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Chapter 3 : The Torture Begin

Papyrus then grab the two shoulder, teleporting both of them back to the lab, leaving the shocked captain in her mess. Undyne and Toriel was also there, discussing about the future of the Underground and the fact that Nora may be the new hope of the monster.

'Oh my child, you finally come back from your training. Here *hand over 2 plate of pies*, you two should sit down.', the two of them collapse to the floor, keep breathing non-stop on the ground. After the two got up, they start to dive in the Butterscotch Pie, restoring their HP to max.

'We should start training right now if we really want to pass the exam.', the two look at eachother after finishing their pies.

'How about this, whoever fail, have to do whatever the winner say'., Sans smile confidently.

'Deal.', Nora smile right back.

'Oh dear.', Toriel gasp, with her hand in her mouth. Undyne pinch her forehead, reminding herself the reason why the two always do this when meet. Papyrus hidden smile in the back as he was about to grab Sans shoulder.

'Well then bro, time to go.', Papyrus let Sans wave his hand, farewell them for now. After that, he teleport both of them back to their house.

'Time to show him what i am made of, next time.', Nora hit both of her fist, grinning.

'OH!, just before we leave, Undyne, can you help my child with the knowledge part of the exam.', Toriel look at Undyne with her kind eyes.

'Wait..., how did you guys know that we are going to join the exam!?', Nora questioned them.

'Oh my dear child, i know everything that happen in the underground. All you need to know is that i love you.', she pat her head, after giving her a kiss on the forehead.

'Eek!, of co-urs-e, my q-ueen.', Undyne being surprise at the sudden demand of the queen, quickly raise her hand to her head.

After leaving the lab, the two decide to have a walk with together in the underground. Toriel and Nora then see an elderly green tortoise, while Nora was busy, wondering who he was. Toriel suddenly scream 'GEERRRRSSSSOOOOONNNNN!', shocking the elderly man treating the kids some food. The old man turn around, instantly the queen ran and grabbing both of his hand, constantly shaking it.

'Oh my dear queen, long time no see.', Gerson was calm as ever, wondering why the queen have came to see an old man like him.

The kids was shock out of their minds as this is their first time meeting the queen in person, however the queen patted each one on the head, regained her royal posture. While Nora go to buy a Nice Cream, letting the adult speak. 'Now kids, calm down. This is our queen, Toriel.', Gerson raise his hand on his chest, slightly bow down to the queen with his eyes close.

'Ah, no need for such formal language. May I offer you kids a story?', Toriel was shy, telling Gerson that he doesn't need to speak so high to her, then she ask the kids if they want a story from her. The kids nod, eager to know what story that the queen of the underground have in store for them. Nora was also sitting near a tree there, also listen to the story as she doesn't know anything about Toriel past.

'A long time ago, when the war just started, there was me, Gerson old husband. Together, we fought with the human to regain our freedom but we sadly fail , just so your kids know, Gerson was called The Hammer of Justice in his good old time.', Toriel poke at the old man as he laugh for a bit.

'Miss Toriel!, who was your husband?', the kids was filled with questions, making Toriel feel a little sad but she didn't turn down the question.

'Ah, it was Asgore, the king of the Underground.', Toriel then was asked with a lot of question by the kids, seeing Toriel being overcame with questions that she most likely won't be able to answe, Gerson carefully tell the kids to go buy some Nice Cream.

'Kids heh, well my queen, you should head home soon, it's getting a little late in this Sunnedout.', Gerson then hold Toriel hands and shake it, then farewell her.

But Toriel was still not pay attention, as her thought consumed her with grief, regret. However, before she could do something foolish, Nora clap her hands right in front of her face, taking her back to reality.

'Ah, my child, i didn't notice you there.',Toriel let out a sweat, try to make Nora not to worry.

But the child have notice her lies. 'You quite terrible at lying, Mom. But i'll let you go this time around, come on let go home.', Toriel blush when the child see through her lies, then get her hands grabbed by the child as Nora ran back home with her.

At night, the two spend time telling stories, eating pies, watching TV with eachother as Napstaton being the host of the show. Just before Nora went to bed, Toriel ask Nora if she could sleep with her just for tonight. Nora give out a short sigh, slowly climb into bed, while the queen hug her like a pillow, squeezing her. Luckily, Nora didn't mind the squeezing due to the fact that she managed to turn her bones into liquid just before the impact, she know this because Toriel always do this everytime she asked her to sleep with her. Just like that, the two overslept til the next afternoon.

Back with the training, Toriel help her with concentration on magic and stamina, certainly learning from a war veteran is good right?, Right?.

Hell no, it was a literal torture. 'COME ON, TRY HARDER, YOU SISSY!', Toriel screamed at her, slamming the stick in her hand.

'SIR, YES SIR!', Nora constantly push up, while turning on her magic eye to make her feel magic by force.

-On the other side-

'Come on bro, you got this.', Papyrus encourage Sans to get through the training that he made just for him.

The lands was devastated, look like it have been split apart, the sky was filled by Papyrus blaster, plus bone in the ground to make trouble for running. On the end of the land was a flag, the rule was no magic, only physical strength, as this will make him save stamina in the guard exam, also better at close combat.

'Don't worry Pap, i won't fail.', Sans smile confidently, however, he let out a quick sweat as well.

He began running, jumping from lands to lands, but unfortunately, he didn't notice a blaster that was just about to shoot at him right in the middle of the air.

'HUHHHH!", he look at the below lands blaster, he quickly guarded, the blaster let out a full blast at him, sending him right to the starting line. While his face on the ground, Papyrus look at him 'Be ready for surprise attack any time, bro.'

Sans throw him a bone in the face while he quickly jump into the sky, spinning and getting back into his feet. He get into his fighting stance, screamed and run to the flag once again.

-Back to the Dreemurr-

Nora then was forced to run across the lands to increase her stamina, she ran for about 10 minutes then fall to the ground before getting back up because of Toriel caught up to her, she chasing her with a stick in hand. Nora then scream 'AHHHHHHHHHH!' while Toriel slowly closing the distance between them.

Sans then got distracted by Nora scream and got blasted into the sky by 2 blaster. Breaking his arm and fracture his ribcage, Pap then quickly ran to the place he have land, holding a medkit in hand, saying 'AY SANS!, wake up bro.', he then slap Sans in his fragile state, only for Sans to raise his normal hand to him and teleport him to Alphys Bathtub.

'Uhhhhhh Pap!?, what the hell are you doing inside my house?', Alphys being surprised by Papyrus, who just got soaked in her bathtub.

'Eh, I'll explain everything.', Papyrus then take out a honey bottle in his hoodie pocket.

Sans then sit up, using the medkip from Pap, he wrap the bandage onto his broken arm while using magic to heal his fracture ribcage.

'Alright, time to do this again.', He stand up confidently, while taking a different stance this time around.

Nora then ran past the man, letting all the smoke in his face, she then got zap again and again from her magic glove 'Veros' as she is trying to delete the obstacle in her path. Toriel then hit her on the head, sending her flying toward the trees. Nora head was split open but the ink from the damaged head reattach everything back in place. Toriel know this so she won't stop attacking as this will increase her defense against her opponent. Nora then use Telekinesis on herself to pull her out of the upcoming attack from the sky, Toriel then change the direction of the upcoming fireballs.

'Magic my child, as long as you have the concentration and imagination. You can do any thiIIINNNGGGG WWWWIIITTTHHHH ITTTTTTT!', she explain while roaring at her, the fireballs become bigger and bigger. Just right before the OMG fireball hit her, someone appear, deflecting the fireball into the pool. As the smoke clear, it was...

-Next part coming-

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