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July 6th, 2046

Viktor woke up after a long dream, possibly the longest among all dreams he ever had.

His dreams has always been the same, dreams about a blank, infinite room, with a white color, in his dreams inside the room, he sat on a wooden chair, facing against a whiteboard which was filled by chemistry formulas and architect drawings.

Viktor dream of it everytime he fell asleep, doesn't matter day or night and what is that situation. And when he woke up, extreme tiredness hit him hard.

This time, he was able to stay awake thanks to the energy that the sleep gave him, he looked around.

White walls, and on a hospital bed, his body still have some wounds left but mostly has been recovered, he moves his hand and shaking his body, all good, no pain at all.

-"Ah, you're awake., my dear child."

A female voice called him, Viktor thinks he recognize this voice, a soft featured voice.

-"You seems to be fully recovered, Viktor Vilho Zarsennberg., or should I say, Second-Lieutenant Zarsennberg?"

He turns to his right to see the person calling him.

Sitting there was a white skinned woman, aging from 25-30 and clearly older and has a more mature appearance, she has a black long wavy hair, her eyes are red like blood but brings a peaceful feeling like saying "everything will be alright", additionally, on her right eye was a monocle glass, adding more elegance to her appearance, she has a beautiful face and her presence gives people a friendly and welcoming attitude. Her fluffy wolf ears on her head and tail behind her back indicating she's a wolfgirl.

she wears a grey military uniform for high-ranking officer with gold hem around her insigna on the shirt collar and shoulder, her insigna indicated with four yellow lions on a dark green color on the shoulder, as for the shirt collar, it was the same lions but on a red color, on her neck collar was a blue iron cross badge.

-"General Aannerheim...?"

Viktor surprised when seeing her.

-"Just call me Franceskar...How did you feel?"

-"...just fine, a little tired."

-"well then, just take a rest until you're better."



-"How long has I slept?"

-"5 months."

Viktor dumbstruck, he could not believe that he has slept for that large amount of time.

-"...What happened?"

-"You were hit by a grenade, luckily you survived and have no scars by using an enemy body to cover...Your platoon did great, you guys were able to hold the line until we came, moreover, your platoon killed 270 enemy troops, and when we came, we forced the enemy to retreat, this could consider, a success."

-"How much is our casualty?"

-"81 killed, 37 injured."


-"When we came and fought the enemy, we didn't saw you, we thought you were killed in action, after the battle, while gathering the bodies, a soldier found you under the body of a Berovian troop. We thought you were dead as you were not reacting but the medic found your pulse and you were immediately transported to the safe-zones for treatment, later on we sent you to the Federal Hospital at the capital, Hreasikven...we didn't expect that you were still alive."

Viktor still remains silent and kept on listening, instead of feeling lucky or guilty, the only emotion inside him is emptiness, which expressed with a imanimate and emotionless face.

-"What happened in the last 5 months?"

-"...we lost the war. An armistice was signed by our Federal Government to surrender to the New Revolutionary Berovian Government."


His face stiffens as he hears the news. Viktor tried to calm himself down, he let out a sign of disappointment.


-"Yes, we lost the war, Stravaria is defeated again."

This isn't the first time, The Federal Republic of Stravaria first engaged into war with the Berovian Revolutionaries 8 years ago, and they were defeated, now, the were lost, once again.

-"According to the treaty of St. Merabrisk , Stravaria has to give up 12% of it's land and pay for war reputations along with or harsh conditions, luckily enough, we still able to remain our independence against the Berovian invaders...After losing at Vaangaarii, our defense lines becomes more weak, contrasting to the growing numbers and guns, ammunitions of the Berovs, clearly we cannot stand a chance..."


Viktor glance at the window behind the wolf woman, snowflakes falls slowly, the cold outside opposites the warm temperature in the hospital room.

Snow and winter, those 2 things has dominated the Stravarian land for over thousands of year, the average temperature here is -51 degree celcius, -10 degree in summer, no doubt why Stravaria was regarded the coldest place in Vissentri Grand Continent.

While Stravaria was a small nation located in the southernmost region of the continent, I received the least amount of sunlight and heat among all nations. The federal government established here since it's independence 67 years ago, also choose the symbol of the snowflakes to represent their country and people, using it in black color on their flag along with a nordic cross in the same color, on a white banner and using it as the coat of arms with an eagle.

Viktor still staying silent, his silent became the room's atmosphere. Peaceful, Complexed and Empty

-"Even the war is lost, we have to live in harassment and defeat, our people and nation is still alive, as long as so, Stravaria will rise again, from these ruins."

Franceskar picks up the tobacco pipe on the table and starts smoking, a grey smoke comes out from the pipe, as it flies up and merge along with the air.

-"Now rest well, my dear child, everything will be alright, a sleep now is very essential for you. You loved sleeping, aren't ya?"

She patted Viktor and stroking his fluffy white colored hair, as his emotionless face starts to get some facial reactions, her patting really does makes Viktor felt comfortable and relief.

As he easily fall asleep again, thanks to Franceskar, before he enter the dream realm, he heard the female general saying.

-"Everything will be alright, we will get our revenge soon."

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