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Star-Crossed lovers [Completed]

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Star-crossed lovers is a phrase to describe two lovers who are doomed from the very start

Lovers who shouldn’t be together

Who shouldn’t love one another

A psychic told Yunho that him and Jaejoong are Star crossed lovers but Yunho doesn’t care. He wants to disapprove that theory because he loves Jaejoong so much, so then him and Jaejoong got married

After they got married Yunho’s feelings would start to change

He would arrive at home really late because he’s out gambling leaving Jaejoong at home waiting for him

Yunho loves to gamble so pretty much it became the whole part of his life

He would tell Jaejoong he has work when he’s really out with his friends drinking and gambling

Jaejoong knew in his heart that they were really star crossed lovers but he loved Yunho too much to let Yunho go

So he tries his best to convince Yunho that he really loves him and wants this love to last forever


“I love you Yunho”

“Love can change”

“Love can change, but my feelings for you will last forever in my heart”


Star-crossed lovers, just like in Romeo and Juliet..the tragic story of two lovers. Would Jaejoong and Yunho also end in tragedy? Or Yunho really did prove that psychic wrong and that him and Jaejoong are meant for one another?



Chapter 1

Time spent together

“Do you Yunho take Jaejoong to be your lawful wedded wife?”

“I do”

“Jaejoong do you take Yunho to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“I do”

“Will you love, respect and honor Jaejoong throughout your years together?”

“I will”

“Will you love, respect and honor Yunho throughout your years together?”

“I will”

Saying each one of their vows Yunho knew that him and Jaejoong were meant to be, nothing can tear them apart because the love both of them have for each other is indescribable


“Yunho you better take good care of Jaejoong” Mrs. Kim said then earned a hit in the arm by her son

“Mommy of course Yunho would, don’t you trust him?” Jaejoong looked at his mom with a glare in his eyes while his mother was scared of her son defending Yunho so much

“Yeah of course I do” Mrs. Kim smiled to her son and Yunho as well

“Don’t worry Mrs. Kim..I will protect and care for Jaejoong with all my heart” Yunho finally said and Mrs. Kim heaved out a sigh knowing that Jaejoong will be in good hands


After the wedding was over Yunho and Jaejoong moved into a new house, a place where both of them will make a living and live on their own expecting none of their family members aggravating them all the time

“Jaejoong” Yunho said in a very exciting tone seeing his wife looking at him smiling and wondering what’s so exciting

“I got a job, I’m going to be a business man. It pays well too and the company seems very nice and dainty”

“That is very exciting and we can benefit a lot from it..I just need to find a job as well” Jaejoong said as he felt Yunho’s arm wrapping across his shoulder

“You don’t need a job, I want you to stay home and take care of the house. I’m scared that once you find a job the workers would find you too attractive and flirt with you all the time” as those words came out of Yunho’s mouth Jaejoong just kept on laughing at how protective his husband is to him

“Yunho, I let you go find a you not trust me?”

Upon hearing that his wife thinks Yunho does not trust him Yunho quickly made up an excuse for Jaejoong to believe him

“Jaejoong of course I trust you, I trust you with my life-” Yunho kept on saying but Jaejoong put his hand over Yunho’s mouth covering it

“I’m kidding..I know you trust me, and I trust you as well so I’ll stay home and do the housework”

“Thank you Jaejoong” Yunho said as he wrapped his arms around Jaejoong

“But I’ll miss you being around me all the time..”

“Don’t worry I won’t work for that late, I will try to come home early when I can so I can cherish my beautiful wife all the time”

“You sure know how to make me feel loved all the time, I love you Yunho” Jaejoong said but stopped when he felt Yunho’s lips coming towards him. Closing his eyes he kissed Yunho back and both of them sharing a deep wet kiss before Yunho leaves for work tomorrow

“I love you Jaejoong” Yunho broke the kiss and played with Jaejoong’s hair. Jaejoong leaned his head on Yunho’s chest hearing Yunho’s heart beating very fast

“Y..Yunho your heart is sure beating fast”

“Of course it is, it only beats that fast for you” smiled Yunho as he hugged Jaejoong in his warm embrace

That was the beautiful night that both of them shared together, hearing each other’s beating heart beats for one another..they just didn’t know that all of this was going to change


Their love wasn’t meant to last long, both of them knew that since the psychic told them both before they got married to one another, but they went against his orders and got married anyways. Yunho knew that the psychic was wrong and everything he said was an amiss..

But he didn’t know how accurate the really psychic was...



Chapter 2


“Have a blast at work” Jaejoong gave his lover a hug and kiss before letting Yunho go

“I will, and you stay home and don’t go anywhere” Yunho warned Jaejoong as Jaejoong let out a pout

“Yunho I’m not a kid anymore”

“But I’m still afraid of flirtatious mens that are around”

Jaejoong giggle “Ok, I won’t go anywhere”

“Good” Yunho pulled his wife in for another hug then taking the lunch that Jaejoong had prepared for him earlier

“I’ll see you later my love” those were the last words Yunho said as he headed towards his car and drove off. Jaejoong was alone in the house now

Hmm what should I do to surprise Yunho when he gets home? Then a smile crept upon Jaejoong’s face as he prepared an appetizing looking dish waiting for Yunho to get home so he could be in Yunho’s warm embrace while Yunho is eating the food he made


It was 9 p.m and Yunho wasn’t even home yet..Jaejoong still sat on the kitchen table waiting for Yunho, ever minute that passed seemed like hours to Jaejoong, the ticking sound of the clock made Jaejoong feel melancholic, gloomy, and very depress


“Wow Yunho you sure are betting on a lot” Yoochun his co-worker said to him seeing how much money Yunho has put out

“I am not losing this time..I cannot believe I quit gambling before. Gambling is so much fun”

“But you are losing every ounce of money you own”

“Doesn’t matter, I know I’m going to win this time”

“How about your wife? Does he care that you are out gambling like this?” Yoochun asked hoping Yunho would stop because those were the hard earned money Yunho just worked for today

“Yeah yeah he doesn’t care..he’s probably sleeping right now. He wouldn’t even notice I’m out here”

“Um ok, whatever you say” Yoochun said as he flipped over his card and smiled cheekily to himself “I got a 21”

Yunho rolled his eyes at how lucky Yoochun is as he also flipped over his card “My gosh I busted”

“Yeah I think you should quit” Yoochun said but Yunho glared at him

“No way am I going to quit! I’m going to earn all the money I just lost back!” Yunho yelled as Yoochun backed away


11 p.m..where is Yunho? Jaejoong wished that nothing happened to Yunho while Yunho was out late, he felt a small tear fall from his eyes but luckily he heard the doorknob click and being turned and Yunho walked inside looking very depress. Jaejoong ran over to Yunho and gave him a big hug

“Y..Yunho I missed you so much, I thought something bad had happened to you” cried Jaejoong as he held onto Yunho

“Nothing happened to me. Why aren’t you sleeping?” Yunho asked Jaejoong not even returning Jaejoong’s hug

“I..I was waiting for you to get back. I cooked you food too” Jaejoong let out a smile but Yunho just walked to the bedroom

“I already ate, I feel very debilitated and tired right now so I’m going to sleep” after those words Yunho had left to the bedroom leaving Jaejoong standing there clueless, wondering why Yunho had changed so quickly from his affection this morning and now..

Jaejoong walked to the bedroom but the door was lock..I guess he wants to sleep alone tonight..feeling very dismal and depressed Jaejoong walked to the couch and slept there


Yunho was in the bedroom counting his money to himself

“Gosh I lost 400 and won back 100 dollars? Fuck” Yunho cursed to himself

“I am going back there tomorrow. I know I will win back all of those money, then once I’m rich I can buy us a larger house and Jaejoong and I could be happy together. Star crossed lovers my ass”


While counting his money and worrying about gambling the whole time he forgot he had locked the bedroom door leaving Jaejoong outside sleeping on the couch

Jaejoong was shivering to himself because the night was so cold and lonely, there was no blanket to keep him warm, but he didn’t want the warmth of the blanket..he wanted his Yunho back, the Yunho this morning

“Who knew work can change a person..”



Chapter 3

Gambling is an addiction

Yunho got up early and got dressed for work. When he was walking downstairs he saw Jaejoong sleeping on the couch, shocked and scandalized that he left Jaejoong out yesterday he walked to Jaejoong and kissed Jaejoong on the cheek. Slowly Jaejoong’s eyes opened seeing Yunho right in front of him and smiling

“Y..Yunho” Jaejoong hugged Yunho tightly

“Ahh Jaejoong, too tight” Yunho tried to breathe

“I’m sorry, it’s just I missed you”

“Miss me? I haven’t gone anywhere”

“Well yesterday you were acting so cold towards me, I thought you were agitated with me or something..also you looked so apathetic, so I was scared”

“Oh I was just tired..that’s all”

“When are you coming home from work today?” Jaejoong asked hoping Yunho would come home early because he’s bored at home by himself

“At 5 p.m” Yunho said and Jaejoong smiled

“I’ll be waiting for you”

“I love you Jaejoong” Yunho gave Jaejoong his last hug before going outside to his car driving off

Seeing Yunho car leaving made Jaejoong depressed, but he knew Yunho was coming home early today so he felt really delighted. He walked to the kitchen wanting to make Yunho something special when Yunho gets home


“Yunho did you get in trouble with your wife yesterday?” Yoochun asked coming into Yunho’s office

“Why would I get in trouble with my wife?” Yunho smirked “I’m not even scared of my wife..I can go out to the casino anytime I want”

Yoochun let out a huge laugh “I’m sure, that’s why you always go to the casino after work is finish”

“Well that’s because I don’t want to go home and see my wife nagging on my all the time”

“Did he stay up waiting for you yesterday?”

“Yeah, he worries too much. That’s why I told him I was coming home early today”

“You are going to gamble again after work?” Yoochun asked in a shocked tone

“Yeah of course, are you coming?”

“No of course not..Junsu, my wife nagged me yesterday and then I got a beating”

“Hahaha wow that sucks..good thing my wife is clueless about everything”

“Well I told my wife the truth, he would be mad if I didn’t tell him so yeah” Yoochun said “I even showed him the money I won but I still got a smack”

“I lost like half of my fucking money so I’m winning it back no matter what”

“Gambling is such an addiction” Yoochun rolled his eyes and then walked outside of Yunho’s office so Yunho could do his work


...5 p.m..Jaejoong looked at the clock and then looked outside the window wondering where Yunho is. Maybe he’s working late?

...7 p.m..Jaejoong couldn’t stand hesitating anymore and took out his phone to dial Yunho’s phone


The beeping sound made Jaejoong worried that something happened to Yunho, did something happen to him? What if he got into an accident? No stupid Jaejoong don’t think of that right now..

Dialing Yunho’s number again finally Yunho had picked up and hearing his voice from the other line made Jaejoong feel delighted

“Y..Yunho where are you?”

“I’m working late today. I’ll be back home later. Bye”..beep..beep..Yunho had just hung up on him..


“Ignore that call. I’m going to win this time” Yunho placed his money out willing to win this round but instead he had lost again

“Ahh bullshit” Yunho cursed..How can I lose like that? Fucking Jaejoong, if he didn’t call me then maybe I wouldn’t get distracted..

“Deal again sir?” the man asked Yunho

“Yeah” Yunho responded taking out money from his pocket


...10 p.m...Tears fell from Jaejoong’s eyes as he looked at the clock. Is he going to arrive at home late again? Y..Yunho I miss you sleeping next to me..I wished you never had work..but that’s selfish of is sure getting rugged and tough for you...Yunho, I hope you’ll do well..I’ll always wait for you...



Chapter 4

Throwing a tantrum

Finally the door opened as Yunho walked inside looking very demented..wondering what’s wrong Jaejoong approached Yunho and hugged Yunho

“Yunho, I miss you so much. Every hour that I’ve waited seemed like it was going to be forever but you finally came home”

“Jaejoong why aren’t you sleeping?” Yunho snapped “It’s late so get to sleep”

“I..I was waiting for you to get home because I cooked you something” Jaejoong stuttered because he was scared of Yunho’s attitude right now

“Don’t cook me late meals because from now on I will come back to work late. Stop calling me because I’m busy, and stop crying because I hate it when your eyes get puffy!” Yunho yelled making Jaejoong very shocked

“Y..Yunho are you mad at me? I’m sorry” Jaejoong apologized as he was about to cry

“Don’t talk to me..I’m tired” Yunho went to the bedroom and slammed the door leaving Jaejoong standing there hurt

“Yunho why have you changed so much? Why?” tears fell out of Jaejoong’s eyes and they kept on falling. Going to the couch he laid there and cried himself to sleep that night


In the morning when Jaejoong woke up he didn’t see Yunho anywhere..walking towards the window he looked outside and indeed Yunho’s car was gone. I guess he went to work early, he didn’t even say goodbye to me...well considering that tomorrow is a weekend maybe he’ll say home..that’s what Jaejoong kept on wishing and telling himself


“How was the gambling life yesterday?” Yoochun asked Yunho at work

“It sucked ass, I lost like all of my fucking money”

“So I’m guessing you aren’t going back there tonight..” Yoochun said hoping he was right, but he wasn’t

“What are you talking about? Of course I’m going back there tonight. I’m not letting them take away all my money. I even yelled at my wife yesterday cause I was burning up with anger from all the loss”

“You yelled at your wife? Wow that isn’t a smart thing to do Yunho..”

“I’m the husband, I’m not letting my wife boss me around”

“Your wife sounds really nice though, waiting for you to get home and all. Junsu doesn’t care about me cause if I get home a minute late I might get hit”

“So apparently in your house your wife is the are a freaking loser”

“At least I don’t make my wife wait for me” Yoochun said but then Yunho pointed to the door meaning Yoochun should leave

“Fine, I’ll leave. Oh and I’ll come with you tonight too and bring my wife. He wants to see the casino place, maybe you should bring your wife as well” Yoochun suggested but Yunho shook his head

“No way. I am totally not bringing Jaejoong, he might whine and nag the whole time”

“Um ok then”


“Wow your friend sucks at 21” Junsu whispered to Yoochun

“Hey I could hear that” Yunho said as he placed out more money on the table. Yoochun decided to stop since he already won enough, and Junsu is also making him stop playing before he lose all the money he had won

Both of them looked at Yunho playing and Yunho wasn’t doing so well. Pretty soon he lost every ounce of money that he had won. Feeling very ticked off, Yunho walked over to Yoochun

“Hey man can I borrow some money?”


“Come on man..I know I’ll win this round”

“That’s what you’ve been saying but you haven’t been winning” Junsu said and Yunho shot a glare at Junsu

“Fine then I don’t need your help” Yunho walked back to the dealer and asked him to lend him some money. The dealer agreed and Yunho kept on playing..pretty soon all everyone in the casino could hear was..

“Oh my fucking gosh! I cannot believe I lost it all. I owned the fucking dealer over 500 fucking dollars now” Yunho kept on cussing which made Yoochun and Junsu very afraid

“M..Maybe we should call his wife” Junsu whispered to Yoochun

“Smart idea..” Yoochun took out Yunho’s phone, because Yunho gave it to him earlier while he was gambling. Yoochun dialed Jaejoong’s number

“Hello? Honey you called! I miss you so much..where are you? I-” Jaejoong was cut off by the person on the other line, who indeed wasn’t Yunho

“I’m not Yunho, I’m his friend Yoochun. I just want to tell you that we are at a casino right now and Yunho is throwing a temper tantrum and it’s freaking all of us out. Hurry up and get here and calm your husband down”

“I..I’ll be there” Jaejoong said as he hung up the phone. Still feeling astonished realizing that Yunho was at the casino all this time but he knew he had to come and calm Yunho down



Chapter 5


When Jaejoong arrived to the casino place he ran over to Yunho expeditiously. Yunho was still yelling and cursing so Jaejoong came over and held on his hand

“Y..Yunho don’t do this, come home with me. Please Yunho?” begged Jaejoong but Yunho just smacked Jaejoong’s hand out of the way

“Get the fuck out of here!” he yelled making Jaejoong feel apprehensive that Yunho might hurt someone, or even himself

“Yunho don’t be like this” Jaejoong cried

“Stop crying will you? Every time you cry you annoy the hell out of me!”

“I..I’ll stop crying if you go home with me”

“How the fuck can I leave when I own the dealer over 500 dollars!” Yunho yelled and his face looked so scary to Jaejoong right now

“I..I’ll play for you, and once I get the money back and you don't have to owe the dealer any more money. Can you please come home with me?” Jaejoong asked Yunho

“Fine..if you can win” Yunho rolled his eyes as he watched his wife placed his money on the table. While Jaejoong was playing for Yunho Yoochun quickly smacked Yunho on the head

“Ahh what was that for!” Yunho yelled

“I can’t believe you! Your wife is so nice to you and you keep on yelling at him!” Yoochun yelled back

Not wanting to talk to Yoochun Yunho just ignored him. Then Jaejoong walked over and held on Yunho’s hand

“Will you come home with me now?”

“What? You won?” Yunho asked in a shocked tone

“Well yeah, you don’t have to owe the dealer any more can we go home?”

Still astonish that Jaejoong had helped him win he pulled on Jaejoong’s arm and lead Jaejoong to another gambling table

“Go ahead play for me” he demanded Jaejoong

“Y..Yunho I don’t want to gamble. Don’t you hate it when you lose money? So why would you be happy if you win someone else money? They would be sad too. Come on Yunho it’s just like could lose the money all over again”

“I don’t fucking care! Now win me what I lost back. I lost way too much money the last two days”

Tears fell out of Jaejoong eyes as he tried to figure out what his husband had become. A gambler addict that has been neglecting his wife every night? A monster?

“Y..Yunho please..I’m begging you” cried Jaejoong as kneel down on the floor while holding on his husband’s hand “Please, stop this..I don’t care that you’ve been lying to me about working late, I don’t care that you’ve been neglecting me, I don’t care that you’ve been so cold towards me..I just want you back Yunho..please”

“Wow that guy is making his wife beg like cruel” Yunho heard one girl said to a guy

“Yeah I know, people like him doesn’t deserve a wife like that” the guy replied

“Will you people shut up!” Yunho yelled as he grab on Jaejoong’s arms and made Jaejoong stand up while he on yanked Jaejoong’s arm leading Jaejoong to his car


“I’m happy that he got out of this place. I thought he was going to kill someone” Junsu said to Yoochun

“Yeah I know..he needs to keep his hands away from gambling or else it could result in many problems”


“I cannot believe you made a fool out of me like that” Yunho yelled when he got home and push Jaejoong making Jaejoong fall hard on the floor

“Y..Yunho I didn’t try to make a fool out of you..if I did then I’m sorry” Jaejoong cried

“Stop fucking crying! How many times have I told you that!”

“I..I’m sorry. So sorry..please forgive me..but Yunho tomorrow is the weekend and you don’t have work. Can you stay home with me please?”

“Yeah of course I’m staying home with you” suddenly Yunho’s attitude just changed 180 degrees. Jaejoong didn’t understand why but he didn’t care. He loved this Yunho a lot

“R..Really?” Jaejoong stuttered while asking hoping Yunho attitude wouldn’t change again

“Yeah of course. I’m going to be with you the whole time” Yunho smiled as he walked over to his wife who was lying on the ground. He held on Jaejoong’s waist and picked Jaejoong up bridal style and brought Jaejoong to their bedroom. Laying Jaejoong down gently he leaned over and kissed Jaejoong’s lips

“I love you Jaejoong and I would do anything for you. Would you do the same for me?”

Jaejoong nodded



Yunho was really happy that he got Jaejoong to do anything he wants. He knew that him and Jaejoong were going to spend a lovely weekend tomorrow, at the casino..Even though Jaejoong doesn’t know it yet, it’s going to be a surprise. He never knew his wife was actually good in gambling..maybe Jaejoong would help me win from now on, then I can be living with riches..



Chapter 6

I love him too much...

“Yunho, don’t leave me” Jaejoong kept moving around in the bed because he had a horrible dream, well not even a dream, more like a nightmare

“Jaejoong what’s wrong?” Yunho held on Jaejoong’s hand and Jaejoong woke up with tears in his eyes

“Y..Yunho I had a nightmare. You were going to leave me all alone because you found someone else, someone who loves gambling as well..” Jaejoong cried as Yunho put his arm over Jaejoong’s shoulder comforting Jaejoong

“Jaejoong, I would never leave you. I love you too much my dear”

Hearing Yunho saying that Jaejoong let out a smile and hug Yunho. This time Yunho responded to the hug and hugged Jaejoong back. Yunho actually missed having Jaejoong in his arms, he was too used to having cards in his hand the whole time

“Jaejoong come on, we have to spend our weekend together. I don’t want to see you gloomy and depress anymore”

“Where do you want to go?” Jaejoong asked with a smile on his face. He was really happy his husband is willing to spend time with him, it’s been a while since they were in each other arms

“You’ll see” Yunho smiled


“W..Why are we at the casino? Y..Yunho you lied to me..” tears fell from Jaejoong eyes as Yunho pulled on his arm to lead him inside

“Come on Jaejoong, just play for a little. I lost all my money, how can I bring you anywhere without money?”

“Don’t you have a job? Yunho, you are suppose to work and earn money. Not gamble for it..”

“I lost all the money I received from work now shut up Jaejoong and hurry up and go gamble. You are pissing me off!”

“Y..Yunho don’t do this” Jaejoong cried “I don’t want to gamble”

“Fine then I’ll gamble” Yunho let out a smirked as he reached inside Jaejoong’s pocket for money. Seeing how many Jaejoong had made him frustrated, then Yunho suddenly went berserk

“What the hell is wrong with you! You only have 300 with you? How the hell am I suppose to gamble with that amount!”

“Y..Yunho that’s all I have..I don’t work remember? Yunho please stop this, we are going to go broke if you keep on gambling” Jaejoong held on Yunho’s hand and wept. The sorrow in his heart right now was unbearable, he wants his husband to resign from gambling, he wants his husband to continue working and earn money..he wanted so much from Yunho, but he’s not going to get any of it..

“Stop crying! If you aren’t going to help me gamble then get the fuck out! I don’t want you here!”

“I..I’m going to find a job then” Jaejoong said and Yunho’s eyes widen and slap Jaejoong across the face

“Never find a job. I told you that before. Now just get out of here if you aren’t going to help me, I thought we were going to spend today together..” with that Yunho walked to a gambling table and placed his money on the counter, Jaejoong stood there speechless..his husband had just slapped him..Not wanting to leave Yunho, Jaejoong went to a table and sat there waiting for Yunho to be finish with gambling

“Is he your husband?” a guy about his age asked Jaejoong

“Yeah, he is..”

“Why is he so aggressive towards you? That isn’t the way for a husband to behave”

“He’s not usually like that, he used to love me. I guess he only loves gambling now” Jaejoong cried

“Don’t cry” the guy whipped away Jaejoong’s tears. Jaejoong looked at the guy very carefully wondering why was he so nice to him

“W..What’s your name?” Jaejoong asked

“I’m Changmin. I work here..I only clean up this place though, and I’ve seen your husband here many times..I feel really sorry for you. He seems addicted to gambling. Oh yeah what’s your name?”

“I’m Jaejoong, and yes he is addicted to gambling..but I don’t blame him..”

“What? You don’t blame him? Why?” Changmin asked in shocked

“I love him too much, I don’t want him to leave me..everyday I wake up happy that I still have him with me..if one day that changes I don’t know what to do with my life. He has hurt me a lot and neglected me, but I don’t care..I truly and really do love him”

Changmin smiled at the words that came out of Jaejoong’s mouth. He knew that Jaejoong really loves Yunho

“Come on Jaejoong” Yunho came over and pulled on Jaejoong’s arm aggressively. Jaejoong waved goodbye to Changmin and followed Yunho to the car


The car ride with Yunho was very awkward. The whole time Jaejoong was scared to even say a word to Yunho, he was afraid Yunho would yell at him..he wants Yunho’s love so much that he’s afraid that one thing wrong he does Yunho might get agitated at him


“Yunho, do you want me to cook you anything?” asked Jaejoong as they both walked into their house

“No I’m going out”

“G..Going out? W..Where?”

“With my friends. Do you have to be nosy about everything!” Yunho yelled then slammed the door leaving Jaejoong inside the house alone again


I guess we didn’t spend the weekends together after all..Jaejoong cried and fell on the floor..his head was hurting, he didn’t understand why but everything around him was spinning and suddenly everything turned pitch black



Chapter 7


Jaejoong slowly opened his eyes to find that he was in his bed, his head was still hurting but he tried to take a time out and wondered who had placed him on his bed..but then he saw Junsu walk inside the room checking on him

“Jaejoong, are you alright?” Junsu asked him

“ did you get inside my house?”

“Well I didn’t have anything to do at home, and I was thinking that Yunho left you again because Yoochun went out with him so I decided to come and say hi. When I came I saw you lying on the floor unconscious so I helped you up and laid you on your bed, good thing you are ok”

“T..Thank you Junsu. Yoochun must be grateful to have a good wife like you”

“He is afraid of me all the time, but I don’t blame him..sometimes he deserves a smack on the head. Yunho should be fortunate to have a wife like yourself, you are so nice and delicate”

“Thanks..but I don’t think Yunho thinks he’s fortunate to have someone like me, he thinks of me as a bother..” Jaejoong said sadly

“He is too addicted to gambling. You should stop him”

“I..I can’t, he would get agitated with me..I can’t make him resign from gambling, he has to learn how to do it himself..”

Junsu could see that this conversation is only make Jaejoong feel sad that he cannot control his husband so he tried to change the subject

“So why did you faint?” Junsu asked

“I..It’s nothing. I’m fine” Jaejoong lied

“Um ok then..” Junsu said not believing Jaejoong


“Wow Yunho you should stop’s not good for you” Yoochun said

“Oh my gosh Yoochun why the hell do you sound like Jaejoong? Stop nagging”

“Fine..but I’m just warning you, drinking isn’t good..and didn’t you tell your wife you were going to hangout with your friends? Why did you go to the club?”

“My wife would nag like crazy if he knows I’m going to a club so I had to lie. How did Junsu let you out anyways?”

“I told Junsu that I was hanging out with you..I didn’t know you were going to come here..If Junsu knew I came here you might not see my face tomorrow..”

Yunho laughed at how Yoochun is afraid of his wife. He knew that he would never be afraid of Jaejoong, Jaejoong has to be afraid of him

Then girls came over to flirt with them but Yoochun pushed them away telling them he was married. He thought Yunho had done the same thing but it turned out he was wrong, Yunho was flirting back with those girls and then dancing with them..not regular dancing, dirty dancing. When Yunho was finish flirting and dancing with those girls he came over and sat by Yoochun again

“Yunho, I cannot believe you just did that” Yoochun said disappointedly

“Jaejoong’s not here. He won’t know” Yunho smirked “And you better not tell him either” he added

“Of course I won’t tell Jaejoong, that would hurt the poor guy” Yoochun said feeling sorry for Jaejoong


After Junsu left Jaejoong walked downstairs and kept on coughing. He tried to hold it in too long to make sure Junsu didn’t worry about him, now he kept on coughing over and over again holding onto his mouth. When he looked at his hand, he realized that he was coughing out blood


“I’m going to leave now” Yoochun said “Junsu is calling me”

“Bye” Yunho waved while he was dancing with a girl..they were dancing very close to each other

Yoochun just rolled his eyes and walked out of the club. He couldn’t phantom that Yunho was flirting with other girls, he always thought that Yunho was a very respectful he knew that he was so amiss


Jaejoong felt his forehead burning up with fever so he went over to the cabinet and took some pills out and drank it..after he swallowed the pills he looked up at the clock, it was getting very late and still no sign of Yunho

Even though Jaejoong felt like if he were to die right now, Yunho still wouldn’t be home to take care of him..


“Wow you are a good kisser. Are you single?” the girl asked Yunho

“Actually I have a wife..” Yunho said feeling guilty about cheating on his wife

“Doesn’t matter, your wife isn’t here” the girl smiled and leaned over to kiss Yunho again, Yunho tried not to respond to the kiss but he failed miserably


What is going on with me? Is what Yunho would wonder to himself..he thought he loved Jaejoong, but he would always have doubts now since more girls and gambling came into his life. He knew it was wrong but he couldn’t figure out why he just can’t do the right and accurate thing..



Chapter 8

The psychic

“Y..Yunho, I miss you..” Jaejoong cried to himself, he doesn’t understand why he has been crying so much, he feels like all his tears are going to be drained away if he keeps on crying, but he knows crying is the only thing that releases his sorrow inside from corrupting

...12 p.m...wondering if Yunho should be home early? He has work tomorrow so Jaejoong wondered why he was out so late, he doesn’t want Yunho to loose sleep..

The doorknob clicked and an image walked inside. It was Yunho, smiling from happiness Jaejoong ran towards Yunho greeting him with the biggest hug. Strangely when he was hugging Yunho he could smell the beer and wine Yunho had drank

“Y..Yunho have you been drinking?” Jaejoong asked

“I..I..told you I was going with my friends” Yunho slowly spoke, Jaejoong could tell that Yunho was indeed drunk

“Jaejoong, stop being nosy up in my business!” Yunho yelled out of nowhere scaring Jaejoong

“Yunho, I was just wondering...”

“Well get to sleep. Stop caring about me, I can take care of myself, you aint my mom Jaejoong!”

“Yunho, let me help you upstairs” Jaejoong tried to offer a hand but Yunho just slap Jaejoong’s hand away

“I don’t need your help, well I did in gambling but you wouldn’t help me. Now you are trying to help me? Bullshit!” Yunho cursed “I don’t need your help anymore” Yunho added and walked upstairs to his bedroom and slam the door shut. Startled that Yunho was so upset with him, Jaejoong walked over to the couch and feel asleep there


When Jaejoong woke up he saw no signed of Yunho or Yunho’s car. Realizing that Yunho probably left without telling him Jaejoong felt depressed and went outside to enjoy the fresh air, he also wanted to have a talk with the psychic last time

“H..Hi” Jaejoong stuttered while talking to the psychic

“Hello, I remember you. I can sense that you and Yunho have tons of problems and issues right now”

“We do, he has been leaving me, neglecting me, I feel that he doesn’t love me anymore..” cried Jaejoong “I..I would do anything just to change his mind. I would risk even risk my life for him..”

“Just remember what I said before, Star crossed lovers”


“Yoochun, you left too early yesterday. I met this girl there and wow she was so into me” Yunho smiled cheekily to himself

“Do you know that you are such a player? You already got a wife! Come on Yunho, your wife cares a lot about you...Junsu even told me that, we both know Jaejoong’s affection for come you don’t understand it?”

“I do understand that he cares for me, that’s why I’m gambling a lot..”

“Fine lets not talk about gambling, how about you hanging out at the club yesterday? You shouldn’t even be there..I was dumb enough to follow you”

“It’s just I want sometime to relax and enjoy my life without Jaejoong whining and nagging all the time” Yunho replied hoping Yoochun would understand but Yoochun doesn’t

“Whatever..and I bet you are going to the casino today huh?”

“Yeah, I’m so confident today”

Yoochun sighed wondering when will his friend change..but then he kind of assumed that his friend will never change, he was always going to be this monster that loves gambling more than his wife


“Jaejoong, I can also tell that you have a very dangerous disease..”

“H..How do you know?” Jaejoong startled assuming that this psychic is more than what meets the eye

“I can tell, and Jaejoong please be careful and be healthy or this type of illness will haunt you forever. You wouldn’t want to cough blood all the time will you? And you look very pale and so skinny lately..Jaejoong, I’m worried for you. Here’s my advice and please consider taking it to the heart, have a divorce with Yunho..”

Jaejoong eyes widen when the psychic had told him that “I..I cannot have a divorce with Yunho”

“Jaejoong, your love with Yunho would be doomed anyways, it’s best not to keep on hurting yourself..because I think Yunho is the result of your illness”

“I..I don’t care if I keep on hurting myself, I will always love Yunho” Jaejoong said and walked away from the psychic. Seeing Jaejoong love Yunho that much made the psychic pity that Jaejoong and Yunho were star crossed lovers in the first place


When getting home Jaejoong ran to the table to grab some tissues and kept on coughing. He tried to stop himself but he couldn’t..when he looked at the tissue there were blood on it...

“Y..Yunho when will you be home? I feel so sick right now..only you could make me feel better, Yunho..please come home” tears fell down Jaejoong’s eyes and he could feel that he was burning up with fever and sweating not like normal..he tried to ignore his pain for a moment and looked at the clock then he looked over at the door, waiting for the time when Yunho would be home so he could embrace Yunho in his arms again



Chapter 8

The psychic

“Y..Yunho, I miss you..” Jaejoong cried to himself, he doesn’t understand why he has been crying so much, he feels like all his tears are going to be drained away if he keeps on crying, but he knows crying is the only thing that releases his sorrow inside from corrupting

...12 p.m...wondering if Yunho should be home early? He has work tomorrow so Jaejoong wondered why he was out so late, he doesn’t want Yunho to loose sleep..

The doorknob clicked and an image walked inside. It was Yunho, smiling from happiness Jaejoong ran towards Yunho greeting him with the biggest hug. Strangely when he was hugging Yunho he could smell the beer and wine Yunho had drank

“Y..Yunho have you been drinking?” Jaejoong asked

“I..I..told you I was going with my friends” Yunho slowly spoke, Jaejoong could tell that Yunho was indeed drunk

“Jaejoong, stop being nosy up in my business!” Yunho yelled out of nowhere scaring Jaejoong

“Yunho, I was just wondering...”

“Well get to sleep. Stop caring about me, I can take care of myself, you aint my mom Jaejoong!”

“Yunho, let me help you upstairs” Jaejoong tried to offer a hand but Yunho just slap Jaejoong’s hand away

“I don’t need your help, well I did in gambling but you wouldn’t help me. Now you are trying to help me? Bullshit!” Yunho cursed “I don’t need your help anymore” Yunho added and walked upstairs to his bedroom and slam the door shut. Startled that Yunho was so upset with him, Jaejoong walked over to the couch and feel asleep there


When Jaejoong woke up he saw no signed of Yunho or Yunho’s car. Realizing that Yunho probably left without telling him Jaejoong felt depressed and went outside to enjoy the fresh air, he also wanted to have a talk with the psychic last time

“H..Hi” Jaejoong stuttered while talking to the psychic

“Hello, I remember you. I can sense that you and Yunho have tons of problems and issues right now”

“We do, he has been leaving me, neglecting me, I feel that he doesn’t love me anymore..” cried Jaejoong “I..I would do anything just to change his mind. I would risk even risk my life for him..”

“Just remember what I said before, Star crossed lovers”


“Yoochun, you left too early yesterday. I met this girl there and wow she was so into me” Yunho smiled cheekily to himself

“Do you know that you are such a player? You already got a wife! Come on Yunho, your wife cares a lot about you...Junsu even told me that, we both know Jaejoong’s affection for come you don’t understand it?”

“I do understand that he cares for me, that’s why I’m gambling a lot..”

“Fine lets not talk about gambling, how about you hanging out at the club yesterday? You shouldn’t even be there..I was dumb enough to follow you”

“It’s just I want sometime to relax and enjoy my life without Jaejoong whining and nagging all the time” Yunho replied hoping Yoochun would understand but Yoochun doesn’t

“Whatever..and I bet you are going to the casino today huh?”

“Yeah, I’m so confident today”

Yoochun sighed wondering when will his friend change..but then he kind of assumed that his friend will never change, he was always going to be this monster that loves gambling more than his wife


“Jaejoong, I can also tell that you have a very dangerous disease..”

“H..How do you know?” Jaejoong startled assuming that this psychic is more than what meets the eye

“I can tell, and Jaejoong please be careful and be healthy or this type of illness will haunt you forever. You wouldn’t want to cough blood all the time will you? And you look very pale and so skinny lately..Jaejoong, I’m worried for you. Here’s my advice and please consider taking it to the heart, have a divorce with Yunho..”

Jaejoong eyes widen when the psychic had told him that “I..I cannot have a divorce with Yunho”

“Jaejoong, your love with Yunho would be doomed anyways, it’s best not to keep on hurting yourself..because I think Yunho is the result of your illness”

“I..I don’t care if I keep on hurting myself, I will always love Yunho” Jaejoong said and walked away from the psychic. Seeing Jaejoong love Yunho that much made the psychic pity that Jaejoong and Yunho were star crossed lovers in the first place


When getting home Jaejoong ran to the table to grab some tissues and kept on coughing. He tried to stop himself but he couldn’t..when he looked at the tissue there were blood on it...

“Y..Yunho when will you be home? I feel so sick right now..only you could make me feel better, Yunho..please come home” tears fell down Jaejoong’s eyes and he could feel that he was burning up with fever and sweating not like normal..he tried to ignore his pain for a moment and looked at the clock then he looked over at the door, waiting for the time when Yunho would be home so he could embrace Yunho in his arms again



Chapter 10

Meeting the same girl

Junsu had helped Jaejoong back to his house then when he was about to leave he knew he had to go back to check up on Jaejoong, seeing Jaejoong too pale made him afraid. Finally he reached the doorknob and turned it, once the door had opened he saw Jaejoong on the floor coughing with no intension to stop. Horrified, Junsu ran over to Jaejoong and tried to comfort Jaejoong

“Jaejoong, what is going on? Why are you coughing out blood?”

“’ big deal” Jaejoong tried to talk between the coughs “I..I’m..fine”

“No you are not fine, does Yunho know about this?”

“No he doesn’t..and..please don’t tell him, please..”

“Jaejoong, he’s your husband. He has the right to know that you are going through a horrible disease”

“I..I don’t want him to find out about this, I’ll recover soon..promise me you won’t tell him..please” Jaejoong begged Junsu. Junsu didn’t want to promise Jaejoong but seeing Jaejoong in so much agony right now, he knew he had to try to make Jaejoong feel better

“I promise” Junsu said and Jaejoong smiled

“Thank you..”

“Come on, let me help you up” Junsu said then trying to help Jaejoong off the floor and bringing Jaejoong a cold cloth

“You are so considerate and nice towards me”

“Of course I have to be, your husband isn’t”


“What the fuck! How can I lose that fast!” Yunho yelled

“Sorry sir but I think you are out of money” the dealer said

“I am not out of money” Yunho said then taking out more hundred dollars “I’m betting all these”

The dealer was shock and astonish about Yunho’s decision but he didn’t care and kept on playing with Yunho

After Yunho had lost all of his money he felt was only 6 p.m and he realized that there was no where else to go, he knew he should be coming home early because he told Yoochun that he would spend time with his wife but then he saw the same girl he has met at the club


“Thank you so much for your concern about me Junsu, you are such a good friend”

“No problem, I got to head home now and cook for my husband. If you need help just call me alright?”

“Ok..thanks again” Jaejoong smiled


“You aren’t at the club today?” Yunho asked the girl

“No I’m going to gamble today”

“You like gambling too? You are so my type” the girl smiled when Yunho had said that and took Yunho’s hand as they walked into the casino together

When Yunho and the girl were with each other..Changmin, who was suppose to be cleaning up the place noticed those two. Feeling very demented because he knew Yunho had a wife he walked towards Yunho and pulled on Yunho’s hand very aggressively

“Why are you with another girl when you have a wife!” Changmin yelled

“I can do whatever I want! Who the hell do you think you are to stop me? And you better stay away from my wife”

“You are such a don’t deserve a wife like Jaejoong”

“Shut the fuck up!” Yunho yelled and punched Changmin in the face. Feeling very agitated Changmin punched Yunho back and both of them started fighting

“You two stop” the girl said. The two guys wouldn’t stop fighting and so security had to come and break the fight

“Lets just leave” Yunho told the girl as he looked at Changmin and smirked


Jaejoong was at home cleaning up the house when his phone started ringing. Walking over he picked it up


“Jae, it’s mommy here..I’m going to come over tomorrow to see you and Yunho. Hope that’s ok”




Chapter 11


“What do you mean by what? I want to come and see how you two are doing”

Jaejoong wanted to welcome his mom because it would be a pleasure seeing her, but how will his mother react when she sees him being neglected and badly treated? Yunho had told his mother that he would take care of him..but everything is starting to change..

“Mommy we are doing fine, Yunho has work too so it’s going to be a burden if he has to take a day off..” Jaejoong said trying to think of an excuse. Then he started to cough and so he held the phone away hoping his mother didn’t hear the sound of his coughing, but she did

“Jae, are you ok? Why are you coughing so much? And ok if you don’t want me to come, I won’t”

“It..nothing mommy..” Jaejoong said between his coughs “I just have a cold..”

“Um ok..” she said not really believing him “But I want to come by tomorrow and check up on you”

“Mommy..I’m ok..don’t worry”

“Jae, I have to worry about you. Does Yunho know about this?”

“Mommy, everyone’s alright..”

“Erms ok my little Jae, take care of yourself and don’t make mommy worry ok?”

“Ok..and I’m not a kid mommy..”

“Yeah, but it’s hard for me to let you off with some other guy, but I know you love Yunho..”

“Yes, I do..”

“That’s sweet, and he told me before that he would take care of you so I’m not worried..anyways I got to go Jae..bye”

“Bye mommy”


“So what’s your name?” Yunho asked the girl

“I’m Sunny, and your name is?”

“I’m Yunho”

“Well since we had kissed each other already” she said then moving closer to Yunho and playing with the collar on his shirt “You should be my boyfriend”

“I..I told you before, I have a wife”

“You don’t have a wedding ring on and who cares? I bet I’m much better looking” she smiled and leaned over and kissed Yunho. After a while they started making out


After Jaejoong was finish talking to his mother he went back to cleaning the house. He dust the picture on the table, when looking at the picture a tear fell from his eyes. The picture had him and Yunho on it when they first started dating, both of them looked happy and Jaejoong knew he had found true love. When he was finish looking at the photo he looked down at his finger, of the wedding ring Yunho had placed on his finger..he still wears his but Yunho took it off because he said it was a pain to wear

“Y..Yunho, do you still love me?” more tears fell from Jaejoong’s eyes as he started to cough again and tried to cover his mouth before the blood got everywhere


“I..I don’t think I should do this” Yunho said as he broke the kiss leaving Sunny looking bewildered

“What’s wrong?”

“I have a wife, I can’t cheat on him..we’ve been together for too long..”

“Why do you care about your wife so much! I doubt he supports you with your gambling antics”

“He doesn’t, but I..I don’t know anymore, my feelings are always changing”

“Then who cares about your wife! Leave him, or get a divorce with him”

“A divorce?” Yunho was surprised when Sunny said that. He knew that no matter how much Jaejoong has been annoying him, he cannot leave Jaejoong. He doesn’t want the psychic to be auspicious about them being star crossed lovers..

“Yes a divorce, dump him then you can be with me and not feel guilty about it”

“No I can’t do that” Yunho said then walked away from Sunny “I..I’m going to go home”


“Wow Yunho told you that he would try to be home early?” Junsu asked Yoochun not believing that Yunho really said such things

“Yeah, so lets check up on him and Jaejoong” Yoochun said as they tried to open the door to Yunho’s house. Surprisingly it wasn’t locked so they opened it and saw Jaejoong sitting on the floor coughing again

“Jaejoong” Junsu said and ran over to Jaejoong trying to help him

“J..Junsu and Y..Yoochun what are you two doing here?” Jaejoong asked feeling very weak

“Where’s Yunho? He told me that he would be home early today” Yoochun said

“He’s not home yet, I think he’s off gambling again..”

“That stupid Yunho!” Yoochun yelled as he took off his phone to dial Yunho’s number but all he got was a busy signal

“Come on Jaejoong, let me take you to our house. We’ll take care of you there” Junsu offered as he tried helping Jaejoong up

“A..Are you sure? Am I not a bother?”

“No of course not” Yoochun said still feeling frustrated “..and I can’t believe that bastard lied to me”



Chapter 12


“Thank you so much for taking care of me Junsu and Yoochun. You two are so kind and caring..please don’t tell Yunho about me coughing blood though..”

“Aw it’s nothing Jaejoong, you are always welcomed back here if you like, and don’t worry we won’t tell Yunho” Yoochun said

“Thanks, and I think I’ll be heading home right now..thanks again” Jaejoong smiled and Yoochun smiled back

“No problem Jaejoong”

“Bye” Junsu waved to Jaejoong. When Jaejoong was out Junsu shut the door and glared at Yoochun

“W..What?” Yoochun asked not understanding why his wife’s glare was so evil

“You sure like Jaejoong, huh? Smiling at him the whole time and even staring at him a lot”

“Don’t be jealous..I just admire Jaejoong because of his loyalty towards Yunho, beside he’s really pretty. But I only love you” Yoochun then wrapped his arms around Junsu

“I was just joking with you” Junsu said “And yes I admire Jaejoong a lot too..”


Yunho was driving home and he thought about the things he had done and he knew they were immoral. I mean who treats their wife that way? He let out a heavily sigh and walked into the house looking for Jaejoong

“Jaejoong” Yunho called out but he couldn’t see Jaejoong anywhere. Could it be that he’s out with another man? Jaejoong, I came back for you and you cheated on me? I fucking hate you..Anger was boiling up in Yunho’s thoughts then suddenly the door opened and Jaejoong walked inside

“Yunho” Jaejoong smiled when he saw Yunho and ran up towards him but all he received was a hard slap across the face. Holding onto his face he looked at Yunho wanting to cry again

“W..Why did you slap me?” Jaejoong asked calmly

“Because you are a whore! I knew it, the day I come home a little bit earlier..I knew you would be off with some other guy. What happened to I only love you Yunho? You probably say that to every single guy out there” Yunho spat his words at Jaejoong and Jaejoong just felt fear in his spine

“Y..Yunho..I wasn’t off with some other guy..” cried Jaejoong, he tried to control his tears but he couldn’t help it when they just fell out

“Then where the hell where you huh?”

“I was at Yoochun and Junsu’s house..”

“What were you doing there? Gosh Jaejoong, if you are going to lie think of a better excuse, cause all your lies just makes you a bigger whore than you are!”

“Y..Yunho I’m your wife, how could you call me a whore?”

“Because you are and today I’ll let you sleep outside as a warning and so from now on you know that you should never cheat on me...” Yunho said as he pushed Jaejoong outside the house and slammed the door on Jaejoong’s face

“Yunho” Jaejoong cried from outside “Please let me explain..Yunho”

Yunho could hear Jaejoong crying outside and it felt like a knife had pierced and stab through his heart, he loved Jaejoong a lot but he cannot stand Jaejoong being with someone else. Trying to forget about Jaejoong he just walked to the bedroom to try to get some rest there


The night was chilly and Jaejoong was shivering outside..leaning his back to the door he wept to himself..even though he knew he should hate and curse Yunho out right now, he did not want’s normal for jealousy to occur..and he knew that he has to keep trying to regain Yunho’s trust

Looking up at the sky Jaejoong saw many shining twinkling stars..he slowly closed his eyes and made a wish

“I wish Yunho would love me again..I will change in anyway that he wants me to, I just don’t want him to hate me..please Yunho..I’m dying to hear you say I love you to me..”


That night Yunho couldn’t sleep knowing that the love of his life is outside shivering from the coldness..How could I leave him out there? Yunho thought to himself..What kind of husband am I? Jaejoong, I really do love you..but what if you take my love for granted? I’m afraid that you would find someone else and leave me..this is just a lesson that you have to learn Jaejoong, and you better not cheat on me again

Trying to clear his thoughts of Jaejoong he thought about going out late tomorrow gambling again. He knew that gambling would always be the solution to everything..he just didn’t know false his accusations were..but he knew he made the right choice to leave Sunny because he doesn’t want to be a cheater like Jaejoong


Coughing throughout the night Jaejoong knew that this cough was not going to be easy to get rid of..he just didn’t know that he should’ve listened to the psychic telling him that him and Yunho were star crossed lovers..those words kept sending chills down Jaejoong’s spine..he didn’t want them to be star crossed lovers, but fate has been determined already..



Chapter 13

The bet

Waking up from a horrible night Yunho walked to the front door and opened it, he knew that he had to let Jaejoong in no matter how berserk he felt with Jaejoong yesterday. Opening the door Jaejoong fell back since he was leaning on the door, but Yunho held on Jaejoong’s shoulder so Jaejoong wouldn’t hit the hard floor

“Y..Yunho” Jaejoong said looking up and seeing Yunho stare right into his eyes, he felt so loved with Yunho holding on him like that

“Did you learn your lesson?”

Jaejoong nodded and let out a was too cold for him to be outside all night

“Come inside then” Yunho helped Jaejoong get up and lead him inside

“Y..Yunho, I’m sorry for making you mad and angry yesterday, I’m sorry..” Jaejoong apologized. Yunho looked at Jaejoong seeing how pale his wife was, it actually was pain for him to look at

“Jaejoong, stop apologizing! You know what you did was wrong, I can’t believe I have a whore for a wife” rolling his eyes he then left the house to go to work

“Y..You don’t love me anymore right Yunho? If you do you wouldn’t treat me this way, if you do you would hold me in your arms and tell me you love me..I knew it, you hate think I’m a whore..”


“Bastard where the hell were you yesterday!” Yoochun yelled at Yunho when he saw Yunho coming inside to his office

“What the fuck are you talking about? Why the hell do you care where I was at?”

“Well you told me you would come home early to be with your wife, but you didn’t. You are such a liar”

“How did you know I came home late? Did you stalk on me!”

“Fuck I didn’t stalk on you. Junsu and I visited yesterday to see you and Jaejoong together but you weren’t there! We had to take Jaejoong to our house because we felt sorry for him” Yoochun said trying to hide the truth, he knew that he promised Jaejoong he wouldn’t tell Yunho about his sickness

“Wait..he was with you two yesterday?”

“Yes, where else do you think he is? He doesn’t sneak out..”

Feeling guilty that he had accused his wife for being a whore Yunho just kept his head down..I can’t believe I kicked him outside..what kind of husband am I?


After work Yunho went to the casino trying to release his stress, he felt like his life was aggravating right now and the only thing he could do was go and gamble..but this gambling experience is much different..

“I want you to be the dealer” Yunho looked at Changmin

“I just clean up here, I’m not the dealer”

“Scared? Are you a chicken?” Yunho smirked

“Fine” Changmin said and walked towards Yunho. He knew it was going to be easy playing with someone like Yunho


No matter how many medicine Jaejoong had tried to drink his pain wouldn’t go away, he felt like he just wanted to commit suicide and be gone once and for all, but he can’t stand the thoughts of being away from Yunho..


“So now that you lost should go home” Changmin said trying to get Yunho to go home because he knew Yunho still had Jaejoong

“I want to win all my money back! I have no more you know!” Yunho yelled

“But then what are you placing as your bet? You need to bet something”

Feeling frustrated that Changmin had won all his money Yunho knew what he should place out as his bet, and he’s sure that Changmin would want it as well

“I’ll bet my wife”


“You heard me, if you win you get my wife and if I win I get all my money back” Yunho said, he couldn’t believe he just said that..but he knew that he had to win this round

“Fine, lets play” Changmin smirked



Chapter 14

Main priority

Letting out his fears, Yunho kept on sweating from the nervousness that was overwhelming in his body and mind. What if he lose this round? Jaejoong would be gone..but he was too confident to think he was going to lose, he just knew he was going to win, he just knew it


Come on Jaejoong, just stop coughing and try to get over this can do it. Jaejoong kept telling himself to give himself some was the only thing he could do right now, since he doesn’t have Yunho to tell him to not give up and keep on fighting..

All of a sudden his phone rang..wondering who was calling Jaejoong walked over to his phone and picked it up..the caller id did say Yunho..

“Yunho, you called?” Jaejoong had a wide grin on his face

“This is not Yunho, I’m Changmin”

“Changmin? What are you doing with Yunho’s phone?” asked Jaejoong. He was still confused over the whole situation

“Come to the casino and you’ll know” Changmin said and shut the phone off

Why would he want me to come to the casino? And why does he have Yunho’s phone? Gosh Jaejoong stop talking to yourself and get to the casino


“Why did you call my wife for? I didn’t lose yet” Yunho smirked

“Well we are playing best 2 out of 3 and you already lost the first round, I just want Jaejoong to come and then I can take him away from you”

“What makes you so confident that I will lose again?”

“Well you really haven’t won much ever since you’ve came here”

“Shut the fuck up!” Yunho yelled but Changmin just smirked, he knew what he said was very accurate

While the two were arguing Jaejoong made his way in the casino seeing Changmin and Yunho going head to head against each other..wondering what’s wrong Jaejoong walked towards them

“Changmin, why are you dealing Yunho cards? I thought you are suppose to clean up this place..”

“Well you see Yunho wanted me to play with him, and he lost everything..but he had a last bet, and you would be surprised at what it is..”

“Shut up Changmin” Yunho interrupted Changmin from telling Jaejoong about the bet “Lets just keep playing”

“Fine” Changmin then flipped over his cards and they were indeed higher than Yunho, Changmin did have the winning card. When Yunho saw that he was horrified..he was going to lose his wife..

“Looks like I won” Changmin said to the shocked Yunho

“How about we play again?” Yunho asked

“You said best 2 out of 3” Changmin replied “And I won 2 times in a row so no need to play a third game..that mean you lost your bet”

“W..What the bet?” Jaejoong was curious of the bet

“He used you as a bet..we played and he said if he won he would get all his money back, and if he lost then he lost you as well” Changmin said then he saw the look on Jaejoong’s face. Tears just started flow freely from Jaejoong’s eyes, Changmin felt sorry for Jaejoong but he knew that it was best if he takes Jaejoong away from Yunho

“I..I’m just a bet you can place on the table?” Jaejoong cried looking at Yunho “Do I mean anything to you?”

“Jaejoong..” Yunho tried to say but Jaejoong stopped him

“I know, you don’t care for me..everything you vowed at our wedding was a lie..I should’ve known that you would never like me, but I was too naive. I obeyed and I listen to everything you said because I love you Yunho...but” Jaejoong couldn’t say anything and he started coughing nonstop

Terrified by his wife sudden coughing Yunho was about to come over and comfort Jaejoong but Changmin stopped him

“He’s mines, not yours anymore” Changmin said

“B..But” Yunho was going to say something but he knew it..he lost his wife, because of his addiction to gambling and the money..but he noticed that when he was looking at Jaejoong, Jaejoong cough was blood. Changmin saw the same thing and rushed over to help Jaejoong but before he got to say anything Jaejoong just fainted into Changmin’s arms

“Good job bastard!” Changmin yelled at Yunho “Did you not know your wife is coughing out blood? He could have a terrible disease!”

“I..I didn’t know..”

“Of course you didn’t know, you only care about money!”

Instead of yelling at Changmin back and telling Changmin that everything he said was wrong, but he knew it..Changmin was right, money was his main priority...



Chapter 15


“Y..Yunho, you never cared for me, why should I live anymore? You should be happy once I’m happy because you don’t have to deal with me anymore” cried Jaejoong as he took out a sharp nice and pointed it to the vein on his arm

“Jaejoong don’t! I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, please don’t leave me!” Yunho’s tears began to fall out this time but it was too late. Jaejoong had cut himself and blood began to flow from his arm. Shocked that his wife just did that Yunho ran over and held Jaejoong in his arms with Jaejoong having blood flow from his mouth and down his lip

“Y..Yunho” Jaejoong let out a cough “I’m sorry you had to marry me, we should’ve listened to the psychic..we are star crossed lovers. Go find someone else..” Jaejoong let his fingers run through Yunho’s cheeks as they both wept

“Jaejoong no! You cannot leave me!” Yunho yelled but it was too late for anything. Jaejoong’s eyes began to close and his hand that was touching Yunho fell back onto the ground leaving Yunho crying helplessly

“Jaejoong..I love you” Yunho cried holding on to Jaejoong who was lying restless there..into a deep and eternal sleep


“No! No! Jaejoong!” Yunho yelled as he woke up from his horrible nightmare and he kept on sweating. Jaejoong..I need you back, if that nightmare comes true then I will lose you forever, I cannot let that happen. Gosh why didn’t I hold you in my arms when I had the chance? Why didn’t I embrace you and tell you I love you? Why was I such a gambling addict? Yunho kept on asking himself questions..but he knew everything was all his fault, his own stupidity

Still feeling afraid he’ll have the same nightmare again Yunho walked downstairs to the kitchen. It was 5 a.m so he decided just to say up and cook himself something..he then recalled all the memories of him and his wife

Jaejoong would always cook him something in the morning, and night when he gets home from work..but now Jaejoong’s gone..he missed the food that his wife had prepared for him and he wished he could just take it back and enjoy it..he would do anything just to taste Jaejoong’s food once again..

“Jaejoong, I’m sorry” Yunho cried to himself when saying those words. He knew Jaejoong couldn’t hear those words but he just wanted to let it out. He then walked to the counter where he laid the wedding ring that he said was a pain to wear, he placed it back on his finger and kissed it. Everything around him in this house reminded him of Jaejoong. He couldn’t take the pain anymore so he decided to go to Yoochun’s house and ask for help


“Yunho, what are you doing here?” Yoochun asked with Junsu coming from behind him wondering what was wrong

“I..I have to tell you guys something..” Yunho said sadly

“Um ok come on in” Junsu invited Yunho inside. The three of them sat on the couch waiting to hear what Yunho was going to say. After a long hesitation Yunho told Yoochun and Junsu the whole story

Both Junsu and Yoochun were speechless by every word that came out of Yunho’s mouth, what kind of husband would place their wife out for a bet?

“I know, you guys probably think I’m a jerk..but please I need Jaejoong back, every moment, everything reminds me of him..I should’ve worthy him more when I had him..”

“I don’t know if I want to help you, if I had a husband like you I would’ve beat the crap out of you” Junsu said “Jaejoong has too much patience”

“I know what I did was wrong..I would give up gambling for life if Jaejoong comes back to me”

Yoochun and Junsu looked at each other wondering if Yunho is really asking for forgiveness and wondering if his words were faithful

“W..We’ll help you then” Yoochun said

“Thank you so much”

“And I need to tell you something” Junsu interrupted the two and looked at Yunho “Jaejoong has told me to keep it a secret but I need to tell you now..Jaejoong has been coughing blood..”

“Yeah, I saw that yesterday” Yunho said sadly “but I couldn’t come to him, Changmin took him away”

“Well that is not normal, Yunho he could face death”

“What? No he can’t!” Yunho yelled “He can’t die..we..we need to find him. Do you know where Changmin lives?”

“No, but we can go to the casino and ask his boss” Yoochun said

“Lets go then” Yunho said and the other two followed him


When the manager of the casino had told Yunho where Changmin lived, Yunho knew he had to take this opportunity to get Jaejoong back

“Do you think Changmin would let you do that?” Yoochun asked out of curiosity

“I don’t know..but it’s worth a shot. I mean you guys forgave me, maybe Changmin would do the same”

“We’ll after you get Jaejoong back I will then beat you up” Junsu said

“Ok, you can beat me up and hurt me..but once I have Jaejoong everything will be worth it”



Chapter 16

Uncontrollable decision

When they got to Changmin’s house Yunho knocked the door like a police that has to arrest someone. He was dying of curiously of what Jaejoong looks like right now. Is his wife ok?

“What do you want?” Changmin asked when he saw Yunho

“Changmin, is Jaejoong ok?”

“Do you care if he’s ok? I think you should be at the casino right are wasting your time here”

“Changmin, please..I just want to see my love again” Yunho begged..he has never begged anyone but he’s willing to do it now

“Y..Yunho..” Jaejoong said coming from behind Changmin with tears in his eyes. Seeing Jaejoong so weak and pale Yunho felt like thousands of knifes had pierced through his through his heart so he ran over to Jaejoong so he can hold Jaejoong in his arms

“Jaejoong” Yunho was about to say but Jaejoong cut him off

“I..I’m sorry for making you hate me so much, I’m sorry that no matter what I do you’ll never fall for me..I’m sorry that I can never be the person in your heart” Jaejoong cried as he took the wedding ring out of his finger to give it back to Yunho

“Jaejoong” Yunho was shocked

“Here..give this ring to someone that you love. Someone who will earn your trust..but Yunho, I just want to tell you that I have always loved you..and I would never whore myself around” Jaejoong eyes began to close again as he fainted into Yunho’s arm

“Give him to me, I have to bring him to the hospital” Changmin said

“I can take him” Yunho said. Changmin just looked at Yunho wondering if Yunho had really changed or he was just fooling him


The four of them was outside in the patient room waiting for the doctor to come out..Yunho kept playing with his finger because he was too nervous

“Yunho, do you still love Jaejoong?” Changmin asked

“I do..I know everything I’ve done to him was wrong, Changmin please can I please have Jaejoong back?” Yunho begged

Changmin let out a sigh before answering Yunho’s question. He loved Jaejoong but he knew that Jaejoong would only love Yunho

“Fine I’ll let you have Jaejoong back..but if you hurt him again I would kick your ass” Changmin said and Yunho smiled

“Thank you so much Changmin! You are not a bad person”

“Yeah, but you are”

“I know..and I’ll try to change that”


The doctor then came out and seeing the four guys rush up to him

“Is my wife alright?” Yunho asked in a very nervous tone

“Yes he is fine for now..please take good care of him or else the disease would be worst than it is already” the doctor said and Yunho nodded. Then Jaejoong walked out of his room and Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin ran towards him happy that he is alright

“Jaejoong! We love you” Yoochun said hugging Jaejoong and earned a death glare from his wife so he let go and everyone laughed. The 3 of then left and Changmin gave Yunho the you-need-to-take-care-of-your-wife look and Yunho nodded. But then Junsu came back and whispered in Yunho’s ear something

“I’ll let you off the beating this time” Junsu whispered and Yunho whispered back a “Thank you”. After Junsu left Yunho took Jaejoong’s hand

“Come home with me..Changmin said I can have you back”

“Who said I want you back?”

“What did you say?” Yunho looked at Jaejoong with anger

“I said I don’t want you back..I gave you the wedding ring back already. We aren’t a couple anymore” Jaejoong said sadly and looking down

Yunho was frustrated so he grab on his wife arm very forcefully with Jaejoong begging to let go. He was mad at how stubborn Jaejoong was so when they got back to the house he shut the door and pushed Jaejoong making Jaejoong fall on the floor crying

“I want you back Jaejoong! Why the hell are you so stubborn!” Yunho yelled

“I just don’t want us to be together anymore” Jaejoong cried “We aren’t meant for each other..”

“But you told me that you has always loved me! Are you lying to me! I would even give up on my addiction of gambling for you!” Yunho yelled making Jaejoong cry even more. Feeling more agitated than normal Yunho couldn’t control his actions and took out Jaejoong’s clothing by force

“Y..Yunho what are you doing? Stop” Jaejoong cried as he felt Yunho thrust into him, the pain was unbearable and his tears kept on falling out

“Jaejoong, I love you so much..I want you, so stop crying”

Jaejoong wanted his sex experience to be much more him and Yunho falling in love with each other and doing it for love..not Yunho rapping him..


I..I can’t believe I just did that...I just wanted Jaejoong to love me again. But my body was thinking differently from my head..Jaejoong..I’m so sorry..Yunho thought to himself as he saw the tears his wife has shed and how painful it must have been for him



Chapter 17

Tough decision

Reminiscing what had happened yesterday Yunho felt like he couldn’t even go and speak to his wife anymore. After that incident Jaejoong ran to their bedroom to lock the door and cry to himself leaving Yunho outside speechless. I mean what could’ve he say? Everything was his fault..his own stupidity again. He couldn’t think of what to do for his wife to forgive him, he wouldn’t even forgive himself so why would he expect a different opinion from Jaejoong?

He stood outside their bedroom door hearing Jaejoong crying inside, from pain and agony. Yunho couldn’t take it anymore so he knocked on the door hoping Jaejoong will open it but no luck

“Jaejoong, I’m sorry for what I did yesterday. Everything was my fault and I apologize, I know that you may not want to be my wife ever again but I just want to let you know that I’m sorry. My actions were uncontrollable and I know I hurt you, I’m so sorry..I guess we are star crossed lovers..” Yunho said as he was about to cry

Hearing Yunho apologizing Jaejoong wondered if he should’ve forgive Yunho. After all everything they did yesterday was only for lust, not love..but he manage to come to the door and open it, when Yunho saw Jaejoong he quickly ran to hug and embrace his love in his arms again

“J..Jaejoong, I love you so much” a tear fell from Yunho’s eyes “I should’ve held onto you and love you, I should’ve trusted you..I’m sorry I lost all my chances”

“I..I understand..gambling is an addiction and I’m sure it’s much more fun than coming home early and seeing me..”

“No, I should’ve always came home early and show you that I love you because I really do, I should’ve enjoyed every meal that you have prepared for me..because if I did come home early I would know how sick you are and take care of you and not call you a whore..”

Tears fell from Jaejoong’s eyes as he recalled all the past events that happened to was both of their faults. He should’ve not been so weak and a pushover towards Yunho..he should’ve yelled at Yunho when Yunho did something wrong just like a good wife would

“I..I’m sorry too” Jaejoong cried “I should’ve told you when you made mistakes, I should’ve told you about my disease, I should’ve yelled at you when you made wrong decisions..I’m a bad wife”

“No you aren’t” Yunho held Jaejoong and kissed Jaejoong’s lips “Everything was my fault..I’m sorry for raping and hurting you yesterday, my head and my body aren’t always on the same page”

“I forgive you” Jaejoong said

“I love you so much Jaejoong, I promise that I will cherish and respect you from now on”

“B..But Yunho I don’t think we are meant to be together, we are star crossed lovers..what the psychic said was true”

“I don’t care what the psychic says..even if we aren’t meant to be together let fate or destiny decide that. I just want to be with you..and even if our love is doomed, at least we would always love and cherish each other”

“D..Do you mean that Yunho?” Jaejoong asked

“Yes, I will resign from gambling and focus only on my job and my beautiful wife”

A smile crept upon Jaejoong’s face as he held onto Yunho and Yunho holding him back. Being in each other’s arms is the key of their life..just then Jaejoong felt woozy again and kept coughing out blood

“J..Jaejoong, what’s wrong?” Yunho asked worriedly

“Y..Yunho..I..” Jaejoong just fainted into Yunho’s arms

Yunho knew right then that the disease is causing them to believe they are star crossed lovers, to break apart because maybe if Yunho were to leave his wife right now, Jaejoong might be able to recover..he tried to forget about his thoughts and took Jaejoong to the hospital again

- have to be ok..Yunho was frustrated in himself, it was best if he took care of Jaejoong when his wife had this disease..why was I so dumb? I should’ve took care of my wife and take all of our vows seriously..

The doctor then came out and Yunho immediately rushed up towards him

“Is my wife ok?”

“There is good news and bad news..the good news is that your wife is pregnant..but the bad news is that I don’t know if you would want an abortion or not..”

“Why would I want an abortion?”

“Well your wife has been losing tons of blood and if he was to have the kid then I’m afraid he will lose too much blood and he will not make it..”

“C..Can I just talk to him?” Yunho asked and the doctor nodded and lead Yunho into the room where Jaejoong was in. When Yunho saw Jaejoong he rushed over and held on Jaejoong’s hand

“Jaejoong, did you hear?”

“Yes..I think I want to keep the kid”

“No, what about your life then? I cannot let you suffer”

“It’s ok Yunho..I mean I think I’m going to die soon anyways and the kid is also a human being, I cannot abort him”

“But we can have tons of kids later..”

“No we can’t Yunho, I feel weaker and weaker everyday and even if I were to leave I want you to keep something that was ours..” Jaejoong said as he was about to cry

Tears fell from Yunho’s eyes as he kissed on Jaejoong’s hand “I..I cannot let you leave me Jaejoong”

“I don’t want to leave you either Yunho” Jaejoong cried “B..But it’s our child”

“But then the child wouldn’t have a beautiful mommy” Yunho said trying to convince Jaejoong to think otherwise

“Yunho, do you really want me to have an abortion?”


Yunho’s thoughts kept flowing around on his head..he didn’t know what he should choose. He love both people..this decision was too hard for him to decide. His wife or his child? Why couldn’t he keep both..he was so confused right now..



Chapter 18

I love you

Yunho had never had a decision as tough and difficult as this in his life. He hoped he never had to choose..but he knew he had too..why would fate play him like this? He had learned his lesson and now loves Jaejoong, but he knew that star crossed lovers aren’t meant to be with each other..heaved out a heavy sigh..the psychic was correct..

“Y..Yunho, we would just choose the child. I mean think about it, I am sick already and my time is probably up..the kid time isn’t up yet..” Jaejoong cried as he held onto Yunho’s hand really tight

“I love you Jaejoong” Yunho leaned over to kiss Jaejoong’s lips afraid that he was going to lose his loving wife forever. When they broke the kiss Jaejoong looked into Yunho’s eyes

“Y..Yunho when I’m gone can you tell my mom that I think she’s the best mother ever, tell Changmin that he is such a nice guy and tell Yoochun that he has to take good care of Junsu..” Jaejoong stopped when Yunho covered his mouth

“Jaejoong, you will not be gone..I won’t let you go”

“Yunho..I’m not going to live forever, and it’s better if I know when I’m going to die so I can tell you sincerely that I truly love you and if fate doesn’t want us together then let it be”

Yunho didn’t know what to say anymore and just cried, he wanted to release all of his sorrow and melancholic away. But Jaejoong was right, even if Jaejoong is gone they would still have something to remember each other by..

“Jaejoong..what if I die with you” Yunho said holding on Jaejoong’s hand

“No! Never do that! I don’t want us to be like Romeo and Juliet, please Yunho..continue to live your life and forget about me..I’ll always watch you from afar”

“Jaejoong..” Yunho cried as climb on top of the bed and held Jaejoong in his arms “I..I’ll take good care of the kid”

Jaejoong let out a smile and kissed Yunho “Thank you Yunho..”

“And I have to let the baby know that his mother is the most beautiful creature on this planet..” Yunho said and Jaejoong let out a giggle

“Yunho, you flatter me too much” Jaejoong blushed

“Well I’m only saying the truth. I can’t lie to our kid” Yunho pinched Jaejoong’s cheek

“I do have 9 months left to live” Jaejoong said “We can spend each month with each other..and life a happy life”

“Yeah, real happy” Yunho smiled but also thought to himself..real happy until the day when you leave me..


Jaejoong’s mother and all of their friends knew about Jaejoong’s pregnancy and all wanted to come and congratulate them. Mrs. Kim arrived along with Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin

“What’s the kid name?” Junsu asked

“Is it a boy or a girl?” Yoochun added

“He’s a boy..and I named it after my beautiful wife” Yunho replied “His name is Joongie”

“Aw that’s cute” Changmin said “And I’m glad that you’ve changed Yunho”

“Jae, I heard that you will be gone after you have the that true?” Mrs. Kim asked. Jaejoong wondered how did his mother knew but when he looked at Yunho..Yunho just made a I-didn’t-do-anything-face

“Yes mom..” Jaejoong cried as he hugged his mother

“I can’t believe, I’ll lose such a great son like you..” Mrs. Kim also cried

Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin joined in and made a really big group hug and tears just flowed out from all of their eyes..

“Come on guys” Yunho said “Lets not be sad..Jaejoong wants us to all be happy”

After Yunho had said that Jaejoong smiled and went to his husband and hugged his husband really tight. They both shared a heartwarming hug and Jaejoong leaned over to whisper something to Yunho

“Thanks Yunho, now I hope you’ll take your own advice, enjoy life ok?”

“I..I will” Yunho said as he was about to tear up..but he tried to hold it in and embrace his beautiful wife in his arms


“I really want to know what Joongie is going to look like..” Jaejoong said when they were laying in their bedroom together

“Of course beautiful and are his mother”

“Stop it Yunho” Jaejoong blushed and looked away

“I’m only stating the truth, my wife and Joongie’s mother is beautiful, gorgeous, good looking, and the most loving adorable person ever in this whole entire universe” Yunho said as he hugged Jaejoong

“Do you really think that Yunho?” Jaejoong asked nervously

“Of course, if I’m lying let lightning struck me” Yunho said and Jaejoong let out a smile

“I love you Yunho”

“I love you too Jaejoongie”



Chapter 19

Angel from above

Every single day, every single night, for 9 months Yunho had always been home early and took care of his wife. He cherished his wife with so much love and care and promised that if anyone touches his wife he would beat them in half

When the 9 months had flew away it was time for the operation..not a happy one where people smile because their lung cancer or something is over, or when they are so ecstatic that their kid looks so handsome or pretty. This one, Yunho knew that his wife was going to leave him forever...


“Jaejoong, I love you” Yunho said as he hugged Jaejoong and cried his eyes out

“I love you too Yunho” Jaejoong returned Yunho’s hug “And when our kid has been into this new world, remember to treat him like you would treat me”

“I would..” Yunho said and leaned over to kiss his wife one last time..Jaejoong was trying to return the kiss when he felt the pain that was unbearable in his body

“Y..Yunho I think..I have to go now” Jaejoong said as the doctors held on his hand but Yunho pulled his wife back and placed the wedding ring back into Jaejoong’s finger

“I love you Jaejoong, always remember that! I love you”

“I love you too Yunho, with all my heart..” that was Jaejoong’s last words before the doctor took him away from Yunho..Yunho tears began to fall out but he recalled what he had promised his wife, to enjoy life and be happy while taking good care of their child


“Congratulation Mr. Jung, your child is very cute” the nurse said while coming up to Yunho

“R..Really? And my wife?”

“Your wife has past away due to the amount of blood that he has lost, but he has told us to write you a letter. He said the words and one of our doctors wrote it down on paper for you” the nurse handed Yunho the piece of paper and Yunho opened it

Yunho, my husband

I love you more than words could ever describe,

I’m sorry that I have to leave you but remember that we will always live in each other hearts.

I will be watching you from above so make sure you treat our kid well,

We have been through a lot due to our arguments, misunderstanding and more

But let it just be a forgotten memory and think about the happy times we had

Thank you for loving me so dearly for the past 9 months, and the wedding ring will always remain in my finger

I love you


Tears fell from Yunho’s eyes as he read the letter that his wife had wrote to him. He was overwhelmed with emotions as he held the letter close to his heart and looked up at the sky..wondering if Jaejoong is looking at him right now

“Can I see my Joongie?” Yunho asked the nurse and she nodded and lead showed Yunho his kid. The child was really handsome looking and his eyes were really large, just like his mother


“Joongie, peek a boo” Yunho smiled playing with his kid. The kid giggled at how funny his dad is. The child is now 4 years old and Yunho still treats him like he was 1

“Daddy I’m not that young..I’m a big kid now” Joongie said then running away from his daddy but tripped. Yunho rolled his eyes and went to help the kid up

“Of course you are a big kid” Yunho said sarcastically

“Daddy, what does mommy look like?”

“Your mom was the most beautiful thing ever, he attracted almost everybody..” Yunho said as he took out a picture of Jaejoong to show his kid. The child looked at the photo and his eyes widen..Yunho laughed because the child looked so much like Jaejoong

“Mommy’s so pretty, you are lucky daddy”

“And your mom is not lucky to be married to the handsome man like your dad?”

“ got bad luck” Joongie laughed and ran away from Yunho who was chasing him

Jaejoong watched the two of them and smiled to himself. He really love his husband and his son and he wished he was there to play with them but he knew it was best this way. If he were with them, what if the star crossed lover thing comes back again? Then they would totally be doomed forever

Jaejoong looked at the ring that was placed on his finger and touched it. The ring would always make him remember the tragedy that they’ve been through since he has took it off. It also brings happiness when Yunho placed it back in his finger


“Daddy have you ever made a mistake that you regret?” Joongie asked

“Yes, tons..let me tell you about my gambling antics and everything so that when you grow up you won’t be like me” Yunho said as he hugged his kid and told his kid about the story how him and Jaejoong were star crossed lovers...

The End



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