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Chapter 2: The Job

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The winds blow through those trees. Moon is high enough to enjoy the scene.

"What a nice night, don't you think?"

No one answer. Oh! That's right, that person can't answer the question, because her throat has been slashed. Still alive, but not for long. Her eyes glare at the one who stands opposite here. Can't see the face, but from the seductive voice of that person, maybe a handsome but cruel gentleman. Or a women due to the apperance.

"Too bad that I have to kill you." they said, "You still have a long journey, still have time to meet a good guy, married him and have children, then when the time had come, you will sleep in peace in your family hand."

There are sometimes change in that voice. It looks more scornful.

"Sadly,  what I have known about you, look like you can't live happy forever and after, right?"

In the moonlight, can see clearly the hungry eyes of the opposite person. How fearful it is, when you realize they don't have a heart, like to taste the fear and blood.

"W-W-Why..." the woman said very weakly " do this...?"

"You asking why?" They smirk "Don't know, but abuse the prey is very fun! I love how they twist with their pain, how their wretched side appear when they don't know what to do. It's funny, isn't it?"

The woman can't say any word. They realizes that her breath is starting to weaken. Well, the cut is too deep and she has lost much blood, so she will be dead in any minutes.

"Oh, right! Want to know who makes a contract with me? This is my last gift for you, my lady~" 

The way they say so cheerful, like it is just a funny story or this situation just something so casually. How can they leave without a heart? Or maybe, eating other painful is their food.

After they said the name, the woman breath more slowly, slowly, slowly and then, she does not move anymore.

_____Mid-night, 0:47 a.m_____

"Thank you for accepting my propose!"

The smile still on my face when the opposite man said. I take a sip of tea, then begin to talk

"You welcome, sir. And our deal?"

"Your money will arrive soon, sir!" the man said, "I always keep my promise!"

I smirk. Does did man know what he is talking about? Always keep the promise? Really! I want to laugh so much.

"You know, till this time, I still waiting for the previous mission's money. You said you will give me soon, but I keep waiting and, well, no sign of it."

"I'm so sorry, sir! Because this is my last propose, so I will be sure the money will be arriving on time!"

"Oh!" I said in surprise "So this is your last suggestion for me, right?"

The man nod and my smile begin to widen, that's what I think.

"Before that, can I ask you one simple thing?"


"Do you remember what have mention in our contract?" I smirked "Or should I remain you, one of the point is 'If you don't give enough the money that you owe before you ended the contract,  you will paid what you have been requested.' right?"

The man start to shaking a lot, his eyes full of fear, which a beautiful expression that I want to taste. I feel clam, as there is no change in my voice, I think

"But, I will give you mercy...In one day, send me all the money that you own and I won't do anything that harm you and your family..."

"Thank you, Sir!" that man cried "Thank you very much!!"

"Don't thank me." I smirked "Thank your children and wife, as they are the reason why I don't want their dad and husband die..."

His face full of relax and love (?) as I mention his family, but then, as I realise final sentence, his face now full of ashamed

" they didn't know the dark side of this perfect man on their family~"


She really something else! She not like a normal one, as she enjoy her prey fear, as all she know is filled her thirsty of blood.

Before leave the room, Amelia Haiphox turn her head back, mocking him

"So sad that in this 23rd century, there are still someone like you, and like me, exist...So sad, isn't it?"

"I will waiting for my pay. If it not come here right on the due time...You will know what you need to pay for what you done..."

Then, she just left, leaving the man in the dark of frightened.


"What a scared girl, don't you think?"

"Her mind have some problem...and it's make her become more violence and no one can stop her."

"I still don't get the reason why she become like this. She look normal, right? I want to find out..."



I jump up because someone is shouting my name plus my last name and then my head starts feeling dizzy because I woke up so suddenly. I look around to see who is it and then I realized an angry, very angry face belongs to Ed. He looks pissed off, isn't he?

"What is it, Ed?" I asked

"Don't you dare to ask me like that!" Ed grit his teeth "You forgot to do it, don't you?"

"Doing what?" I asked, try to remember what I need to do.

Unfortunately, my brain is completely empty. That's right! Empty! Like a new blank paper!

The way Ed smile, not a good sign. I think I need to run before he could said any word or do something bad.

"If you dare to run away, you will never see your favorite manga again, Ami!"

HEY!!!!!!!!! IT IS...


"Oh!" TyTy's voice appear "It's really work, isn't it?" he giggle while I glare at him. So he is the one who suggest that horrible idea.

"I own you one, bro!" Ed nod "Also, Ami, let me remind you...DO YOUR WORK RIGHT NOW, BOSS!"

He point to my desk, where the document placed on it. Too many thing I need to check on it.


"Don't 'Oh' to me!! Ant and Bel have done a half of it for you..."

"...and they have passed out!" 

TyTy said while pointing to where my brother and Belphegor are fainting. Their face look terrible, white and I think, I just think, I can see their soul are coming out.

(Belphegor have no surename, as he never say about this when he arrive to this country in a young age. And because of his name, they say it was from a demon of seven sins, so during his childhood, he don't have any friend and Antonio, is the bravest person, they said, to become friend with him, the first friend, then follow that is her. The twins had once asking about why his parent name him like this, he just say that: He just an abandon child and he don't talk much about this and they don't ask more)

"Why I have to check those document?" I groaning "That's not the reason why I do this job! I just want to..."

"Those one are your new contact!" TyTy interupted me "While you were sleeping, she has came here and want us to do a flavor!"

I feel like my energy has came back. New mission! That's great! Also, this time is a women, so I really hope she give me something more interesting than, you know, something that women can do when they get jealous on someone and want to kill them. That's very bored. I have meet some sistuation like that and I don't feel any interest on those thing!

"She want us to kill this girl..." Ed said "I haven't open the file that she give me yet, because she said she want you to be the first one look at it."

I feel something not right here, but then, I don't know what to say or to act, so I choose to asking:

"Who is she?"

"She said she is a scientific researchers and we can't see her face, because she had cover it by a weird mask. She kinda tall and her hair is wavy and black.."

"She wear a mask and you even accept her offer eventhough not seeing her face?" I suprise "Hey!! If you doing that again, who will responsible?"

It is dangerous for us if you don't know what is the opposite look like, as if there is is something happen, how could you solve it without any information about the other

"I'm sorry!! But because Bel and Ant was there so I am not worry about she may kill me!" Ed said in embarassing "Also, she like a wind, got in quickly and got out quickly too.."

"Right..." I give a small sigh "Lucky that we have camera..."

My hand kinda tremble when open the file and all I see is a picture in here. Maybe it is the one who I need to----

"Ami? Ami??? Amelia?? Hey!!!!" 

I think my smile is frozen and so do my body and my breath. In my head right now, those bad word run fast and nonstop. could it be...No...

"This can't be..." I mumble

What should I do now?


Tyler feel worried when Amelia suddenly frozen. What in the picture had make her face become white? He want to ask, but due to Amelia's sistuation, she won't listen because her soul has completely got out.

There are one thing he can do: Grab the picture.

From that, he know the reason why. And he wish he hadn't done that...

_____Evening, 16:58 p.m_____

I can't keep that picture and my mission off my head. From this morning till now, I can't focus on anything. Even I don't have any feeling to taste my cup of tea.

"Ami!! It's good to see you after a long time!!"

"Oh, yes, Lisa..." I smile weakly, hope that she don't notice this "Nice to see you again, too!"

Lisa Fawziya is my high school friend, an excellent student and a person who like to...

"...slove the problem by a punch..." I smirk

"That's not true!!!!!" Lisa punch into my arm "I'm not that rude! I'm very kind!"


"Stop scornful me!!"

After a while, we sit proberly in the chair, Lisa already call her drink and I suddenly feel uncomfortable. Don't know why, but I still can't except the true.

"Tell me, Lisa..."


"How is your job in the labotary? Did you created some new medical or analysis something?"

"Oh, I'm now study a new medical that some of my partner have made!" Lisa said "But why you are asking me that? You never want to talk about medical before..."

"You know my left-hand job right?"

"Of course! Why---"

"Someone want me to kill you."

Yes. I have spoke out my mission and see the change in my friend face. Pale, very plae. Her brown eyes widen, her body is stiffness. Not a good choice, but that's what I can do. I want a reason.

"My conception is hear the reason before I start to kill someone. Right now, I haven't except her flavor and I want to know the relationship between you and her."

Lisa look relax, but her face still not good. She asked weakly


"Edison said a women, who wear mask with a black hair wavy, want me to do her a flavor..." I sigh "I don't have her image, I just can describe her through Ed's word and I don't know if you know her..."

"Wear mask, huh..." Lisa frowned "That's not a good sign...What her mask look like?"

"Well, from the camera in the room, this is what she look like. It hard to see the mask clearly."

I give the picture that took from the camera, but in the end, Lisa can't see what it is look like, and give up like all of us does. But then, Lisa suddenly gaps, like she realize something

"Or maybe it is them..."

"What?? Who??"

I can see a worried look in Lisa eyes. She stay silent for a moment, before she break a new

"They are coming after me, because of it, they want to took it..." she hissed "Ami! I'm so sorry!! I'm so sorry!!"

What the---I am so confuse, at Lisa began to panic and keep saying "I'm sorry!!". What happen to day?? Is this an unfortunate day for me??  

"I have kill you this time, Ami!! What have I done to you?!?"

Okay! Today can be say as an awful day!! And the sentence that Lisa said make my curious and have a little of uncomfortable. What had happend to her that involve me in?

Suddenly, I have a gosebump. I always have gosebump when I feel something dangerous happen near me. So I look around, carefully and then I saw a women, black wavy hair who sit across me about 180 degree and there is something in her pocket. As a part of it appear, I have a gloomy feeling inside me

"Bend down, Lisa! Now!"


Lisa does as what Amelia told her, in instinct. She bend down her body and a moment later, she hear some noise. It's sound like someone had been hit by a large thing and something is crashing. Lisa open her eyes, not too widen, but big enough to know what had happen.

There is a women and she had passed out, with a big lump in her forehead. Then she realise that around her is some pieces of glass has broken and the table where they place their glass is now lay on the opposite flower pot. 

"I think I hit her kinda hard..." Amelia say in a clam voice "Anyway, I think I should clean up this mess, take this women to my home before those police come here..."

Lisa know what Amelia's left hand job is, but this time, she know the reason why Amelia could become like this.  No mercy with enemy. That's how Lisa think about her friend, also the other who work with her in the mid-night job.

But, right now, can Amelia survive?

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