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1. How have petro-politics affected Russia's role in the world? (Unit 1)

Petroleum politics have been an increasingly important aspect of international diplomacy since the rise of the oil industry in the Middle East in the early 20th century.

- The meaning of petro-politics: use petrol power to achieve political goals

- Second, why petrol can be used as a tool to achieve political goals?

o Oil is very important in the economic development of the world and also in every person's daily life

o Army strength, which plays a very important role in each and every country, depends heavily on oil - It helps countries to retain international status.

- Third, how petro-politics affect the role of Russia in the world?

o Russia: 2nd oil supplier (after Middle East), one of the largest oil-reserving countries

o Social and Economic: Russia regained its position thanks to oil exportation

 Russia has regained its past glory by transformed from chaos to stability, from fragmentation to centralization and from poverty to prosperity.

 By prioritized economics in Russia's foreign policy and seeking harmonized within the country, Former President Putin has brought Russia back from the ashes to regain its international status as one of the predominant superpowers of the decade.

 Therefore, Russia can use the money from selling oil to deal with many problems in its country such as: economic crisis, public welfare and developing infrastructure.

o Politics and foreign relations: Russia uses petrol (embargoes of petrol or ways to control the supply of petrol) to achieve its political goal:

 A bridge for Russia to seek harmonizes with the world - For example, the Sino-Russia relationship has been claimed to reach its "best" in the history

 Putting pressure upon neighboring countries (such as Ukraine):

• prevent them from taking side of the West and going against Russia

• limit the influence of the West upon Russia

On conclusion, there are many other factors that lead to the rising of Russia, but petro-politic act as one of the most importing factors that help the Russian Bear to awaken from its winter-hibernation.

2. Some economists believe that China will continue to attract the bulk of international investment at the expense of Southeast Asia. Do you agree? What should Southeast Asian nations do to attract investors? (Unit 2)

I do not agree with the statement that China will snatch all the international capital from South East Asia. This is due to many reasons.

- First, everyone has to admit that China's economy will continue to rise, even to the 2nd of the world, but the developing countries do not need to worry too much.

- China has its own problems:

o From its historical experience:

 China's booming economics rise will lead to the decrease of excess returns

 Chinese worker will eventually ask for a higher wages

 This is a permanent problem comes from China "hot" economic developing, and cannot be settle in a near future.

o Corruption in Chinese administration regime may discourage investors

o Political instability and insecurity (Tibet...)

o Many powers in the world began to consider China's development as a threat to their economy, political position and security (U.S., Russia...) so they may pay more attention to SEA countries.

- South-East Asia: has its own strength to attract investment:

o Economic: very potential: in the last few years Southeast Asia has also risen up from its crisis in 1997 and become a competitor in the developing world. SEA countries have also come up with many policies to attract investment such as: start up funding, low tax system for foreign company, low interests rate

o Closely integrated group (economic, political and cultural issues)

o Politics: stable and secure: political stability can be ensured

- No shortage of investment: Even a huge flow of investment is coming into China; it does not necessarily mean no other flows may come to SEA countries.

- What to do for SEA countries?

o A stable, fair and transparent institutional base for foreign investors

o Ensure political stability

o Fight against corruption

o Start-up fund, less land leases, favorable tax system for foreign owner companies

3. Corruption is a serious problem in many countries. Citizens don't like it when they are victimized, and investors prefer to put their money elsewhere. Explain what you think could be done to provide an effective deterrent to corruption in VN. (Unit 2)

Corruption acts like a tax, adding to the cost of providing public services and conducting business. Often, though, the efficiency costs of corruption can be far worse. Indeed, it has been suggested that corruption may be a major contributor to the low growth rates of many developing countries. Consequently, corruption can have a very negative effect to the economic, politic and society order of a country such as: booming inflation rate, ineffective and shortage of FDI, and public loosing faith in their government. In the past few years China and Singapore has given strict laws consequences to cure this so-called "global disease". The effect, however, is very limited.

In Vietnam the situation is about the same as China or Singapore. In the recent years Vietnam has been considered as one of the countries with the highest corruption rate, and we have already paying for our own debt. Government debt has reached sky-high as 100 billion dollars; also ineffective investments and national scandals such as PMU 18 is lowering the faith of investors as well as public toward government.

- Solutions:

1. Build a specialized agency to monitor, supervise and inspect the progress of preventing and fighting against corruption and actively coordinate the power of the whole society in the fight against corruption, promoting the role of each person in supervising the activities of the government

2. Improve the legal system:

o stricter measure for corruption as well as amending our common law legal system so that there are no holes to be exploited

o due punishment to corruptive people

3. Increase transparency:

o control the flow of money by using the credit system instead of paying everything in cash

o establishing management regime and monetary payment through the banking system aimed to control the transparency of income and assets of officials and civil servants

4. Encourage public in fighting against corruption: get the public attention to realize that corruption is a big problem and they should help monitoring it

4. What affect did the 1997 Asian economic crisis have on ASEAN? Using some specific examples, explain the current role ASEAN plays in international politics. (Unit 3)

- The 1997 Asian economic crisis started in Thailand, the crisis quickly spread through other ASEAN countries such as: Indonesia, Brunei, South Korea, and Laos...

o Caused ASEAN 5 years of free fall:

• Devaluation of currencies, stock markets and other asset prices

• A lot of enterprises went bankrupt

• Unemployment soared

• Political and social instability

 The crisis came to an end in 1999:

• IMF jumped in and pumped 40 billions dollars to help support ASEAN countries

• Governments' exhaustively efforts

• Structure reform

• Hidden factors: money speculation by foreigners

- Current role: ASEAN ever since its establishment in 1967 now has 11 members and has played an important role. ASEAN also has gained much respect due to its economic growth, as 3.5-4% average due to the revival of its members economic after the crisis. This economic power, boasting to have equivalent to China has raised ASEAN to one of the most respected custom unions of the world.

o At international forums:

 Promote international cooperation and help solving worldwide problems

For example: ASEAN has signed with US on the agreement to combat international terrorist. According to US, this spontaneous act set a model for other countries and institutions.

 The successes of ASEAN have certain influence on other countries :

o Developing countries: ASEAN as a model to follow and develop

o Developed countries: After ASEAN's rise, big powers have paid more attention to developing world

o Role of ASEAN in Pacific Asia:

 Forum to bring big powers together to discuss, to hold talks on security issues

 Play as a mediator to reconcile conflicts among the major big powers, maintain security in the region

 As a linkage between Asia and Europe through annual ASEAN meetings

5. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)? (Unit 4)

It has been nearly two decades since the establishment of APEC. APEC, in its progress has archived lots of successes. Besides, there also weaknesses need to be considered to make APEC an effective "forum for facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region."


- APEC is made up of:

o 21 member economies that account for 41% of the world's output and 50% of world trade.

o Gather major powers in the world

 APEC has a considerable impact on the world

- APEC also situated in important strategic area and many countries have great potential development

- APEC is a special forum including both developed and developing countries

 The two groups could exchange their views and work together in order to boost the development of the both.


- The large number of members in the group also causes weaknesses. It is the matters of ideological differences, diverse cultures and developing levels. The group's members range from the world's richest countries (the US) to some the poorest.

o Disagreement among the countries in many issues, such as agriculture issue in Doha Round. It is the key for a successful conclusion of Doha Round, but APEC members show their different points of view: developing countries stand for free trade in agriculture; meanwhile, developed countries seem not to be ready to reduce farm subsidies.

o Unevenness development gap and disparity of development --- very hard to carry out trade and economic agreement

- Another bad point of APEC is that the ambition of this forum is so far-reaching. It covers all the main fields ranged from economic development to diversity of tradition, which is really hard to achieve much success in reality.

- APEC's decision making rules, which require 100% agreement, often producing paralysis, should be made more flexible.

6. Six of the world's ten largest carbon emitters are APEC members, yet some members, including China and Indonesia, believe that developed nations be primarily responsible for reducing emissions. Who do you think should be responsible for reducing greenhouse gas levels and why? (Unit 4)

- Both developed and developing countries should make an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and seriously accept this responsibility.

- Earth has a fever and if no immediate and strong action is taken, we will bear the dramatic consequences. Therefore, it is not the time for finger-pointing and find out who is responsible, but all nations, whether rich or poor need to cooperate and take action.

- Given the fact that China and the US produce about 40% of the emissions blamed for global warming, China should also shoulder the responsibility with the US. Besides, China's reliance on coal for energy to fuel the economy over three decades makes China now rivals the US as the top emitter of greenhouse gases. Therefore, pressure must be put on China as well as other developing countries to adopt other "green" sources of energy to replace coal.

- As the US never ratified the Kyoto Protocol because under the protocol, industrialized nations have emissions limits while China and other developing countries are exempt. Such failure of the Protocol reminds us of the fact that the Copenhagen Summit on climate change to be hold in December must include the commitments from developing nations as well.

7. Globalization has brought enormous trade and employment to both developed and developing economies yet is deeply mistrusted by many. Explain why there is so much opposition to the globalization process. To what extent do you agree with its opponents? (Unit 5)

Globalization: an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a world-wide network of communication and exchange. Globalization has brought enormous trade and employment to both developed and developing economies.

However, there are many reasons for people who oppose the trend of globalization:

- First, globalization increases inequality: labors from poor countries are usually exploited when working in rich countries. As corporations in rich countries looking for cheap labor in poor countries, they provide works with satisfied salary to induce the labors working in long hours without enough safe conditions. Also, they are not received enough protection by the law because they are foreigners.

- Second, globalization also increases likelihood of economic disruptions in one country affecting other regional countries, especially the developing regions -- lower the quality of life in locations that have not adapted to the change. Therefore, poor countries will suffer from disadvantages.

- Third, opportunities in rich countries drive talent away, leading to brain drains. In Vietnam, there has been growing concern of a brain drain in Vietnam, with statistics showing as many as 70% of students who study overseas but do not return home after graduating.

- Fourth, globalization (with the flow of information, goods, capital and people across political and geographic boundaries) has also helped to spread some of the deadliest infectious diseases such as H5N1, H1N1...

- Spread of a materialistic lifestyle and attitude that sees consumption as the path to prosperity

- International bodies like the World Trade Organization infringe on national and individual sovereignty

- Increase in the chances of civil war within developing countries and open war between developing countries as they vie for resources

- Decreases in environmental integrity as polluting corporations take advantage of weak regulatory rules in developing countries

CANNOT SAY WHETHER GLOBALIZATION IS GOOD OR BAD - it depends on each person's perspective --- BUT: A country cannot resist the trend of globalization - must adapt to the trend and find its own way to involve in the process:

- Be practical about what globalization can bring to a country - Should not be too dreamy/wishful...

- Have its own policies to control the situation: (Economic reforms, Social stability, Fight against corruption)

8. What do you consider to be desirable traits in a national leader? Give two or three examples of leaders with those qualities and be specific with your examples. (Unit 7)

National leader is a very important person to a nation because fate of people, destinies of nation and history itself are determined to a substantial extent by that leader. Some criteria:

- Moral quality

o Ready to satisfy own interest to serve common interest

o Place nation interest above individual interest

- Knowledge:

o Gain adequate knowledge in order to lead other through his study, working style

o Gain wider knowledge, cover different sectors, comprehensive

- Social relations:

o Ability to choose and organize people

o The art of using people

- Working method:

o Able to convince/persuade others, make them listen to him and do what they are told.

o Able to sketch out a comprehensive and effective plan, knows exactly what is suitable for the country at that time (e.g. during a recession, recovering after war, plague, dealing with floods, etc)

 Know how to turn words into action.

- Should NO: (quote Gandhi)

o Being rich without labor

o Have education without personality

o Being high position without conscience

o Having theory without practice

Examples of prominent leaders:

o V. Putin:

o B. Obama:

9. Critique or defend the non-violent resistance methods of Martin Luther King Jr. (Unit 8)

Martin Luther King Jr. suggested that there are two ways for oppressed people to directly end their oppression: the violence and non-violence ways.

- Violence: Using violence is fastest way to end oppression, mostly in a battle, BUT:

o The result from using violence is only temporally as it's both impractical and immortal. Violence is impractical as it will cause everything to end in misery and destruction, and it is immoral as it wills destroys the community and makes it impossible to achieve peaceful development afterward.

o In the current situation, he strongly emphasizes that if the American Negro succumb to the temptation of using violence, the future generations will suffer from endless struggle and internal chaos.

 "Violence is not the way"

- Non-violence method is the most suitable method to use:

o First, nonviolence resistance can harmonize both sizes while leaving no adversely affect afterward. According to Hegelian philosophy, the oppressed people can agree with the oppressors that there will be no physically aggressive actions in use toward them, while negotiating with the oppressors that evil acts must be seized.

 The oppressed people can avoid a meaningless battle and chaos situation afterward; instead they can pay more attention to seek solving the problem from its core.

o Second, in the current situation, non-violence methods make it possible to end all the problems and misunderstandings.

 The white still hold many important role in the current world --> If there were a violence actions involve, it will lead to social and politics chaos.

 By using nonviolence methods, the blacks can seek to harmonize with the world, to make the discriminators to understand instead of opposing against.

 Moreover, as there are still many white people sympathize with the Negro struggle for non-discrimination; by using nonviolence method we can unite a strong collation of good will from every part of the world.

o Third, non-violence resistance shall easily win the support of people in the world

For VN: We cannot use non-violent resistance method because the enemy had used force to our country --- Vietnam has no choice but to use violence - we must take up arm to carry out the struggle for national independence.

10. Compare and contrast the reasons for independence given in the Vietnamese Declaration of Independence of 1945 with the ones given in the American Declaration of Independence of 1776. (Unit 12)

* Similarity:

- Based on fundamental human rights: all men are born equal. They are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights; among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

- Demonstrated the colonist's violations of their rights in order to show that such colonists were unfit to be the rulers:

+ The American Declaration of Independence contains the grievance against King George whose history is of repeated injuries and usurpations.

+ The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence indicates the action of French imperialists which are contrary to the ideals of humanity and justice.

- Asserted that they ought and deserve to be a free and independent state.

* Contrast:

USA Vietnam

Declared the independence for thirteen-nation unification Declared the independence for a country

Not struggle against domination but it was a movement among 6 colonies of Britain to form independence to mother country. The people who worked out Declaration of independence were British. They became leaders of colonial countries Declaration for independence came after VN regain independence from the struggle against a foreign domination/ invader empire

VN declaration came out of long struggle.

Provided specific reasons for the rights of altering their former systems of government: effect to their safety and happiness, provide new guards for their future security => takes equality as the most important thing Emphasized the fundamental human rights quoted the statement in the Declaration of the French Revolution, showing that they have not followed what they said.

Paid attention to the right of individual Raised the right of individual into the right of the whole nation, people

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