?” You whispered and earned another glare from your love.

“You know how my work is, Yunho. I expect better from you. Isn’t it enough that we spend every night together?” He said with a frown.


It wasn’t enough.

“Bye, I will see you tomorrow night, alright?” He said with a smile. “Or should I say at the governor’s party?” He winked.

“Bye Jae.” You chuckled as he teased you again with a slight kiss.

And the next moment, he was out of the door once again. And you slouched back to the pillow looking at the white ceiling. You hate the sound silence but you hate Jae not being here more.

But you knew the high position that your lover held.

Your lover was called, Viscount Kim, due to the fact that his father was a Marquess. The Kim family had owned three-quarter of the lands in Kwangju, proving to be the richest in the country itself.

While you, you were an Earl, Earl Jung. You owned the other one-quarter of the remaining land. Your family was the second richest, next to the all-mighty Kim family.

The both of you had met during a high society party and he catches your eye first. But when he finally took a look at you, he made you the happiest man in the whole world. You had an affair with him since then.

It wasn’t simple. Nothing ever was especially when the rank that the both of you held were very high. People had expected the best out of you and you tried your best. Thus this affair was very discreet.

You wished the both of you were ordinary citizens, not some high-ranking men.

But you were.

You were, Jung Yunho, an Earl.


“What are you doing?”

You looked up to see the leader of the ‘Famous Trio’ looking at you. His hands were on his hips, making him more intimidating than ever.

“My friend-d says that the piano-o has some problems so he wants me to check it out-t…” You stuttered nervously.

“Stop stuttering, I’m not going to bite you.” He snapped and you jerked. “And even if I do, I bet you are going to be moaning.” He said, raising his eyebrows up and down.

“What-t?” You replied weakly.

“Nothing.” He said as he sat on his usual red couch.

“Since you want some time alone, I think I should leave. I will check…”

“No. You want Junsu to kill me? You should know how much he just LOVE to hear you nerd friend play that piano.” He said shrugging.

“My friend is not a nerd.” You pointed out the fact.

“Yes I know that.” He looked up at you with a smile. “But since he was with you all the time, he became a nerd. Same goes for that other friend of yours.” He looked at you, challenging you.

“Jerk.” You muttered under your breath but he heard it.

“What did you say?” He whispered quietly as he stood up and stand in front of you.

“You are a J-E-R-K! And I H-A-T-E you!” You shouted at him.

When realization sank in, your eyes widened in fear. You wanted to take a step back but he saw that and snaked an arm around your waist.

“It’s been a long time since anyone says that to me.” He whispered his tone icy cold.

“I’m sorry-y…” You said and avoided his gaze as you looked down instead.

“I didn’t ask you to apologize, did I?” He leaned in to whisper beside your left ear and you shivered at that seductive voice.


“Are you nervous all the time or it’s because of me? If it’s the latter, I’m honoured.” He said, chuckling as he let go of you suddenly.

You stumbled back, regaining your balance as he smirked at you.

“I really should get going…” You said, as you picked up your sling bag.

“See you later than.”

You didn’t stay long enough to find out what it means. The only thing you knew was Kim JaeJoong was a dangerous man.

A very dangerous man.



Why was he looking at you funny? You wondered as you walked towards the food table. It was uncomfortable under his very heavy gaze and you felt it weighing heavily upon you.

“Are you alright?”

You looked up to see your best friend, Baron Yoochun, looking at you with a worried face.

You nodded your head, trying to smile.

“Did the both of you have a fight or something?” Yoochun continued to ask. “He had been gazing at you funnily. Even Keita, the usual blur, noticed something’s wrong.”

“Hey! I can hear that!” Baron Keita appeared a moment later with a pout on his lips.

“Whatever!” Yoochun replied as he rolled his eyes.

“Guys please; this is a very important party.” You said, looking at the both of them.

“An important party for him or for you, Yunnie?” Keita asked gently and you looked down. “Why are you forcing yourself to be here, having to watch him putting his hands all over the Dutch’s daughter?” Keita put his hand on your shoulder.


“You didn’t think that we would know, right?” Yoochun said with a smile. “You didn’t even need to be here. The only reason that you are here was because you could see him more. You don’t need him, you know. You are worth more than he’s treating you.” Yoochun whispered angrily.

“I love him.” You answered simply.

“Does he love you, Yunho? Does he love you like you do to him?” Keita questioned you but you couldn’t answer. “Because if he does, he should be making you doing things like this.”

“Come on.” Yoochun said suddenly.

“What-t?” You asked, surprised at the sudden words.

“Let’s enjoy ourselves.” Keita said with a winked.

“Are you sure? Wouldn’t Junsu or Changmin get jealous?” You asked, doubt on your face.

“They wouldn’t dare.” Yoochun shouted over the noise as he led you towards the dance floor.

“They are not as possessive as your Jae.” Keita said soon after with a smile.

And that night, you partied for the first time in quite a long time. You forget about Jae and his so-called girlfriend. You forget about the tears that were threatening to fall.

You just partied.


“Are you alright?” Yoochun looked at you, trying to stifle his laugh.

“What do you think?” You glared at him, trying to calm down.

The toilet was quiet since it was a start of school for today. Yoochun was leaning on the toilet’s sink, smirking while Keita was leaning on the wall, just smiling.

“You are not helping!” You replied as you waved your arms around.

“How does it feel to be on the same shoes as me?” Yoochun questioned and you gave him another deathful glare.

“Very funny.” You replied mockingly. “Guys!” You whined.

“Ok! Ok!” Yoochun said as he put his hands up. “Relax, Yunho, how am I supposed to know that the leader of the Famous Trio would actually kissed you in front of two thousand students and two dozen teachers?” Yoochun replied mockingly.

“You made it sound so horrible!” You whined and Yoochun burst into laughter.

“Really Jae, we too are shocked. We really are.” Keita said, trying not to follow Yoochun’s step and burst into laughter. “I didn’t think that the most popular guy in school would kiss the nerdiest boy in the same school!” Keita replied.

“Ok, now that’s funny!” Yoochun shouted and the both of them burst into laughter excluding you who were glaring at them angrily.

“GUYS!” You screamed and they stopped laughing, they face red with laughter.

“Alright, jeez, we are just joking around, just chill alright?” Yoochun replied.

“Now how am I supposed to get the most popular guy off my back?” You said with an annoyed face.

“You can’t.” Yoochun replied simply.

“You just have to live with it till he’s bored playing with you.” Keita replied with a shrug.

“And meanwhile, we will be at the side corner, with a bowl of popcorn. Don’t worry; we totally got your back!” Yoochun said dramatically and you throw your pencil case at him.


“It’s your fault for not escaping quickly enough.” Yoochun said with a pout.

And you couldn’t find an answer to that.

“Jerk.” You muttered for the last time before walking out of the toilet.



“You are leaving again?” You muttered as you sat up straight from your bed.

“Yes.” He replied icily.

“You are not mad at me, are you?” You asked softly.

“Why should I? Should I be angry when an earl and two barons flirted with every woman in that party?” He turned around, looking sharply at you.

“I’m sorry.” You looked down, your hand gripping the soil sheets.

“You should have known better than to do that, Yunho. I know you are jealous when I’m with the Dutch’s daughter but it’s for our own good.” He sighed as tilted your head up and you nodded dutifully.

“I’m sorry, Jae.” You whispered softly and he kissed you on the lips.

“Just promise me that you won’t pull that crazy stunt alright? Changmin and Junsu nearly have a heart attack when they saw what the three of you were doing.” He smiled as he stood up.

“You are not going to stay a little longer?” You looked up hopefully.

“Yunho, you know I can’t, you understand, don’t you?” Jae looked at you


He nodded his head and smiled at you before walking off the door, leaving you behind.

He didn’t know that it was your birthday today.

Or that it was your second anniversary.

It hurts but you were used to it.

So you stood up and walked towards the toilet, getting ready for the new day.


Five months had passed since Kim JaeJoong had talked to you at the music room. That was when life had become exciting for you even though you didn’t admit it.

It had been five months since you had fallen in love with the most popular guy at school.

Five months since the both of you had became an item and you had a very big make-over.

You had finally deserved to walk ‘beside’ Jae, you loved your new look.


You looked up to see your lover looking at you with a smile.

“Basketball practice over?” You replied as you snuggled up beside him.

“Hmm…” He said, nodding his head. “Practice’s a bitch.”

“Changmin and Junsu fooling around again?” You questioned him and he nodded his head.

“It’s a good thing that they were my best friends.” He replied seriously and you chuckled.

“I love you, Boo.” You replied, laughing out loud but stopped when he froze.

“What did you say?”

“I love-e…”

“No, did you say Boo?” He looked at you.

“I did, didn’t I?” You looked at him, realization dawned upon you.

“Why did you say it?”

“I don’t know, it’s seems like it had been forever since I have been calling you that. You don’t like it?” You asked.

“I love it.” He replied with a smile.


“Yes, Yunho?”

“Have you ever felt as thought we have met before. That we have known each other since like forever?” You looked at your lover.

“Yes. When I first saw you, I couldn’t believe my eyes that I have fallen in love with a nerd.” He chuckled as you pinched his arms. “And I’m sorry.”

“For what?” You frowned.

“I don’t know. I have this sudden urge to apologize to you.” He frowned too and you couldn’t help but kissed him on the lips.

“Then you are forgiven, Kim JaeJoong.” You replied with a smile.

“Thanks, Yunnie.”



The bedroom was silent. Even the droplets of water that were falling off the tap seemed to be silent. The fan was twisting around, making constant ‘windy’ noise.

You stifled your cry as you silently packed up your belongings into your bag. The tie that you wore was on the floor. Everything was messed up and you refused to call Keita or Yoochun just to bother them at two in the morning.

The moment the door creaked open, you froze but you continued packing your bag.


The simple call of your name made your heart bleed. You tried to ignore the simple tug of your heart.

“Yunho, please, I’m sorry, alright, it’s my duty to-o…”

“DON’T YOU DARE TO SAY IT’S YOUR DUTY, KIM JAEJOONG!” You shouted as you turned around to face him. “Is you job so great that you need to sleep with the Dutch’s daughter?”

“No, I-I…”

“Look, I’m tired of this. I’m tired of trying to pretend that everything is alright when you keep on hurting me over and over again.” You looked down. “You should have known better than to do this to me. This was the final straw and I’m leaving.” You whispered.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Jae. But it wasn’t enough to keep this wound from bleeding. I have to go. I have to move on, this fantasy that we have weaved together have to stop. You have shown me that today. It’s time get this over. Goodbye.” You replied as you picked up your bag.

“Will you be back?” He questioned you.

“I don’t know.”

“Will you at least forgive me?” He asked innocently.

“If in the next lifetime, we meet again and become lovers once again. If you ask me that same question again, I would forgive you.” You whispered as you walked past him and out the door.

You were leaving him behind. It was past time to do so. Yoochun and Keita had to understand, they had to.

Because in the end, fate was the one who controlled destiny.

And it wasn’t written in his destiny to be together with the man named Kim JaeJoong.

Maybe in the next lifetime, they would have a chance.



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