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Chapter 8: Laura's tragic fate.

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After the announcement, Laura comes down to each table to get the homework. The shadow people then hand her pieces of blurry paper while remaining silent. Only the main cast has actual sheets with words and numbers on them.

Talk about a different treatment!

While she was getting the assignments, Kurokawa and Rachel stared at Laura like crazy. The poor side character did not react to them since it was not in her script. She maintained a dignified aura the whole time. It seemed the class rep was unaffected by the roaming bugs in this game. Just let the girl do her work, people! She has only a couple of days left!

Lucky that she is not being affected by the bug. I would have no idea leading her to her death if that was the case. It hurts my fragile conscience. But honestly, what are the odds of having the same bug the third time? Right guys?

Are you with me?


Okay...I will remember this!

Why would they be looking at her, anyway? She should not have made an impression as a love rival for them yet.

To be honest, I kind of like her. Even though she only appeared for a short while, she did not deserve to be killed off like that.

"Assignment?" Shortly after, she is next to my table. Her brown eyes stare at me like scanners.

I am not your test subject, Laura. Scanning me!? This is not the check-out at Walmart!

There is a particular look on her face that I can hardly describe.

Hmm. Is it Curiosity? Seriousness? Doubt?

Maybe all of the above? Argh! I got nothing!

Wait a second? Did she just talk to me?

"What's the matter? Surprised?"

I thought you were a side character?? Still, I have no need to reply to her and just give her my blurry paper stack. No matter how much I pity this girl's life, I should focus on the story first.

Laura takes the sheets from me, makes a final glance at my beautiful featureless face, and goes back to her seat. There will be a shadow teacher coming in and taking the assignments later.


There it is.

"Please stand up, everyone!" Laura does her job as the class representative.

"Good morning, Mr. OOO." Han says his greetings, and the main cast follows.

The shadow teacher walks toward the pedestal and nods. Everything it says and writes on the board from this point is beyond my normal senses. I can not understand a single word. I can only guess the context by the sound it makes.

This concludes our morning scene.

From this moment until lunchtime, there is no event. That is why we can take our time to think of our next steps.

Let's talk about how Laura died in the meantime. Because like I said, her death will be the opening to the whole main plot.

So! After the first time Han and Rachel slept together, their relationship changed drastically. From being clingy and touchy, she became paranoid. No matter the gender, she hated it when Han talked to other people. Men, women, LGBTQLMNOP, helicopters, whatever, as long as they got in between her and her lover, Rachel felt disgusted by them.

In the beginning, she was still not that violent. But gradually, Rachel became a true monster worthy of the name Yandere.

She wanted to keep Han for herself, and all of his attention must be for her and her alone. Never again did Han have his private moments. Unless he was doing number two, she had to be with him. Rachel went as far as holding his member and cleaning it with a blowjob after he was done peeing. Isn't that just absurd or what?

Then, on an ordinary day, after seeing him making jokes with the class rep and Kurokawa, Rachel felt she needed a guarantee.

The first thing that changed inside her was that she started carrying a kitchen knife. Everywhere.

In her own words: "You never know when you will need it."

When Han requested her to put it at home, she would reply: "This is a safety measure, darling!"

Oh, I forgot to mention. After sex, Rachel started calling him darling as well.

Han disagreed with that kind of answer, of course. In fact, he felt a little scared by Rachel sharpening her knife every day. Still, after a rough sex scene, he obliged.


At this point, the premise of the first death flag event was almost done. What we needed was only a cause.

That cause was Laura's beauty.

In the school, there was a big bully. I will give you guys two seconds to guess who that bully was interested in.

You would be correct if you said Rachel's name. If not, better luck next time! Come again!

Jokes aside, the difference in attitude between Rachel and Han gave it away. People started suspecting whether or not 'something' happened. They kept disappearing at lunchtime, probably doing Kamasutra positions somewhere in the school. However, rather than going around and asking for clues, the bully confessed to Rachel straight up. If that is not bravery, I do not know what is. This is a yandere that we are talking.

He almost had a kick in the nuts, though... It was so close I could feel the pain myself!

You should be able to figure out who stopped who. A hint for you: the person who did it was a female student. Oops, sorry! A violent female student should be better.


What the heck!! I suddenly have goosebumps all on my left side!

Rachel is not paying attention to the teacher nor looking at Han's cute sleeping face!

She is once again focused on me with beastly eyes.

What did I do to you?!

I shift my gaze a little, and I can see Kurokawa lying on her desk while holding her stomach with the other hand. Her body twitches in irregular intervals. I have no idea if she is laughing hysterically underneath or having seizures. Both, even. Who knows!

These girls, man...They are so messed up...

I feel so lucky to be outside of their game! Han Som, my guy. Good luck with your conquest. You will have to grow a lot to become the Harem lord!

Where were we with the death flag again?

Ah! The nut-crushing part!

Even when Rachel clearly rejected him to that extent, the school bully still did not give up. He would come back for the second confession and then the third time, then the fourth. Rejection after rejection, he was an immovable wall. His mental power was clearly beyond me.

I mean, that was the script. But you get what I am saying, yeah?

For the fifth time, also known as the last time, he came to our class to confess. Unfortunately for him, Laura did not let him in.

I will spare you the details because it was so cringy I nearly died. Imagine having a spoiled brat not getting toys. It was similar.

Things like "Do you know who I am?!" or "You will regret this if you don't step away!!" were all over the conversation.

Because of Laura's intervention, he could not get to Rachel. All of the previous disappointment, rage, and humiliation he got from his crush was dumped on Laura.

Shouting "Fuck you, you bitch!", he left with his minions, plotting a heinous crime against the class rep.

On the same day, the bully and his minions were stalking Laura. Since she was the class representative, she had to do extra student council work. Taking advantage of this, they waited for her.

Then moment she returned to our empty classroom, they caught her. With no mercy, the bullies grabbed Laura by the end of her hair and dragged her to the most empty location of the school. The storage room.

They were planning to r*** her and film the whole thing as an act of revenge.

*Rattle rattle*

Who drops their pencil case? Things are just getting to the worst part! Do not cut my train of thoughts like that!

Oh, it's Laura.

Sorry, keep going, class rep.

Her face is a little pale. Poor girl. Are you cold? You must be. Your hands are shaking because of it! Get something warm to wear tomorrow, okay?

At the beginning of my consciousness, I tried to save her a few times. I really did! Sadly, anytime I did it, the game would just reset itself. She could not be helped by me.

I died a couple of times trying to do so, too! I was just not her destiny.

Her destiny was to be saved by that guy sleeping on the desk over there, by the window. That is her fate.

When she was stripped butt naked by the guys, Han stormed in.

It looked like he was just finishing up his club.

With overwhelming strength, he quickly immobilized the bullies. He saved Laura from losing her virginity to some ugly bastards just in time.

Han took his shirt off to cover her naked body, revealing his nicely toned abs, unfit for a guy his age. This put a red blush on Laura's face.

Coincidentally, Rachel was not there. She was out buying groceries all of a sudden.

Adrenaline in Laura's blood was high, and the suspension bridge effect was at its peak potential.

"I love you!" She said, giving him a kiss on the mouth.

Another sex scene commenced.

Remember Han's luck with women? This is it.

After the intense sex, Rachel came in and saw everything. Immediately, Han was pushed away.

"This is a girl's thing. She needs someone to comfort her right now. Darling, you just head home first, okay?" Rachel told him that. The guy was guilty of his wrongdoing, so he listened to her.

"O-okay! Please, take care of her! I-I'm sorry for this, Rachel..." He bowed down to her.

"Don't worry, darling. We can talk about this at home later!"

After that, she took Laura with her and prepared the punishment of eating the paper-knife I told you about. Rachel was manically laughing at Laura's hellish suffering.

That night, Han was killed. I will remind you if you forget. His childhood friend was fucking him while opening his body with the kitchen knife.

She was showered in both cum and blood.

Quite a scene, I must say.

Quite a spectacular scene!

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